50 research outputs found

    Mineral pellicles on the lakes surface of warm and cold zones in Kungur ice cave

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    Investigation of mineral pellicles formed at the surface of ponds in Kungur Ice Cave showed their structure and formation mechanism to depend on location in a cold or warm microclimatic zone. In spite of identical initial chemical composition of solutions, infiltrated through carbonate-sulfate massif, different climatic zones are characterized by specific order of mineral crystallization on the water surface. The revealed difference is related to various climatic conditions and solution supersaturation mechanisms. Mineral pellicles formed in different microclimatic zones are described in the article

    Subjective factors of travel activity for the purpose of cultural support of biological diversity for individuals with different success levels

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    It is shown that the activity of a person’s travels is associated with his psychological characteristics, ideological attitudes, needs for new connections and knowledge. Travel is endowed with a psychological resource that allows you to actualize the motivation for positive personality transformations. A system of internal factors for personal travel activity is identified and described: direction, tolerance for uncertainty, interests, tendency to accept novelty and test one’s capabilities. The factors that determine the specificity of travel trajectory choice and tourist programs’ types in the conditions of modern realities are described. The content of external and internal factors that can enhance the psychological resource of travel as a platform for self-development and personal improvement is shown. The role of travel in cognitive, communicative and personal transformations, in the development of the subject’s ability to productively solve complex situations and effective activity in conditions of uncertainty is shown. The novelty of the study lies in the identification and subjective factors’ description of travel activity for individuals with different success levels. Empirically, studies have identified severity indicators of tolerance and intolerance to uncertainty among participants in tourism programs with different statuses of success and self-efficacy

    Establishment and characterization of a new human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line with high metastatic potential to the lung

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pancreatic cancer is still associated with devastating prognosis. Real progress in treatment options has still not been achieved. Therefore new models are urgently needed to investigate this deadly disease. As a part of this process we have established and characterized a new human pancreatic cancer cell line.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The newly established pancreatic cancer cell line PaCa 5061 was characterized for its morphology, growth rate, chromosomal analysis and mutational analysis of the K-<it>ras</it>, EGFR and p53 genes. Gene-amplification and RNA expression profiles were obtained using an Affymetrix microarray, and overexpression was validated by IHC analysis. Tumorigenicity and spontaneous metastasis formation of PaCa 5061 cells were analyzed in pfp<sup>-/-</sup>/rag2<sup>-/- </sup>mice. Sensitivity towards chemotherapy was analysed by MTT assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PaCa 5061 cells grew as an adhering monolayer with a doubling time ranging from 30 to 48 hours. M-FISH analyses showed a hypertriploid complex karyotype with multiple numerical and unbalanced structural aberrations. Numerous genes were overexpressed, some of which have previously been implicated in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (GATA6, IGFBP3, IGFBP6), while others were detected for the first time (MEMO1, RIOK3). Specifically highly overexpressed genes (fold change > 10) were identified as EGFR, MUC4, CEACAM1, CEACAM5 and CEACAM6. Subcutaneous transplantation of PaCa 5061 into pfp<sup>-/-</sup>/rag2<sup>-/- </sup>mice resulted in formation of primary tumors and spontaneous lung metastasis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The established PaCa 5061 cell line and its injection into pfp<sup>-/-</sup>/rag2<sup>-/- </sup>mice can be used as a new model for studying various aspects of the biology of human pancreatic cancer and potential treatment approaches for the disease.</p

    Использование низкобелковых обогащенных крахмаломучных продуктов в диетотерапии больных фенилкетонурией детей в возрасте старше 1 года

