100 research outputs found

    ERCP in Evaluating The Mode of Therapy in Pancreatic Pseudocyst

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    Twenty patients with ultrasonographic or computed tomographic diagnosis of pancreatic pseudocyst were referred for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Two of these were found at laparotomy not to have pseudocysts and were excluded. Pancreatography was successful in 15 out of 18 cases (83%) and cholangiography in 12 out of 18 cases (67%). Three types of pseudocysts were noticed according to the communication of the pseudocyst to the main pancreatic duct and the presence of pancreatic duct stensosis. Successful treatment included two spontaneous resolutions, two internal drainages and three left pancreatic resections. In the eight percutaneous external drainages four recurrences (50%) occurred, one after closure of temporary pancreatocutaneous fistula. All the recurrences occurred in Type III pseudocysts with communication of the pseudocysts to stenotic main pancreatic duct. In these cases internal drainage would have been the preferable treatment method. We believe that by ERCP one can identify pseudocysts not suitable for external drainage

    Chromosomal in situ suppression hybridization of immunologically classified mitotic cells in hematologic malignancies

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    Chromosomal in situ suppression (CISS) hybridization was performed with library DNA from sorted human chromosomes 8, 9, 15, 17, 21, and 22 on immunologically stained bone marrow cells of four patients with a hematologic neoplasm, including two patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and trisomy 8, one patient with promyelocytic leukemia bearing the translocation t(15;17)(q22;q11-12), and one patient with chronic myeloid leukemia and the translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11). In all patients, the results of conventional karyotype analysis could be confirmed by one- or two-color CISS hybridization using the appropriate chromosome-specific libraries. Our results show that CISS hybridization can detect both numerical and structural chromosome changes in immunologically classified cells with high specificity and reliability. The fact that chromosome spreads of very poor quality can now be included in such analyses is a decisive advantage of this approach. In addition, the suitability of this approach for interphase cytogenetics is discussed

    Real-World Clinical Outcomes in Biological Subgroups of Breast Cancer in the Hospital District of Southwest Finland

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    Background.Comparing breast cancer survival trends globally, Finland is among the top three countries in Europe. However, outcome data on breast cancer subgroups in the Finnish population are limited. This retrospective, registry-based study aimed to assess patient characteristics and clinical outcomes of different breast cancer subgroups in early (EBC) and metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in a real-life clinical setting.Materials and Methods.The study consisted of 6,977 adult, female patients with breast cancer diagnosed in Southwest Finland during 2005-2018. Patients were divided into four mutually exclusive groups: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive (HER2+), triple negative, HER2-/hormone receptor positive (HR+), and HER2 and/or HR status unknown, and further into patients with EBC and MBC. Overall survival (OS) was assessed as a clinical outcome, as well as the following real-world (rw) clinical outcomes: disease-free survival (rwDFS), progression-free survival (rwPFS), and distant recurrence-free interval (rwDRFI).Results.Within EBC, 5-year survival was the highest (88%) in HER2-/HR+, followed by 85% in HER2+, and 75% in triple negative. The rwDFS varied significantly in EBC (5-year rwDFS HER2 -/HR+, HER2+, triple negative: 87%, 80%, 71% respectively). In MBC, median survival was 2 years for both HER2-/HR+ and HER2+ and markedly shorter for triple negative (0.8 years). Independent predictors of mortality were age (hazard ratio [HR], 1.1), other subgroups than HER2-/HR+ (HR, 1.2-1.9), metastatic disease (HR, 9.8), and other malignancies (HR, 2.7).Conclusion.This registry-based study demonstrates significant differences in breast cancer outcomes on the subgroup level, as well as poorer outcomes compared with clinical trials, giving complementary insight on clinical characteristics in an unselected patient population.Implications for Practice:This retrospective, registry-based study assessed the clinical outcomes of different breast cancer subgroups in 6,977 adult, female patients with breast cancer diagnosed in Southwest Finland during 2005-2018. Results demonstrated significant variation in the survival between subgroups in both early breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer, as well as differences between unselected patients representing the standard of care and randomized clinical trials. Although, according to the global comparison of survival trends, the net survival of patients with breast cancer in Finland is generally high, there is great variation between subgroups. These real-life breast cancer data provide tools to further evaluate medical need in different breast cancer subgroups.</div

    Loviisa - pienen kaupungin suuri menneisyys - Esplanadin rakennustaiteellinen kehitys

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    Loviisa is a remarkable little town in Finland. The recorded history of the area begins in the 13th century, when it was an active fishing centre. The town's development changed considerably in the 18th century when Sweden began fortifying the town against Russia. Although these plans were never fully completed, the small horse farm of Degerby evolved into the town of Loviisa. This work charts the development of the town from the I8th century to the present by presenting the colourful history of Loviisa's town planning and its implementation in the town's structure. This work then focuses on Loviisa's main street, esplanade, design and structure, as well as its buildings. For the inventory of buildings I have utilised the classification system used by Finland's Ministry of the Environment and National Board of Antiquities in order to rank the importance of the buildings. This report was commissioned by the Loviisa Culture and Environment Association (Loviisan kulttuuri- ja yrnpäristöliike) in order to create an inventory of the built environment to be used as a basis for future town planning. Loviisa's Esplanade is an exceptional area in terms of building protection even within Finland and is already comprehensibly protected on the town planning level. The Ministry of the Environment has also defined the Esplanade as one of the most important cultural environments in Finland. A key question in this work is whether the Esplanade is considered important by the town's residents, and how significant is it in terms of the town's identity? In other words, the future of the town and its identity lie at the heart of this research. In the final section I assess the direction in which the town is moving in terms of population forecasts and surveys carried out by the Regional Council of Itä-Uusimaa, and what demands this creates on the future of the town centre. I believe that this report will offer the town's residents an opportunity to gain a better understanding of their living environment and its historical layers. In this way the future development of the town's environment can be better analysed by residents themselves. In the planning section I have selected a few topics on the basis of this research that I consider to be particularly important in the Esplanade area and thus essential in terms of the town's identity. The proposed plans are ideas by which to structure my findings.Loviisa on poikkeuksellinen pikkukaupunki Suomessa. Alueen tunnettu historia alkaa 1200-luvulta, jolloin se toimi yhtenä Uudenmaan aktiivisista kalastuspaikoista. Kehityksen suunta muuttui merkittävästi, kun Ruotsi ryhtyi linnoittamaan kaupunkia 1700-luvulla itärajan turvaksi. Suunnitelmat eivät edenneet pitkälle, mutta Degerbyn pienestä ratsutilasta kehittyi Loviisan kaupunki. Tämä työ kartoittaa kaupungin kehitystä 1700-luvulta eteenpäin tutustumalla alueen värikkääseen kaavoitushistoriaan ja sen ilmenemismuotoihin kaupunkirakenteessa. Tämän jälkeen työ keskittyy Loviisan keskuskadun, esplanadin, muotoon ja rakenteeseen sekä sen rakennuksiin. Rakennuskannan inventoinnissa olen hyödyntänyt ympäristöministeriön ja museoviraston luokitusta, joilla rakennusten merkittävyys voidaan arvioida. Työn tilaajan, Loviisan kulttuuri- ja ympäristöliikkeen, tavoitteena oli inventoida alueen rakennettu ympäristö tulevan kaavoitustyön pohjaksi. Loviisan esplandi on rakennussuojelun kannalta ja Suomen mittakaavassakin poikkeuksellinen kohde, joka on jo asemakaavatasolla kattavasti suojeltu. Ympäristöministeriö on myös määritellyt esplanadin yhdeksi valtakunnallisesti merkittävistä kulttuuriympäristöistä. Olennainen kysymys tässä työssä on, onko esplanadin alue kaupunkilaisten mielestä tärkeä ja kuinka merkittävä osa se on kaupungin identiteettiä? Kaupungin tulevaisuus ja sen identiteetti ovat siis tämän selvitystyön ydin. Tutkin työn loppuosassa mihin suuntaan kaupunki on väestökehityksen ja Itä-Uudenmaan liiton selvitysten mukaan kehittymässä ja minkälaisia tarpeita se muodostaa keskustan tulevaisuudelle. Näen tämän tutkimuksen mahdollisuutena kaupungin asukkaille muodostaa syvempi käsitys elinympäristöstään ja sen ajallisista kerrostumista. Näin kaupunkiympäristön tuleva kehitys on paremmin analysoitavissa kaupunkilaisten toimesta. Suunnitelmaosuudessa olen poiminut selvitystyön pohjalta muutamia seikkoja, jotka koen merkityksellisiksi esplanadin alueella ja siten kaupungin identiteetin kannalta olennaisiksi. Esitellyt suunnitelmat ovat ideoita, joilla jäsennän löydöksiäni

    Sulautuva oppiminen ja yhteisöllisyys : bloggausta, kielen oppimista ja yhteistyötä kahdella mantereella

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    Vlogataan ja blogataan Torontossa ja Helsingissä -projektin keskeisenä ajatuksena oli yhdistää samassa vaiheessa suomen kielen opintojaan olevat kielen opiskelijat oppimaan yhdessä ja toisiltaan internetin ja sosiaalisen median välityksellä blogeja ja vlogeja tehden ja niistä keskustellen. Sulautuva oppiminen (blended learning) ja sen kautta luotu verkkovälitteinen yhteistyö ja yhteisön tuki toivat oppimiseen uusia mahdollisuuksia. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan opiskelijoiden kokemuksia yhteisöllisyydestä, yhteistyöstä, yleisöstä ja kommunikaatiosta sekä tuen merkityksestä.nonPeerReviewe
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