2,396 research outputs found

    Evaluation of chemically-induced steatosis in different human in vitro hepatic systems

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2017Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is histologically defined by atypical accumulation of hepatic lipid droplets, known as hepatic steatosis. The increased accumulation of triglycerides in the liver is a result of an abnormal lipid metabolism reflected by a greater input (uptake and synthesis) than the fatty acids output rate (oxidation and secretion). During the last decades liver toxicity has been not only the leading cause for pharmacovigilance safety reports and the withdrawing of previously approved drugs but also one of the major causes of discontinuation of the development of new chemical entities. Therefore, the issue of drug induced steatosis should be addressed during preclinical drug development. Since robust human-relevant in vitro models are lacking, it is necessary to develop predictable culture systems in toxicity testing. HepG2 cells are one of the most used in vitro models to study hepatotoxicity, however, this cell model has some limitations and does not fully represent the human hepatic metabolism nor the population diversity. On the other hand, stem cell-derived hepatic cells, such as human skin-derived precursors differentiated into hepatic cells (hSKP-HPC), are emerging as suitable in vitro study system for preclinical evaluation of hepatotoxic compounds. The present research work aims to characterize these cell systems for the study of steatogenic compounds, namely a fatty acid (Sodium Oleate), two drugs (Tetracycline and Sodium Valproate) and a chemical solvent (2-ethyhexanol). The induced steatosis was evaluated in each in vitro model through the observation of intracellular accumulation of lipids and through the analysis of the expression of important genes involved in intracellular lipid accumulation. Preliminary results revealed that hSKP-HPC was the cell model with highest accumulation of neutral lipids, followed by undifferentiated hSKP. Nonetheless, the obtained gene expression profiles were inconclusive, especially for hKSP-HPC. However, previous findings had already demonstrated the potential of hSKPs as a human relevant in vitro model to identify drug induced hepatotoxicity and future research work is needed. Stem cell technology is still an expanding area with potential use in hepatic toxicity testing. Yet, issues such as disparities between cell cultures and hepatic differentiations still need to be overcome.A doença de fígado gordo não alcoólico (NAFLD) é definida histologicamente como a acumulação atípica de gotículas lipídicas hepáticas, conhecida por esteatose hepática. A acumulação de triglicéridos no fígado é resultado de um metabolismo lipídico anormal que é refletido por um desequilíbrio entre a absorção e síntese de ácidos gordos e a oxidação e secreção. Ao longo das últimas décadas, a toxicidade hepática tem sido não só a principal causa para a retirada de fármacos do mercado, mas também, um dos maiores motivos para a descontinuação do processo de desenvolvimento e investigação de novas moléculas candidatas a fármacos. Assim, a esteatose potencialmente induzida por fármacos deve ser estudada durante a fase pré-clínica de desenvolvimento de fármacos. Para cumprir esse objetivo, é necessário o desenvolvimento de sistemas robustos in vitro de cultura de células de origem humana para estudo da hepatotoxicidade de modo a preencher as lacunas existentes. As células HepG2 são um dos modelos in vitro mais utilizados para estudar a hepatotoxicidade, contudo, este possui algumas limitações não representando o metabolismo hepático humano na sua globalidade nem a diversidade populacional. Por outro lado, células hepáticas diferenciadas de células estaminais, obtidas a partir de precursores derivados da pele humana (hSKP-HPC) têm vindo a emergir como um novo modelo in vitro para a avaliação pré-clínica de compostos que possam induzir esteatose. Este trabalho experimental visa caracterizar estes modelos celulares na investigação de compostos esteatogénicos tais como: um ácido gordo (oleato de sódio), dois fármacos (tetraciclina e valproato de sódio) e um solvente químico (2-etilhexanol). A indução da esteatose foi avaliada em cada modelo celular através da observação da acumulação intracelular de lípidos e da análise da expressão génica de diversos genes importantes no mecanismo celular da esteatose. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que as hSKP-HPC foram o modelo celular com maior acumulação lipídica. Contudo, os perfis de expressão génica observados foram inconclusivos. Ainda assim, estudos anteriores demonstraram o potencial das hSKP-HPC como um relevante modelo in vitro que permite a deteção de esteatose induzida por fármacos. A tecnologia das células estaminais é ainda uma área em expansão com aplicabilidade no estudo da hepatotoxicidade hepática. Porém, existem ainda diversas incertezas relacionadas com disparidades entre culturas celulares e processos de diferenciação hepática e, por isso mesmo, futuro trabalho de investigação deverá ser feito

