8 research outputs found

    Ossifying fibroma of the maxillary sinus at the Kara (Togo) Teaching Hospital

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    SummaryIntroductionOssifying fibroma of the jaw is a benign tumorous disease, somewhat rare and aggressive. It frequently targets the mandible, but seldom the maxillary.Case studyThe present study reports the first case of left maxillary sinus fibroma treated at the Kara Teaching Hospital in North Togo. It occurred in a 29-year-old patient who experienced slow-growing tumefaction of the left maxillary sinus, resulting in deformation of the left side of the face in the maxillary region and ipsilateral nasal obstruction. Orthopantomography showed a displacement of teeth 21, 22, and 23 with an abnormal degree of opacity at the dental roots. The CT scan of the nose and sinuses revealed a tumorous lesion of expanding bony density increasing in volume at the outer wall of the left maxillary sinus, of regular shape that contained microscopic calcifications, extending into the ipsilateral orbital floor and pushing the surrounding soft tissues forward without invading them. The histopathological examination of the tumor confirmed the diagnosis of ossifying fibroma.DiscussionOssifying fibroma or fibrous osteoma is a rare and benign lesion developing insidiously with a polymorphous aspect. Of unknown etiology, most frequently located in the mandible, it is differentiated from other types of fibroma in its clinical, radiological, and histological aspects. However, only examination of the gross specimen can provide the final diagnosis. Treatment requires surgery.ConclusionSurgical treatment entailed the complete macroscopic enucleoresection. Recovery has been favorable at 2 years of follow-up

    Robust dynamic robot scheduling for collaborating with humans in manufacturing operations

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    The advent of collaborative robotics in industry has created a closer collaboration between humans and robots. This has led to the need to optimally schedule human and robot tasks to be robust enough to handle variability induced by time-related operator errors caused by the inability to accurately forecast the stochastic nature of human behavior. This article proposes an explicit scheme for tackling time-related variability in human tasks online in applications where humans intervene at a given time in the collaborative workspace. The planning problem is reformulated as a Travelling Salesman Problem combined with a 0/1-Knapsack Problem in order to actively define robot behavior when there is an unmodelled shift in the human execution time sequence. The method uses a two-level adaptation scheme. The first one (offline) inputs the predicted human behaviour in terms of time required for different activities at each work cycle, and then computes an overall task schedule to minimize the robot's operation time and idle time. The second one (online) involves the real-time detection of the human's timing to either stop the prescribed plan or enhance it in order to minimize robot and human idle times, thereby optimizing the sense of ease and fluency in the interaction. The system is simulated in different scenarios where the human predicted time is set to be wrong, and thus the system needs to account for such variation. The effect of the human predicted time on the task schedule is presented and helps to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in dealing with human variability without prior modeling knowledge of the human task time distribution

    Dynamic time warping–based feature selection method for foot gesture cobot operation mode selection

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    The emerging needs of human beings are pushing manufacturing companies from mass production to mass customization. The occurrence of these new challenges leads to a change of scenario where the robot no longer works isolated from human to a scenario in which the robot collaborates with the human in the same workspace (collaborative robotics). Wearable sensors using inertial measurement unit (IMU) are widely used to capture human upper body gestures in which the set of gesture being recognize is very large. However, foot gesture approach is starting to gain some places in applications where human’s hands are occupied when interacting with robots. This study presents an insole-based foot gesture recognition method for cobot operation mode selection. The insole is composed of an IMU and four force sensors. The classification algorithm uses a support vector machine (SVM) classifier based on features extracted by means of dynamic time warping (DTW) applied to only one reference gesture signal. Five human participants are used for the dataset. As a case study, the system was interfaced in real time (real-time classification algorithm) using a Simulink 2020a scheme with Universal Robots UR5 (5 kg payload). The worst-case recognition accuracy is around 88%. The algorithm is able to adequately discriminate between 10-foot gestures by means of a wearable insole sensor incorporated into the insole. Moreover, this study shows that, the control gesture can accurately be recognized from other current activities such as walking, turning, climbing the stairs, and similar

    Image Generation for 2D-CNN Using Time-Series Signal Features from Foot Gesture Applied to Select Cobot Operating Mode

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    Advances in robotics are part of reducing the burden associated with manufacturing tasks in workers. For example, the cobot could be used as a “third-arm” during the assembling task. Thus, the necessity of designing new intuitive control modalities arises. This paper presents a foot gesture approach centered on robot control constraints to switch between four operating modalities. This control scheme is based on raw data acquired by an instrumented insole located at a human’s foot. It is composed of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and four force sensors. Firstly, a gesture dictionary was proposed and, from data acquired, a set of 78 features was computed with a statistical approach, and later reduced to 3 via variance analysis ANOVA. Then, the time series collected data were converted into a 2D image and provided as an input for a 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) for the recognition of foot gestures. Every gesture was assimilated to a predefined cobot operating mode. The offline recognition rate appears to be highly dependent on the features to be considered and their spatial representation in 2D image. We achieve a higher recognition rate for a specific representation of features by sets of triangular and rectangular forms. These results were encouraging in the use of CNN to recognize foot gestures, which then will be associated with a command to control an industrial robot

    L’adenome pleomorphe des glandes salivaires accessoires de siege jugale a propos d’un cas et revue de la litterature.

