14 research outputs found


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    This research is a Research and Development (R&D) project that aims to find out the feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of Flipbook-based Storybooks with the problem-based learning (PBL) Model on the theme of 8th grade II SD Negeri 106163 Bandar Klippa. This research uses a 4D development model that consists of 4 stages: define (definition), Design (design), Development (development), and disseminate (disseminate). This study used 24 students in class II, SD Negeri 106163 Bandar Klippa, as subjects. The instrument used to measure the validity of flipbook-based storybooks with the problem-based learning model developed is a validation sheet by a lecturer validator. In measuring the practicality of story books using a questionnaire instrument, the teacher's response and student responses are used, as are the pre-test and post-test questions. The results obtained in developing story books based on flipbooks with a problem-based learning model have met valid criteria. (1) Validation carried out by material experts obtained a score of 82% in the "very feasible" category; (2) Validation of teaching materials obtained a value of 84% in the "very (1) Validation carried out by material experts obtained a score of 82% in the "very feasible" category; (2) Validation of teaching materials obtained a value of 84% in the "very feasible" category. Practicality based on the teacher's response questionnaire and student response questionnaire obtained a score of 93% in the "very practical" category. Effectiveness obtained an average pre-test and post-test score that increased from 56.91% to 82.16% in the category "very effective.


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    This research is a Research and Development (R&D) project that aims to find out the feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of Flipbook-based Storybooks with the problem-based learning (PBL) Model on the theme of 8th grade II SD Negeri 106163 Bandar Klippa. This research uses a 4D development model that consists of 4 stages: define (definition), Design (design), Development (development), and disseminate (disseminate). This study used 24 students in class II, SD Negeri 106163 Bandar Klippa, as subjects. The instrument used to measure the validity of flipbook-based storybooks with the problem-based learning model developed is a validation sheet by a lecturer validator. In measuring the practicality of story books using a questionnaire instrument, the teacher's response and student responses are used, as are the pre-test and post-test questions. The results obtained in developing story books based on flipbooks with a problem-based learning model have met valid criteria. (1) Validation carried out by material experts obtained a score of 82% in the "very feasible" category; (2) Validation of teaching materials obtained a value of 84% in the "very (1) Validation carried out by material experts obtained a score of 82% in the "very feasible" category; (2) Validation of teaching materials obtained a value of 84% in the "very feasible" category. Practicality based on the teacher's response questionnaire and student response questionnaire obtained a score of 93% in the "very practical" category. Effectiveness obtained an average pre-test and post-test score that increased from 56.91% to 82.16% in the category "very effective.


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    This study aims to develop pop-up book learning media, to analyze the feasibility of the pop-up book learning media being developed, and to determine the response of students and educators to the developed pop-up book learning media. The type of research used is R&D with research and development procedural from Borg and Gall which has been modified by Sugiyono with development steps, namely; (1) the potential and problem stage by observing, (2) the data collection stage by conducting research activities, (3) media design, (4) media validation, (5) media revision stage I, (6) testing, and ( 7) revision of stage II media. Researchers took five steps in this process due to the current Covid-19 virus pandemic. This pop-up book learning media is validated by media expert validators and material expert validators. Assessment of media feasibility uses a Likert scale. Based on the data analysis, the media expert's assessment at stage I obtained a percentage of the feasibility results of 78.3% including the criteria of "Good". The results of the second stage media validation assessment obtained a score of 69 with the percentage of eligibility results was 83.3%. The pop up book is included in the "Very Good" category, the material expert's assessment at stage I obtained a percentage of the eligibility results of 89.5% including the criteria "Very Good" and in stage II obtained a percentage of eligibility results of 94.5% included in the criteria "Very Good. Good".  Keywords: Learning Media, Energy and Change, Pop-up Book, SDN 014684 Dadimulyo&nbsp

    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Wordwall terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Matematika Kelas IV SDN 173633 Porsea

