157 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Jalan dan Penataan Arus Lalu Lintas pada Akses Dermaga Ferry Penyeberangan Sianta

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    Kepadatan lalu lintas sering terjadi pada jam-jam sibuk di mana sering terjadi kemacetan pada sebagian jalan raya penting di Pontianak. . Jalan Khatulistiwa yang merupakan juga akses dermaga Ferry Penyeberangan Siantan yang menghubungkan juga dengan lembaga pendidikan, perkantoran, pasar, pertokoan dan pemukiman sehingga dapat menyebabkan konflik arus lalu lintas pada persimpangan yang dapat menghambat kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Untuk merencanakan suatu persimpangan yang baik perlu adanya volume lalu lintas dari persimpangan itu sendiri. Volume lalu lintas ini didapatkan dari hasil survey lalu lintas yang dilaksanakan pada hari Jum'at, Sabtu, Minggu dan Senin. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan alat bantu counter hand. Kemacetan yang terjadi pada persimpangan dikarenakan adanya konflik pada persimpangan yang dapat menghambat kelancaran arus lalu lintas. Hasil penelitian dengan Pengaturan arus lalu lintas didapat alternatif pertama yakni mengurangi hambatan samping dari tinggi menjadi rendah maka ( FRSU = 0,95) misalnya dengan pemasangan rambu lalu lintas larangan serta dilakukan penertiban pedagang kaki lima disekitar simpang sehingga diharapkan berkurangnya hambatan samping disekitar simpang didapat derajat kejenuhan simpang pertama 0,69 dan simpang kedua 0.87. Alternatif kedua mengurangi hambatan samping dari tinggi menjadi rendah maka ( FRSU = 0,95) misalnya dengan pemasangan rambu lalu lintas larangan berhenti serta dilakukan penertiban pedagang kaki lima disekitar simpang. Kemudian kendaraan yang keluar dari kapal ferry dialihkan kearah pasar puring dengan mengurangi hambatan samping yang tinggi menjadi rendah dengan cara pemasangan rambu lalu lintas dan penertiban pedagang kaki lima diruas jalan pasar puring dan disekitar simpang didapat derajat kejenuhan simpang pertama 0,63, simpang kedua 0,57 dan simpang ketiga 1,25. Alternatif ketiga Penerapan alternatif kedua dengan menggunakan simpang bersinyal serta pada simpang ke III dilakukan pelebaran dari 6 M menjadi 12 M pada jalan khatulistiwa didapat derajat kejenuhan simpang pertama 0,583, simpang kedua 0,548 dan simpang ketiga 0,536. Sehingga pengaturan arus lalu lintas dengan alternatif ketiga dianggap lebih efektif. Kata-kata kunci

    Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Textile Material by Fourier Transform Infra-Red A Brief Review

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    Abstract: Difference in the chemical properties of the textile materials is mainly attributed to the presence of different functional groups in their structure. Manufacturing process subjects the material to various treatments like mechanical stretching, bending, twisting, heating etc. They are liable to cause structural changes and therefore characteristics. So, knowledge of scientifically measured characterization of textile material before and after subjecting to various mechanisms of production pattern is needed. Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FT-IR) has found preference over other techniques in this regards. It is successfully used in qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of textile substance

    X-ray constraints on the fraction of obscured AGN at high accretion luminosities

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    The wide-area XMM-XXL X-ray survey is used to explore the fraction of obscured AGN at high accretion luminosities, LX(2−10 keV)>1044 erg s−1L_X (\rm 2-10 \, keV) > 10^{44} \, erg \,s ^{-1}, and out to redshift z≈1.5z\approx1.5. The sample covers an area of about 14 deg2\rm14\,deg^2 and provides constraints on the space density of powerful AGN over a wide range of neutral hydrogen column densities extending beyond the Compton-thick limit, NH≈1024 cm−2\rm N_H\approx10^{24}\,cm^{-2}. The fraction of obscured Compton-thin (NH=1022−1024 cm−2\rm N_H=10^{22}-10^{24}\,cm^{-2}) AGN is estimated to be ≈0.35\approx0.35 for luminosities LX(2−10 keV)>1044 erg s−1L_X(\rm 2-10\,keV)>10^{44}\,erg\,s^{-1} independent of redshift. For less luminous sources the fraction of obscured Compton-thin AGN increases from 0.45±0.100.45\pm0.10 at z=0.25z=0.25 to 0.75±0.050.75\pm0.05 at z=1.25z=1.25. Studies that select AGN in the infrared via template fits to the observed Spectral Energy Distribution of extragalactic sources estimate space densities at high accretion luminosities consistent with the XMM-XXL constraints. There is no evidence for a large population of AGN (e.g. heavily obscured) identified in the infrared and missed at X-ray wavelengths. We further explore the mid-infrared colours of XMM-XXL AGN as a function of accretion luminosity, column density and redshift. The fraction of XMM-XXL sources that lie within the mid-infrared colour wedges defined in the literature to select AGN is primarily a function of redshift. This fraction increases from about 20-30% at z=0.25 to about 50-70% at z=1.5z=1.5.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Energy Distribution associated with Static Axisymmetric Solutions

