211 research outputs found

    Tracing the evolution of amniote chromosomes

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    A great deal of diversity in chromosome number and arrangement is observed across the amniote phylogeny. Understanding how this diversity is generated is important for determining the role of chromosomal rearrangements in generating phenotypic variation and speciation. Gaining this understanding is achieved by reconstructing the ancestral genome arrangement based on comparisons of genome organization of extant species. Ancestral karyotypes for several amniote lineages have been reconstructed, mainly from cross-species chromosome painting data. The availability of anchored whole genome sequences for amniote species has increased the evolutionary depth and confidence of ancestral reconstructions from those made solely from chromosome painting data. Nonetheless, there are still several key lineages where the appropriate data required for ancestral reconstructions is lacking. This review highlights the progress that has been made towards understanding the chromosomal changes that have occurred during amniote evolution and the reconstruction of ancestral karyotypes

    Repetitive sequence and sex chromosome evolution in vertebrates

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    Sex chromosomes are the most dynamic entity in any genome having unique morphology, gene content, and evolution. They have evolved multiple times and independently throughout vertebrate evolution. One of the major genomic changes that pertain to sex chromosomes involves the amplification of common repeats. It is hypothesized that such amplification of repeats facilitates the suppression of recombination, leading to the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes through genetic degradation of Y or W chromosomes. Although contrasting evidence is available, it is clear that amplification of simple repetitive sequences played a major role in the evolution of Y and W chromosomes in vertebrates. In this review, we present a brief overview of the repetitive DNA classes that accumulated during sex chromosome evolution, mainly focusing on vertebrates, and discuss their possible role and potential function in this process.</jats:p

    Sex-linked markers in the North American green frog (Rana clamitans) developed using DArTseq provide early insight into sex chromosome evolution

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    BACKGROUND: The extent to which sex reversal is associated with transitions in sex determining systems (XX-XY, ZZ-ZW, etc.) or abnormal sexual differentiation is predominantly unexplored in amphibians. This is in large part because most amphibian taxa have homomorphic sex chromosomes, which has traditionally made it challenging to identify discordance between phenotypic and genetic sex in amphibians, despite all amphibians having a genetic component to sex determination. Recent advances in molecular techniques such as genome complexity reduction and high throughput sequencing present a valuable avenue for furthering our understanding of sex determination in amphibians and other taxa with homomorphic sex chromosomes like many fish and reptiles. RESULTS: We use DArTseq as a novel approach to identify sex-linked markers in the North American green frog (Rana clamitans melanota) using lab-reared tadpoles as well as wild-caught adults from seven ponds either in undeveloped, forested habitats or suburban ponds known to be subject to contamination by anthropogenic chemicals. The DArTseq methodology identified 13 sex-linked SNP loci and eight presence-absence loci associated with males, indicating an XX-XY system. Both alleles from a single locus show partial high sequence homology to Dmrt1, a gene linked to sex determination and differentiation throughout Metazoa. Two other loci have sequence similarities to regions of the chimpanzee and human X-chromosome as well as the chicken Z-chromosome. Several loci also show geographic variation in sex-linkage, possibly indicating sex chromosome recombination. While all loci are statistically sex-linked, they show varying degrees of female heterozygosity and male homozygosity, providing further evidence that some markers are on regions of the sex chromosomes undergoing higher rates of recombination and therefore further apart from the putative sex determining locus. CONCLUSION: The ease of the DArTseq platform provides a useful avenue for future research on sex reversal and sex chromosome evolution in vertebrates, particularly for non-model species with homomorphic or cryptic or nascent sex chromosomes. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3209-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Relationships between vertebrate ZW and XY Sex Chromosome Systems

