124 research outputs found

    Correction of functional disorders of hepatobillary and gastrointestinal systems in dogs with the phenomena of malnutricia

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    The correction of functional disorders of the hepatobiliar and gastrointestinal systems in dogs with the phenomena of malnutricin against the background of allergic enteropathy should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the nature of trophological disorders and the degree of involvement in the pathological process of organs hepatobillary and gastrointestinal systems. Conducted additional nutritive support with the use of three-stage functional complex of biologically active additives based on prebiotic and probiotic components «GI-HB-3.1» as part of an integrated correction scheme in dogs contributed to the restoration of the nutritional status of sick animals, stabilization of the level of markers of malnutricia (RBC -7,030,18 1012/l; Hb - 148,033,01 g/l; HCT - 44,700,47 %; T-Pro – 68,04±0,57 g/l; ALB – 33,60±0,80 g/l; GLB – 34,440,91 g/l; A/G – 0,970,02; К - 3,980,15 mmol/l; Ca - 2,540,05 mmol/l), solution of inflammatory process in gastrointestinal tract (WBC - 11,100,74×109/l), optimization of hepatocyte redox-homeostasis (АLТ - 60,70±5,03 U/l; АSТ - 30,58±5,08 U/l; ALP - 87,038,69 U/l) and protein and energy exchange indicators (T-Pro – 68,04±0,57 g/l; GLB – 34,440,91 g/l; A/G - 0.970.02) against the background of the optimization of the immune response (Ig E - 5.760.30 U/ml), the disappearance of the manifestation of gastrointestinal and hepatocapular syndromes on the 15th day of complex correction

    N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) Gene Polymorphisms and the Effectiveness of Infertility Treatment in Patients with Peritoneal Endometriosis

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    Today, infertility has become a global issue. WHO ranks it the fifth among the major diseases of those below 60 years, after alcoholism, depression, injuries and eyesight disorders. Numerous studies conducted on the problems of infertility in endometriosis still do not offer clear answers regarding the pathogenesis and mechanisms of this disease and its influences on fertility. According to the survey results, point mutations of the NAT2 gene (NAT2*5 and NAT2*6) have been identified in 75.6% of the patients with infertility problems and the peritoneal form of endometriosis, that create “slow” allelic variants, which exceed the average index in the population. The peculiarities of the NAT2 gene polymorphisms have been proven to be associated with the effectiveness of the infertility treatment of female patients with peritoneal endometriosis. In the group of non-pregnant patients, the presence of с.341Т>C, c.481C>T, c.590G>A and c.803A>G heterozygous point mutations are 73.2, 73.2, 5.4, and 62.5%, respectively. The significant difference in the comparison of the allelic polymorphism during the various stages of the endometriosis was not identified. At stage III-IV endometriosis the frequency of three and more point substitutions was significantly higher. NAT2 gene polymorphisms can find use as an additional criterion for predicting the effectiveness of the infertility treatment of patients with peritoneal endometriosis

    Oxidative detoxification of organomercury pesticides

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    A method of oxidative mineralization of the organomercury granozan pesticide commercial form under mild conditions was investigated. The product components of hazard class 1 were destructed to the low-toxic compounds in the electrolyte under the oxidants electrochemically formed in situ in sulphuric acid solutions of pesticide. Simultaneously, at the cathode, the mercury ions formed as a result of the pesticide organic component destruction process reduce up to more than 90%

    Biodegradation Potential of SteccherinumOchraceum: Growth on Different Wood Types and Preliminary Evaluation of Enzymatic Activities

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    White-rot fungi isa source of a great variety of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes suitable for biotechnological applications, e.g. in pulp and paper, textile and food industries, bioethanol production, degradation of recalcitrant environmental pollutants,and others. Steccherinumochraceum is a xylotrophicwhite-rot basidiomycetethat can be found in variousclimatic zones on different woody substrates (mostly well decayed). For this research, seventeenstrains of S. ochraceumwere collected in different regions of Russia from various wood substrates (aspen, alder, oak, hazel, birch and willow). Phylogeneticanalyseswere performedbasedon the nucleotide sequences of ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S rRNA, 28S rRNA, β-tubulin and tef1.Oxidaseandcellulaseactivitieswereassessedbyplate-tests with ABTS and CMC. Forevaluation of biodegradation potential,solid state fermentation on alder and pine sawdust wasperformed. Weightanddensitylossaswellas the C:Nratioweremeasuredafter 90 days of cultivation.All S. ochraceum strains exhibited high oxidative activity towards ABTS, indicating secretion of oxidative enzymes (i.e. laccases and class II peroxidases). Cellulase activity was medium or low for most strains and in some strains – absent. Allstrainswereabletodegradealderandpinesawdust. There was no correlation between the enzymatic activity, biodegradation potential and geographic origin of S. ochraceum strains. However, S. ochraceum strains isolated from the same wood substrates exhibited similar characteristics in most cases. Strain LE-BIN 3398 was the most effective for degrading both alder and pine sawdust and could be regarded as a promising source of oxidative enzymes for biotechnology. Keywords: basidiomycetes, biodegradation, solid state fermentation, oxidase activity, Steccherinumochraceu

    Probiotic Potential and Functional Properties of Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Helveticus: A Comparative Study

