121 research outputs found

    Krim – Erkundungen am Rand Europas

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    The Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea, rich in history and charm, is of great geostrategic importance. This leads to political conflicts time and again. But what is everyday life like in Crimea beyond the discourses about law, borders and war? What do local intellectuals think about the situation today? Can Geopoetry help to counteract the current crisis? Tatjana Hofmann's ethnographic long-term observation explores these questions. Her poetic essay, illustrated with magnificent photographs by Alexander Barbuch, transcends the usual boundaries of genre and searches for perspectives far removed from common patterns of interpretation. Tatjana Hofmann, a Slavist and author, lives in Zurich. "Krim – Erkundungen am Rand Europas" continues her 2015 novel "Sewastopologia" continues

    „Ich bin ein Mensch ohne Biografie.“: Im Gespräch mit Serhij Zhadan

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    Lesung im Literaturhaus in Zürich, Teilnahme bei der Leipziger Buchmesse, auf Tournee durch die Ukraine mit seiner Band Sobaki v kosmose (Hunde im Kosmos) und immer präsenter in den deutschsprachigen Medien mit seinem letzten Buch "Die Erfindung des Jazz im Donbass": Der ostukrainische Autor Serhij Zhadan etabliert sich europaweit. "novinki" hat Zhadan in Zürich spontan auf ein Bier eingeladen, um eine kleine Bestandsaufnahme zu machen

    Zametki ob ‚ostal’gii’ v Germanii

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    Mychajl' Semenkos ukrainischer Futurismus zwischen west- und osteuropäischer Avantgarde

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    The article deals with the Ukrainian futurist Mykhail' Semenko (1892-1937) in order to remember this figure of the European avant-garde movement. Firstly, his poetological and ideological positions are contextualised by looking at his activities within the literature scene in Kiev and Charkov. Secondly, his poetry's characteristics are analysed, which are intertextuality, intermediality, synaesthetic efforts to amalgamate different arts and ways of perception, especially visual poetry, accompanied by a parodistic tendency. Besides, he was striving for a new language, fascinated by distant and exotic destinations and the idea of communism. Semenko's poetry has successfully combined contradictions between Western and Eastern European futurists, internationalism and Ukrainian traditions, urban and rural life

    Übergänge in Zeit und Raum

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    Zu Sowjetzeiten war Igor' Klech Glasmaler im westukrainischen L'viv. Sein letztes Buch "Chroniki 1999 goda" (Chroniken des Jahres 1999) malt das Panorama einer postsowjetischen Gesellschaft. Dessen Details setzen sich aus Teilgeschichten zusammen: ĂĽber Russland und Ukraine, Familien und KĂĽnstlerschicksale, Leben und Tod

    Krim – Erkundungen am Rand Europas

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    The Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea, rich in history and charm, is of great geostrategic importance. This leads to political conflicts time and again. But what is everyday life like in Crimea beyond the discourses about law, borders and war? What do local intellectuals think about the situation today? Can Geopoetry help to counteract the current crisis? Tatjana Hofmann's ethnographic long-term observation explores these questions. Her poetic essay, illustrated with magnificent photographs by Alexander Barbuch, transcends the usual boundaries of genre and searches for perspectives far removed from common patterns of interpretation. Tatjana Hofmann, a Slavist and author, lives in Zurich. "Krim – Erkundungen am Rand Europas" continues her 2015 novel "Sewastopologia" continues

    Detecting Functional Groups of Arabidopsis Mutants by Metabolic Profiling and Evaluation of Pleiotropic Responses

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    Metabolic profiles and fingerprints of Arabidopsis thaliana plants with various defects in plastidic sugar metabolism or photosynthesis were analyzed to elucidate if the genetic mutations can be traced by comparing their metabolic status. Using a platform of chromatographic and spectrometric tools data from untargeted full MS scans as well as from selected metabolites including major carbohydrates, phosphorylated intermediates, carboxylates, free amino acids, major antioxidants, and plastidic pigments were evaluated. Our key observations are that by multivariate statistical analysis each mutant can be separated by a unique metabolic signature. Closely related mutants come close. Thus metabolic profiles of sugar mutants are different but more similar than those of photosynthesis mutants. All mutants show pleiotropic responses mirrored in their metabolic status. These pleiotropic responses are typical and can be used for separating and grouping of the mutants. Our findings show that metabolite fingerprints can be taken to classify mutants and hence may be used to sort genes into functional groups

    Dem Kulturleben der Krim auf der Spur

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