439 research outputs found

    Axisymmetric equilibria of a gravitating plasma with incompressible flows

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    It is found that the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium of an axisymmetric gravitating magnetically confined plasma with incompressible flows is governed by a second-order elliptic differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux function containing five flux functions coupled with a Poisson equation for the gravitation potential, and an algebraic relation for the pressure. This set of equations is amenable to analytic solutions. As an application, the magnetic-dipole static axisymmetric equilibria with vanishing poloidal plasma currents derived recently by Krasheninnikov, Catto, and Hazeltine [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 2689 (1999)] are extended to plasmas with finite poloidal currents, subject to gravitating forces from a massive body (a star or black hole) and inertial forces due to incompressible sheared flows. Explicit solutions are obtained in two regimes: (a) in the low-energy regime β0≈γ0≈δ0≈ϵ0≪1\beta_0\approx \gamma_0\approx \delta_0 \approx\epsilon_0\ll 1, where β0\beta_0, γ0\gamma_0, δ0\delta_0, and ϵ0\epsilon_0 are related to the thermal, poloidal-current, flow and gravitating energies normalized to the poloidal-magnetic-field energy, respectively, and (b) in the high-energy regime β0≈γ0≈δ0≈ϵ0≫1\beta_0\approx \gamma_0\approx \delta_0 \approx\epsilon_0\gg 1. It turns out that in the high-energy regime all four forces, pressure-gradient, toroidal-magnetic-field, inertial, and gravitating contribute equally to the formation of magnetic surfaces very extended and localized about the symmetry plane such that the resulting equilibria resemble the accretion disks in astrophysics.Comment: 12 pages, latex, to be published in Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamic

    A method of solving the stability problem for complex matrices

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    X-rays investigations for the characterization of two 17th century brass instruments from Nuremberg

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    A recent finding at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan of two brass natural horns from the end of the 17th century and assigned to the Haas family from Nuremberg brought to light new information about this class of objects. The instruments were heavily damaged, but their historical value was great. In this study, a multidisciplinary approach mainly based on non-invasive analytical techniques and including X-rays investigations (X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction) was used. The present study was aimed at: i) pointing out the executive techniques for archaeometric purposes; ii) characterizing the morphological and the chemical features of materials; and iii) identifying and mapping the damages of the structure and the alterations of the surface

    Deciphering ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm hemodynamics in relation to biomechanical properties

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    The degeneration of the arterial wall at the basis of the ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm (ATAA) is a complex multifactorial process, which may lead to clinical complications and, ultimately, death. Individual genetic, biological or hemodynamic factors are inadequate to explain the heterogeneity of ATAA development/progression mechanisms, thus stimulating the analysis of their complex interplay. Here the disruption of the hemodynamic environment in the ATAA is investigated integrating patient-specific computational hemodynamics, CT-based in vivo estimation of local aortic stiffness and advanced fluid mechanics methods of analysis. The final aims are (1) deciphering the ATAA spatiotemporal hemodynamic complexity and its link to near-wall topological features, and (2) identifying the existing links between arterial wall degeneration and hemodynamic insult. Technically, two methodologies are applied to computational hemodynamics data, the wall shear stress (WSS) topological skeleton analysis, and the Complex Networks theory. The same analysis was extended to the healthy aorta. As main findings of the study, we report that: (1) different spatiotemporal heterogeneity characterizes the ATAA and healthy hemodynamics, that markedly reflect on their WSS topological skeleton features; (2) a link (stronger than canonical WSS-based descriptors) emerges between the variation of contraction/expansion action exerted by WSS on the endothelium along the cardiac cycle, and ATAA wall stiffness. The findings of the study suggest the use of advanced methods for a deeper understanding of the hemodynamics disruption in ATAA, and candidate WSS topological skeleton features as promising indicators of local wall degeneration

    Chandra Detections of Two Quiescent Black Hole X-Ray Transients

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    Using the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we have detected the black hole transients V4641 Sgr and XTE J1859+226 in their low luminosity, quiescent states. The 0.3-8 keV luminosities are (4.0^(+3.3)_(-2.4))E31 (d/7 kpc)^2 erg/s and (4.2^(+4.8)_(-2.2))E31 (d/11 kpc)^2 erg/s for V4641 Sgr and XTE J1859+226, respectively. With the addition of these 2 systems, 14 out of the 15 transients with confirmed black holes (via compact object mass measurements) now have measured quiescent luminosities or sensitive upper limits. The only exception is GRS 1915+105, which has not been in quiescence since its discovery in 1992. The luminosities for V4641 Sgr and XTE J1859+226 are consistent with the median luminosity of 2E31 erg/s for the systems with previous detections. Our analysis suggests that the quiescent X-ray spectrum of V4641 Sgr is harder than for the other systems in this group, but, due to the low statistical quality of the spectrum, it is not clear if V4641 Sgr is intrinsically hard or if the column density is higher than the interstellar value. Focusing on V4641 Sgr, we compare our results to theoretical models for X-ray emission from black holes in quiescence. Also, we obtain precise X-ray positions for V4641 Sgr and XTE J1859+226 via cross-correlation of the X-ray sources detected near our targets with IR sources in the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey catalog.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted by ApJ Letter

    A bacterial formula with native strains as alternative to chemical fertiliser for tomato crop

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    Global tomato productivity is threatened by biotic and abiotic stressors. To support and guarantee an adequate yield of tomato crops, agricultural practices have been based on the intensive use of fertilisers with negative impacts on the environment. This study presents a simple and effective strategy of functional bioaugmentation, suitable for different varieties, to replace chemical fertilisation. A tailored microbial formula composed by eight indigenous strains (including the genera Delftia, Pseudomonas, Paenarthrobacter, Phyllobacterium, Bacillus, and Acinetobacter) was developed as biofertilizer. Strains were selected from native soil for their plant growth-promoting (PGP) functions, and combined respecting the taxonomic composition of the original PGP heterotrophic community structure. The effect of the bio-fertilisation vs chemical fertilisation was tested in three successive field trials in the company greenhouse, with different tomato varieties (Camone, Oblungo, Cherry). When bio-fertilisation was applied only twice during the Camone's life cycle, tomato yield was significantly reduced (0.8 vs 2.1 kg per plant, p = 0.0003). However, monthly inoculation during plant growth led to a fruit yield comparable to that obtained with chemical fertilisers (about 1.5 kg per plant for Oblungo, and about 2 kg per plant for Cherry variety, p = 0.9999). Bio-fertilization did not significantly affect plant height; only during the last growing period of the Cherry variety, a significantly higher average plant height (p < 0.0001) was observed with chemical fertiliser. The results indicate that a knowledge-based bacterial formula and monthly inoculation during the plant growth can be a successful bio-fertilisation strategy. These findings may pave the way towards more sustainable tomato production, since farming practices are becoming increasingly crucial, in accordance with Agenda 2030 and the UE "Farm to Fork" strategy.[GRAPHICS]

    Exploring novel arterio-venous graft designs to reduce vascular access failure risk

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    Although arterio-venous grafts (AVGs) are the second best option as permanent vascular access for hemodialysis, this solution is still affected by a relevant failure rate associated with neointimal hyperplasia (IH), mainly located at the venous anastomosis, where abnormal hemodynamics occurs. In this study we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate the impact of six innovative AVG designs on reducing the IH risk at the distal anastomosis in AVGs. Findings from simulations clearly show that using a helical shaped flow divider located in the venous side of the graft could assure a reduced hemodynamic risk of failure at the distal anastomosis, with a clinically irrelevant increase in pressure drop over the graft
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