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    The peculiar cytology and unique evolution of sex chromosomes raise many fundamental questions. Why and how sex chromosomes evolved has been debated over a century since H.J. Muller suggested that sex chromosome pairs evolved ultimately from a pair of autosomes. This theory was adapted to explain variations in the snake ZW chromosome pair and later the mammal XY. S. Ohno pointed out similarities between the mammal X and the bird/reptile Z chromosomes forty years ago, but his speculation that they had a common evolutionary origin, or at least evolved from similar regions of the genome, has been undermined by comparative gene mapping, and it is accepted that mammal XY and reptile ZW systems evolved independently from a common ancestor. Here we review evidence for the alternative theory, that ZW⇔XY transitions occurred during evolution, citing examples from fish and amphibians, and probably reptiles. We discuss new work from comparative genomics and cytogenetics that leads to a reconsideration of Ohno's idea and advance a new hypothesis that the mammal XY system may have arisen directly from an ancient reptile ZW system

    Restriction Site-Associated DNA Sequencing (RAD-seq) Reveals an Extraordinary Number of Transitions among Gecko Sex-Determining Systems

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    Sex chromosomes have evolved many times in animals and studying these replicate evolutionary “experiments” can help broaden our understanding of the general forces driving the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes. However this plan of study has been hindered by the inability to identify the sex chromosome systems in the large number of species with cryptic, homomorphic sex chromosomes. Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) is a critical enabling technology that can identify the sex chromosome systems in many species where traditional cytogenetic methods have failed. Using newly generated RAD-seq data from 12 gecko species, along with data from the literature, we reinterpret the evolution of sex-determining systems in lizards and snakes and test the hypothesis that sex chromosomes can routinely act as evolutionary traps. We uncovered between 17 and 25 transitions among gecko sex-determining systems. This is approximately one-half to two-thirds of the total number of transitions observed among all lizards and snakes. We find support for the hypothesis that sex chromosome systems can readily become trap-like and show that adding even a small number of species from understudied clades can greatly enhance hypothesis testing in a model-based phylogenetic framework. RAD-seq will undoubtedly prove useful in evaluating other species for male or female heterogamety, particularly the majority of fish, amphibian, and reptile species that lack visibly heteromorphic sex chromosomes, and will significantly accelerate the pace of biological discovery

    Distribution and amplification of interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) in Australian dragon lizards support frequent chromosome fusions in Iguania

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    Telomeric sequences are generally located at the ends of chromosomes; however, they can also be found in non-terminal chromosomal regions when they are known as interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs). Distribution of ITSs across closely related and divergent species elucidates karyotype evolution and speciation as ITSs provide evolutionary evidence for chromosome fusion. In this study, we performed physical mapping of telomeric repeats by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) in seven Australian dragon lizards thought to represent derived karyotypes of squamate reptiles and a gecko lizard with considerably different karyotypic feature. Telomeric repeats were present at both ends of all chromosomes in all species, while varying numbers of ITSs were also found on microchromosomes and in pericentromeric or centromeric regions on macrochromosomes in five lizard species examined. This suggests that chromosomal rearrangements from ancestral squamate reptiles to Iguania occurred mainly by fusion between ancestral types of acrocentric chromosomes and/or between microchromosomes, leading to appearance of bi-armed macrochromosomes, and in the reduction of microchromosome numbers. These results support the previously proposed hypothesis of karyotype evolution in squamate reptiles. In addition, we observed the presence of telomeric sequences in the similar regions to heterochromatin of the W microchromosome in Pogona barbata and Doporiphora nobbi, while sex chromosomes for the two species contained part of the nucleolar organiser regions (NORs). This likely implies that these ITSs are a part of the satellite DNA and not relics of chromosome fusions. Amplification of telomeric repeats may have involved heterochromatinisation of sex-specific W chromosomes and play a role in the organisation of the nucleolus

    Editorial: Evolutionary Feedbacks Between Population Biology and Genome Architecture