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values.Обоснование. В питании детей с фенилкетонурией широко используют специализированные продукты на основе крахмалов, ассортимент которых постоянно расширяется.Цель исследования — изучить безопасность состава хлопьев крахмаломучных, обогащенных комплексом жирорастворимых витаминов, натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, используемых в пище детей с фенилкетонурией.Методы. В исследование включали детей в возрасте до 14 лет, комплаентных к ранее проводимой гипофенилаланиновой диете, без острых инфекционных, тяжелых соматических или неврологических заболеваний. Исследуемые продукты — крахмалоржаные, пшеничные и пшеничные плодово-ягодные хлопья с комплексом провитамина А и витамина Е — назначали взамен применявшихся ранее низкобелковых кондитерских изделий в количестве 20–25 г/сут детям младше 6 лет, по 30–40 г — детям, достигших возраста или старше 6 лет. Продукты выдавали с рекомендацией использовать поочередно, продолжительностью не менее 10 сут, всего на 30 сут исследования. Безопасность продуктов оценивали по концентрации фенилаланина в крови (определяли флюориметрическим методом). Дополнительно оценивали органолептические качества продуктов и динамику физического развития детей.Результаты. В исследование включили 15 детей, средний возраст 4,4±1,9 года. Исходная концентрация фенилаланина в крови варьировала от 1,6 до 3,9 мг%, медиана — 2,2 мг% (2,0; 2,8). Через 30 сут после включения в рацион крахмаломучных хлопьев содержание фенилаланина в крови не изменилось и составило 2,5 мг% (2,2; 2,7); р=0,859. Органолептические свойства продуктов были оценены на «отлично» всеми пациентами и их родителями (у детей в возрасте до 6 лет — только согласно оценке родителей). Показатели физического развития не изменились. Нежелательные явления (аллергические реакции, диспепсии, отказ от приема продуктов) не зафиксированы.Заключение. Введение в рацион детей с фенилкетонурией новых функциональных продуктов — хлопьев крахмаломучных низкобелковых, обогащенных витаминным комплексом и натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, позволяет сохранять уровень фенилаланина в крови на уровне референсных значений.ИСТОЧНИК ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЯ Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Федерального государственного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт крахмалопродуктов» Федерального агентства научных организаций (Московская область). Для целей исследования использовались продукты, безвозмездно предоставленные производителем (опытное производство ФГНУ «ВНИИК» ФАНО).КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВ Т.Э. Боровик, Н.Н. Семёнова, О.Л. Лукоянова, Н.Г. Звонкова, Т.В. Бушуева, Т.Н. Степанова, В.А. Скворцова — проведение научно-исследовательских работ при поддержке компаний Heinz, Semper, Хипрока Нутришион Ист Лимитед. И.М. Гусева, Е.А. Рославцева, А.К. Геворкян, С.Т. Быкова, Т.Г. Калинина, С.Г. Калиненкова подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов.ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ПРИЗНАТЕЛЬНОСТИ Выражаем благодарность к.м.н. С.Г. Калиненковой (Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф. Владимирского) за участие в выполнении лабораторной части данного исследования. 

    Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 8

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    In this 8th contribution to the Fungal Systematics and Evolution series published by Sydowia, the authors formally describe 11 species: Cortinarius caryae, C. flavolilacinus, C. lilaceolamellatus, C. malodorus, C. olivaceolamellatus, C. quercophilus, C. violaceoflavescens, C. viridicarneus, Entoloma meridionale (Agaricales), Hortiboletus rupicapreus (Boletales), and Paraglomus peruvianum (Paraglomerales). The following new country records are reported: Bolbitius callistus (Agaricales) from Russia and Hymenoscyphus equiseti (Helotiales) from Sweden. Hymenoscyphus equiseti is proposed as a new combination for Lanzia equiseti, based on ITS and LSU sequence data in combination with morphological study

    Strait of Constantinople on views Arabic medieval Scientists (before al-Idrisi)