    International standards for information literacy

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    Librarians working in higher education want to support students in the pursuit of their academic work, based on the good use of information. To this end, they need to know the emerging pedagogical changes that they can take advantage of when designing their courses, integrating this knowledge into a more segmented, clear, and objective training offer, based on international references, published in the last decades, since the ACRL Standards, until the ACRL Framework. The attention given to these documents can prepare librarians for the necessary updating of skills, supporting innovation, and best practice achievement. This paper aims to systematise the evolution of concepts and practices of information literacy guidelines in higher education and identify their inspiration for the creation of Portuguese guidelines. An exploratory inventory of international information associations was carried out to identify information literacy guidelines. The content analysis of these guidelines allowed the identification of pedagogical trends in the performance of libraries and their professionals. The analysed contents show an interpretative evolution of the guidelines, converging in the ACRL Framework and the contents of the Portuguese recommendations for academic libraries for the period 2020–2022. It is evident that updating skills for librarians requires not only an awareness of sector trends, but also transforming them into good practice and recommendations appropriate for the national context.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    University libraries fighting fake news: an analysis of the knowledge and practices of Portuguese librarians

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    Problems with fake news are an emerging subject that has been debated in many sectors of society. Libraries are no exception, and particularly university libraries have been taking a stand against this new reality and seeking to combat it, especially through information literacy training programs. Several studies have already concluded that training that soaks critical thinking in the use of information can benefit users; it enables them to strengthen their strategies for distinguishing informational truth from fake news, misinformation, deceived, or misleading information. Inspired by research carried out in Spain, this study seeks to understand what knowledge Portuguese librarians have about this subject and what strategies are being prepared or implemented by academic libraries in Portugal to combat fake news and misinformation. For this purpose, a questionnaire is applied and addressed to the 172 Portuguese academic libraries registered in a national directory of libraries. The questionnaire comprises data aggregated in four sections: library identification; characterization of knowledge about the subject; good practices in the fight against fake news; and a final open question. Seventy-three libraries answered, representing 43% of the universe under analysis. The results show a thorough knowledge of the issue by librarians, but still incipient actions regarding practices that directly address the fight against fake news, through information literacy training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Open Science and information literacy

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    The APPsyCI, a Portuguese research center, decided to incorporate, in all its areas of activity, a research line within Open Science articulated with information literacy (IL). The Open Science assumptions were implemented through several actions: repository management, teacher and researcher training, support for choosing the journals where to publish, dissemination, and promotion of scientific knowledge within FAIR principles. The social and academic impact of the research line provides some light on the national landscape for research innovation and broadens horizons and sheds when combining IL with Open Science. Thus, the creation of this research line within the research center shows that the association of Open Science with IL can be considered as the path and object of applied research

    Avaliação da gestão logística na área de compras de livros : um caso prático na UNILA

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    Orientador : Prof. Osmar RochaProjeto Técnico (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão PúblicaInclui referênciasResumo : Este projeto técnico buscou identificar como é realizado o processo de aquisição dematerial bibliográfico da Biblioteca Latino-Americana da Universidade Federal Latino Americana (Unila), ressaltando-se o fato da universidade ainda estar em processo de implantação. Ao analisar os relatórios de gestão da Universidade, especificamente sobre as aquisições de material bibliográfico, foi possível diagnosticar que a Biblioteca Latino-Americana apresenta dificuldade em atingir as metas previstas de execução orçamentária. Na avaliação dos resultados é possível verificar que a execução das metas previstas para a composição do acervo bibliográfico da Unila nos dois anos analisados (2011 e 2012) ficaram muito abaixo do programado. Dentre os fatores que contribuíram para resultado podemos destacar: a falta de pessoal, tanto de docentes, que realizariam o levantamento da demanda da Universidade, como de técnicos administrativos, para realizar os processos licitatórios. A título de comparação, fizemos a análise da Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa), universidade também em processo de implantação que, pelos dados analisados, apresentaria uma maior eficiência nos procedimentos de aquisição em comparação com a Unila. Apresentamos à Biblioteca Latino-Americana 5 propostas visando tornar os fluxos de trabalho do setor de aquisições e, mais especificamente, a administração de materiais da Biblioteca Latino-Americana mais eficiente: ampliação do quadro de pessoal do setor de aquisições; orientação aos docentes da instituição sobre os procedimentos para a solicitação de material bibliográfico à Biblioteca Latino-Americana; capacitação da equipe e visita técnica ao setor de aquisições de outras universidades federais; e adoção, sempre que possível, da modalidade de Sistema de Registro de Preço (SRP) e adesão à Ata de Registro de preços nos processos de aquisição de material bibliográfico. Por fim, recomendamos que em continuidade a este projeto, seja criada e estruturada a área de desenvolvimento de coleções, ampliando sua atuação para, além das aquisições, sejam implantadas ações de organização das áreas de doações e controle patrimonial, que hoje ainda não são executadas pela Biblioteca Latino-Americana

    University libraries fighting fake news: an analysis of the knowledge and practices of Portuguese librarians

