11 research outputs found

    Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas

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    Objective: To explore the competence areas of public health nurses in Norway. Design: A qualitative and comparative design was employed. Sample: A purposive sample of 41 public health nurses participated. Measurements: Data were gathered from focus groups and individual interviews. The interviews centered around an open question about public health nurses’ knowledge. They also discussed 10 proposed competence areas for public health nursing, developed from the literature. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the interview transcripts, followed by a synthesis of the data from the interviews and earlier developed competencies. The 10 competence areas for Norwegian public health nursing were then refined. Finally, we compared the affirmed competence areas with earlier developed cornerstones and the new educational guidelines. Results: The interviews revealed 10 competence areas. These 10 competence areas were synthesized with the 10 proposed competencies from literature. Ten affirmed competence areas, which mostly corresponded with the competences from literature, were developed. The affirmed competencies were supported by the previously developed cornerstones and new educational guidelines. Conclusions: The affirmed competencies will help promote and explain the content and focus of PHNs’ work in Norway and may have implications for education and international research.publishedVersio

    Effects of Anacetrapib in Patients with Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease remain at high risk for cardiovascular events despite effective statin-based treatment of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. The inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) by anacetrapib reduces LDL cholesterol levels and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. However, trials of other CETP inhibitors have shown neutral or adverse effects on cardiovascular outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 30,449 adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive atorvastatin therapy and who had a mean LDL cholesterol level of 61 mg per deciliter (1.58 mmol per liter), a mean non-HDL cholesterol level of 92 mg per deciliter (2.38 mmol per liter), and a mean HDL cholesterol level of 40 mg per deciliter (1.03 mmol per liter). The patients were assigned to receive either 100 mg of anacetrapib once daily (15,225 patients) or matching placebo (15,224 patients). The primary outcome was the first major coronary event, a composite of coronary death, myocardial infarction, or coronary revascularization. RESULTS: During the median follow-up period of 4.1 years, the primary outcome occurred in significantly fewer patients in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (1640 of 15,225 patients [10.8%] vs. 1803 of 15,224 patients [11.8%]; rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.97; P=0.004). The relative difference in risk was similar across multiple prespecified subgroups. At the trial midpoint, the mean level of HDL cholesterol was higher by 43 mg per deciliter (1.12 mmol per liter) in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (a relative difference of 104%), and the mean level of non-HDL cholesterol was lower by 17 mg per deciliter (0.44 mmol per liter), a relative difference of -18%. There were no significant between-group differences in the risk of death, cancer, or other serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive statin therapy, the use of anacetrapib resulted in a lower incidence of major coronary events than the use of placebo. (Funded by Merck and others; Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN48678192 ; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01252953 ; and EudraCT number, 2010-023467-18 .)

    The Experience of Involvement among Youth

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    Hensikten med studien var å få kunnskap fra ungdom om deres opplevelse av engasjement i hverdagen. Tilnærmingen var å gi ungdom selv mulighet til å beskrive og begrunne sin deltakelse i sine arenaer. Metode En kvalitativ studie med intervju av ti ungdommer i alderen 16 – 19 år, hvor alle er andre-års elever på videregående skole i Porsgrunn kommune. Analysemetoden er Grounded Theory. Resultat Ungdommene definerte seg inn på fire arenaer; hjem, skole, fritid og venner. Engasjement definerte de som; se på, høre om, snakke om eller gjøre noe med en sak. Ungdommene sitt engasjement inngår i en kjernekategori drivkraft som inneholder tre hovedkategorier. Det er nærhet til saken, anerkjennelse og opplevelsen av at dette er gøy. Analysen indikerer en sammenheng mellom medvirkning, anerkjennelse og gøy på alle de fire arenaene. Bruk av denne sammenhengen kan bidra til å utvikle det helsefremmende arbeidet for ungdomThe objective of this study was to achieve knowledge from the youth about their experience of involvement in every day life. The approach was to give the youth opportunity to describe and explain their participation in their chosen arenas. Method: The study was carried out using a qualitative approach, and was based on interviews with ten second-grade youths in the age from 16 to 19 years. They all attend secondary education in the municipality of Porsgrunn. The framework for analyze is Grounded Theory. Findings: The youths defined four areas for their involvement: Home, school, leisure-time and friends. They defined involvement as: "Watching, being informed about, discuss a case or actively do something about a case." The choice of involvement was motivated by the elements in the core category “drive”. “Drive” was made up by the three main categories: Closeness to the case. Receiving acknowledgement. And the experience of fun. The study indicates that there is a connection between participation, acknowledgement and the experience of fun in all the four areas of involvement. Making use of this connection can contribute in developing health promotion that is directed towards youth.ISBN 91-7997-156-3</p