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    This paper has been addressed to a very old but burning problem of energy in General Relativity. We evaluate energy and momentum densities for the static and axisymmetric solutions. This specializes to two metrics, i.e., Erez-Rosen and the gamma metrics, belonging to the Weyl class. We apply four well-known prescriptions of Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Papaterou and Mo¨\ddot{o}ller to compute energy-momentum density components. We obtain that these prescriptions do not provide similar energy density, however momentum becomes constant in each case. The results can be matched under particular boundary conditions.Comment: 18 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and SpaceScienc

    Identifying and addressing conflicting results across multiple discordant systematic reviews on the same question: protocol for a replication study of the Jadad algorithm

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    Introduction An increasing growth of systematic reviews (SRs) presents notable challenges for decision-makers seeking to answer clinical questions. In 1997, an algorithm was created by Jadad to assess discordance in results across SRs on the same question. Our study aims to (1) replicate assessments done in a sample of studies using the Jadad algorithm to determine if the same SR would have been chosen, (2) evaluate the Jadad algorithm in terms of utility, efficiency and comprehensiveness, and (3) describe how authors address discordance in results across multiple SRs. Methods and analysis We will use a database of 1218 overviews (2000-2020) created from a bibliometric study as the basis of our search for studies assessing discordance (called discordant reviews). This bibliometric study searched MEDLINE (Ovid), Epistemonikos and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for overviews. We will include any study using Jadad (1997) or another method to assess discordance. The first 30 studies screened at the full-text stage by two independent reviewers will be included. We will replicate the authors' Jadad assessments. We will compare our outcomes qualitatively and evaluate the differences between our Jadad assessment of discordance and the authors' assessment. Ethics and dissemination No ethics approval was required as no human subjects were involved. In addition to publishing in an open-access journal, we will disseminate evidence summaries through formal and informal conferences, academic websites, and across social media platforms. This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate and replicate Jadad algorithm assessments of discordance across multiple SRs

    The Association Between Bangladeshi Adults’ Demographics, Personal Beliefs, and Nutrition Literacy: Evidence From a Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: Poverty and health illiteracy, combined with inappropriate systems to track disease and infection rates, contribute to children-and-mothers’ poor adherence to nutrient-rich foods intake in Bangladesh. Although risk factors for child and pregnant women malnutrition have been explored, the relationship between Bangladeshi adults’ nutrition literacy and their demographics and personal beliefs remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between adults’ nutrition literacy, demographics and personal beliefs in a large sample of Bangladeshi adults. Methods: Four hundred adults from two districts (Dhaka and Chattogram) of Bangladesh participated in a cross-sectional survey. Data were collected by interviews using a structured questionnaire containing the Nutrition Literacy Scale. Multiple linear regression models were employed to analyze associations between nutrition literacy and related factors. Results: The mean nutrition literacy score was 21.6 (SD: 3.7; range: 11–32) on a scale of 32. Multiple linear regression revealed that being a businessman (β = 1.66, p = 0.013) or private employee (β = 1.08, p = 0.030), having a higher family income (β = 1.17, p = 0.009), and a higher educational level were positively associated with higher nutrition literacy scores compared to their counterparts. Participants who had ever completed a nutrition-related course (β = 4.95, p < 0.001), and who perceived themselves as having a need for accessing nutrition-related information were positively associated with the higher nutrition literacy compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest the need for an integrated response plan involving educational interventions and accessible dietary plans targeting adult populations to enhance their nutritional literacy

    Psychological responses during the COVID-19 outbreak among university students in Bangladesh

