1,516 research outputs found

    The Impact of Medicare's Prospective Payment System on Psychiatric Patients Treated in Scatterbeds

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    Medicare's Prospective Payment System (PPS) for hospitals was phased-in during the 1884 Federal Fiscal Year. While many providers of psychiatric inpatient care were exempted from PPS patients treated in general hospital beds outside of psychiatric units (scatterbeds) were not. This allows for an initial assessment of the impact of PPS on psychiatric patients. We use a single equation model of hospital length of stay to estimate the impact of PPS. We allow for the possibility of both anticipating behavior and slow adjustment to the new payment scheme. The results indicate a substantial response to PPS over the first year of implementation. The estimated response includes sizable anticipatory and slow adjustment components. The findings suggest that policy discussions may be weighted too heavily in the direction of concern over hospital financial status given the ability of hospitals to change their behavior.

    Effect of surface stiffness on the neural control of stretch-shortening cycle movements

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    Aim: It is accepted that leg stiffness (Kleg) increases when surface stiffness decreases, and vice versa. However, little is known how the central nervous system fulfils this task. To understand the effect of surface stiffness on the neural control of stretch-shortening cycle movements, this study aimed to compare modulation of spinal and corticospinal excitability at distinct phases after ground contact during two-legged hopping when changing from solid to elastic ground.Methods: Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and H-reflexes were elicited at the time of the short (SLR)-, medium (MLR)- and long (LLR)-latency responses of the soleus muscle (SOL) during two-legged hopping on different stiffness surfaces, elastic and stiff.Results: Soleus H-reflexes during two-legged hopping on the elastic surface were lower at SLR and larger at LLR than on the stiff surface (P < 0.05 for both comparisons). SOL MEP size was higher at the time of SLR during hopping on the elastic surface than on the stiff surface (P < 0.05) although the background EMG was similar.Conclusion: It is argued that this phase-specific adaptation in spinal reflex excitability is functionally relevant to adjust leg stiffness to optimally exploit the properties of the elastic surface. Thus, the increased corticospinal excitability on the elastic surface may reflect a more supraspinal control of the ankle muscles to compensate the decrease in reflexive stiffness at the beginning of touchdown and/or counteract the higher postural challenges associated with the elastic surface

    Towards quantitative prediction of proteasomal digestion patterns of proteins

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    We discuss the problem of proteasomal degradation of proteins. Though proteasomes are important for all aspects of the cellular metabolism, some details of the physical mechanism of the process remain unknown. We introduce a stochastic model of the proteasomal degradation of proteins, which accounts for the protein translocation and the topology of the positioning of cleavage centers of a proteasome from first principles. For this model we develop the mathematical description based on a master-equation and techniques for reconstruction of the cleavage specificity inherent to proteins and the proteasomal translocation rates, which are a property of the proteasome specie, from mass spectroscopy data on digestion patterns. With these properties determined, one can quantitatively predict digestion patterns for new experimental set-ups. Additionally we design an experimental set-up for a synthetic polypeptide with a periodic sequence of amino acids, which enables especially reliable determination of translocation rates.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Stat. Mech. (Special issue for proceedings of 5th Intl. Conf. on Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology & High Technology, Lyon (France), June 2-6, 2008

    Postural challenge affects motor cortical activity in young and old adults

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    When humans voluntarily activate a muscle, intracortical inhibition decreases. Such a decrease also occurs in the presence of a postural challenge and more so with increasing age. Here, we examined age-related changes in motor cortical activity during postural and non-postural contractions with varying levels of postural challenge. Fourteen young (age 22) and twelve old adults (age 70) performed three conditions: (1) voluntary contraction of the soleus muscle in sitting and (2) leaning forward while standing with and (3) without being supported. Subthreshold transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to the soleus motor area suppressing ongoing EMG, as an index of motor cortical activity. The area of EMG suppression was ~ 60% smaller (p  0.05). Even though in absolute terms young compared with old adults leaned farther (p = 0.018), there was no age effect or an age by condition interaction in EMG suppression. Leaning closer to the maximum without support correlated with less EMG suppression (rho = − 0.44, p = 0.034). We conclude that the critical factor in modulating motor cortical activity was postural challenge and not contraction aim or posture. Age did not affect the motor control strategy as quantified by the modulation of motor cortical activity, but the modulation appeared at a lower task difficulty with increasing age

    Pflanzen für die Gesundheit-Vorstellung eines neuen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes zum ökologischen Anbau von Arzneipflanzen

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    Ecologically grown medicinal plants containing bioactive compounds hold great poten-tial as high-value niche crops for farmers. However, the way to grow these plants differs from traditional crops. Growing techniques, harvest methods and postharvest handling of the raw material plays a crucial role regarding the quality of the raw material that the farmers can offer. The purpose of a new research project financed by EU-Interreg IIIA programme is among other things to carry out production, harvest and processing experiments with plants containing bioactive plant compounds that hold a preventive effect toward diabetes II. One of the project´s goals is to draw up cultivation instructions for the primary producers to use when cultivating the plants in question. Examples of the plants that are being examined in the project are Goat´s Rue (Galega officinalis) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

    Nitrous oxide emissions from grass–clover swards as influenced by sward age and biological nitrogen fixation

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    Grassland renovation by cultivation and reseeding has been shown to increase short‐term emissions of N2O, but there is uncertainty about long‐term effects, despite the potential impacts of reseeding on sward composition and soil functions. A field experiment was therefore carried out to determine how N2O emissions from previously renovated grasslands varied in the intermediate to long‐term, compared with an undisturbed permanent grassland (PG). Plots on the PG site were renovated, either two (G2) or five (G5) years prior to the two experimental years. In each sward age and experimental year, annual N2O‐measurements were conducted on a weekly basis and compared with the undisturbed PG. Plots were either unfertilized or were fertilized with slurry (240 kg N ha−1 year−1). On average, annual N2O emissions were 0.39 kg N/ha for the unfertilized swards, and 0.91 kg N/ha for slurry‐fertilized swards. Sward age had no effect on N2O emissions. With increasing sward age the proportion of legumes in the sward was reduced, but a minimum biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) of 88 kg N/ha was maintained even in the fertilized PG. Both sward age and BNF were of limited importance for the annual N2O emissions compared with the effects of soil carbon content and nitrogen surplus levels. However, measured N2O emissions were low in all sward age treatments, with a low risk of additional N2O emissions when BNF is taken into account in fertilizer planning