107 research outputs found

    Exchange representations in Kohn-Sham theory

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    Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) is the most widely used method in quantum chemistry. It has the potential to provide accurate results at low computational cost. The quality of a DFT calculation is determined by the exchange-correlation energy functional. Hybrid functionals, which contain a fraction of exact orbital exchange, are extensively used due to their accuracy in a variety of applications. However, as commonly implemented, these functionals are outside the Kohn-Sham scheme, since the exchange operator is not a local multiplicative potential. In order to handle orbital dependent functionals correctly, schemes which determine a local multiplicative potential must be employed. The implementation and application of several such methods is the focus of this thesis. In Chapter 1 we outline the Hartree-Fock scheme, which defines the exchange energy, and overview wavefunction based procedures that recover correlation energy. Alternative theories based on the electron density are then considered and the foundations of modern DFT are reviewed. The formalism of the optimized effective potential (OEP) method is introduced, which is the rigorous way to handle orbital dependent functionals. A number of approximations to the exchange only OEP method are outlined in Chapter 2 and their implementation is described. The methods are applied to the calculation of NMR shielding constants, highlighting differences between the approximations; their use in the construction of multiplicative hybrid functionals is also considered. In Chapter 3 these approximations are further investigated in the calculation of excited states and structural perturbations. In Chapter 4, the theory and implementation of a direct optimization procedure to determine OEPs is outlined, along with an implementation of the constrained search procedure, which allows the determination of the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential from any input density. Chapter 5 compares the performance of the approximate exchange potentials with those of OEP, highlighting the presence of correlated character in some of the approximate methods. The OEP implementation is extended to include hybrid exchange-correlation functionals in Chapter 6. The performance of these methods for the calculation of NMR shielding constants, rotational g tensors and transition metal NMR chemical shifts is investigated. In all cases, substantial improvements over conventional results are obtained. In Chapter 7 DFT is used to investigate an interaction of relevance in organic chemistry. Concluding remarks are given in Chapter 8

    Alternative separation of exchange and correlation energies in multi-configuration range-separated density-functional theory

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    The alternative separation of exchange and correlation energies proposed by Toulouse et al. [Theor. Chem. Acc. 114, 305 (2005)] is explored in the context of multi-configuration range-separated density-functional theory. The new decomposition of the short-range exchange-correlation energy relies on the auxiliary long-range interacting wavefunction rather than the Kohn-Sham (KS) determinant. The advantage, relative to the traditional KS decomposition, is that the wavefunction part of the energy is now computed with the regular (fully-interacting) Hamiltonian. One potential drawback is that, because of double counting, the wavefunction used to compute the energy cannot be obtained by minimizing the energy expression with respect to the wavefunction parameters. The problem is overcome by using short-range optimized effective potentials (OEPs). The resulting combination of OEP techniques with wavefunction theory has been investigated in this work, at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and multi-configuration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) levels. In the HF case, an analytical expression for the energy gradient has been derived and implemented. Calculations have been performed within the short-range local density approximation on H2, N2, Li2 and H2O. Significant improvements in binding energies are obtained with the new decomposition of the short-range energy. The importance of optimizing the short-range OEP at the MCSCF level when static correlation becomes significant has also been demonstrated for H2, using a finite-difference gradient. The implementation of the analytical gradient for MCSCF wavefunctions is currently in progress.Comment: 5 figure

    The choice of basic variables in current-density functional theory

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    The selection of basic variables in current-density functional theory and formal properties of the resulting formulations are critically examined. Focus is placed on the extent to which the Hohenberg--Kohn theorem, constrained-search approach and Lieb's formulation (in terms of convex and concave conjugation) of standard density-functional theory can be generalized to provide foundations for current-density functional theory. For the well-known case with the gauge-dependent paramagnetic current density as a basic variable, we find that the resulting total energy functional is not concave. It is shown that a simple redefinition of the scalar potential restores concavity and enables the application of convex analysis and convex/concave conjugation. As a result, the solution sets arising in potential-optimization problems can be given a simple characterization. We also review attempts to establish theories with the physical current density as a basic variable. Despite the appealing physical motivation behind this choice of basic variables, we find that the mathematical foundations of the theories proposed to date are unsatisfactory. Moreover, the analogy to standard density-functional theory is substantially weaker as neither the constrained-search approach nor the convex analysis framework carry over to a theory making use of the physical current density

    Efficient calculation of molecular integrals over London atomic orbitals

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    The use of London atomic orbitals (LAOs) in a non-perturbative manner enables the determination of gauge-origin invariant energies and properties for molecular species in arbitrarily strong magnetic fields. Central to the efficient implementation of such calculations for molecular systems is the evaluation of molecular integrals, particularly the electron repulsion integrals (ERIs). We present an implementation of several different algorithms for the evaluation of ERIs over Gaussian-type LAOs at arbitrary magnetic field strengths. The efficiency of generalized McMurchie-Davidson (MD), Head-Gordon-Pople (HGP) and Rys quadrature schemes is compared. For the Rys quadrature implementation, we avoid the use of high precision arithmetic and interpolation schemes in the computation of the quadrature roots and weights, enabling the application of this algorithm seamlessly to a wide range of magnetic fields. The efficiency of each generalised algorithm is compared by numerical application, classifying the ERIs according to their total angular momenta and evaluating their performance for primitive and contracted basis sets. In common with zero-field integral evaluation, no single algorithm is optimal for all angular momenta thus a simple mixed scheme is put forward, which selects the most efficient approach to calculate the ERIs for each shell quartet. The mixed approach is significantly more efficient than the exclusive use of any individual algorithm