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    Mental health problems in students are considered a public health challenge. We assessed the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS) with the DASS-21, as well as associated factors, among university students in Bangladesh early in the COVID-19 outbreak. We hypothesized high levels of DAS and their associations with previously reported factors (e.g., poor sleep, lack of exercise, heavy internet use) and those linked to disadvantage (e.g., low monthly family income). We also enquired about participants’ satisfaction with their pursuit of their academic studies while living under COVID-19 restrictions. An internet-based survey was conducted during the month of April 2020, involving 3,122 Bangladeshi university students aged 18 to 29 years (59.5% males; mean age 21.4±2 years). Prevalence estimates of depression, anxiety and stress were, respectively, 76.1%, 71.5% and 70.1% for at least mild symptoms, 62.9%, 63.6% and 58.6% for at least moderate symptoms, 35.2%, 40.3%, and 37.7% for at least severe symptoms and 19.7%, 27.5% and 16.5% for at least very severe symptoms. The present estimates of DAS were more prevalent than in previous pre-COVID-19 studies among Bangladeshi university students. Regression analyses with DASS-21-score as a dependent variable revealed associations with factors mostly as hypothesized. The largest effect size on DAS symptoms was related to students’ satisfaction with their academic studies during the pandemic. As this survey used cross-sectional and self-reported methods, causality cannot be inferred. Mental health monitoring of students attempting to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak may be useful and feasible

    Experts Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Calcium Channel Blocker Poisoning in Adults

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    Objective: To provide a management approach for adults with calcium channel blocker poisoning. Data Sources, Study Selection, and Data Extraction: Following the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II instrument, initial voting statements were constructed based on summaries outlining the evidence, risks, and benefits. Data Synthesis: We recommend 1) for asymptomatic patients, observation and consideration of decontamination following a potentially toxic calcium channel blocker ingestion (1D); 2) as first-line therapies (prioritized based on desired effect), IV calcium (1D), high-dose insulin therapy (1D-2D), and norepinephrine and/or epinephrine (1D). We also suggest dobutamine or epinephrine in the presence of cardiogenic shock (2D) and atropine in the presence of symptomatic bradycardia or conduction disturbance (2D); 3) in patients refractory to the first-line treatments, we suggest incremental doses of high-dose insulin therapy if myocardial dysfunction is present (2D), IV lipid-emulsion therapy (2D), and using a pacemaker in the presence of unstable bradycardia or high-grade arteriovenous block without significant alteration in cardiac inotropism (2D); 4) in patients with refractory shock or who are periarrest, we recommend incremental doses of high-dose insulin (1D) and IV lipid-emulsion therapy (1D) if not already tried. We suggest venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, if available, when refractory shock has a significant cardiogenic component (2D), and using pacemaker in the presence of unstable bradycardia or high-grade arteriovenous block in the absence of myocardial dysfunction (2D) if not already tried; 5) in patients with cardiac arrest, we recommend IV calcium in addition to the standard advanced cardiac life-support (1D), lipid-emulsion therapy (1D), and we suggest venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation if available (2D). Conclusion: We offer recommendations for the stepwise management of calcium channel blocker toxicity. For all interventions, the level of evidence was very low

    How can clinicians choose between conflicting and discordant systematic reviews? A replication study of the Jadad algorithm

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    Introduction: The exponential growth of published systematic reviews (SRs) presents challenges for decision makers seeking to answer clinical, public health or policy questions. In 1997, an algorithm was created by Jadad et al. to choose the best SR across multiple. Our study aims to replicate author assessments using the Jadad algorithm to determine: (i) if we chose the same SR as the authors; and (ii) if we reach the same results. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Epistemonikos, and Cochrane Database of SRs. We included any study using the Jadad algorithm. We used consensus building strategies to operationalise the algorithm and to ensure a consistent approach to interpretation. Results: We identified 21 studies that used the Jadad algorithm to choose one or more SRs. In 62% (13/21) of cases, we were unable to replicate the Jadad assessment and ultimately chose a different SR than the authors. Overall, 18 out of the 21 (86%) independent Jadad assessments agreed in direction of the findings despite 13 having chosen a different SR. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the Jadad algorithm is not reproducible between users as there are no prescriptive instructions about how to operationalise the algorithm. In the absence of a validated algorithm, we recommend that healthcare providers, policy makers, patients and researchers address conflicts between review findings by choosing the SR(s) with meta-analysis of RCTs that most closely resemble their clinical, public health, or policy question, are the most recent, comprehensive (i.e. number of included RCTs), and at the lowest risk of bias
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