12 research outputs found

    Identificação de Leishmania spp. e fontes alimentares em flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) capturados no município de Rio Verde de Mato Grosso - MS, Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical, 2018.Texto parcialmente liberado pelo autor. Conteúdo liberado: Resumos e referências.O Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul é endêmico para as leishmanioses, onde Leishmania infantum tem sido detectado em humanos, cães, gatos e flebotomíneos. O monitoramento da ocorrência de flebotomíneos sinantrópicos é fundamental para avaliação das atividades de vigilância e controle das leishmanioses. Nosso objetivo foi verificar a taxa de infecção natural por Leishmania e identificar as fontes alimentares em flebotomíneos capturados em áreas de transmissão de leishmaniose do município de Rio Verde do Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil nos anos de 2014 e 2016. Seis bairros do município foram selecionados devido a presença de casos de Leishmaniose Visceral e/ou Tegumentar. Em uma casa de cada bairro foram instaladas duas armadilhas do tipo CDC no peridomicílio. A identificação de Leishmania nas amostras foi realizada por kDNA-qPCR e por sequenciamento com alvo ITS. A detecção da fonte alimentar das fêmeas ingurgitadas foi realizada por meio de qPCR-cytb após análise High Resolution Melting (HRM-cyt b-qPCR). O esforço amostral total foi de 420 armadilhas CDC, das quais 380 foram positivas para flebotomíneos (sucesso de captura = 90,5%) com a captura de 24.989 flebotomíneos. Foram identificados 3.088 flebotomíneos distribuídos em 12 espécies. Lutzomyia longipalpis foi mais abundante em todos os pontos de coleta (n= 2.775), seguido de Nyssomyia whitmani (n=297). Foram analisadas 1261 fêmeas, agrupadas em 159 pools, dos quais 99 foram positivos na kDNA-qPCR de Leishmania, 92 de Lu. longipalpis (Taxa de infecção mínima – TIM = 8%) e 7 de Ny. whitmani (TIM = 7%). A maioria dos pools positivos de Lu. longipalpis foi detectada no ano de 2016 nos meses chuvosos. O sequenciamento revelou L. infantum nas amostras de Lu. longipalpis. DNA de galinha foi detectado em 57 flebotomíneos (98,3%) e apenas em uma fêmea foi detectado DNA humano (1,7%), a qual estava negativa para Leishmania na kDNA-qPCR. A taxa de infecção natural das fêmeas com DNA de galinha no conteúdo estomacal foi de 64,9% (37/57). Conclui-se que o risco de transmissão de L. infantum para humanos permanece na área estudada com alta frequência de flebotomíneos infectados no ambiente peridomiciliar.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Human leishmaniases are endemic in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, where Leishmania infantum has been detected in humans, dogs, cats, and phlebotomine sandfly vectors. Monitoring synanthropic vector populations is a critical component of leishmaniasis control-surveillance systems. Here, we used a suite of molecular approaches to assess Leishmania infection frequency and identify blood-meal sources in a large sample of sandflies collected in 2014 and 2016 in anthropic environments of a Leishmania-transmission area in MS (Rio Verde do Mato Grosso municipality). We sampled vectors in one peri-domestic site within each of six neighborhoods with recent records of human visceral and/or tegumentary leishmaniasis. We used kDNA-qPCR plus rDNA ITS sequencing to detect and identify Leishmania in pooled female sandflies. Individual blood-fed females (n = 58) were used for blood-meal analyses using qPCR plus High-Resolution Melting (HRM) of the mtDNA cytb gene. Overall, 90,5% of 420 CDC trap-nights yielded vectors, for a total of 24,989 sandflies. We identified 3088 sandflies in 12 species, including 2775 Lutzomyia longipalpis (the most abundant species at all sampling points) and 297 Nyssomyia whitmani. We tested 1261 female sandflies in 159 pools, of which 92 Lu. longipalpis (minimum infection rate [MIR] 8%) and 7 Ny. whitmani pools (MIR 7%) were Leishmania kDNA-qPCR-positive. Most positive Lu. longipalpis were collected in the 2016 rainy season. Sequencing confirmed L. infantum in Lu. longipalpis samples. HRM identified chicken DNA in 57 sandflies (98.3%), 37 of which were Leishmania DNA-positive; human blood was found in just one (Leishmania-negative) female (1.7%). Our data show ongoing risk of L. infantum transmission to humans in the study area, where Leishmania-infected sandfly vectors are common (and heavily rely on chicken blood) in the peri-domestic environment

