7 research outputs found

    Connection Between Foreshock Structures and the Generation of Magnetosheath Jets : Vlasiator Results

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    Earth’s magnetosheath consists of shocked solar wind plasma that has been compressed and slowed down at the Earth’s bow shock. Magnetosheath jets are pulses of enhanced dynamic pressure in the magnetosheath. Jets have been observed by numerous spacecraft missions, but their origin has remained unconfirmed, though several formation mechanisms have been suggested. In this study, we use a method for automatically identifying and tracking jets as well as foreshock compressive structures (FCSs) in four 2D runs of the global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator. We find that up to 75% of magnetosheath jets are caused by FCSs impacting the bow shock. These jets propagate deeper into the magnetosheath than the remaining 25% of jets that are not caused by FCSs. We conduct a visual case study of one jet that was not caused by FCSs and find that the bow shock was not rippled before the formation of the jet.Earth's magnetosheath consists of shocked solar wind plasma that has been compressed and slowed down at the Earth's bow shock. Magnetosheath jets are pulses of enhanced dynamic pressure in the magnetosheath. Jets have been observed by numerous spacecraft missions, but their origin has remained unconfirmed, though several formation mechanisms have been suggested. In this study, we use a method for automatically identifying and tracking jets as well as foreshock compressive structures (FCSs) in four 2D runs of the global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator. We find that up to 75% of magnetosheath jets are caused by FCSs impacting the bow shock. These jets propagate deeper into the magnetosheath than the remaining 25% of jets that are not caused by FCSs. We conduct a visual case study of one jet that was not caused by FCSs and find that the bow shock was not rippled before the formation of the jet. Plain Language Summary The space around Earth is filled with plasma, the fourth state of matter. Earth's magnetic field shields our planet from the stream of plasma coming from the Sun, the solar wind. The solar wind plasma is slowed down at the Earth's bow shock, before it flows against and around the Earth's magnetic field in the magnetosheath. Sometimes, pulses of high density or velocity can occur in the magnetosheath that have the potential to disturb the inner regions of near-Earth space where many spacecraft orbit. We call these pulses magnetosheath jets. Magnetosheath jets have been observed by many spacecraft over the past few decades, but how they form has remained unclear. In this study, we use the Vlasiator model to simulate plasma in near-Earth space and investigate the origins of magnetosheath jets. We find that the formation of up to 75% of these jets can be explained by compressive structures in the foreshock, a region populated by intense wave activity extending sunward of the quasi-parallel bow shock, where interplanetary magnetic field lines allow shock-reflected particles to travel back toward the Sun.Peer reviewe

    Electron Signatures of Reconnection in a Global eVlasiator Simulation

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    Geospace plasma simulations have progressed toward more realistic descriptions of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction from magnetohydrodynamic to hybrid ion-kinetic, such as the state-of-the-art Vlasiator model. Despite computational advances, electron scales have been out of reach in a global setting. eVlasiator, a novel Vlasiator submodule, shows for the first time how electromagnetic fields driven by global hybrid-ion kinetics influence electrons, resulting in kinetic signatures. We analyze simulated electron distributions associated with reconnection sites and compare them with Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft observations. Comparison with MMS shows that key electron features, such as reconnection inflows, heated outflows, flat-top distributions, and bidirectional streaming, are in remarkable agreement. Thus, we show that many reconnection-related features can be reproduced despite strongly truncated electron physics and an ion-scale spatial resolution. Ion-scale dynamics and ion-driven magnetic fields are shown to be significantly responsible for the environment that produces electron dynamics observed by spacecraft in near-Earth plasmas.Peer reviewe

    Enabling technology for global 3D + 3V hybrid-Vlasov simulations of near-Earth space

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    We present methods and algorithms that allow the Vlasiator code to run global, three-dimensional hybrid-Vlasov simulations of Earth's entire magnetosphere. The key ingredients that make Vlasov simulations at magnetospheric scales possible are the sparse velocity space implementation and spatial adaptive mesh refinement. We outline the algorithmic improvement of the semi-Lagrangian solver for six-dimensional phase space quantities, discuss the coupling of Vlasov and Maxwell equations' solvers in a refined mesh, and provide performance figures from simulation test runs that demonstrate the scalability of this simulation system to full magnetospheric runs.Peer reviewe

    Magnetospheric responses to solar wind Pc5 density fluctuations : Results from 2D hybrid Vlasov simulation

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    Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves are routinely observed in Earth's dayside magnetosphere. Here we investigate the influence of externally-driven density variations in the near-Earth space in the ULF regime using global 2D simulations performed with the hybrid-Vlasov model Vlasiator. With the new time-varying boundary setup, we introduce a monochromatic Pc5 range periodic density variation in the solar wind. A breathing motion of the magnetopause and changes in the bow shock standoff position are caused by the density variation, the time lag between which is found to be consistent with propagation at fast magnetohydrodynamic speed. The oscillations also create large-scale stripes of variations in the magnetosheath and modulate the mirror and electromagnetic ion cyclotron modes. We characterize the spatial-temporal properties of ULF waves at different phases of the variation. Less prominent EMIC and mirror mode wave activities near the center of magnetosheath are observed with decreasing upstream Mach number. The EMIC wave occurrence is strongly related to pressure anisotropy and beta(||), both vary as a function of the upstream conditions, whereas the mirror mode occurrence is highly influenced by fast waves generated from upstream density variations.Peer reviewe

    First 3D hybrid-Vlasov global simulation of auroral proton precipitation and comparison with satellite observations

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    The precipitation of charged particles from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere is one of the crucial coupling mechanisms between these two regions of geospace and is associated with multiple space weather effects, such as global navigation satellite system signal disruption and geomagnetically induced currents at ground level. While precipitating particle fluxes have been measured by numerous spacecraft missions over the past decades, it often remains difficult to obtain global precipitation patterns with a good time resolution during a substorm. Numerical simulations can help to bridge this gap and improve the understanding of mechanisms leading to particle precipitation at high latitudes through the global view they offer on the near-Earth space system. We present the first results on auroral (0.5-50 keV) proton precipitation within a 3-dimensional simulation of the Vlasiator hybrid-Vlasov model. The run is driven by southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions with constant solar wind parameters. We find that on the dayside, cusp proton precipitation exhibits the expected energy-latitude dispersion and takes place in the form of successive bursts associated with the transit of flux transfer events formed through dayside magnetopause reconnection. On the nightside, the precipitation takes place within the expected range of geomagnetic latitudes, and it appears clearly that the precipitating particle injection is taking place within a narrow magnetic local time span, associated with fast Earthward plasma flows in the near-Earth magnetotail. Finally, the simulated precipitating fluxes are compared to observations from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program spacecraft during driving conditions similar to those in the simulation and are found to be in good agreement with the measurements.Peer reviewe