44 research outputs found

    Kiso observations for 20 GRBs in HETE-2 era

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    We have established a GRB follow-up observation system at Kiso observatory (Japan) in 2001. Since the east Asian area had been blank for the GRB follow-up observational network, this observational system is very important in studying the temporal and spectral evolution of early afterglows. Using this system, we have performed quick observations for optical afterglows from early phase based on HETE-2 and INTEGRAL alerts. Thanks to the quick follow-up observation system, we have been able to use the Kiso observatory in 20 events, and conduct their follow-up observations in optical and near infrared wavelengths.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure. Accepted for publication into "il nuovo cimento". Proceeding of the 4th Rome GRB conference, eds. L. Piro, L. Amati, S. Covino, B. Gendr

    Early (<<0.3 day) R-band light curve of the optical afterglow of GRB030329

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    We observed the optical afterglow of the bright gamma-ray burst GRB030329 on the nights of 2003 March 29, using the Kiso observatory (the University of Tokyo) 1.05 m Schmidt telescope. Data were taken from March 29 13:21:26 UT to 17:43:16 (0.072 to 0.253 days after the burst), using an RcRc-band filter. The obtained RcRc-band light curve has been fitted successfully by a single power law function with decay index of 0.891±0.0040.891\pm0.004. These results remain unchanged when incorporating two early photometric data points at 0.065 and 0.073 days, reported by Price et al.(2003) using the SSO 40 inch telescope, and further including RTT150 data (Burenin et al. 2003) covering at about 0.3 days. Over the period of 0.065-0.285 days after the burst, any deviation from the power-law decay is smaller than ±\pm0.007 mag. The temporal structure reported by Uemura et al. (2003) does not show up in our RR-band light curve.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Multi-band optical follow-up observations of GRB 020813 at KISO and Bisei observatories

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    Observations were made of the optical afterglow of GRB020813 (Fox, Blake & Price, 2002) with the KISO observatory 1.05 m Schmidt telescope and the Bisei astronomical observatory 1.01 m telescope. Four-band (B,V,RB, V, R, and II) photometric data points were obtained from 2002, August 13 10:52 to 16:46 UT, or 0.346-0.516 days after the burst. In order to investigate the early-time (<<1 day) evolution of the afterglow, four-band light curves were produced by analyzing the data taken at these two astronomical observatories, as well as publicly released data taken by the Magellan Baade telescope (Gladders and Hall, 2002c). The light curves can be approximated by a broken power law, of which the indices are approximately 0.46 and 1.33 before and after a break at \sim0.2 days, respectively. The optical spectral index stayed approximately constant at \sim0.9 over 0.17 \sim 4.07 days after the burst. Since the temporal decay index after the break and the spectral index measured at that time are both consistent with those predicted by a spherical expansion model, the early break is unlikely to be a jet break, but likely to represent the end of an early bump in the light curve as was observed in the optical afterglow of GRB021004.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Very early multi-color observations of the plateau phase of GRB 041006 afterglow

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    Observations of the optical afterglow of GRB 041006 with the Kiso Observatory 1.05 m Schmidt telescope, the Lulin Observatory 1.0 m telescope and the Xinglong Observatory 0.6 m telescope. Three-bands (B, V and R) of photometric data points were obtained on 2004 October 6, 0.025-0.329 days after the burst. These very early multi band light curves imply the existence of a color dependent plateau phase. The B-band light curve shows a clear plateau at around 0.03 days after the burst. The R band light curve shows the hint of a plateau, or a possible slope change, at around 0.1 days after the burst. The overall behavior of these multi-band light curves may be interpreted in terms of the sum of two separate components, one showing a monotonic decay the other exhibiting a rising and a falling phase, as described by the standard afterglow model.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to ApJ Letter

    Multi-color Shallow Decay and Chromatic Breaks in the GRB 050319 Optical Afterglow

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    Multi-wavelength B, V, R, I observations of the optical afterglow of GRB 050319 were performed by the 1.05-m telescope at Kiso Observatory and the 1.0-m telescope at Lulin Observatory from 1.31 hours to 9.92 hours after the burst. Our R band lightcurves, combined with other published data, can be described by the smooth broken power-law function, with α1\alpha_1 = -0.84 ±\pm0.02 to α2\alpha_2 = -0.48±\pm0.03, 0.04 days after the GRB. The optical lightcurves are characterized by shallow decays-- as was also observed in the X-rays-- which may have a similar origin, related to energy injection. However, our observations indicate that there is still a puzzle concerning the chromatic breaks in the R band lightcurve (at 0.04 days) and the X-ray lightcurve (at 0.004 days) that remains to be solved.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, accpeted for publication in ApJ


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    We present our discovery of dramatic variability in SDSS J1100+4421 by the high-cadence transient survey Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS). The source brightened in the optical by at least a factor of three within about half a day. Spectroscopic observations suggest that this object is likely a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) at z=0.840, however with unusually strong narrow emission lines. The estimated black hole mass of ~ 10^7 Msun implies bolometric nuclear luminosity close to the Eddington limit. SDSS J1100+4421 is also extremely radio-loud, with a radio loudness parameter of R ~ 4 x 10^2 - 3 x 10^3, which implies the presence of relativistic jets. Rapid and large-amplitude optical variability of the target, reminiscent of that found in a few radio- and gamma-ray loud NLS1s, is therefore produced most likely in a blazar-like core. The 1.4 GHz radio image of the source shows an extended structure with a linear size of about 100 kpc. If SDSS J1100+4421 is a genuine NLS1, as suggested here, this radio structure would then be the largest ever discovered in this type of active galaxie

    OISTER optical and near-infrared monitoring observations of peculiar radio-loud active galactic nucleus SDSS J110006.07+442144.3

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    We present monitoring campaign observations at optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths for a radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z = 0.840, SDSS J110006.07+442144.3 (hereafter, J1100+4421), which was identified during a flare phase in late 2014 February. The campaigns consist of three intensive observing runs from the discovery to 2015 March, mostly within the scheme of the OISTER collaboration. Optical-NIR light curves and simultaneous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are obtained. Our measurements show the strongest brightening in 2015 March. We found that the optical-NIR SEDs of J1100+4421 show an almost steady shape despite the large and rapid intranight variability. This constant SED shape is confirmed to extend to ∼5 μm in the observed frame using the archival WISE data. Given the lack of absorption lines and the steep power-law spectrum of α ν ∼ -1.4, where fνναν, synchrotron radiation by a relativistic jet with no or small contributions from the host galaxy and the accretion disk seems most plausible as an optical-NIR emission mechanism. The steep optical-NIR spectral shape and the large amplitude of variability are consistent with this object being a low ν peak jet-dominated AGN. In addition, sub-arcsecond resolution optical imaging data taken with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam does not show a clear extended component and the spatial scales are significantly smaller than the large extensions detected at radio wavelengths. The optical spectrum of a possible faint companion galaxy does not show any emission lines at the same redshift, and hence a merging hypothesis for this AGN-related activity is not supported by our observations. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Astronomical Society of Japan. All rights reserved