    Liga acadêmica de saúde mental: Relato de uma experiência de educação interprofissional

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    Objective: This article aims to share the building experience of the Academic League of Mental Health (LASM) at a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from a perspective centered at interprofessional work, health biopsychosocial comprehension and the integration between teaching, researching and extension activities, thus, teamwork has become indispensable. Experience report: LASM has prioritized health interprofessional education since 2019, which has marked the student board formation, guiding professors and the participants involved, LASM is composed of undergraduate students and professors in Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Medicine. This process was important to enable greater coverage and access to knowledge regarding the learning of health promotion strategy and in carrying out activities to extend knowledge centers. Conclusion: This new format has ensured professionals formation toward interprofessional work, in accordance with the practical actions proposed by the Unified Health System (SUS). Therefore, these interprofessional characteristics revealed to be essential for the new composition of LASM.Objetivo: Presentar la experiencia de construcción de la Liga Académica de Salud Mental (LASM) en una universidad pública del interior del estado de São Paulo, a la luz de la interprofesionalidad, la comprensión biopsicosocial de la salud y la integración entre enseñanza, investigación y extensión. Informe de experencia: A partir de 2019, en LASM se prioriza la interprofesionalidad, lo que ha marcado la formación de la mesa de estudiantes, los docentes orientadores y los participantes involucrados. Cuenta con estudiantes de pregrado y profesores en Enfermería, Medicina, Psicología y Terapia Ocupacional. Este proceso fue importante para posibilitar una mayor cobertura y acceso al conocimiento en cuanto al aprendizaje de estrategias de promoción de la salud y la realización de actividades de extensión en estos centros de conocimiento. Conclusión: Este nuevo formato ha asegurado la formación de profesionales capaces de trabajar interprofesionalmente, de acuerdo con las acciones prácticas propuestas por el Unificado de Salud. Sistema. Por tanto, este carácter interprofesional resultó ser fundamental para la nueva composición de LASM.Objetivo: Apresentar a experiência de construção da Liga Acadêmica de Saúde Mental (LASM) de uma universidade pública do interior do estado de São Paulo, à luz da interprofissionalidade, da compreensão biopsicossocial de saúde e da integração entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Relato da experiência: A partir de 2019, priorizou-se na LASM a interprofissionalidade, a qual tem marcado a formação da diretoria de alunos, professores orientadores e participantes envolvidos. Conta com estudantes e professores das graduações em Enfermagem, Medicina, Psicologia e Terapia Ocupacional. Esse processo foi importante para possibilitar a maior abrangência e acesso aos conhecimentos no que diz respeito ao aprendizado de estratégias de promoção de saúde e na realização de atividades de extensão nesses núcleos de saberes. Conclusão: Este novo formato tem garantido a formação de profissionais capazes de atuar interprofissionalmente, de acordo com as atuações práticas propostas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Portanto, este caráter interprofissional mostrou-se essencial para a nova composição da LASM

    The role of gallery forests in maintaining Phlebotominae populations: potential Leishmania spp. vectors in the Brazilian savanna

