39 research outputs found

    Characterization of consultations for odontogenic abscesses in a major Chilean hospital

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    To characterize consultations for odontogenic abscesses at the Dental and Maxillofacial Unit of the Public Emergency Hospital in Santiago, Chile. Methodology: Descriptive study, involving consecutive sampling of patients with diagnosis of odontogenic abscess, conducted between August and September 2016. Descriptive statistics were performed to determine the frequency of diagnosis, affected tooth, sex and need for hospitalization. Results: Odontogenic abscesses accounted for 6.3% (n=414) of a total of 6,535 consultations. Males represented 59%; 42% of odontogenic abscesses presented in molars and maxillary premolars. The vestibular space was the most frequently affected anatomical space (50%), associated in 53% of the cases to submucosal abscesses. Ninety-eight per cent of patients were successfully treated on an outpatient basis, 2% required hospitalization, mainly associated to abscesses involving the deep submandibular space. Conclusion: Odontogenic abscesses account for a low percentage of dental emergencies at the Public Emergency Hospital in Santiago, Chile. Most cases receive outpatient treatment

    Evaluation of potential antidiabetic and antibacterial activities of Bolivian nutraceutical plants

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a health problem worldwide that requires the search for novel therapeutic strategies. Natural products are a source of potential therapies due to their acceptation and traditional use or consumption. This study aims to evaluate selected Bolivian traditionally consumed plants as potential antidiabetic products using animal models. Besides, focused on the urinary tract infection, as one common complication in diabetes, the antibacterial effect was evaluated in the uroepithelial in vitro infection. Initially, the screening of glycemia-reducing effect, performed in healthy Swiss albino mice, showed that the hydroethanolic extracts of Amaranthus caudatus, Chenopodium quinoa, Lupinus mutabilis, and Smallanthus sonchifolius reduced the postprandial glycemia and the glucose tolerance during the oral glucose tolerance test. Moreover, the in vitro insulin secretion in mice pancreatic islets was stimulated only by Amaranthus caudatus, Chenopodium quinoa and Lupinus mutabilis. Based on the results of the screening study, we continued evaluating the antidiabetic effect of Amaranthus caudatus and Lupinus mutabilis using the Goto-kakizaki (GK) type 2 diabetic rats and the respective healthy control the Wistar (W) rats. The oral administration of A. caudatus and L. mutabilis, separately, improved the glucose tolerance and augmented serum insulin levels in both GK and W rats, in a dose-dependent way. The daily oral administration of each extract (1000 mg/kg b.w.) during 21 days improved the glucose tolerance, increased the serum insulin and reduced the glycated hemoglobin. Additionally, the insulin secretion was stimulated in islets isolated from treated animals. Furthermore, both extracts stimulated the in vitro insulin secretion in a glucose-independent manner. In perifused islets, the insulin secretion was augmented in low glucose (3 mM), increased gradually in high glucose (16.7 mM), and was restored to basal levels when each extract was removed. The mechanism behind the stimulation of insulin secretion of A. caudatus mainly involved the protein kinases A and C activation, while the effect was partially dependent on the L-type calcium channel and the G protein-coupled exocytosis. L. mutabilis effect depended on L-type calcium channels, PKC and PKA systems, G protein-coupled exocytosis and K-ATP channels. The main constituents found in A. caudatus were amino acids, sugars, and polyphenols, while L. mutabilis extract has higher amounts of alkaloids. A caudatus is traditionally used to treat disorders in the urinary tract. L. mutabilis, on the other hand, is well known for its glycemic lowering effect. Since there is a globally increase of antibiotic resistance, we sought to investigate the possible role of these two medicinal plants in the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTI). We observed that the hydroethanolic extracts from A. caudatus and L. mutabilis prevented the uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) in vitro infection. A. caudatus inhibited the first steps of infection, adhesion, and invasion of UPEC, including ESBL-producing E. coli and other uropathogenic bacteria, including multidrugresistant strains. The effect was attributed to the decrease of gene expression of uroplakin1a and caveolin-1. L. mutabilis inhibited UPEC adhesion and interfered in the adhesion process of other Gram-negative and positive uropathogenic bacteria, an effect observed in high glucose concentrations. This effect was explained by a downregulation of gene and protein expression of uroplakin-1a and an upregulation of the antimicrobial peptide RNase 7. Furthermore, the UPEC biofilm formation was inhibited only in low glucose conditions. In summary, this study provides information about the potential use of Amaranthus caudatus and Lupinus mutabilis, as a nutraceutical product, since they are part of the traditional Bolivian diet. The hydroethanolic extracts of Amaranthus caudatus and Lupinus mutabilis have pharmacological properties being promising candidates to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus and to prevent urinary tract infections