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    The article is devoted to representations of Arab geographers of the 9th –11th centuries on waterways linking Byzantium and Asia Minor with the north of Europe. “Geography” Ptolemy was important for the Arabs. Al-Khwarizmi’s book changed the coordinates of the Ptolemy and transformed the ancient beliefs, showing the connection Meotis and North Outer Sea. Al-Khwarizmi was not aware of the Cimmerian Bosporus and the confluence of the Black and Azov Seas. However, a break from the Black Sea (“Sea Barika and Lazika” by al-Khwarizmi) to Constantinople, as well as further communication with seas up to Gibraltar were known al-Khwarizmi. Ibn Khordadbeh, Ibn Rusta and a num-ber of later geographers learned about Constantinople and the surrounding waters, including the Strait, from the former Byzantine captives; they do not lead the ancient names for the Black and Azov Seas. Al-Battani and a number of other scientists after him, on the contrary, used the names of Pont and Meotis. He described connection of the Meotis, located on the north by the river Tanais, the Pont, who, in turn, was connected by a channel passing by Constantinople, to the Mediterranean Sea. In the tenth century Arab geographers presented the socalled “Atlas of Islam”. Maps don't have the coordinates and were schematic images of water bodies and land, with their description. The founder of this school was al-Balkhi, whose work was considered lost, but now it is believed that it is still preserved. His work was the foundation for al-Istakhri and his younger contemporary of Ibn Haukal, with the consent of the first, used and changed the work of al-Istakhri. All these maps and texts have the peculiarity that do not know the names for the Black and Azov Seas, but there is the huge body of water, stretching from Gibraltar to Syria and Egypt, and then turning to the north and rolling in the Strait of Constantinople. This stream passes Constantinople and Byzantium and passed the land of the Slavs, leaves in northern waters, which are considered part of the surrounding land Ocean. A recently was published an anonymous map and text to it (the beginning of 11th century). It is somewhat similar to the map of Ibn Haukal: Strait of Constantinople also departs from the general body of water, but about Constantinople shows the “long wall” and also the city of Kiev (Kuiaba) – a single image it on the Arabic maps. This is a unique card. Thus, the Arab geographers show information about the connections of the northern lands (Rus, Khazaria, Bulgaria on Volga, Scandinavia) with Byzantium and the East. The fact that many do not know about the existence of the Black and Azov seas, is advantageous to the areas of their interest of Islam and the Volga region

    Константинопольский пролив по воззрениям арабских средневековых ученых (до ал-Идриси)Константинопольский пролив по воззрениям арабских средневековых ученых (до ал-Идриси)

