Satyra na Augusta Zaleskiego czyli o sporze Wojciecha Wasiutyńskiego z „Syreną” paryską


A SATIRE ON AUGUST ZALESKI, I.E. ON THE CONFLICT BETWEEN WOJCIECH WASIUTYŃŚKI AND THE PARISIAN SYRENA In 1949 the Parisian weekly Syrena published an anonymous satire on President August Zaleski. As it later turned out, it was written by Wojciech Wasiutyński, a well-known journalist and activist of the Stronnictwo Narodowe (National Party). Wasiutyński was not informed about the decision to publish his text and was outraged, demanding compensation. The editorial team explained that the anonymous copies of the satire had circulated among Polish immigrants. The issue echoed a far more significant debate concerning the office of the President of Poland in exile

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