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    This eBook presents all 10 articles published under the Frontiers Research Topic "Evolutionary Feedbacks Between Population Biology and Genome Architecture", edited by Scott V. Edwards and Tariq Ezaz. With the rise of rapid genome sequencing across the Tree of Life, challenges arise in understanding the major evolutionary forces influencing the structure of microbial and eukaryotic genomes, in particular the prevalence of natural selection versus genetic drift in shaping those genomes. Additional complexities in understanding genome architecture arise with the increasing incidence of interspecific hybridization as a force for shaping genotypes and phenotypes. A key paradigm shift facilitating a more nuanced interpretation of genomes came with the rise of the nearly neutral theory in the 1970s, followed by a greater appreciation for the contribution of nonadaptive forces such as genetic drift to genome structure in the 1990s and 2000s. The articles published in this eBook grapple with these issues and provide an update as to the ways in which modern population genetics and genome informatics deepen our understanding of the subtle interplay between these myriad forces. From intraspecific to macroevolutionary studies, population biology and population genetics are now major tools for understanding the broad landscape of how genomes evolve across the Tree of Life. This volume is a celebration across diverse taxa of the contributions of population genetics thinking to genome studies. We hope it spurs additional research and clarity in the ongoing search for rules governing the evolution of genomes

    Immunofluorescent staining reveals hypermethylation of microchromosomes in the central bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps

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    BACKGROUND: Studies of model organisms have demonstrated that DNA cytosine methylation and histone modifications are key regulators of gene expression in biological processes. Comparatively little is known about the presence and distribution of epigenetic marks in non-model amniotes such as non-avian reptiles whose genomes are typically packaged into chromosomes of distinct size classes. Studies of chicken karyotypes have associated the gene-richness and high GC content of microchromosomes with a distinct epigenetic landscape. To determine whether this is likely to be a common feature of amniote microchromosomes, we have analysed the distribution of epigenetic marks using immunofluorescence on metaphase chromosomes of the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). This study is the first to study the distribution of epigenetic marks on non-avian reptile chromosomes. RESULTS: We observed an enrichment of DNA cytosine methylation, active modifications H3K4me2 and H3K4me3, as well as the repressive mark H3K27me3 in telomeric regions on macro and microchromosomes. Microchromosomes were hypermethylated compared to macrochromosomes, as they are in chicken. However, differences between macro- and microchromosomes for histone modifications associated with actively transcribed or repressed DNA were either less distinct or not detectable. CONCLUSIONS: Hypermethylation of microchromosomes compared to macrochromosomes is a shared feature between P. vitticeps and avian species. The lack of the clear distinction between macro- and microchromosome staining patterns for active and repressive histone modifications makes it difficult to determine at this stage whether microchrosome hypermethylation is correlated with greater gene density as it is in aves, or associated with the greater GC content of P. vitticeps microchromosomes compared to macrochromosomes

    Karyotypic analysis and FISH mapping of microsatellite motifs reveal highly differentiated XX/XY sex chromosomes in the pink-tailed worm-lizard (Aprasia parapulchella, Pygopodidae, Squamata)

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    BACKGROUND: The infraorder Gekkota is intriguing because it contains multiple chromosomal and environmental sex determination systems that vary even among closely related taxa. Here, we compare male and females karyotypes of the pink-tailed worm-lizard (Aprasia parapulchella), a small legless lizard belonging to the endemic Australian family Pygopodidae. RESULTS: We applied comparative genomic hybridization to reveal an XX/XY sex chromosome system in which the Y chromosome is highly differentiated from the X in both gross morphology and DNA sequence. In addition, FISH mapping has revealed that two microsatellite repeat motifs, (AGAT)n and (AC)n, have been amplified multiple times on the Y chromosome. CONCLUSION: XY karyotypes are found in other pygopodids (Delma inornata and Lialis burtonis), suggesting that the common ancestor of Pygopodidae also had XY sex chromosomes. However, the morphology and size of the Y chromosomes are different among the three species, suggesting that the processes underlying the evolution of sex chromosomes in the Pygopodidae involved chromosome rearrangements and accumulation and amplification of repeats
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