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    The article is devoted to representations of Arab geographers of the 9th –11th centuries on waterways linking Byzantium and Asia Minor with the north of Europe. “Geography” Ptolemy was important for the Arabs. Al-Khwarizmi’s book changed the coordinates of the Ptolemy and transformed the ancient beliefs, showing the connection Meotis and North Outer Sea. Al-Khwarizmi was not aware of the Cimmerian Bosporus and the confluence of the Black and Azov Seas. However, a break from the Black Sea (“Sea Barika and Lazika” by al-Khwarizmi) to Constantinople, as well as further communication with seas up to Gibraltar were known al-Khwarizmi. Ibn Khordadbeh, Ibn Rusta and a num-ber of later geographers learned about Constantinople and the surrounding waters, including the Strait, from the former Byzantine captives; they do not lead the ancient names for the Black and Azov Seas. Al-Battani and a number of other scientists after him, on the contrary, used the names of Pont and Meotis. He described connection of the Meotis, located on the north by the river Tanais, the Pont, who, in turn, was connected by a channel passing by Constantinople, to the Mediterranean Sea. In the tenth century Arab geographers presented the socalled “Atlas of Islam”. Maps don't have the coordinates and were schematic images of water bodies and land, with their description. The founder of this school was al-Balkhi, whose work was considered lost, but now it is believed that it is still preserved. His work was the foundation for al-Istakhri and his younger contemporary of Ibn Haukal, with the consent of the first, used and changed the work of al-Istakhri. All these maps and texts have the peculiarity that do not know the names for the Black and Azov Seas, but there is the huge body of water, stretching from Gibraltar to Syria and Egypt, and then turning to the north and rolling in the Strait of Constantinople. This stream passes Constantinople and Byzantium and passed the land of the Slavs, leaves in northern waters, which are considered part of the surrounding land Ocean. A recently was published an anonymous map and text to it (the beginning of 11th century). It is somewhat similar to the map of Ibn Haukal: Strait of Constantinople also departs from the general body of water, but about Constantinople shows the “long wall” and also the city of Kiev (Kuiaba) – a single image it on the Arabic maps. This is a unique card. Thus, the Arab geographers show information about the connections of the northern lands (Rus, Khazaria, Bulgaria on Volga, Scandinavia) with Byzantium and the East. The fact that many do not know about the existence of the Black and Azov seas, is advantageous to the areas of their interest of Islam and the Volga region.Статья посвящена представлениям арабских географов IX – начала XI в. о водных связях Византии и Малой Азии с севером Европы. «География» Птолемея имела важное значение для арабов. Ал-Хорезми изменил координаты книги Птолемея и трансформировал античные воззрения, показав связь Меотиды и Северного Внешнего моря. Ал-Хорезми не знал о проливе Босфор Киммерийский и слиянии Черного и Азовского морей. Однако пролив от Черного моря (море Барики и Лазики у ал-Хорезми) до Константинополя, как и дальнейшая связь с морями вплоть до Гибралтара, были известны ал-Хорезми. Ибн Хордадбех, Ибн Русте и ряд более поздних географов получили знания о Константинополе и окружающих водах, в том числе о проливе, от бывших византийских пленников; они не приводили античных названий для Черного и Азовского морей. Ал-Баттани и ряд других ученых вслед за ним, напротив, использовали имена Понт и Меотис и описывали соединение Меотиса, находящегося на севере, посредством реки Танаис, с Понтом, который, в свою очередь, был связан проливом, проходящим мимо Константинополя, со Средиземным морем. В Х в. арабские географы представили т. н. Атлас ислама. Карты не имели координат, а были схематичными изображениями водных массивов и суши, с их описанием. Основоположником был ал-Балхи, труд которого считался утерянным, хотя ныне есть мнение, что он все же сохранился. На его про-изведение опирался ал-Истахри, а его младший современник Ибн Хаукал, с согласия первого, использовал и изменил труд ал-Истахри. Все эти карты и тексты имеют ту особенность, что не знают названий для Черного или Азовского морей, но представляют на картах и в тексте огромный водный массив, тянущийся от Гибралтара до Сирии и Египта, затем поворачивающий к северу и переходящий в Константинопольский пролив. Этот поток проходит мимо Константинополя и, миновав Византию и земли славян, уходит в северные воды, которые считались частью Окружающего землю Океана. Недавно опубликованная анонимная карта и текст к ней начала XI в. схожа с картой Ибн Хаукала: Константинопольский пролив тоже отходит от общего водного массива, но около Константинополя показана «длинная стена» и обозначен город Киев (Куйаба) – единственное изобра-жение его на арабских картах. Таким образом, арабские географы показывали информацию о связях северных земель (Руси, Хазарии, Волжской Булгарии, Скандинавии) с Византией и Востоком. То обстоятельство, что многие не знали о существовании Черного и Азовского морей, означает преимущественный интерес их к областям ислама и Поволжья

    Transformation of a mathematical model of gas flow distribution to solve the problems of gas supply system development

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    This paper proposes taking into account new properties of gas supply systems in a mathematical model of flow distribution in comparison with the traditional formulation. The approach suggests introducing an arc coefficient, which allows for changes in the magnitude of gas flow passing along the arc, a vector of an increase in the arc throughput, and lower constraints on the gas flow along the arc. We also propose considering a new economic environment, namely, new criteria for optimizing the flow distribution and setting fictitious gas prices for consumers. These criteria enable us to take account of the priority gas supply to a definite group of consumers. As an example, the calculation of gas flows for the aggregated Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) for 2030 is considered. This calculation takes into account the arc coefficients and the increase in the throughput of arcs