    Real-time time-dependent self-consistent field methods with dynamic magnetic fields

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    The first finite basis set implementation of the real-time time-dependent self-consistent field method in a dynamic (time-dependent) magnetic field using London atomic orbitals (LAOs) is presented. The accuracy of the finite basis approach using LAOs is benchmarked against numerical results from the literature for the hydrogen atom and H2 in the presence of rapidly oscillating magnetic fields. This comparison is used to inform the choice of appropriate basis sets for studies under such conditions. Remarkably, relatively modest compact LAO basis sets are sufficient to obtain accurate results. Analysis of electron dynamics in the hydrogen atom shows that LAO calculations correctly capture the time evolution of orbital occupations. The Fourier transformation of the autocorrelation function yields a power spectrum exhibiting harmonics associated with coherent emission, which closely matches the literature and further confirms the accuracy of this approach. The dynamical response of the electron density in H2 for a magnetic field parallel to the internuclear axis shows similar behavior to benchmark studies. The flexibility of this implementation is then demonstrated by considering how the dynamical response changes as a function of the orientation of the molecule relative to the applied field. At non-parallel orientations, the symmetry of the system is lowered and numerical benchmark data, which exploit cylindrical symmetry, are no-longer readily available. The present study demonstrates the utility of LAO-based calculations for extreme dynamic magnetic fields, providing a stress-test on the choice of basis. Future applications of this approach for less extreme dynamic magnetic fields are briefly discussed

    Excited states from range-separated density-functional perturbation theory

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    We explore the possibility of calculating electronic excited states by using perturbation theory along a range-separated adiabatic connection. Starting from the energies of a partially interacting Hamiltonian, a first-order correction is defined with two variants of perturbation theory: a straightforward perturbation theory, and an extension of the Görling-Levy one that has the advantage of keeping the ground-state density constant at each order in the perturbation. Only the first, simpler, variant is tested here on the helium and beryllium atoms and on the hydrogen molecule. The first-order correction within this perturbation theory improves significantly the total ground- and excited-state energies of the different systems. However, the excitation energies mostly deteriorate with respect to the zeroth-order ones, which may be explained by the fact that the ionization energy is no longer correct for all interaction strengths. The second (Görling-Levy) variant of the perturbation theory should improve these results but has not been tested yet along the range-separated adiabatic connection

    Excitation energies along a range-separated adiabatic connection

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    We present a study of the variation of total energies and excitationenergies along a range-separated adiabatic connection. This connectionlinks the non-interacting Kohn-Sham electronic system to the physicalinteracting system by progressively switching on theelectron-electron interactions whilst simultaneously adjusting aone-electron effective potential so as to keep the ground-statedensity constant. The interactions are introduced in arange-dependent manner, first introducing predominantly long-range,and then all-range, interactions as the physical system is approached,as opposed to the conventional adiabatic connection where theinteractions are introduced by globally scaling the standard Coulomb interaction.Reference data are reported for the He and Be atoms and the H2molecule, obtained by calculating the short-range effective potentialat the full configuration-interaction level using Lieb'sLegendre-transform approach. As the strength of the electron-electroninteractions increases, the excitation energies, calculated for thepartially interacting systems along the adiabatic connection, offerincreasingly accurate approximations to the exact excitation energies.Importantly, the excitation energies calculated at an intermediatepoint of the adiabatic connection are much better approximations tothe exact excitation energies than are the corresponding Kohn-Shamexcitation energies. This is particularly evident in situationsinvolving strong static correlation effects and states with multipleexcitation character, such as the dissociating H2 molecule. Theseresults highlight the utility of long-range interacting referencesystems as a starting point for the calculation of excitation energiesand are of interest for developing and analyzing practical approximaterange-separated density-functional methodologies

    Electron localisation function in current-density-functional theory

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    We present a generalisation of the electron localisation function (ELF) to current-density-functional theory as a descriptor for the properties of molecules in the presence of magnetic fields. The resulting current ELF (cELF) is examined for a range of small molecular systems in field strengths up to B0 = 235 kT (one atomic unit). The cELF clearly depicts the compression of the molecular electronic structure in the directions perpendicular to the applied field and exhibits a structure similar to that of the physical current densities. A topological analysis is performed to examine the changes in chemical bonding upon application of a magnetic field

    Magnetic-field density-functional theory (BDFT): lessons from the adiabatic connection

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    We study the effects of magnetic fields in the context of magnetic field density-functional theory (BDFT), where the energy is a functional of the electron density p and the magnetic field B. We show that this approach is a worthwhile alternative to current-density functional theory (CDFT) and may provide a viable route to the study of many magnetic phenomena using density-functional theory (DFT). The relationship between BDFT and CDFT is developed and clarified within the framework of the four-way correspondence of saddle functions and their convex and concave parents in convex analysis. By decomposing the energy into its Kohn–Sham components, we demonstrate that the magnetizability is mainly determined by those energy components that are related to the density. For existing density functional approximations, this implies that, for the magnetizability, improvements of the density will be more beneficial than introducing a magnetic-field dependence in the correlation functional. However, once a good charge density is achieved, we show that high accuracy is likely only obtainable by including magnetic-field dependence. We demonstrate that adiabatic-connection (AC) curves at different field strengths resemble one another closely provided each curve is calculated at the equilibrium geometry of that field strength. In contrast, if all AC curves are calculated at the equilibrium geometry of the field-free system, then the curves change strongly with increasing field strength due to the increasing importance of static correlation. This holds also for density functional approximations, for which we demonstrate that the main error encountered in the presence of a field is already present at zero field strength, indicating that density-functional approximations may be applied to systems in strong fields, without the need to treat additional static correlation
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