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    This study was conducted to evaluate and comparethe probiotic propertiesofLactobacillus helveticusNK1, Lactobacillus rhamnosusF and Lactobacillus reuteriLR1lactobacilli strains.Changes in pH, cell growth, proteolytic activity, antioxidantactivity, and angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE)inhibitoryactivity were monitored during fermentation ofreconstituted skim milk (RSM) by pure cultures of lactobacilli.Among the tested strains, L. helveticusNK1 showed the highest proteolytic, ACE inhibitoryand antioxidantactivitiesduring milk fermentation,followed by L. rhamnosus F and L. reuteriLR1.The promising capability of all of the lactobacilli strains to release bioactivepeptides from the milk proteins was demonstrated. Keywords: Lactobacillus, probiotic, milk fermentation, bioactive peptide

    Situational modelling of oil pollution risks monitored by distributed monitoring

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    The work is studying the distributed system of natural environment monitoring points. The purpose of the study is to solve two main problems of optimization: a) optimization of risks of emergency events; b) optimal cessation of environmental monitoring, which allows to reduce the costs of observation. Monitoring of the environment contaminated with petroleum products is relevant. Traditionally used methods and monitoring itself are expensive and technological complex mechanisms, often requiring satellite data. When studying environmental pollution, it is important to consider situational risks and stochastic irreversible changes in nature. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply the methods and methodology of the system approach, which are used in the article for analysis of complex data structures and entropy of the system. For the informativeness of less long monitoring, it's represented by four main subsystems (capture, operation, selection and decision-making) and evaluated using an information-entropy approach. The work will solve the practical task of monitoring the contaminated environment

    Hydro-geochemical characteristics and transformation processes of the Lena River Delta branches

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    Previous studies have shown that arctic river delta systems are areas of accumulation of geochemical substances at the sea-river mixing zone. In the Lena River Delta our previous work shows the tendencies of water runoff redistribution changes and heterogeneity of suspended supply distribution along the delta branches, accumulation and erosion zone in the different parts of the delta. Nevertheless, the processes of geochemical flow transformation in the subaerial deltas are so far underestimated. In order to close this gap, we sampled water, suspended and bottom sediments in the Lena River Delta in the summer seasons of 2010 and 2014. Most of the sampling points were tight to the profiles of hydrological measurements held in the delta and highlighted in Fedorova et al. [2015]. The results show that geochemical transformation of the Lena River runoff is taking place in the delta. The most active time for the transformation is the summer season due to the activity of sediment accumulation and biogeochemical processes. Hydrological conditions in the delta affect also its hydrogeochemical characteristics. Furcation of the delta branches affects the hydrodynamic conditions of different delta areas. The factors influencing the geochemical characteristics of the delta were identified on the base of geochemical indexes approach applied to sediments and statistical factor analysis. Based on geochemical indexes (Al/Na, Si/Al, Fe/Mn and Fe/Al ratios) similar conditions were determined for the main branch of the Lena, the upstream parts of Bykovskaya and Tumatskaya branches and in Olenekskaya branch near Chay-Tumus. Despite of high runoff the branches are characterized by element accumulation, which can be explained by decreasing of flow turbulence and specificity redox conditions in these areas. Bottom sediments are one of the most important indicators of geochemical transformation processes. The results of statistical factor analysis show three main factors for formation of the these geochemical conditions in the delta: 1. the general water flow of the Lena River, which is influenced by the lithogenous base of the river catchment, 2. the cryogenic condition of the Lena Delta (permafrost degradation processes and cryogenic weathering) and 3. biogeochemical transformation during redistribution of chemical water components , suspended matter and bottom sediments. Acknowledgements The research was supported by grant No. 14-05-00787 A of Russian Foundation for Basic Research References Fedorova, I.; Chetverova, A.; Bolshiyanov, D.; Makarov, A.; Boike, J.; Heim, B.; Morgenstern, A.; Overduin, P. P.; Wegner, C.; Kashina, V.; Eulenburg, A.; Dobrotina, E. and Sidorina, I. [2015]: Lena Delta hydrology and geochemistry: long-term hydrological data and recent field observations. Biogeosciences, 12(2):345–363, doi:10.5194/bg-12-345-2015

    The use of argon plasma coagulation in mammoplasty as a prevention of postoperative complications

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    The frequency of reoperations associated with complications after mammoplasty reaches 15 % during the first year. There are many ways and means for processing the soft tissues of the breast during mammoplasty, helping to reduce the risk of postoperative complications. The purpose of this work was to develop an algorithm for the application of the argon plasma technique for tissue treatment in mammoplasty. Material and methods. The study included 30 females aged 23 to 46 who underwent mammoplasty. The patients were divided into 2 groups of 15 people. In group 1, standard methods of processing soft tissues were used, and in group 2, the argon plasma technique was used in conjunction with the use of Aristo glue. Patients were observed in the early, late and distant postoperative period. Results. In the course of the study, in addition to the excellent coagulation and bactericidal action of argon plasma, the effect of “pulling up” the soft tissues of the mammary gland was found, which, in case of ptosis of I and II degrees, made it possible to use a smaller implant to achieve an optimal aesthetic result. Also, when using the argon plasma technology, no inflammatory processes were observed, the amount of exudative fluid in the drains decreased, the pain syndrome was significantly less pronounced in comparison with patients who underwent the standard method of tissue processing. Conclusions. This study confirms the fact that the use of argon plasma coagulation in the processing of breast tissue has a significant number of advantages compared to standard methods