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    Now days, the use of technology can be used as an interactive learning medium. Interactive learning media are tools/objects that can provide convenience and can support the successful implementation of learning, because learning media can facilitate students' understanding in receiving learning because through these technological media students can easily access and receive messages for learning mathematics or other learningThe research was carried out with the of knowing effect of learning media Wordwall on learning outcomes of fourth grade mathematics students. This type of research uses an experimental method of quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest Nonequivalent control group design. The data analysis technique used was the normality and homogeneity tests of Shapiro Wilk and used paired sample t-test with the help of SPSS 24 for Windows. Based on the results of post-test calculations before using Wordwall assisted learning media, students' pretest scores obtained an average score of 39.79 which changed after being treated to 79.37 after using the media. From the results of the study it can be concluded that wordwall learning media has an influence on the learning outcomes of fourth grade mathematics students

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Sparkol VideoScribe dengan Menerapkan Model Case Method pada Tematik Tema 7 Sub Tema 1 Pembelajaran 3 Kelas V SD

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    This study uses the Research & Development method with the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely the analysis stage (analysis), design (Design), development (development), implementation (Implementation) and evaluation (evaluation). Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires and tests. Data analysis techniques, namely qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques. This research and development produces Media-Based Learning productsSparkol VidioScribe By Applying the Case Method Model in Thematic Learning Theme 7 Sub Theme 1 Learning 3 Class V SD. This product has been validated by media experts by obtaining a percentage of 90.52% or included in the "very feasible" category. Validation by material experts is "very feasible" with a percentage of 88%. Classical trials obtained 83% with the qualification "very effective"


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    Abstract: Implementation of Scientific Learning Approach In High School IPA Elementary Education Course To Improve Student Learning Outcomes And Student PGSD Retention. The Subject were PGSD Unimed student of F1 Regular Class 2016 as many as 27 student. The result of study increased from the first test to the first cycle of 1 person and 15 people (55,55%) from cycle I to cycle II at the value of 80-90. An increase of 4 people from the first test to cycle I and 20 people (74,08%) from cycle I to cycle II to the value 0-69. An increase in student retention of 15 people whose retention is in range of 80-89, there are 5 people whose retention is in the range 70-79, and as many as 20 people whose retention is in the range 0-69.   Keywords : Approach of Scientific Learning, Learning Outcomes, Retention   Abstrak : Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik Pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Ipa SD Kelas Tinggi Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Retensi Mahasiswa PGSD. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa PGSD Unimed kelas F1 Reguler 2016 sebanyak 27 orang yang terdiri dari 3 orang mahasiswa dan 24 orang mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian terjadi peningkatan dari tes awal ke siklus I terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 1 orang dan terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 15 orang (55.55%) dari siklus I ke siklus II pada nilai 80-89. Terjadi peningkatan 4 orang dari tes awal ke siklus I dan terjadi peningkatan 2 orang (7.41%) dari siklus I ke siklus II untuk nilai 70-79. Terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 5 orang (18.52%) dari tes awal ke siklus I dan terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 20 orang (74.08%) dari siklus I ke siklus II untuk nilai 0-69. adanya peningkatan retensi mahasiswa sebanyak 15 orang atau 55,5% yang retensinya berada pada rentang 80-89, ada sebanyak 5 orang atau 18.51% yang retensinya berada pada rentang 70-79, dan  sebanyak 20 orang atau 74.08% yang retensinya berada pada rentang 0-69.                                                                                                                            Kata Kunci : Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik, Hasil Belajar, Retens

    Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik

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    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dengan Menggunakan Model Make A Match Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika di Kelas V SDN 050687 Sawit Seberang

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    <p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Matematika materi mengubah pecahan ke bentuk persen, desimal dan sebaliknya dengan menggunakan model <em>make a match</em> di kelas V SD Negeri 050687 Sawit Seberang T.A 2013/2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil pada siklus I Pertemuan I skor aktivitas guru adalah 82,14 dengan kriteria baik dan aktivitas belajar dalah aktif. Tindakan dilanjutkan sampai dengan siklus ke II. Pada pertemuan II siklus II skor aktivitas guru adalah 96,42 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan aktivitas belajar klasikal adalah sangat aktif. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa tindakan penelitian berhasil karena nilai indikator aktivitas belajar siswa dan jumlah siswa yang dinyatakan aktif secara klasikal telah mencapai 80%. Dengan demikian maka penggunaan model <em>make a match</em> dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa di kelas V SD Negeri 050687 Sawit Seberang pada mata pelajaran Matematika materi mengubah pecahan ke bentuk persen, desimal.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>:      Model <em>Make a Match; </em>Aktivitas Belajar Siswa</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This reseach aim is to know the student activity on Math at topic change the fraction into percent, desimal and vice versa, using make a match model on fifth grade of SDN 050687 Sawit Seberang 2013/2014. This is a classroom action research which is used activity observrvation sheet as its instrumen of collecting data. From the analisys of data, it is got result as follows: on cycle I meet I, teacher activity score is 82,14, which was mean good, and learning activity was active. The action and then continued until second cycle. On the meet II cylce II, it was got teacher activity score is 96,42, which was mean very good, and clasical learning activity was very active. Based on the result, it was conclude that the action was succes because reach the indicator, that was 80% of student active. So, the using make a match model can raise the student activity of learning on fifth grade of SDN 050687 Sawit Seberang on Mathematics especially on topic changing the fraction into percent, decimal.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:          </em></strong><em>Make a Match model; student learning activity.</em></p

