139 research outputs found

    Promotion of retroviral entry in the absence of envelope protein by chlorpromazine

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    AbstractRetrovirus packaging cell lines that express the Moloney murine leukemia virus gag, pol, and env genes and a retroviral vector genome can produce virus particles that are capable of transducing cells. Normally if the packaging cell line does not produce a functional viral fusion glycoprotein, such as the retroviral envelope protein or a foreign viral glycoprotein, then the viruses will be incapable of transducing cells. We have found that incubating envelope protein-deficient virus particles bound to cells with chlorpromazine leads to transduction. Chlorpromazine (CPZ) is a membrane-active reagent that is commonly used to induce the hemifusion to fusion transition when membrane fusion is mediated by partially defective viral glycoproteins. The concentration and pH dependence of the promotion of transduction by CPZ is consistent with a role for CPZ micelle formation in viral entry. These data indicate that caution is warranted when experiments concerning membrane fusion completion promoted by CPZ are analyzed

    Development and validation of a pragmatic natural language processing approach to identifying falls in older adults in the emergency department

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    BACKGROUND: Falls among older adults are both a common reason for presentation to the emergency department, and a major source of morbidity and mortality. It is critical to identify fall patients quickly and reliably during, and immediately after, emergency department encounters in order to deliver appropriate care and referrals. Unfortunately, falls are difficult to identify without manual chart review, a time intensive process infeasible for many applications including surveillance and quality reporting. Here we describe a pragmatic NLP approach to automating fall identification. METHODS: In this single center retrospective review, 500 emergency department provider notes from older adult patients (age 65 and older) were randomly selected for analysis. A simple, rules-based NLP algorithm for fall identification was developed and evaluated on a development set of 1084 notes, then compared with identification by consensus of trained abstractors blinded to NLP results. RESULTS: The NLP pipeline demonstrated a recall (sensitivity) of 95.8%, specificity of 97.4%, precision of 92.0%, and F1 score of 0.939 for identifying fall events within emergency physician visit notes, as compared to gold standard manual abstraction by human coders. CONCLUSIONS: Our pragmatic NLP algorithm was able to identify falls in ED notes with excellent precision and recall, comparable to that of more labor-intensive manual abstraction. This finding offers promise not just for improving research methods, but as a potential for identifying patients for targeted interventions, quality measure development and epidemiologic surveillance

    Improving Newborn Hearing Screening Through Collaboration and Communication

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    Purpose: Hearing loss is the number one birth defect among children. There are significant consequences of delayed diagnosis and failure to obtain timely intervention, particularly for a child’s speech and language development. Design and implementation of successful newborn hearing screening (NHS) programs can be challenging. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate improved efficiency and effectiveness of a large NHS program through the implementation of a team approach engaging both ambulatory and hospital services. Methodology: A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was used to develop an improved NHS program focused on improving patient care. The SWOT analysis outcomes were used to determine several key factors to be implemented, including dedicated technicians solely assigned to the NHS program and purchase of new equipment to improve accuracy and reduce disposable costs. In addition, a two-tiered approach was implemented whereby the dedicated technicians performed initial screenings, with all rescreens performed by an audiologist. Results: Implementation of the new NHS program demonstrated numerous successes including a significant reduction in the failure rate, improved care coordination, and increased communication between ambulatory and hospital services

    Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

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    Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) addresses the challenge of preparing nurses with the competencies necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the health care systems in which they work. The QSEN faculty members adapted the Institute of Medicine competencies for nursing (patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics), proposing definitions that could describe essential features of what it means to be a competent and respected nurse. Using the competency definitions, the authors propose statements of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) for each competency that should be developed during pre-licensure nursing education. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) faculty and advisory board members invite the profession to comment on the competencies and their definitions and on whether the KSAs for pre-licensure education are appropriate goals for students preparing for basic practice as a registered nurse

    The use of targeted sequencing and flow cytometry to identify patients with a clinically significant monocytosis