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    Problems with fake news are an emerging subject that has been debated in many sectors of society. Libraries are no exception, and particularly university libraries have been taking a stand against this new reality and seeking to combat it, especially through information literacy training programs. Several studies have already concluded that training that soaks critical thinking in the use of information can benefit users; it enables them to strengthen their strategies for distinguishing informational truth from fake news, misinformation, deceived, or misleading information. Inspired by research carried out in Spain, this study seeks to understand what knowledge Portuguese librarians have about this subject and what strategies are being prepared or implemented by academic libraries in Portugal to combat fake news and misinformation. For this purpose, a questionnaire is applied and addressed to the 172 Portuguese academic libraries registered in a national directory of libraries. The questionnaire comprises data aggregated in four sections: library identification; characterization of knowledge about the subject; good practices in the fight against fake news; and a final open question. Seventy-three libraries answered, representing 43% of the universe under analysis. The results show a thorough knowledge of the issue by librarians, but still incipient actions regarding practices that directly address the fight against fake news, through information literacy training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Student satisfaction with library resources in the COVID-19 era: a case study of Portuguese academic libraries

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    Academic libraries are designed to provide access to information for students, teachers, and researchers, ensuring that they are satisfied. The objective of this study is to consider student perceptions about libraries’ responses during the COVID-19 pandemic to their information needs; and to assess whether students consider themselves prepared to research, evaluate, and manage the retrieved information now that they work autonomously and depend exclusively on digital content. Methodology. An online questionnaire was applied to three academic libraries in Portugal: a public education institution, a polytechnic, and a private academic institution. The questionnaire was distributed by institutional email and focused on the degree of satisfaction with the libraries and electronic resources made available, and a self-assessment of their information skills. The first results suggest that students are satisfied with access to electronic resources remotely; the highest levels of dissatisfaction are associated with the library database and B-ON; most are unaware of the availability of databases (Scopus, PubMed, and RCAAP); there is a favorable perception of their behavior in information handling, in researching, citing and referencing, but findings show the inverse in the qualitative analysis of data; master student's responses reveal greater security of knowledge compared to undergraduate students. Conclusions: It is necessary to increase the coverage, dissemination, and training with regard to electronic resources in academic libraries as a formative and pedagogical strategy, formally embedded in educational policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    International standards for information literacy: the inspiration for national practices

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    Librarians working in higher education want to support students in the pursuit of their academic work, based on the good use of information. To this end, they need to know the emerging pedagogical changes that they can take advantage of when designing their courses, integrating this knowledge into a more segmented, clear, and objective training offer, based on international references, published in the last decades, since the ACRL Standards, until the ACRL Framework. The attention given to these documents can prepare librarians for the necessary updating of skills, supporting innovation, and best practice achievement. This paper aims to systematize the evolution of concepts and practices of information literacy guidelines in higher education and identify their inspiration for the creation of Portuguese guidelines. An exploratory inventory of international information associations was carried out to identify information literacy guidelines. The content analysis of these guidelines allowed the identification of pedagogical trends in the performance of libraries and their professionals. The analyzed contents show an interpretative evolution of the guidelines, converging in the ACRL Framework and the contents of the Portuguese recommendations for academic libraries for the period 2020-2022. It is evident that updating skills for librarians requires not only an awareness of sector trends but also transforming them into good practice and recommendations appropriate for the national context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Glossary of Information Literacy from A to Z

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    This chapter embodies a glossary from A to Z, presenting specific terms in the field of information literacy. For that purpose, the vocabulary found in similar works and reference documents is analyzed and presented for specific, current, and detailed glossary as a result. The information collected was analyzed and organized alphabetically, seeking to mirror the evolution of concepts and terminology of the scientific production on the subject, and at the same time, framing an important consultation tool for all professionals in the area. For the development of academic and professional expertise and competence in a given disciplinary field, it is essential to understand the vocabulary and essential concepts, and Information Literacy is no exception. A glossary can be also a very useful aid for those who take the first steps in understanding the terminology applied to information literacy, particularly for students in an academic context.N/

    Subcutaneous immunotherapy with aeroallergens - evaluation of adherence in real life

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    Introduction. Adherence in allergen immunotherapy is crucial for its efficacy. At least 3 years of treatment are recommended for achieving a long-term modifying effect. Objectives. To assess patient’s adherence and to identify determinant factors for allergen subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) suspension in patients with respiratory allergy. Methods. Retrospective analysis of the medical record of patients submitted to SCIT between January 2013 and December 2016 in our Department. Results. 323 patients were included: 52% female; mean age 30 ± 13 years; average treatment time 19 ± 13 months. 52 patients (16%) stopped SCIT: 54% female; mean age 30 ± 9 years; average treatment time 12 ± 6 months; 67% dropped the treatment during the 1st year, 27% in the 2nd and 6% during the 3rd year of treatment. Adherence rate determined was 77%. The most frequent reasons for withdrawal were due to economic reasons (47.9%), followed by patients’ perception of no clinical improvement (23%) and change to sublingual immunotherapy (11.6%). Conclusion. Adherence rate in our study was 77%. Economic reasons were the main cause of abandonment in the first year, while the perception of non-improvement was the main reason for abandonment in subsequent years. Adequate information on SCIT prescribing and rigorous monitoring of patients during the treatment can improve adherence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio