131 research outputs found

    Growth of High Quality Si0.75Ge0.25 alloy layers using various types of buffer layers

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    The oxidation process of layered compound Ca Se which has no dangling bond on the cleaved surface has been studied by XPS and AES techniques. At room temperature, the cleaved surface is not oxidized in oxvgen gas atmosphere. By Ar ion sputtering, the surface becomes to show the behavior of metallic Ca due to the dissipation of the first sublayer of Se in a primitive layer Se-Ca-Ca-Se. The thin layer of the metallic Ca is easily oxidized. In the case of thermal oxidation of cleaved Ca Se in air atmosphere, the oxygen diffuses into the primitive layer and combines with Ca, which causes the severance of the intralayer bonding between Se and Ca atoms. At temperature higher than 450℃, the oxygen is also intercalated between the primitive layers from the sides perpendicular to the layers. No Se oxides are observed under any of the oxidation conditions

    Characterization of GaS-Deposited GaAs Surface by XPS and PL

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    Distribution of stable isotopes of Mo and W from a river to the ocean: signatures of anthropogenic pollution

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    Molybdenum and tungsten are redox-sensitive elements, and their stable isotope ratios have attracted attention as paleoceanographic proxies. However, our knowledge of the distribution of stable Mo and W isotopes in the modern hydrosphere remains limited. In this study, we provided the concentrations and isotope ratios of dissolved Mo and W in the oceans (the North Pacific and Indian Oceans), marginal seas (the East China Sea and Sea of Japan), and a river-estuary system in Japan (from the Uji-Yodo rivers to Osaka Bay). In the North Pacific and Indian Oceans, the W concentration was 48.2 ± 6.2 pmol/kg (ave ± 2sd, n = 109), δ186/184W was 0.52 ± 0.06 ‰, the Mo concentration was 105.1 ± 8.0 nmol/kg, and δ98/95Mo was 2.40 ± 0.06 ‰. The results indicate that W has the constant concentration and isotopic composition in the modern ocean as well as Mo. In the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan, the W concentration and δ186/184W in the upper water (< 1000 m depth) were different from those in the ocean (W = 56 ± 18 pmol/kg, δ186/184W = 0.45 ± 0.06 ‰, n = 24). However, the concentrations in deeper water were congruent with those in the oceans (W = 49.9 ± 7.6 pmol/kg, δ186/184W = 0.50 ± 0.02 ‰, n = 7). The Mo concentration was 105.4 ± 3.1 nmol/kg and δ98/95Mo was 2.36 ± 0.03 ‰ (n = 31) throughout the water column, congruent with those in the ocean. In the Uji River-Yodo River-Osaka Bay system, the W concentration reached 1074 pmol/kg and δ186/184W reached 0.20 ‰. We propose that the enrichment of W with a low δ186/184W in the river-estuary system and marginal seas is caused by anthropogenic pollution. Anthropogenic Mo pollution was not detected in marginal seas. However, the Mo concentration and δ98/95Mo showed high anomalies above the mixing line of river water and seawater in the lower Yodo River and Osaka Bay, implying possible anthropogenic pollution of Mo in the metropolitan area

    Ni-Catalyzed Multi-Component Coupling Reaction of Aldimine,1,3-Diene, Alkyne, and Organozinc

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    Aldimines composed of aldehydes and primary amines react with 1,3-diene,alkyne, and Me_2Zn to furnish dienyl homoallylamines in the presence of Ni catalyst.In case of Ph_2Zn, alkyne serves as a spectator ligand to promote the three-component coupling reaction of Ph_2Zn, diene, and aldimine.Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2008 (NSND2008) 平成20年1月29日(火)於長崎大学 Poster Presentatio


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    繊維製品を損傷する糸状菌の各種精油による発生阻止について,牛乳,日本酒,ソース,しょう油および海水の汚染物質付着糸を用いて実験を行った。また,JISZ 2911に規定された繊維製品試験用糸状菌,すなわち,Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum, Myrothecium verrucaria,およびPenicillium citrinumに対する供試精油の抗菌性を調査した。供試した8種の精油,すなわち,ユーカリ油,タイム油,スペアミント油,肉桂油,桂皮油,バニラ抽出物,ライム油および芥子油の中で顕著な抗菌効果が認められたのは桂皮油で,このほか,肉桂油,タイム油についても効果が認められた。一方,効果の弱かったものはライム油,芥子油,バニラ抽出物およびユーカリ油であった。また,精油の抗菌性の程度は糸状菌の種類によって,かなりの差異のあることがわかった


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    日常,繊維製品を汚染する物質として,日本酒,ワイン,ビール,牛乳,オレンジ果汁飲料,コーラ,緑茶,紅茶,コーヒー,しょう油,ソース,みそ汁,食用油および海水の14種を選び,これらを綿,毛,絹,ナイロン,ポリエステルおよびアクリルの6種の市販糸に付着させて,28℃の湿室中に1~7週間保ったときの糸状菌の発生状況ならびに繊維の損傷への影響について検討した。その結果は次のようである。(1)糸状菌の生育が顕著であったのは,牛乳,ビールおよび日本酒による汚染糸で,一方,生育がほとんど認められなかったのは,海水,食用油およびコーラによる汚染糸であった。(2)生育した菌種には,Aspergillus nigerをはじめ,Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp., Trichoderma sp.および数種の末同定菌が観察された。(3)糸状菌による繊維の劣化が顕著なものは,牛乳汚染による毛および綿繊維で,次いで,ワイン,ビールおよび緑茶により汚染した毛繊維であった。一方,劣化が極めて小さい汚染物質はコーラ,オレンジ果汁飲料,海水,食用油,紅茶およびみそ汁であった。(4)糸状菌による合成繊維の劣化への影響は糸状菌の生育の程度に関係なく,極めて低かった。(5)糸状菌による着色汚染は,いずれの繊維にも認められたが,特にAspergillus nigerによる黒色,Penicillium sp.による黄色系統の着色がポリエステルを除いた各試料糸に強くみられた

    Ultrafast evolution and transient phases of a prototype out-of-equilibrium Mott-Hubbard material

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    The study of photoexcited strongly correlated materials is attracting growing interest since their rich phase diagram often translates into an equally rich out-of-equilibrium behaviour. With femtosecond optical pulses, electronic and lattice degrees of freedom can be transiently decoupled, giving the opportunity of stabilizing new states inaccessible by quasi-adiabatic pathways. Here we show that the prototype Mott-Hubbard material V2O3 presents a transient non-thermal phase developing immediately after ultrafast photoexcitation and lasting few picoseconds. For both the insulating and the metallic phase, the formation of the transient configuration is triggered by the excitation of electrons into the bonding a1g orbital, and is then stabilized by a lattice distortion characterized by a hardening of the A1g coherent phonon, in stark contrast with the softening observed upon heating. Our results show the importance of selective electron-lattice interplay for the ultrafast control of material parameters, and are relevant for the optical manipulation of strongly correlated systems. \ua9 The Author(s) 2017