30 research outputs found

    The efficacy of the thyroid peroxidase marker for distinguishing follicular thyroid carcinoma from follicular adenoma

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    Aim: Expression of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in the thyroid gland tissue is well known as a sensitive marker of the thyroid malignancy. We have evaluated immunohistochemical assay of TPO for distinguishing follicular thyroid carcinoma from follicular adenoma. Materials and Methods: Sections of formalin-fixed tissues obtained from 92 patients with thyroid tumors (52 follicular carcinomas and 40 follicular adenomas including the Hurthle cell type) were analyzed using a monoclonal antibody (TPO mAb 47) and the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex immunohistochemical technique. Lesions with staining of more than 80% of the follicular cells/specimen were considered benign, while less than 80% were considered malignant. Results: TPO immunostaining correlated with the histopathological diagnosis in 24/40 cases of follicular adenomas and 41/52 cases of follicular carcinomas, giving a specificity of 60% and a sensitivity of 79%. Conclusion: These results suggest that immunohistochemical assay of TPO expression has limited value for the differential diagnosis of follicular thyroid carcinoma from thyroid follicular adenoma.Цель: уровень экспрессии тироидной пероксидазы (ТПО) в ткани щитовидной железы является чувствительным маркером малигнизации этого органа. В работе представлено попытку оценки метода иммуногистохимический детекции ТПО для дифференциальной диагностики фолликулярной карциномы и фолликулярной аденомы щитовидной железы (ФКЩЖ и ФАЩЖ соответственно). Материалы и методы: срезы ткани, зафиксированные в формалине, были получены у 92 пациентов с опухолями щитовидной железы (52 случая — ФКЩЖ и 40 — ФАЩЖ, в том числе тип с клетками Хюртля). Для иммуногистохимического анализа этих срезов использовали моноклональные антитела против ТПО (ТРОmAb47) и авидин-биотиновый комплекс. Препараты опухолей, содержащих более 80% позитивно окрашенных фолликулярных клеток, признавали доброкачественными, а те, что содержали менее 80% таких клеток, — злокачественными. Результаты: интенсивность иммуноокрашивания препаратов коррелировала с гистопатологическим диагнозом в 24 из 40 случаев ФАЩЖ и в 41 из 52 случаев ФКЩЖ. При этом чувствительность метода составляла 79%, специфичность — 60%. Выводы: иммуногистохимический анализ ТПО имеет недостаточную специфичность для дифференциальной диагностики фолликулярной карциномы и фолликулярной аденомы

    Toxic iron species in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients:course of disease and effects on outcome

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    Labile plasma iron levels predict survival in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Red blood cell transfusions remain one of the cornerstones in supportive care of lower-risk patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. We hypothesized that patients develop oxidant-mediated tissue injury through the formation of toxic iron species, caused either by red blood cell transfusions or by ineffective erythropoiesis. We analyzed serum samples from 100 lower-risk patients with myelodysplastic syndromes at six-month intervals for transferrin saturation, hepcidin-25, growth differentiation factor 15, soluble transferrin receptor, non-transferrin bound iron and labile plasma iron in order to evaluate temporal changes in iron metabolism and the presence of potentially toxic iron species and their impact on survival. Hepcidin levels were low in 34 patients with ringed sideroblasts compared to 66 patients without. Increases of hepcidin and non-transferrin bound iron levels were visible early in follow-up of all transfusion-dependent patient groups. Hepcidin levels significantly decreased over time in transfusion-independent patients with ringed sideroblasts. Increased soluble transferrin receptor levels in transfusion-independent patients with ringed sideroblasts confirmed the presence of ineffective erythropoiesis and suppression of hepcidin production in these patients. Detectable labile plasma iron levels in combination with high transferrin saturation levels occurred almost exclusively in patients with ringed sideroblasts and all transfusiondependent patient groups. Detectable labile plasma iron levels in transfusion-dependent patients without ringed sideroblasts were associated with decreased survival. In conclusion, toxic iron species occurred in all transfusion-dependent patients and in transfusion-independent patients with ringed sideroblasts. Labile plasma iron appeared to be a clinically relevant measure for potential iron toxicity and a prognostic factor for survival in transfusion-dependent patients. © 2018 Ferrata Storti Foundation

    Health-related quality of life in lower-risk MDS patients compared with age- and sex-matched reference populations: a European LeukemiaNet study.

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    In myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) represents a relevant patient-reported outcome, which is essential in individualized therapy planning. Prospective data on HRQoL in lower-risk MDS remain rare. We assessed HRQOL by EQ-5D questionnaire at initial diagnosis in 1690 consecutive IPSS-Low/Int-1 MDS patients from the European LeukemiaNet Registry. Impairments were compared with age- and sex-matched EuroQol Group norms. A significant proportion of MDS patients reported moderate/severe problems in the dimensions pain/discomfort (49.5%), mobility (41.0%), anxiety/depression (37.9%), and usual activities (36.1%). Limitations in mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and EQ-VAS were significantly more frequent in the old, in females, and in those with high co-morbidity burden, low haemoglobin levels, or red blood cells transfusion need (p < 0.001). In comparison to age- and sex-matched peers, the proportion of problems in usual activities and anxiety/depression was significantly higher in MDS patients (p < 0.001). MDS-related restrictions in the dimension mobility were most prominent in males, and in older people (p < 0.001); in anxiety/depression in females and in younger people (p < 0.001); and in EQ-VAS in women and in persons older than 75 years (p < 0.05). Patients newly diagnosed with IPSS lower-risk MDS experience a pronounced reduction in HRQoL and a clustering of restrictions in distinct dimensions of HRQoL as compared with reference populations

    Monomerizing alkali-metal 3,5-dimethylbenzyl salts with tris(N, N -dimethyl-2-aminoethyl)amine (MeTREN) : structural and bonding implications

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    The series of alkali-metal (Li, Na, K) complexes of the substituted benzyl anion 3,5-dimethylbenzyl (MeCHCH ) derived from 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (mesitylene) have been coerced into monomeric forms by supporting them with the tripodal tetradentate Lewis donor tris(N,N-dimethyl-2-aminoethyl)amine, [N(CH CHNMe), MeTREN]. Molecular structure analysis by X-ray crystallography establishes that the cation-anion interaction varies as a function of the alkali-metal, with the carbanion binding to lithium mainly in a σ fashion, to potassium mainly in a π fashion, with the interaction toward sodium being intermediate between these two extremes. This distinction is due to the heavier alkali-metal forcing and using the delocalization of negative charge into the aromatic ring to gain a higher coordination number in accordance with its size. MeTREN binds the metal in a η mode at all times. This coordination isomerism is shown by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy to also extend to the structures in solution and is further supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations on model systems. A MeTREN stabilized benzyl potassium complex has been used to prepare a mixed-metal ate complex by a cocomplexation reaction with tBuZn, with the benzyl ligand acting as an unusual ditopic σ/π bridging ligand between the two metals, and with the small zinc atom relocalizing the negative charge back on to the lateral CH arm to give a complex best described as a contacted ion pair potassium zincate

    Pitfalls in diagnosing a small cystic insulinoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Insulinoma is a rare pancreatic endocrine tumour and is typically sporadic and solitary. Over 90% of all insulinomas are benign. Cystic insulinomas are also rare. It is not difficult to determine the site of such neoplasm, as cystic insulinomas are usually 4–10 cm in diameter. We present the case of a patient with a histologically confirmed cystic insulinoma diagnosed after approximately 10 years of hypoglycaemia symptoms. This case is unique because of the small size (2.2 cm) of the tumour. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was useful for localizing this tumour.</p