    Utfordringer ved helsesøsterrollen i tverrfaglig samarbeid

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    Bakgrunn: Tverrfaglig samarbeid er lenge blitt sett på som viktig i helsetjenesten, selv om forskningslitteratur viser at dette innebærer utfordringer og er komplisert. Artikkelen utforsker, erfaringer med tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom helsesøstre og barnehagelærere om fireårskonsultasjon i barnehage. Hensikt: Å systematisk og deskriptivt utforske hvilke erfaringer tverrfaglig samarbeid kan gi for helsesøsterprofesjonen når fire- årskonsultasjonen flyttes til en fremmed kontekst for helsesøstrene. Metode: En kvalitativ, deskriptiv studie basert på et strategisk utvalg av seks helsesøsterinformanter med erfaring fra tverrfaglig samarbeid. Det ble benyttet en semistrukturert intervjuguide. Resultat: Tre temaer beskriver helsesøstrenes erfaringer: 1) Styrket helsesøsterrolle var knyttet til praktisk tilrettelegging og hvordan helsesøstrens rolleidentitet ble forsterket i det tverrfaglige samarbeidet. 2) Utfordrende tverrfaglig samarbeid handlet om hvordan helsesøstrene tok definisjonsmakt over barnehagelærerne i det tverrfaglig arbeidet. 3) Potensial for tjenesteutvikling handlet om hvordan helsesøstrene opplevde kommunikasjon om positive faglige gevinster fra det tverrfaglige samarbeidet som vanskelig. Konklusjon: Helsesøsterprofesjonen kan ha stort faglig potensial, dersom de realiserer likeverdige premisser og anerkjenner andre profesjoner som likeverdige

    Utfordringer ved helsesøsterrollen i tverrfaglig samarbeid

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    Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas

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    Objective: To explore the competence areas of public health nurses in Norway. Design: A qualitative and comparative design was employed. Sample: A purposive sample of 41 public health nurses participated. Measurements: Data were gathered from focus groups and individual interviews. The interviews centered around an open question about public health nurses’ knowledge. They also discussed 10 proposed competence areas for public health nursing, developed from the literature. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the interview transcripts, followed by a synthesis of the data from the interviews and earlier developed competencies. The 10 competence areas for Norwegian public health nursing were then refined. Finally, we compared the affirmed competence areas with earlier developed cornerstones and the new educational guidelines. Results: The interviews revealed 10 competence areas. These 10 competence areas were synthesized with the 10 proposed competencies from literature. Ten affirmed competence areas, which mostly corresponded with the competences from literature, were developed. The affirmed competencies were supported by the previously developed cornerstones and new educational guidelines. Conclusions: The affirmed competencies will help promote and explain the content and focus of PHNs’ work in Norway and may have implications for education and international research

    Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas

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    Objective To explore the competence areas of public health nurses in Norway. Design A qualitative and comparative design was employed. Sample A purposive sample of 41 public health nurses participated. Measurements Data were gathered from focus groups and individual interviews. The interviews centered around an open question about public health nurses’ knowledge. They also discussed 10 proposed competence areas for public health nursing, developed from the literature. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the interview transcripts, followed by a synthesis of the data from the interviews and earlier developed competencies. The 10 competence areas for Norwegian public health nursing were then refined. Finally, we compared the affirmed competence areas with earlier developed cornerstones and the new educational guidelines. Results The interviews revealed 10 competence areas. These 10 competence areas were synthesized with the 10 proposed competencies from literature. Ten affirmed competence areas, which mostly corresponded with the competences from literature, were developed. The affirmed competencies were supported by the previously developed cornerstones and new educational guidelines. Conclusions The affirmed competencies will help promote and explain the content and focus of PHNs’ work in Norway and may have implications for education and international research

    Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas

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    Objective: To explore the competence areas of public health nurses in Norway. Design: A qualitative and comparative design was employed. Sample: A purposive sample of 41 public health nurses participated. Measurements: Data were gathered from focus groups and individual interviews. The interviews centered around an open question about public health nurses’ knowledge. They also discussed 10 proposed competence areas for public health nursing, developed from the literature. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the interview transcripts, followed by a synthesis of the data from the interviews and earlier developed competencies. The 10 competence areas for Norwegian public health nursing were then refined. Finally, we compared the affirmed competence areas with earlier developed cornerstones and the new educational guidelines. Results: The interviews revealed 10 competence areas. These 10 competence areas were synthesized with the 10 proposed competencies from literature. Ten affirmed competence areas, which mostly corresponded with the competences from literature, were developed. The affirmed competencies were supported by the previously developed cornerstones and new educational guidelines. Conclusions:The affirmed competencies will help promote and explain the content and focus of PHNs’ work in Norway and may have implications for education and international research

    Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas

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    Objective: To explore the competence areas of public health nurses in Norway. Design: A qualitative and comparative design was employed. Sample: A purposive sample of 41 public health nurses participated. Measurements: Data were gathered from focus groups and individual interviews. The interviews centered around an open question about public health nurses’ knowledge. They also discussed 10 proposed competence areas for public health nursing, developed from the literature. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the interview transcripts, followed by a synthesis of the data from the interviews and earlier developed competencies. The 10 competence areas for Norwegian public health nursing were then refined. Finally, we compared the affirmed competence areas with earlier developed cornerstones and the new educational guidelines. Results: The interviews revealed 10 competence areas. These 10 competence areas were synthesized with the 10 proposed competencies from literature. Ten affirmed competence areas, which mostly corresponded with the competences from literature, were developed. The affirmed competencies were supported by the previously developed cornerstones and new educational guidelines. Conclusions: The affirmed competencies will help promote and explain the content and focus of PHNs’ work in Norway and may have implications for education and international research

    Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer- en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres vurderinger

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    Bakgrunn: Utviklingsmessig kan stamming ha negative emosjonelle, atferds- og holdningsmessige konsekvenser. Derfor anbefales tidlig identifisering og igangsetting av logopedbehandling så raskt som mulig. Helsesykepleiere på helsestasjonen møter barn på to- og fireårskontroller. Ifølge de nasjonalfaglige retningslinjene har helsesykepleierne ansvaret for å undersøke barns språk for tidligst mulig å avdekke språkvansker og andre språkrelaterte vansker, deriblant stamming. Det er lite kunnskap om hvilke observasjoner og vurderinger som ligger til grunn for helsesykepleiernes praksis når de avdekker stamming. Hensikt: Å få innsikt i helsesykepleieres praksis i første møte med foreldre til barn som stammer. Vi ønsket å evaluere praksis opp mot anbefalinger basert på nyere internasjonal forskning. Metode: Studien er en deskriptiv tverrsnittsstudie gjennomført via digitalt spørreskjema til helsesykepleiere som jobber ved helsestasjoner i sju av landets fylker. Dataene ble analysert ved deskriptiv statistikk, ordinal regresjonsanalyse og kjikvadrattest. Resultat: Nittifem helsesykepleiere besvarte spørreskjemaet. Helsesykepleiernes hyppigste fremgangsmåte i første møte med foreldre til barn som stammer, var å gi informasjon om stamming og lage nye avtaler med foreldrene. De rådene som ble gitt hyppigst, var knyttet til samspill og kommunikasjon samt å kontakte en fagperson. I vurderingen om videre oppfølging eller henvisning vektla helsesykepleierne barnets alder, barnets egen oppfatning av eller reaksjon på stamming og foreldrenes bekymring. Svært få hadde nedskrevne faglige retningslinjer for praksis og for når logoped skulle kontaktes. Konklusjon: Helsesykepleiernes fremgangsmåter og råd i møte med foreldre til barn som stammer, er hovedsakelig i tråd med nyere anbefalinger basert på internasjonal forskning. Helsesykepleiernes vurderinger av hvilke barn som har behov for videre oppfølging, avviker fra anbefalingene ved at de ikke vektlegger forhold ved selve stammingen. Resultatene indikerer at helsesykepleiere har behov for kunnskap om stamming. Det trengs tydeligere beskrivelser av når og hvordan helsesykepleiere ved helsestasjonen skal avdekke stamming, slik at de riktige barna blir identifisert og kan nyttiggjøre seg tidlig innsats