    Análisis de la apropiación de la Política Nacional de Educación Ambiental en la educación básica secundaria y media de la Institución Educativa Municipal Chachagüí (Nariño – Colombia)

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    Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas.La presente investigación buscó adelantar un análisis partiendo de la identificación del estado de la inclusión del componente ambiental en la educación básica secundaria y media, con el fin de equipararla apropiación de la Política Nacional Ambiental en la Institución Educativa Municipal Chachagüí ubicada en el Municipio de Chachagüí, del departamento de Nariño. Para lo anterior, se utilizaron metodologías de recolección de información primaria y secundaria tales como: visitas de campo, encuestas semiestructuradas, análisis del Proyecto Ambiental Escolar (PRAE), currículos académicos y plan de estudio. Además, se adelantó una revisión punto a punto de la Política Nacional de Educación Ambiental partiendo desde los lineamientos conceptuales básicos, los principios que orientan la educación ambiental, así como también se abordaron sus estrategias y retos. Con base en lo anterior, se identificó que la Institución Educativa objeto de esta investigación no cuenta con una transversalización del componente ambiental dentro de sus ejercicios de enseñanza, además de no adopta completamente la Política


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    The Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus (Scolopacidae) breeds in northern North America and migrates south to southern North America and Central America during the boreal winter. There are very few records in Ecuador where it is considered as accidental visitor. In this note, we present the second report of L. scolopaceus from Colta Lake, province of Chimborazo, after 89 years. This record represents the first field observation in Colta since the only previous record pertained to a museum specimen, and is the second record of several individuals together in Ecuador. Consecutive records from 2018–2020 at other sites in continental Ecuador could indicate that this species is currently a more frequent visitor.La Agujeta PiquilargaLimnodromus scolopaceus (Scolopacidae) se reproduce principalmente en el norte de América del Norte y migra hacia el sur de América del Norte y América Central durante el invierno boreal. En Ecuador son muy escasos los registros y se considera un visitante accidental. En esta nota presentamos el segundo registro de L. scolopaceus en la laguna de Colta, provincia de Chimborazo, luego de 89 años. Este registro representa la primera observación de campo en Colta, ya que el registro previo corresponde a un espécimen, y es la segunda vez que se observan varios individuos juntos en Ecuador. Los registros consecutivos en 2018–2020 en otros sitios del Ecuador continental podrían indicar que esta especie actualmente es un visitante más frecuente


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    Presentamos las memorias de la VI Reunión Ecuatoriana de Ornitología (VI REO), desarrollada en Arenillas, en 1-5 Agosto 2018. La VI REO contó con cinco charlas magistrales, un simposio sobre anillamiento de aves en Ecuador, 40 presentaciones orales y pósters, un conversatorio sobre la situación actual del aviturismo en el país, un taller de escritura científica, un taller de diseño y análisis de investigaciones de campo, un taller de validación de la lista roja del Ecuador y un taller de fotografía de aves. Además, se realizó un curso de anillamiento posterior a la VI REO. Contó con casi 160 participantes, entre expositores y asistentes

    Diagnostico financiero y análisis bursátil Nestlé S.A

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    análisis de información presentada en los estados financieros de Nestlé SA en los periodos 2020,2021 y 2022 para las organizaciones sus ideas de inversión ampliación, mejora de infraestructura mediante diagnostico financiero para Nestlé s.aanalysis of information presented in the financial statements of Nestlé SA in the periods 2020, 2021 and 2022 for organizations, their investment ideas, expansion, improvement of infrastructure through financial diagnosis for Nestlé s.a


