570 research outputs found

    Edukacja w perspektywie filozofii dialogu. Aspekty etyczne w dobie pandemii COVID-19

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    The personal relationship between teacher and student is an important element of the educational process. It takes place in a specific space, which is usually a school. Interpersonal relationships and the space in which the interaction occurs are very important for understanding the essence of humankind. Problems related to the understanding of interpersonal relationships and their place in the broader educational process are also key issues in the philosophy of dialogue, as perceived by Józef Tischner. Therefore, the article first presents the main outlines of the philosophy of dialogue, understood as a starting point for education; then it emphasizes the importance of dialogue in education and the role of the meeting between teacher and student in the educational process. Over the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, interpersonal relationships have been greatly limited and sometimes even impossible, while the learning process was carried out remotely. With this in mind, the article discusses the ethical dimension of education in both real and virtual meetings. The main aim of the article is to draw attention to the threats facing today’s changing education and to emphasize one of the important elements of education, which is educational dialogue.Osobista relacja nauczyciela i ucznia jest ważną kwestią w procesie edukacyjnym. Ma ona miejsce w konkretnej przestrzeni, jaką zazwyczaj jest szkoła. Relacje międzyludzkie oraz przestrzeń, w której wydarza się spotkanie, są bardzo ważne dla zrozumienia istoty człowieka. Zagadnienia związane z rozumieniem relacji osobowych i ich miejscem w szeroko rozumianym procesie wychowania są także kluczowymi kwestiami filozofii dialogu w ujęciu Józefa Tischnera. Dlatego w artykule przedstawione zostaną najpierw główne zarysy filozofii dialogu rozumianej jako punkt wyjścia dla edukacji, następnie podkreślone będzie znaczenie dialogu w edukacji oraz roli spotkania nauczyciela i ucznia w procesie wychowania. W ostatnich dwóch latach pandemii COVID-19 relacje międzyludzkie zostały bardzo ograniczone, a czasami wręcz stały się niemożliwe, natomiast proces nauczania odbywał się w formie online (zdalnej). Mając to na uwadze, w artykule zostanie omówiony etyczny wymiar wychowania w spotkaniu zarówno realnym, jak również wirtualnym. Głównym celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na zagrożenia, jakie stoją przed dzisiejszą edukacją, tak dynamicznie podlegającą kolejnym przemianom, oraz wyakcentowanie jednego z ważnych elementów edukacji, jakim jest dialog edukacyjny

    The comparison of estimation methods on the parameter estimates and fit indices in SEM model under 7-point Likert scale

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    In this article, the author discusses the issues and problems associated with the influence of different estimation methods on the level of obtained parameters and goodness-of-fit of a Structural Equation Model (SEM) in the context of data measured on a 7-point Likert scale. Thus, the objective of the conducted analysis was to compare the selected methods of estimation such as maximum likelihood (ML), maximum likelihood mean adjusted (MLM), maximum likelihood mean-variance adjusted (MLMV), weighted least squares (WLS), weighted least squares mean adjusted (WLSM) and weighted least squares mean-variance adjusted (WLSMV) on the basis of respective parameter statistics, for which the quality of the SEM model fit was assessed. Eventually, among the presented methods, the best estimation procedure was selected. The area of empirical study and the subject of investigation refers to the opinion of consumers about the unethical behavior of companies in the area of marketing

    Providing Providers: Abortion Training for Physicians in the United States, 1920-2007

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    This work was designed to investigate the teaching of induced abortion to allopathic medical doctors in the twentieth-century United States. Elective termination of pregnancy is an extremely common procedure in the United States (1). While abortions have been and continue to be performed by nurses and midwives as well as by physicians, the training of medical doctors is of particular interest. Their lengthy formal training and historical stature as a highly educated group have garnered a respect in the public eye and an image as safe and knowledgeable providers, even where abortion training might have been lacking. This project aimed to determine the exposure of medical students and residents to abortion procedures in their routine course of training. A literature search was conducted, including journal articles, books, and conference proceedings from 1920 to 2007. Particular attention was paid to reports of medical student and resident didactic and clinical experience with abortion. Resident experience with management of incomplete abortions was considered as an additional source of procedural experience prior to legalization. The most surprising finding was that residents might have had greater procedural experience prior to legalization of abortion. In the era of illegal abortion, many women presented to hospitals with incomplete abortions, which were managed using techniques that could also be employed to interrupt a stable pregnancy. Residents thus had more procedural training and experience with complications. Once abortion was legalized, these cases dropped dramatically. Since most abortions took place and continue to take place in freestanding outpatient clinics, training physicians have little exposure. So while training in pregnancy options counseling may now be available where it was previously lacking, the technical skills needed to provide safe and effective terminations may be more difficult for residents to acquire

    My Brother the Buffalo: An Ethnohistorical Documentation of the 1999 Buffalo Walk and the Cultural Significance of Yellowstone Buffalo to the Lakota Sioux and Nez Perce Peoples

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    This study was prepared for the National Park Service to serve as documentation of the cultural significance of Yellowstone buffalo to two American Indian cultural groups, the Nez Perce and the Lakota Sioux, and of the 1999 Buffalo Walk and accompanying ceremony that took place within the boundary of the park. Both Lakota Sioux and Nez Perce peoples had leadership roles in the Buffalo Walk, which was a benchmark event in the history of the park and of Yellowstone buffalo management. Participants in the Buffalo Walk walked and rode more than 500 miles from Rapid City, South Dakota to the north gate of the park to honor and attract attention to the situation faced by the Yellowstone buffalo herd. This study documents the involvement of Lakota Sioux and Nez Perce peoples in this important event in park history and provides context for this involvement through the discussion of the historic and contemporary significance of Yellowstone buffalo to the cultures of these two groups

