1,172 research outputs found

    Rotor redesign for a highly loaded 1800 ft/sec tip speed fan. 1: Aerodynamic and mechanical design report

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    A quasi three dimensional design system and multiple-circular-arc airfoil sections were used to design a fan rotor. An axisymmetric intrablade flow field calculation modeled the shroud of an isolated splitter and radial distribution. The structural analysis indicates that the design is satisfactory for evaluation of aerodynamic performance of the fan stage in a test facility

    Strategi Kampanye Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (Pdip) dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Pulau Taliabu

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    Strategi politik yang dilakukan oleh partai politik terhadap masyarakat sangat di perlukan dalam menghadapi sebuah pemilihan umum. Keberhasilan suatu strategi politik oleh partai politik dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan, akan ikut berperan pada hasil perolehan suara partai politik dalam pemilu. strategi tidak hanya menentukan kemenangan politik pesaing, tetapi juga akan berpengaruh terhadap perolehan suara partai. Strategi pada hakekatnya perencanaan (planning) dan Manajemen (management) untuk suatu tujuan.Dalam penelitian ini didefinisikan masing-masing dari pengertian strategi kampanye Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-Perjuangan) dalam pemilihan umum legislatif tahun 2014 di kabupaten pulau Taliabu. Adapun teori-teori pendukung yang di gunakan yaitu strategi komunikasi dalam konteks kampanye politik dan teori strategi persuasif dalam kampanye politik. Dalam kaitanya dengan penelitian ini yaitu terletak pada strategi kampanye yang dilakukan oleh partai PDI-Perjuangan dalam pemilihan umum legislatif tahun 2014 di kabupaten pulau Taliabu dengan memperhatikan peran dari toko-toko komunikator politik serta pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh para calon terhadap masyarakat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif. Di mana ketua DPC Partai PDI-Perjuangan di jadikan sebagai informan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Dengan memakai teknik analisis data dengan cara mendeskriptifkan keadaan subjek dan objek.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi kampanye partai lebih khusus partai PDI-Perjuangan lebih memfokuskan pada perencanaan strategi, penempatan komunikator partai serta pendekatan persuasif oleh para calon legislatif untuk lebih meyakinkan masyarakat

    Toward the Design of Efficient Move Strategies for Local Search

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    Despite the huge number of studies in the metaheuristic field, it remains difficult to understand the relative impact of their elementary components. A major aspect determining the general efficiency of metaheuristics resides in the way to exploit a neighborhood structure to move within a search space. In particular, the study of iterative improvement neighborhood searches (climbers) provides guidelines to better understand local searches behavior. Several studies clearly state that some climbing strategies are more suited than classical best and first improvement, on which most local searches are based. Here, we are interested in determining empirically climbing strategies that allow the attainment of high quality local optima. First, we study alternative move selection criteria that globally outperform best and first improvement. Unfortunately, these strategies are time-consuming and consequently reduce their possibilities of integration into advanced metaheuristics. Then, we investigate ways to reduce their computational cost by approximation. Empirical studies on NK landscapes allow the identification of move criteria that offer good tradeoffs between the quality of the local optima attained and the computational time needed to reach them

    Sampled Walk and Binary Fitness Landscapes Exploration

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    In this paper we present and investigate partial neighborhood local searches, which only explore a sample of the neighborhood at each step of the search. We particularly focus on establishing link between the structure of optimization problems and the efficiency of such local search algorithms. In our experiments we compare partial neighborhood local searches to state-of-the-art tabu search and iterated local search and perform a parameter sensitivity analysis by observing the efficiency of partial neighborhood local searches with different size of neighborhood sample. In order to facilitate the extraction of links between instances structure and search algorithm behavior we restrain the scope to binary fitness landscapes, such as NK landscapes and landscapes derived from UBQP