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    Background: knowledge on synanthropic phlebotomines and their natural infection by Leishmania is necessary for the identification of potential areas for leishmaniasis occurrence. Objective: to analyse the occurrence of Phlebotominae in gallery forests and household units (HUs) in the city of Palmas and to determine the rate of natural infection by trypanosomatids. Methods: gallery forests and adjacent household areas were sampled on July (dry season) and November (rainy season) in 2014. The total sampling effort was 960 HP light traps and eight Shannon traps. Trypanosomatids were detected in Phlebotominae females through the amplification of the SSU rDNA region, and the positive samples were used in ITS1-PCR. Trypanosomatid species were identified using sequencing. Findings: a total of 1,527 sand flies representing 30 species were captured in which 949 (28 spp.) and 578 (22 spp.) were registered in July and November, respectively. In July, more specimens were captured in the gallery forests than in the HUs, and Nyssomyia whitmani was particularly frequent. In November, most of the specimens were found in the HUs, and again, Ny. whitmani was the predominant species. Lutzomyia longipalpis was commonly found in domestic areas, while Bichromomyia flaviscutellata was most frequent in gallery forests. Molecular analysis of 154 pools of females (752 specimens) identified Leishmania amazonensis, L. infantum, and Crithidia fasciculata in Ny. whitmani, as well as L. amazonensis in Lu. longipalpis, Trypanosoma sp. and L. amazonensis in Pintomyia christenseni, and L. amazonensis in both Psathyromyia hermanlenti and Evandromyia walkeri. Main conclusions: these results show the importance of gallery forests in maintaining Phlebotominae populations in the dry month, as well as their frequent occurrence in household units in the rainy month. This is the first study to identify Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and Crithidia species in Phlebotominae collected in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

    E as mulheres negras? Narrativas históricas de um feminismo à margem das ondas

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    Neste texto refletimos as seguintes perguntas: onde estão as mulheres negras nas narrativas hegemônicas sobre os movimentos de mulheres e feministas brasileiros? Até que ponto os limites teóricos e os caminhos metodológicos que constituem boa parte da historiografia do feminismo e da luta das mulheres da primeira metade do século XX no Brasil não nos permitiram, ou não nos foram suficientes, para refletir as trajetórias de lutas das mulheres negras? Afinal, qual a história das pautas e reivindicações feministas? Ou melhor, como essa história é contada

    Ocorrência de flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) em matas de galeria no Distrito Federal, Brasil

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    We analyzed the occurrence of phlebotomine sand flies in the gallery forests of the Federal District (FD), in different seasons, forest strata and conservation status. The samples were collected in three areas in the Água Limpa Farm, University of Brasília. In each area the occurrence data were analyzed in 20 collection sites visited on two months, November 2012 (rainy season) and May 2013 (dry season). HP light traps were installed at 1.5 m and 10 m above the ground operating from 17:00 to 7:00 h, during three consecutive days. We set 359 trap-nights during the rainy season and 291 during the dry season. None sand fly was caught during the rainy season. In the dry season 250 sand flies were captured. The identified species were Psathyromyia runoides (Fairchild & Hertig) (79.9%), Pintomyia monticola (Costa Lima) (9.7%), Micropygomyia quinquefer (Dyar) (3.7%), Psathyromyia shannoni (Dyar) (3%), Bichromomyia flaviscutellata (Mangabeira) (0.7%), Brumptomyia sp. (0.7%), Pintomyia kuscheli (Le Pont, Martinez, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin) (0.7%), Psathyromyia lutziana (Costa Lima) (0.7%), and Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte) (0.7%). The results indicated that in the gallery forests of the FD there is a higher occurrence of sand flies in the dry season, at ground level and in preserved areas. Pa runoides, Pi. kuscheli and Mi. quinquefer were recorded for the first time in the FD.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrência de flebotomíneos em matas de galeria do Distrito Federal (DF), em diferentes estações climáticas, estratos verticais e condições de preservação das matas. As capturas foram realizadas em três áreas na Fazenda Água Limpa da Universidade de Brasília. Em cada área foi analisada a ocorrência de flebotomíneos em 20 pontos visitados em dois meses, novembro de 2012 (estação chuvosa) e maio de 2013 (estação seca). Armadilhas luminosas HP foram instaladas a 1,5 m e a 10 m de altura do solo, operando entre 17:00 e 07:00 h, por três dias consecutivos. Foram instaladas 359 armadilhas-noite na estação chuvosa e 291 na seca. Nenhum flebotomíneo foi capturado na estação chuvosa. Na estação seca foram capturados 250 exemplares. As espécies identificadas foram Psathyromyia runoides (Fairchild & Hertig) (79,9%), Pintomyia monticola (Costa Lima) (9,7%), Micropygomyia quinquefer (Dyar) (3,7%), Psathyromyia shannoni (Dyar) (3%), Bichromomyia flaviscutellata (Mangabeira) (0,7%), Brumptomyia sp. (0,7%), Pintomyia kuscheli (Le Pont, Martinez, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin) (0,7%), Psathyromyia lutziana (Costa Lima) (0.7%) e Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte) (0,7%). Os resultados indicam que em matas de galeria do DF há uma maior ocorrência de flebotomíneos na estação seca, no nível do solo e em áreas preservadas. Registra-se pela primeira vez Pa. runoides, Pi. kuscheli e Mi. quinquefer no DF

