830 research outputs found

    Simple model for 1/f noise

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    We present a simple stochastic mechanism which generates pulse trains exhibiting a power law distribution of the pulse intervals and a 1/fα1/f^\alpha power spectrum over several decades at low frequencies with α\alpha close to one. The essential ingredient of our model is a fluctuating threshold which performs a Brownian motion. Whenever an increasing potential V(t)V(t) hits the threshold, V(t)V(t) is reset to the origin and a pulse is emitted. We show that if V(t)V(t) increases linearly in time, the pulse intervals can be approximated by a random walk with multiplicative noise. Our model agrees with recent experiments in neurobiology and explains the high interpulse interval variability and the occurrence of 1/fα1/f^\alpha noise observed in cortical neurons and earthquake data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Polarization-sensitive quantum-optical coherence tomography

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    We set forth a polarization-sensitive quantum-optical coherence tomography (PS-QOCT) technique that provides axial optical sectioning with polarization-sensitive capabilities. The technique provides a means for determining information about the optical path length between isotropic reflecting surfaces, the relative magnitude of the reflectance from each interface, the birefringence of the interstitial material, and the orientation of the optical axis of the sample. PS-QOCT is immune to sample dispersion and therefore permits measurements to be made at depths greater than those accessible via ordinary optical coherence tomography. We also provide a general Jones matrix theory for analyzing PS-QOCT systems and outline an experimental procedure for carrying out such measurements.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Parity-dependent squeezing of light

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    A parity-dependent squeezing operator is introduced which imposes different SU(1,1) rotations on the even and odd subspaces of the harmonic oscillator Hilbert space. This operator is used to define parity-dependent squeezed states which exhibit highly nonclassical properties such as strong antibunching, quadrature squeezing, strong oscillations in the photon-number distribution, etc. In contrast to the usual squeezed states whose QQ and Wigner functions are simply Gaussians, the parity-dependent squeezed states have much more complicated QQ and Wigner functions that exhibit an interesting interference in phase space. The generation of these states by parity-dependent quadratic Hamiltonians is also discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in J. Phys. A, LaTeX, 11 pages, 12 figures (compressed PostScript, available at http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/graphics/pdss_graph ). More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    Non-classical Photon Statistics For Two-mode Optical Fields

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    The non-classical property of subpoissonian photon statistics is extended from one to two-mode electromagnetic fields, incorporating the physically motivated property of invariance under passive unitary transformations. Applications to squeezed coherent states, squeezed thermal states, and superposition of coherent states are given. Dependences of extent of non-classical behaviour on the independent squeezing parameters are graphically displayed.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 5 figures, available by sending email to [email protected]

    Diagnosis and outcome of oesophageal Crohn's disease

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crohn's disease (CD) can involve any part of the gastrointestinal tract. We aimed to characterize clinical, endoscopic, histologic features and treatment outcomes of CD patients with oesophageal involvement. METHODS: We collected cases through a retrospective multicentre European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation CONFER [COllaborative Network For Exceptionally Rare case reports] project. Clinical data were recorded in a standardized case report form. RESULTS: A total of 40 patients were reported [22 males, mean (±SD, range) age at oesophageal CD diagnosis: 25 (±13.3, 10-71) years and mean time of follow-up: 67 (±68.1, 3-240) months]. Oesophageal involvement was established at CD diagnosis in 26 patients (65%) and during follow-up in 14. CD was exclusively located in the oesophagus in 2 patients. Thirteen patients (32.2%) were asymptomatic at oesophageal disease diagnosis. Oesophageal strictures were present in 5 patients and fistulizing oesophageal disease in one. Eight patients exhibited granulomas on biopsies. Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) were administered in 37 patients (92.5%). Three patients underwent endoscopic dilation for symptomatic strictures and none oesophageal-related surgery. Diagnosis in pre-established CD resulted in treatment modifications in 9/14 patients. Clinical remission of oesophageal disease was seen in 33/40 patients (82.5%) after a mean time of 7 (±5.6, 1-18) months. Follow-up endoscopy was performed in 29/40 patients and 26/29 (89.7%) achieved mucosal healing. CONCLUSION: In this case series the endoscopic and histologic characteristics of isolated oesophageal CD were similar to those reported in other sites of involvement. Treatment was primarily conservative, with PPIs administered in the majority of patients and modifications in pre-existing IBD-related therapy occurring in two thirds of them. Clinical and endoscopic remission was achieved in more than 80% of the patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Single Cooper pair tunneling induced by non-classical microwaves

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    A mesoscopic Josephson junction interacting with a mode of non-classical microwaves with frequency ω\omega is considered. Squeezing of the electromagnetic field drastically affects the dynamics of Cooper tunneling. In particular, Bloch steps can be observed even when the microwaves are in the squeezed vacuum state with {\em zero} average amplitude of the field ⟨E(t)âź©=0\langle E(t) \rangle = 0. The interval between these steps is double in size in comparison to the conventional Bloch steps.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures are available upon request to: [email protected]

    Quantum optical coherence tomography with dispersion cancellation

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    We propose a new technique, called quantum optical coherence tomography (QOCT), for carrying out tomographic measurements with dispersion-cancelled resolution. The technique can also be used to extract the frequency-dependent refractive index of the medium. QOCT makes use of a two-photon interferometer in which a swept delay permits a coincidence interferogram to be traced. The technique bears a resemblance to classical optical coherence tomography (OCT). However, it makes use of a nonclassical entangled twin-photon light source that permits measurements to be made at depths greater than those accessible via OCT, which suffers from the deleterious effects of sample dispersion. Aside from the dispersion cancellation, QOCT offers higher sensitivity than OCT as well as an enhancement of resolution by a factor of 2 for the same source bandwidth. QOCT and OCT are compared using an idealized sample.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Synaptic Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease: A CREB-centric Approach

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    Therapeutic attempts to cure Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have failed, and new strategies are desperately needed. Motivated by this reality, many laboratories (including our own) have focused on synaptic dysfunction in AD because synaptic changes are highly correlated with the severity of clinical dementia. In particular, memory formation is accompanied by altered synaptic strength, and this phenomenon (and its dysfunction in AD) has been a recent focus for many laboratories. The molecule cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element-binding protein (CREB) is at a central converging point of pathways and mechanisms activated during the processes of synaptic strengthening and memory formation, as CREB phosphorylation leads to transcription of memory-associated genes. Disruption of these mechanisms in AD results in a reduction of CREB activation with accompanying memory impairment. Thus, it is likely that strategies aimed at these mechanisms will lead to future therapies for AD. In this review, we will summarize literature that investigates 5 possible therapeutic pathways for rescuing synaptic dysfunction in AD: 4 enzymatic pathways that lead to CREB phosphorylation (the cyclic adenosine monophosphate cascade, the serine/threonine kinases extracellular regulated kinases 1 and 2, the nitric oxide cascade, and the calpains), as well as histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (2 enzymes that regulate the histone acetylation necessary for gene transcription)

    Dynamics of a Quantum Control-Not Gate for an Ensemble of Four-Spin Molecules at Room Temperature

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    We investigate numerically a single-pulse implementation of a quantum Control-Not (CN) gate for an ensemble of Ising spin systems at room temperature. For an ensemble of four-spin ``molecules'' we simulate the time-evolution of the density matrix, for both digital and superpositional initial conditions. Our numerical calculations confirm the feasibility of implementation of quantum CN gate in this system at finite temperature, using electromagnetic π\pi-pulse.Comment: 7 pages 3 figure
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