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    Presentamos las memorias de la V Reunión Ecuatoriana de Ornitología (V REO), desarrollada en Zamora, en 11-14 Agosto 2016. La V REO contó con cinco charlas magistrales, un simposio sobre aves, café y cacao, 46 presentaciones orales y pósters, conversatorios sobre el Festival Mundial de las Aves, conteos navideños y Global Big Day, un taller de escritura científica, un taller de ilustración de aves en acuarela y una discusión abierta sobre la conformación de la Red Aves Ecuador. Contó con casi 150 participantes, entre expositores y asistentes. Palabras clave: Investigación, difusión, ornitología, conservación, Ecuador.   Abstracts of the V Ecuadorian Ornithology Meeting Abstract We present the abstracts of the V Ecuadorian Ornithology Meeting (V REO), held in Zamora, on 11-14 August 2016. The V REO included five plenary talks, a symposium on birds, coffee and cacao, 46 oral and poster presentations, round tables about the World Birds Festival, the Christmas bird counts and Global Big Days, a workshop on scientific writing, a workshop on bird illustration in watercolor, and an open discussion session about the creation of Red Aves Ecuador. Nearly 150 contributors and assistants participated in the V REO. Keywords: Conservation, divulgation, Ecuador, ornithology, research

    When cheating turns into a stabilizing mechanism of plant-pollinator communities.

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    Mutualistic interactions, such as plant-mycorrhizal or plant-pollinator interactions, are widespread in ecological communities and frequently exploited by cheaters, species that profit from interactions without providing benefits in return. Cheating usually negatively affects the fitness of the individuals that are cheated on, but the effects of cheating at the community level remains poorly understood. Here, we describe 2 different kinds of cheating in mutualistic networks and use a generalized Lotka-Volterra model to show that they have very different consequences for the persistence of the community. Conservative cheating, where a species cheats on its mutualistic partners to escape the cost of mutualistic interactions, negatively affects community persistence. In contrast, innovative cheating occurs with species with whom legitimate interactions are not possible, because of a physiological or morphological barrier. Innovative cheating can enhance community persistence under some conditions: when cheaters have few mutualistic partners, cheat at low or intermediate frequency and the cost associated with mutualism is not too high. Under these conditions, the negative effects of cheating on partner persistence are overcompensated at the community level by the positive feedback loops that arise in diverse mutualistic communities. Using an empirical dataset of plant-bird interactions (hummingbirds and flowerpiercers), we found that observed cheating patterns are highly consistent with theoretical cheating patterns found to increase community persistence. This result suggests that the cheating patterns observed in nature could contribute to promote species coexistence in mutualistic communities, instead of necessarily destabilizing them

    Plan Estratégico de la Gerencia Estratégica y Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa ProAlba Ltda.

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    Código de ética y Formato de recolección de informaciónPodemos decir que las empresas las sostiene el mercado, donde pueden tener acciones socialmente responsables aplicando una RSE interna con los proveedores y trabajadores y RSE externa con los diferentes entornos sociales, el buen uso de la RSE se evidencia cuando la empresa se optimiza en los productos y/o servicios además de su imagen corporativa también genera a sus colaboradores más sentido de pertenencia y la empresa adquiere mayor identidad. Con lo anterior se logra identificar que ejercer socialmente responsable no solo beneficia los recursos naturales, medioambiente, humanos y sociales sino también se ve reflejado en las ventajas financieras donde muestran la aplicación de RSE como una inversión. La empresa elegida nos permite conocer, de acuerdo con lo investigado, que está comprometida con las normas internacionales y su aplicabilidad con el fin de mejorar. La sostenibilidad de los negocios no se trata solamente de satisfacer a los clientes con productos y servicios que requieran sino de laborar de una manera socialmente responsable.We can say that companies are supported by the market, where they can have socially responsible actions applying internal CSR with suppliers and workers and external CSR with different social environments, the good use of CSR is evidenced when the company optimizes its products and/or services in addition to its corporate image also generates a greater sense of belonging to its collaborators and the company acquires a greater identity. With the above, it is possible to identify that exercising socially responsible not only benefits natural, environmental, human, and social resources but is also reflected in the financial advantages where they show the application of CSR as an investment. The chosen company allows us to know, according to the investigated, that it is committed to international standards and their applicability in order to improve. Business sustainability is not only about satisfying customers with the products and services they require but about working in a socially responsible manner