35 research outputs found

    Intracellular Sources of ROS/H2O2 in Health and Neurodegeneration: Spotlight on Endoplasmic Reticulum.

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced continuously throughout the cell as products of various redox reactions. Yet these products function as important signal messengers, acting through oxidation of specific target factors. Whilst excess ROS production has the potential to induce oxidative stress, physiological roles of ROS are supported by a spatiotemporal equilibrium between ROS producers and scavengers such as antioxidative enzymes. In the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a non-radical ROS, is produced through the process of oxidative folding. Utilisation and dysregulation of H2O2, in particular that generated in the ER, affects not only cellular homeostasis but also the longevity of organisms. ROS dysregulation has been implicated in various pathologies including dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, sanctioning a field of research that strives to better understand cell-intrinsic ROS production. Here we review the organelle-specific ROS-generating and consuming pathways, providing evidence that the ER is a major contributing source of potentially pathologic ROS

    An ER source for H2O2

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized peroxiredoxin 4 (PRDX4) supports disulfide bond formation in eukaryotic cells lacking endoplasmic reticulum oxidase 1 (ERO1). The source of peroxide that fuels PRDX4-mediated disulfide bond formation has remained a mystery, because ERO1 is believed to be a major producer of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the ER lumen. We report on a simple kinetic technique to track H2O2 equilibration between cellular compartments, suggesting that the ER is relatively isolated from cytosolic or mitochondrial H2O2 pools. Furthermore, expression of an ER-adapted catalase to degrade lumenal H2O2 attenuated PRDX4-mediated disulfide bond formation in cells lacking ERO1, whereas depletion of H2O2 in the cytosol or mitochondria had no similar effect. ER catalase did not effect the slow residual disulfide bond formation in cells lacking both ERO1 and PRDX4. These observations point to exploitation of a hitherto unrecognized lumenal source of H2O2 by PRDX4 and a parallel slow H2O2-independent pathway for disulfide formation.Supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust (Wellcome 084812) the European Commission (EU FP7 Beta-Bat No: 277713) and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (PTDC/QUI-BIQ/119677/2010) and, a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award for core facilities to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (Wellcome 100140). DR is a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow. TK was supported by Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Rockefeller University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.20150612

    Retarded PDI diffusion and a reductive shift in poise of the calcium depleted endoplasmic reticulum

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    Background: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumenal protein thiol redox balance resists dramatic variation in unfolded protein load imposed by diverse physiological challenges including compromise in the key upstream oxidases. Lumenal calcium depletion, incurred during normal cell signaling, stands out as a notable exception to this resilience, promoting a rapid and reversible shift towards a more reducing poise. Calcium depletion induced ER redox alterations are relevant to physiological conditions associated with calcium signaling, such as the response of pancreatic cells to secretagogues and neuronal activity. The core components of the ER redox machinery are well characterized; however, the molecular basis for the calcium-depletion induced shift in redox balance is presently obscure. Results: In vitro, the core machinery for generating disulfides, consisting of ERO1 and the oxidizing protein disulfide isomerase, PDI1A, was indifferent to variation in calcium concentration within the physiological range. However, ER calcium depletion in vivo led to a selective 2.5-fold decline in PDI1A mobility, whereas the mobility of the reducing PDI family member, ERdj5 was unaffected. In vivo, fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements revealed that declining PDI1A mobility correlated with formation of a complex with the abundant ER chaperone calreticulin, whose mobility was also inhibited by calcium depletion and the calcium depletion-mediated reductive shift was attenuated in cells lacking calreticulin. Measurements with purified proteins confirmed that the PDI1A-calreticulin complex dissociated as Ca2+ concentrations approached those normally found in the ER lumen ([Ca2+] K-0.5max = 190 mu M). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that selective sequestration of PDI1A in a calcium depletion-mediated complex with the abundant chaperone calreticulin attenuates the effective concentration of this major lumenal thiol oxidant, providing a plausible and simple mechanism for the observed shift in ER lumenal redox poise upon physiological calcium depletion.Wellcome Trust [Wellcome 084812/Z/08/Z]; European Commission (EU FP7 Beta-Bat) [277713]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, Portugal [PTDC/QUI-BIQ/119677/2010]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulation of colonic epithelial cell homeostasis by mTORC1

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    Abstract Cell signaling important for homeostatic regulation of colonic epithelial cells (CECs) remains poorly understood. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a protein complex that contains the serine-threonine kinase mTOR, mediates signaling that underlies the control of cellular functions such as proliferation and autophagy by various external stimuli. We here show that ablation of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (Tsc2), a negative regulator of mTORC1, specifically in intestinal epithelial cells of mice resulted in increased activity of mTORC1 of, as well as increased proliferative activity of, CECs. Such Tsc2 ablation also reduced the population of Lgr5-positive colonic stem cells and the expression of Wnt target genes in CECs. The stimulatory phosphorylation of the kinase Akt and inhibitory phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β were both markedly decreased in the colon of the Tsc2 conditional knockout (CKO) mice. Development of colonic organoids with cryptlike structures was enhanced for Tsc2 CKO mice compared with control mice. Finally, Tsc2 CKO mice manifested increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium–induced colitis. Our results thus suggest that mTORC1 activity promotes the proliferation of, as well as the expression of Wnt target genes in, CECs and thereby contributes to colonic organogenesis and homeostasis