676 research outputs found

    Cambio institucional y cambio económico en la España del siglo XIX

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    Nuevos enfoques en la historia económica de España y de América Latina. Homenaje a Robert W. Fogel y Douglas C. North, Premios Nobel de Economía 1993Editada en la Universidad Carlos IIILos cambios institucionales que definieron la revolución liberal en Occidente tuvieron efectos positivos sobre el crecimiento económico. La igualdad de los individuos ante la ley, la simplificación de la administración de justicia, la definición clara de los derechos de propiedad y la apertura del mercado contribuyeron a una rápida aproximación entre las expectativas de una mayor rentabilidad individual y el logro del incremento de rentabilidad social. En el presente artículo se examina el cambio institucional operado en la España del siglo XIX, y se concluye con la afirmación de que los defectos en su práctica no aportaron todas las consecuencias favorables al crecimiento económico que cabía esperar del nuevo sistema.The institutional changes which emerged from the liberal revolution of Western Europe were beneficial for economic growth. Equality before the law, the simplification of the judiciary, the defining of clearer property rights and the opening of the market all contributed to a rapid approximation of the expected improvements in private returns with the increase in social returns. This article examines the institutional changes that took place in nineteenth century Spain, and concludes that deficiencies in the carrying out of the reforms produced smaller gains for economic growth than might have been expected.Publicad

    A twin crisis with multiple banks of issue: Spain in the 1860s

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    We document the twin crisis that affected Spain in the mid-1860s. First, we trace back its origins to the international crisis of 1864-66. Next, we describe the particular banking sector of Spain, characterized by the coexistence of the Bank of Spain with multiple local banks of issue. We analyze the microeconomic behavior of each bank in response to the crisis and find that, overall, the banks of issue performed well during the crisis. The Bank of Spain resulted as the most destabilizing institute due to its involvement with a Government on the brink of default

    Money dynamics with multiple banks of issue : evidence from Spain 1856-1874

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    Los bancos españoles tuvieron que realizar provisiones estadísticas contracíclicas en el período 2000-2004. Los bancos tenían que comunicar los importes de dichas provisiones al mercado. Esto crea un experimento natural que permite testar si los bancos suavizan el resultado para despistar a los inversores o, por el contrario, el alisamiento del resultado se utiliza para aliviar fricciones existentes en los mercados. Utilizando técnicas econométricas de datos de panel, se encuentra evidencia de alisado de resultados mediante las provisiones en el período previo a la implantación de las provisiones contracíclicas. Sin embargo, durante el período 2000-2004, los bancos alisaron el resultado solo utilizando las provisiones contracíclicas. Este cambio de comportamiento sugiere que deben existir ganancias de eficiencia al reducir la volatilidad de los resultados contables a lo largo del tiemp

    Il Controllo della “<i>performance</i>” pubblica e dell’attività di gestione dei siti Patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità

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    This work analyzes the Italian public administration reform issued in 2009 (also named “Brunetta reform”), consisting in the d.lgs. 150/2009. The decree aims at improving the performance of public entities without increasing costs, and provides an incentive system if results are achieved. An organic design is established to introduce into the Public Administration the instruments to increase efficiency and productivity, and to take into account most of the problems of the correct evaluation of performance and the implications of a real pursuit of efficiency. The new performance framework defined by the reform aims at favouring a managerial approach within the public administrations. The study focuses on the measures introduced by the “Brunetta Reform” applied to the cultural sector, in particular to the cultural and natural properties of Outstanding Universal Value, which are to be protected under the World Heritage Convention. In this framework, the Law 77 of 20th February 2006 in Italy has introduced the Management's Plan, as a mandatory instrument which aims to “rant the identification, protection, preservation, development and transfer of the heritage to the following generations”. The UNESCO's management plan is an important institute of protection and valorization of cultural heritage regulated in the “Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention”. Nowadays, in Italy it is not foreseen a detailed regulation, so the purpose of this paper is to investigate two different aspects: the nature and the effects of the instructions of the plan and its position in the legal framework defined by the “Brunetta reform”

    Incremento dei tempi di attesa alla richiusura degli interruttori MT per il miglioramento della continuità del servizio

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    The large deployment of network automation with reclosing practices has been the usual solution adopted by distributors to achieve the goal of providing a distribution network with high performances in terms of number and duration of interruptions. In particular, the usual practice adopted by distributor when managing faults in distribution circuits consists in clearing the faults by the immediate tripping of one or more circuit breakers, and re-energize the lines after the automatic reclosing time. In distribution networks the reclosing time of a circuit breaker is typically 300 milliseconds, that is the shortest permissible time in which the circuit breaker need to reclose. Various studies have shown that up to as 90% of faults on most distribution overhead lines are transient (e.g. insulator flashover, contact with foreign objects like animals and trees, etc.) and transient faults can be cleared by momentarily de-energizing the line, in order to allow the fault to extinguish, autoreclosing can then restore service to the line. Autoreclosing success rates vary depending on several technical and environmental (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.) parameters, but the majority of faults can be successfully cleared by the proper use of tripping and autoreclosing. In the paper the authors evaluate the possible benefits of adding an external time delay to circuit breaker reclosing procedure. The goal of this additional delay is to be reasonably sure that the arc at the fault location will not reignite at the reclosing instant creating a second fault, and, then, obtain significant benefits on continuity of service. In order to deeply investigate the problem, an arc model is first developed by using the Electromagnetic Transient Program EMTP-RV, and, then, the fault model is incorporated at different locations of a 20kV Medium Voltage (MV) network with real size characteristics. Faults in insulated and resonant grounding networks of different characteristics (OHL lines and cables) are investigated. The findings of the study are that an increased reclosing time may have a significant effect in increasing the number of self-extinguish faults, especially in transient double-phase faults in metal enclosed electrical installations. The strategy of extending the switching reclosing time may permit reducing the number of transient faults that reignite after reclosing, permitting to significantly reduce the outage time due to faults and providing a higher level of service continuity to customers

    Le misure amministrative di prevenzione della corruzione.

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    L'elaborato inizia con un'analisi socio-economica delle cause e degli effetti della corruzione, proseguendo con la presentazione della situazione normativa italiana anteriore alla riforma effettuata con la legge 190 del 2012, per finire con una disamina delle principali novità apportate con tale legge e le modifiche successive, con particolare attenzione per le principali criticità sorte in sede interpretativa ed applicativa, facendo riferimento soprattutto agli orientamenti forniti dall'Autorità nazionale anticorruzione