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pendekatan Realistik Dengan Pendekatan Ekspositori Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SDN 101880 Tanjung Morawa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa dalam  pendekatan realistik dengan pendekatan ekspositori pada  mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV SDN 101880 Tanjung Morawa T.A. 2012/2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen. Sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 60 siswa yang terdiri dari 25 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 35 siswa kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang di gunakan adalah tes hasil belajar bentuk isian sebanyak 10 soal. Berdasarkan analisis data pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh rata-rata nilai pre test 9,2 dan standar deviasi 12,88, untuk data post test diperoleh rata-rata 52 dan standar deviasi 31,36. Untuk kelas kontrol diperoleh rata-rata nilai pre test 15,14 dan standar deviasi 14,82, untuk data post test diperoleh rata-rata 44,57 dan standar deviasi 25,36. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t, didapat thitung = 5,38 &gt; ttabel = 1,671, dengan taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Maka H0 ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Terdapat pebedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi penjumlahan pecahan yang diajarkan dengan pendekatan matematika realistik dan pendekatan ekspositori di kelas IV SD Negeri 101880 Tanjung Morawa tahun ajaran 2012/2013.This study aims to determine differences in student learning outcomes in a realistic approach to the expository approach in mathematics class IV SDN Tanjung Morawa 101 880 TA 2012/2013. This study used a quasi-experimental methods. The samples studied were 60 students consisting of 25 students and 35 students experimental class control class. The instrument used is the achievement test stuffing form of 10 questions. Based on the analysis of data on the experimental class gained an average pre-test score of 9.2 and a standard deviation of 12.88, post test data gained an average of 52 and a standard deviation of 31.36. To control class gained an average pre-test score standard deviation of 15.14 and 14.82, for a post test the data gained an average of 44.57 and a standard deviation of 25.36. Hypothesis testing using t-test, obtained t = 5.38&gt; table = 1,671, with a significance level α = 0.05. Then H0 is rejected so that it can be concluded that the learning outcomes are pebedaan mathematics student at the sum of material fractions being taught with realistic mathematics approach and expository approach in the fourth grade elementary school Tanjung Morawa 101 880 2012/2013 academic year. </p

    Development of a Learning Tool using the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model Based on Thunkable

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    This study aims to develop a Thunkable-based cooperative, integrated reading and composition (CIRC) model for mathematics instructional development in Unimed's PGSD program. Classroom observations revealed that current teaching practices inadequately engage students in fostering reading interest and substantive discussions for mathematical understanding. The study seeks to enhance pedagogical practices by integrating reading diversification through a Thunkable-based instructional framework. The research's overarching objective is to craft a CIRC-guided learning apparatus, utilizing Thunkable for the mathematics instructional development course in Unimed's PGSD program. Following Sugiyono's four-D model, the study employs a Research and Development approach encompassing the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. Anticipated outcomes include obligatory deliverables like a comprehensive report, indexed proceedings publication, research proposal copyright, and publication in an accredited national journal. Supplementary outputs comprise an ISBN-endowed book, potential copyright or patent, and international journal publication. This research advances mathematics pedagogy within Unimed's PGSD program by integrating cooperative learning and technology-enhanced reading practices via Thunkable. Such an approach aligns with the progressive paradigm of educational development, fostering a conducive environment for comprehensive learning experiences and meaningful academic discourse