21 research outputs found

    Youth Work in Tallinn: the Positive Impact on Young People

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    "The article looks into youth work participation in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. While the focus is on describing the link between participation in different activities and some characteristics of youth development, the article also describes youth work in Tallinn. The article looks at the link between participation in five distinct youth work activities (youth centres, hobby education, youth projects, youth organisations, counseling) and three outcome variables: labor market orientation, multiculturalism and youth voting. The empirical analysis is based on a database of 1061 elementary and secondary school pupils that was collected in Tallinn in spring 2010. Analysis results indicate a positive relationship between youth work participation and levels of the outcome variables. Thought not all regression coefficients were statistically significant, they consistently pointed in the same direction. The findings are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that youth work participation does have a positive influence on youth development." (author's abstract

    Patterns and Types of Youth Activism in Two Contrasting Locations in Estonia

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    While some decades ago it was believed in European countries that the state should take the responsibility of assuring its citizens’ well-being (social citizenship), nowadays it is believed that individual autonomy and activism should have a more prominent role in well-being. This perspective raises questions about how large share of young people is socially and politically active and how is involvement in different activities correlated. Is activism predominantly cumulative with relatively few being relatively active or, instead, are relatively many involved in a relatively few activities?The article explores youth activism patterns in two contrasting locations in Estonia. The analysis uses survey data collected in project MYPLACE, which contain a rich set of activism indicators. For establishing patterns of youth activism, cluster analysis is used. Analysis results show a considerable concentration of social and political activism in a relatively small fraction of young people while large part of young people is completely inactive or active only lightly. As a result, only a relatively small proportion of young people has the potential to make its interests and needs visible and politicised so that these could be taken into account. Such activism patterns are likely to lead to increasing inequalities instead on more just and equal society

    Patterns and types of youth activism in two contrasting locations in Estonia

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    While some decades ago it was believed in European countries that the state should take the responsibility of assuring its citizens' well-being (social citizenship), nowadays it is believed that individual autonomy and activism should have a more prominent role in well-being. This perspective raises questions about how large share of young people is socially and politically active and how is involvement in different activities correlated. Is activism predominantly cumulative with relatively few being relatively active or, instead, are relatively many involved in a relatively few activities? The article explores youth activism patterns in two contrasting locations in Estonia. The analysis uses survey data collected in project MYPLACE, which contain a rich set of activism indicators. For establishing patterns of youth activism, cluster analysis is used. Analysis results show a considerable concentration of social and political activism in a relatively small fraction of young people while large part of young people is completely inactive or active only lightly. As a result, only a relatively small proportion of young people has the potential to make its interests and needs visible and politicised so that these could be taken into account. Such activism patterns are likely to lead to increasing inequalities instead on more just and equal society

    Youth Work in Tallinn: the Positive Impact on Young People

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    The article looks into youth work participation in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. While the focus is on describing the link between participation in different activities and some characteristics of youth development, the article also describes youth work in Tallinn. The article looks at the link between participation in five distinct youth work activities (youth centres, hobby education, youth projects, youth organisations, counseling) and three outcome variables: labor market orientation, multiculturalism and youth voting. The empirical analysis is based on a database of 1061 elementary and secondary school pupils that was collected in Tallinn in spring 2010. Analysis results indicate a positive relationship between youth work participation and levels of the outcome variables. Thought not all regression coefficients were statistically significant, they consistently pointed in the same direction. The findings are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that youth work participation does have a positive influence on youth development

    The Relationship between Integration Dimensions among Second Generation Russians in Estonia

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    This article examines the relationship between structural, cultural, social and identifi cational integration dimensions among second generation Russians in Estonia on the basis of TIES data. The relationship between structural integration and other dimensions is established through cluster analysis, which involves the analysis of the diff erence between means across clusters. In addition, a bivariate correlation analysis is used to determine the relationship between cultural, social, and identifi cational dimensions. The results raise questions regarding the pertinence of linear assimilation theory in the Estonian case. While the cluster analysis reveals a positive relationship between structural and cultural integration, higher levels of social and identifi cational integration are not correlated with higher levels of structural and cultural integration. Second generation Russians retain a strong ethnic identity and socialise primarily with other Russians. A bivariate correlation analysis reveals that there is a relationship between cultural, social and identity-related dimensions. Feelings of belonging to Estonia and distance from both Russia and Russians in Russia are stronger among those with good Estonian language profi ciency. Respondents with strong Estonian language skills also tend to be more socially integrated and to have more Estonian friends

    The relationship between integration dimensions among second generation Russians in Estonia

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    "This article examines the relationship between structural, cultural, social and identificational integration dimensions among second generation Russians in Estonia on the basis of TIES data. The relationship between structural integration and other dimensions is established through cluster analysis, which involves the analysis of the difference between means across clusters. In addition, a bivariate correlation analysis is used to determine the relationship between cultural, social, and identificational dimensions. The results raise questions regarding the pertinence of linear assimilation theory in the Estonian case. While the cluster analysis reveals a positive relationship between structural and cultural integration, higher levels of social and identificational integration are not correlated with higher levels of structural and cultural integration. Second generation Russians retain a strong ethnic identity and socialise primarily with other Russians. A bivariate correlation analysis reveals that there is a relationship between cultural, social and identity-related dimensions. Feelings of belonging to Estonia and distance from both Russia and Russians in Russia are stronger among those with good Estonian language proficiency. Respondents with strong Estonian language skills also tend to be more socially integrated and to have more Estonian friends." (author's abstract