    Molecular detection of Trypanosoma sp. and Blastocrithidia sp. (Trypanosomatidae) in phlebotomine sand flies (Psychodidae) in the Federal District of Brazil

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION : This study describes the occurrence of trypanosomatids in phlebotomines in Brasília, Brazil. METHODS : Two hundred and ten females of 13 sand fly species were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using different molecular markers (D7 24Sα rRNA, kDNA, and ITS1) and sequencing. RESULTS : PCR revealed trypanosomatid-positive samples from Nyssomyia whitmani and Evandromyia evandroi, which were negative by kDNA and ITS1 Leishmania-specific PCRs. DNA sequence analysis of D7 24Sα rRNA amplicons indicated the occurrence of Blastocrithidia sp. and Trypanosoma sp. in Nyssomyia whitmani and Evandromyia evandroi, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Two trypanosomatid species other than Leishmania sp. were found to circulate in sand flies in Central Brazil

    Parasite Detection in Visceral Leishmaniasis Samples by Dye-Based qPCR Using New Gene Targets of <i>Leishmania infantum</i> and <i>Crithidia</i>

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected disease considered a serious public health problem, especially in endemic countries. Several studies have discovered monoxenous trypanosomatids (Leptomonas and Crithidia) in patients with VL. In different situations of leishmaniasis, investigations have examined cases of co-infection between Leishmania spp. and Crithidia spp. These coinfections have been observed in a wide range of vertebrate hosts, indicating that they are not rare. Diagnostic techniques require improvements and more robust tools to accurately detect the causative agent of VL. This study aimed to develop a real-time quantitative dye-based PCR (qPCR) assay capable of distinguishing Leishmania infantum from Crithidia-related species and to estimate the parasite load in samples of VL from humans and animals. The primer LinJ31_2420 targets an exclusive phosphatase of L. infantum; the primer Catalase_LVH60-12060_1F targets the catalase gene of Crithidia. Therefore, primers were designed to detect L. infantum and Crithidia sp. LVH60A (a novel trypanosomatid isolated from VL patients in Brazil), in samples related to VL. These primers were considered species-specific, based on sequence analysis using genome data retrieved from the TriTryp database and the genome assembling of Crithidia sp. LVH60A strain, in addition to experimental and clinical data presented herein. This novel qPCR assay was highly accurate in identifying and quantifying L. infantum and Crithidia sp. LVH60A in samples obtained experimentally (in vitro and in vivo) or collected from hosts (humans, dogs, cats, and vectors). Importantly, the screening of 62 cultured isolates from VL patients using these primers surprisingly revealed that 51 parasite cultures were PCR+ for Crithidia sp. In addition, qPCR assays identified the co-infection of L. infantum with Crithidia sp. LVH60A in two new VL cases in Brazil, confirming the suspicion of co-infection in a previously reported case of fatal VL. We believe that the species-specific genes targeted in this study can be helpful for the molecular diagnosis of VL, as well as for elucidating suspected co-infections with monoxenous-like trypanosomatids, which is a neglected fact of a neglected disease