    Worst Improvement based Iterated Local Search

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    To solve combinatorial optimization problems, many metaheuristics use first or best improvement hill-climbing as intensification mechanism in order to find local optima. In particular, first improvement offers a good tradeoff between computation cost and quality of reached local optima. In this paper, we investigate a worst improvement-based moving strategy, never considered in the literature. Such a strategy is able to reach good local optima despite requiring a significant additional computation cost. Here, we investigate if such a pivoting rule can be efficient when considered within metaheuristics, and especially within iterated local search (ILS). In our experiments, we compare an ILS using a first improvement pivoting rule to an ILS using an approximated version of worst improvement pivoting rule. Both methods are launched with the same number of evaluations on bit-string based fitness landscapes. Results are analyzed using some landscapes’ features in order to determine if the worst improvement principle should be considered as a moving strategy in some cases


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    In this study using classroom action research.  The goal is to find out information on the application of the discovery learning  model to online learning of set materials to improve the learning outcomes of junior high school students. With the implementation of research on class VII-E students at one state junior high school in Cimahi City, totaling 37 people. This class action research is carried out in 2 cycles, where each cycle has 2 meetings. The research instrument uses observations, study test results, and journals conducted online. Analyze the data in the form of average and percentage results with descriptive statistics. The average score of 71.64 with a percentage of 56.75% is the learning outcome of students in the first cycle and the average score of 80.74 with a percentage of 86.48% is the learning outcome of students in cycle II. The activities of teachers and students in each cycle in online learning are quite good and effective but there is something that needs to be improved in student activity during the online learning process. It is concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in online learning, so the discovery learning  model can be applied to class VII students of the set material

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Disbudpar Dalam Mempromosikan Kota Surakarta Sebagai Kota Budaya Dan Pariwisata ( Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Strategi Pemasaran Disbudpar Dalam Mempromosikan Kota Surakarta Sebagai Kota Budaya dan Pariwisata )

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    Kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran yang dijalankan oleh Disbudpar kota Surakarta yakni untuk mempromosikan kota Solo ke kota-kota lain. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan guna untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi pemasaran Disbudpar sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan kota Solo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penentuan informan dengan menggunakan Snow ball Sampling. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi yang dilakukan Disbudpar yaitu dengan melakukan branding terhadap kota Solo dari sisi budayanya. Selain itu Disbudpar juga melakukan road show ke kota-kota lain untuk mempromosikan kota Solo dan melakukan bauran promosi sebagai sarana untuk menarik calon wisatawan. Misalnya dengan menggunakan media iklan seperti radio, televisi, brosur, spanduk, koran, majalah, internet dll. Disbudpar memberikan strategi agar kota Solo dapat bersaing dan tidak kalah dengan kota-kota lain dengan mengutamakan kota Solo dari sisi budayanya. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkat jumlah wisatawan kota Solo

    Factors Influencing Nigeria’s Trade

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    This paper examined factor influencing Nigeria’s trade with the rest of the world using standard time series analysis technique on annual data spanning 1981 to 2012. Focus was on industrial and agricultural production. The stylized facts showed the increasing neglect the non-oil sector has suffered over the years. On average, oil trade dominates total trade and is about three times non-oil trade. Oil trade is also more volatile, about 2 times more volatile than non-oil trade. Also, oil balance of trade is comparatively two times more unstable. Nigeria’s export on average has been larger and more volatile than import due to the dominance of oil-export. All the variables were I(1) and cointegrated. The error correction results showed that in industrial output growth is more important in explaining balance of trade and total trade adjustments to equilibrium. This could be misleading, because the Nigerian industrial sector is dominated by activities in the petroleum (oil) sector which predominantly is an extractive industry. This implies primary product trade drives the Nigerian economy. This underscores why fluctuations in the crude oil market has had significant effect on the Nigerian economy in time past and in contemporary times. It was concluded that Nigeria’s trade pattern does not conform to the Hescher-Ohlin theory of factor endowment. Amongst others, it was recommended that the Nigerian state should come up with a consumption theory, where citizens and foreign nationals domiciled in the country are encouraged to consume more of made – in – Nigeria goods. Keywords: Factors, Nigeria, oil, non-oil, Trade JEL Classification: C22 F1
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