    Mõningate kõrgharidusega töötajatele tööd andvate ettevõtete juhtide hinnangud ja ootused 3-e aastase bakalaureuseõppe lõpetajatele

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    Uuringu peaeesmärk oli saada ülevaade tööandjate ootustest ja hinnangutest 3+2 haridussüsteemis bakalaureuseõppe lõpetanud töötajatele. Uurimisprojektil oli 5 alleesmärki: 1 Selgitada tööandjate ootusi kõrgharidusega töötajate pädevuste osas, 2 Hinnata 3-aastase bakalaureuseõppe lõpetanute hakkamasaamist tööturul, 3 Hinnata erinevate faktorite (sh ülikoolihariduse erinevate aspektide) tähtsust personalivalikul, 4 Selgitada tööandjate valmidust teha koostööd ülikooliga (ülikooli õpingute sidumine tööalase praktikaga ja õppekavade arendus), 5 Selgitada tööandjate suhtumist töötajate jätku-õpingutesse erinevatel astmetel

    Programmi Euroopa Noored mõju ja tulemused Eestis

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    Programm Euroopa Noored on Euroopa Liidu noortele suunatud kodanikuhariduse programm, kus oskuste ja teadmiste areng toimub läbi kaasatuse mitteformaalses keskkonnas toimuvasse õppetöösse. Paljud uuringud on näidanud, kuidas teatud kvaliteedikriteeriumidele vastavad erinevad juhendatud ja organiseeritud vaba aja veetmise vormid aitavad kaasa isiksuseomaduste arengule ja kogemuste saamisele, mis aitavad omakorda kaasa noorte kujunemisele aktiivseks ühiskonnaliikmeks. Programmi Euroopa Noored mõju ja tulemuste hindamiseks on läbi viidud mitmeid erinevaid uuringuid, mis peaasjalikult keskenduvad programmis osalejatele. Selleks, et saada parem ülevaade programmi laiemast mõjust ühiskonnale, on uuringutesse kaasatud ka peamisi noortevaldkonna arendajaid Eestis. Antud ülevaade kajastab Tallinna Ülikooli sotsiaalteadlaste Marti Taru ja Peeter Vihma poolt läbi viidud küsitlusuuringut aastatel 2007-2010 projektides osalenute ja projektijuhtide ning projektide korraldajate hulgas ning süvaintervjuusid projektides osalenutega

    Poliitikaülevaade 3/2012 - Eesti noorte osalemine noorsootöös: ülevaade peamistest suundumustest

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    Poliitikaülevaate keskmes on Eesti noorte osalemine juhendatud vaba aja tegevustes. Poliitikaülevaate aluseks on 2011 a. lõpus Eesti 7-26-aastaste noorte hulgas korraldatud küsitlus, mille põhiteemaks olid noorsootöös osalemise mustrid ja neid selgitavad taustategurid. Ülevaates tuuakse välja küsitluse esmased tulemused: kui suur osa noortest osaleb noorsootöö eri tegevustes? kui sageli ja millistes huviringides noored põhiliselt osalevad? millega tegelevad noored noortekeskustes? kui palju noori osaleb vabatahtlikes tegevustes? miks noored noorsootöös osalevad ja mida see osalemine neile on andnud?http://www.noorteseire.ee/system/resources/BAhbBlsHOgZmIjYyMDEyLzAyLzA4LzE1XzM2XzAxXzExOF9Qb2xpaXRpa2F5bGV2YWFkZTNfQTQucGRm/15_36_01_118_Poliitikaylevaade3_A4.pd

    Avatud noortekeskuste olukorra kordusuuring

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    Tallinna Ülikooli Rahvusvaheliste ja Sotsiaaluuringute Instituudi poolt läbiviidud noortekeskuste kordusuuringu eesmärgiks oli anda ülevaade noortekeskuste olukorrast kolmes valdkonnas: noortekeskuste toimemehhanismid, noortekeskuste panus ühiskonda ja noortekeskuste elujõulisus. Eraldi kvalitatiivse uuringuna viidi läbi Saue Noortekeskuse juhtumiuuring, mille tarbeks toimus 5 individuaal- ja 2 grupiintervjuud ning lisaks koguti vaatlusmaterjali. Saue Noortekeskus valiti juhtumiuuringu läbiviimiseks mitmel kaalutlusel, sh seetõttu, et keskus asub maa ja linna piiril ning seetõtu annab Saue Noortekeskuse juhtumi uurimine teavet nii suurele linnale kui väikesele asulale omastest protsessidest ja karakteristikutest.http://www.entk.ee/sites/default/files/EANK2010.pd