    Placental growth hormone, pituitary growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, and ghrelin in umbilical cord blood serum and amniotic fluid

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    Wstęp: Poszukując czynników, które pozwoliłyby na prognozowanie dalszego rozwoju noworodka, oznaczano we krwi pępowinowejoraz w płynie owodniowym 92. noworodków stężenie łożyskowego hormonu wzrostu (PGH), przysadkowego hormonu wzrostu (GH1),insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu 1 (IGF-1) oraz greliny.Materiał i metody: Omawiane białka były oznaczane metoda ELISA. Porównano wartości ich stężenia u 57. noworodków i 35. wcześniakóworaz u noworodków dużych (> 4000 g) i małych (< 2500 g). Porównano również masę ciała noworodków i masę łożyska.Wyniki: Statystycznie znamienne różnice pomiędzy wcześniakami i noworodkami donoszonymi oraz między dużymi i małymi dziećmiuzyskano jedynie w odniesieniu do masy ciała noworodków i masy łożyska. Natomiast wartości stężeń badanych hormonów nie wykazywałystatystycznie znamiennych różnic. Zaobserwowano wyraźne tendencję wzrastania stężenia PGH u wcześniaków i noworodkówmałych. Natomiast u noworodków dużych uzyskano statystycznie znamienne wyższe stężenie IGF-1 w porównaniu z wcześniakami.Wnioski: Badania nasze wskazują na ważną rolę PGH w utrzymaniu odpowiedniej puli IGF-1 oraz bezpośredni wpływ na funkcję łożyska uwcześniaków poprzez uruchomienie mechanizmów kompensacyjnych stymulujących syntezę IGF-1.Introduction: In the search for biomarkers that allow the prediction of neonatal growth and development, placental growth hormone(PGH), pituitary growth hormone (GH1), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and ghrelin concentrations were assessed in the amnioticfluid and in the umbilical cord blood of 92 neonates.Material and methods: The proteins were assayed by the ELISA method. Their concentration values were compared in 57 full-termneonates and 35 prematurely born neonates, as well as in both large (> 4,000 g) and small neonates (< 2,500 g). Also, body mass andplacenta mass were compared.Results: Statistically significant differences both between prematurely born neonates and full-term neonates and between large andsmall neonates were obtained only in terms of the body mass of neonates and placenta mass. The concentration values of the hormonesstudied did not show statistically significant differences. A distinct tendency was noticed towards an increase in PGH concentration inboth prematurely born and small neonates. In large neonates, statistically significantly higher IGF-1 concentrations were found comparedto the prematurely born neonates.Conclusions: Our studies indicate an important role for PGH in maintaining a proper IGF-1 pool and demonstrate the existence ofa direct influence on the function of the placenta in prematurely born neonates through the activation of compensation mechanisms,which stimulate IGF-1 synthesis

    Likert scale and change in range of response categories vs. the factors extraction in EFA model

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    Abstract: The objective article is the comparative analysis of Likert rating scale based on the following range of response categories, i.e. 5, 7, 9 and 11 in context of the appropriate process of factors extraction in exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The problem which is being addressed in article relates primarily to the methodological aspects, both in selection of the optimal number of response categories of the measured items (constituting the Likert scale) and identification of possible changes, differences or similarities associated (as a result of the impact of four types of scales) with extraction and determination the appropriate number of factors in EFA model. Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis, Likert scale, experiment research, marketin

    Wywiad PRL na tropie Kazimierza Sabbata

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    Krzysztof Tarka has for years been researching into unofficial contacts of Polish emigration with the special services of the Polish People’s Republic and the role those services played in initiating political and social incidents in exile. It is especially important to explore successful and unsuccessful attempts of gaining most outstanding emigration politicians for cooperation. One of the persons under surveillance was the Prime minister, then the President of the Republic of Poland in Exile (1986–1989)—Kazimierz Sabbat. The article describes the knowledge the special services had of Sabbat and the attempts to win him for collaboration. It shows the mechanisms of activities and people who were conducting them.Krzysztof Tarka has for years been researching into unofficial contacts of Polish emigration with the special services of the Polish People’s Republic and the role those services played in initiating political and social incidents in exile. It is especially important to explore successful and unsuccessful attempts of gaining most outstanding emigration politicians for cooperation. One of the persons under surveillance was the Prime minister, then the President of the Republic of Poland in Exile (1986–1989)—Kazimierz Sabbat. The article describes the knowledge the special services had of Sabbat and the attempts to win him for collaboration. It shows the mechanisms of activities and people who were conducting them

    Satyra na Augusta Zaleskiego czyli o sporze Wojciecha Wasiutyńskiego z „Syreną” paryską

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    A SATIRE ON AUGUST ZALESKI, I.E. ON THE CONFLICT BETWEEN WOJCIECH WASIUTYŃŚKI AND THE PARISIAN SYRENA In 1949 the Parisian weekly Syrena published an anonymous satire on President August Zaleski. As it later turned out, it was written by Wojciech Wasiutyński, a well-known journalist and activist of the Stronnictwo Narodowe (National Party). Wasiutyński was not informed about the decision to publish his text and was outraged, demanding compensation. The editorial team explained that the anonymous copies of the satire had circulated among Polish immigrants. The issue echoed a far more significant debate concerning the office of the President of Poland in exile