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    The diagnosis of chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) remains centred on morphology, meaning the distinction from a reactive monocytosis is challenging. Mutational analysis and immunophenotyping have been proposed as potential tools for diagnosis however have not been formally assessed in combination. We aimed to investigate the clinical utility of these technologies by performing targeted sequencing, in parallel to current gold standard techniques, on consecutive samples referred for investigation of monocytosis over a 2-year period (n=283). Results were correlated with the morphological diagnosis and objective outcome measures including overall survival (OS) and longitudinal blood counts. Somatic mutations were detected in 79% of patients, being invariably identified in those with a confirmed diagnosis (99%) though also in 57% of patients with non-diagnostic BM features. The OS in non-diagnostic mutated patients was indistinguishable from those with CMML (p=0.118) and significantly worse than unmutated patients (p=0.0002). On multivariate analysis age, ASXL1, CBL, DNMT3A, NRAS & RUNX1 mutations retained significance. Furthermore, the presence of a mutation was associated with a progressive fall in haemoglobin/platelet levels and increasing monocyte counts compared with mutation negative patients. Of note, the immunophenotypic features of non-diagnostic mutated patients were comparable to CMML patients and the presence of aberrant CD56 was highly specific for detecting a mutation. Overall, somatic mutations are detected at high frequency in patients referred with a monocytosis irrespective of diagnosis. In those without a WHO defined diagnosis, the mutation spectrum, immunophenotypic features and OS are indistinguishable from CMML patients and these patients should be managed as such

    Measurement of strains experienced by viscerofugal nerve cell bodies during mechanosensitive firing using digital image correlation.

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    12 month embargo until 1 Nov 2017, as per publisher's policy.Mechanosensory neurons detect physical events in the local environments of the tissues that they innervate. Studies of mechanosensitivity of neurons or nerve endings in the gut have related their firing to strain, wall tension or pressure. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a technique from materials engineering that can be adapted to measure the local physical environments of afferent neurons at high resolution. Flat sheet preparations of guinea pig distal colon were set up with arrays of tissue markers, in vitro. Firing of single viscerofugal neurons was identified in extracellular colonic nerve recordings. The locations of viscerofugal nerve cell bodies were inferred by mapping firing responses to focal application of the nicotinic receptor agonist, DMPP. Mechanosensory firing was recorded during load-evoked uni-axial or bi-axial distensions. Distension caused movement of surface markers which was captured using video imaging. DIC tracked the markers, interpolating the mechanical state of the gut at the location of the viscerofugal nerve cell body. This technique revealed heterogeneous load-evoked strain within preparations. Local strains at viscerofugal nerve cell bodies were usually smaller than global strain measurements and correlated more closely with mechanosensitive firing. Both circumferential and longitudinal strain activated viscerofugal neurons. Simultaneous loading in circumferential and longitudinal axes, caused the highest levels of viscerofugal neuron firing. Multiaxial strains, reflecting tissue shearing and changing area, linearly correlated with mechanosensory firing of viscerofugal neurons. Viscerofugal neurons were mechanically sensitive to both local circumferential and local longitudinal gut strain, and appear to lack directionality in their stretch sensitivity

    Reovirus-Induced Apoptosis in the Intestine Limits Establishment of Enteric Infection

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    Several viruses induce intestinal epithelial cell death during enteric infection. However, it is unclear whether proapoptotic capacity promotes or inhibits replication in this tissue. We infected mice with two reovirus strains that infect the intestine but differ in the capacity to alter immunological tolerance to new food antigen. Infection with reovirus strain T1L, which induces an inflammatory immune response to fed antigen, is prolonged in the intestine, whereas T3D-RV, which does not induce this response, is rapidly cleared from the intestine. Compared with T1L, T3D-RV infection triggered apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells and subsequent sloughing of dead cells into the intestinal lumen. We conclude that the infection advantage of T1L derives from its capacity to subvert host restriction by epithelial cell apoptosis, providing a possible mechanism by which T1L enhances inflammatory signals during antigen feeding. Using a panel of T1L Ă— T3D-RV reassortant viruses, we identified the viral M1 and M2 gene segments as determinants of reovirus-induced apoptosis in the intestine. Expression of the T1L M1 and M2 genes in a T3D-RV background was sufficient to limit epithelial cell apoptosis and enhance viral infection to levels displayed by T1L. These findings define additional reovirus gene segments required for enteric infection of mice and illuminate the antiviral effect of intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis in limiting enteric viral infection. Viral strain-specific differences in the capacity to infect the intestine may be useful in identifying viruses capable of ameliorating tolerance to fed antigen in autoimmune conditions like celiac disease
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