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    Introduction : L’adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe aussi appelĂ© tumeur mixte bĂ©nigne est la plus commune des tumeurs des glandes salivaires. Elle survient le plus souvent pour prĂšs de 90% dans la parotide et pour 10% dans les glandes salivaires accessoires. Les sites prĂ©fĂ©rentiels de l’adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe des glandes salivaires accessoires sont le palais, les lĂšvres et les joues. Les autres sites rares sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par le plancher buccal, le larynx, la langue, les amygdales, le pharynx, la rĂ©gion rĂ©tromolaire mais aussi les cavitĂ©s nasales. L’adĂ©nome de la joue est assez rare.PrĂ©sentation du cas : nous rapportons un cas chez une patiente de 65ans dont l’ablation a Ă©tĂ© faite suite Ă  une large excision endobuccale avec de larges excisions marginales. Un suivi post-opĂ©ratoire a Ă©tĂ© instituĂ© pour dĂ©celer toute rĂ©cidive.Discussion : L’adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe doit ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme l’un des diagnostics diffĂ©rentiels de toute formation tumorale endojugale. Une large excision de la masse tumorale est le traitement de choix de ce type de tumeur pour en Ă©viter les rĂ©cidives et un suivi post-opĂ©ratoire de plusieurs annĂ©es s’avĂšre nĂ©cessaire.Conclusion : L’adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe, tumeur mixte bĂ©nigne des glandes salivaires impose une exĂ©rĂšse complĂšte quel que soit son site, gage de l’absence de rĂ©cidive. La surveillance au long court est de mise.Mots clĂ©s : adĂ©nome plĂ©omorphe, tumeur mixte, bĂ©nigne, joue.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Pleomorphic adenoma, which is also called benign mixed tumor is the most common tumor of the salivary glands. It occurs more frequently in the parotid gland for 90%and in minor salivary glands for 10%.The common sites of Pleomorphic adenoma of the minor salivary glands are the palates, the lips and the cheeks. The others sites are the throat, the floor of the mouth, the tongue, the tonsilles, the pharynx, the retromolar area and nasal cavity. The Pleomorphic adenomas of the cheek are extremely rare.Case reportWe report a case of Pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary glands of the cheek in a 65 year old girl who mass of tumor were removed by a wide inside mouth excision with adequate margins. A longer follow-up period is institute.Discussion: The Pleomorphic adenoma should be considered like a differential diagnosis of cheek masses. A wide local excision is to be considered as the treatment of choice to avoid the recurrences and a close follow-up is necessary after the operation.Conclusion: Pleomorphic adenoma, benign mixed tumor of salivary glands need a complete excision wherever it is locate, pledge of no recurrence. A close follow-up is done.Keywords: Pleomorphic adenoma, mixed tumor, benign, cheek

    Multiple office blood pressure measurement: a novel approach to overcome the weak cornerstone of blood pressure measurement in children. Data from the SPA project.

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    This contribution aims to report and analyze a novel approach for office blood pressure measurement in children. Healthy children 5 to 8 years of age were eligible. After 5 minutes rest, 10 unattended blood pressure readings were taken at 3-minute intervals using a validated automated oscillometric device. After discarding outlier values (< 5th or > 95th percentile of the recorded values), the coefficient of variation and the mean of the 10 readings were calculated. The single readings #1 to #10 were compared with this elaborated average of the 10 measurements. Two hundred eighty-one healthy, non-obese children (137 females, 49%), median age 5.7 (IQR 5.3-6.1) years, were analyzed. The median coefficients of variation were 7% (IQR 5-9) for systolic and 4% (IQR 3-6) for diastolic blood pressure. The first 3 measurements were significantly different from the average, while the readings #4 to #10 were not. Based on the average, only nine subjects had a systolic or diastolic blood pressure > 90th centile (n = 3 > 95th percentile). Although most guidelines advise three blood pressure readings, these findings suggest that in children, office blood pressure measurement might be improved by including ten measurements. In situations of time constraints, the fourth blood pressure reading might be used as a reliable approximation