9 research outputs found

    Unraveling the variability and genetic structure of barker frog Physalaemus Cuvieri(Leiuperinae) populations from different regions of Brazil

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORThe barker frog Physalaemus cuvieri is widely distributed in South America and is found in all regions of Brazil. Significant intraspecific morphological variation in this species has been reported. To determine the genetic structure of the natural Brazilian populations of P. cuvieri, 10 different populations geographically separated by 99.41 to 2936.75 km were evaluated using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. In addition, mitochondrial DNA data were analyzed to determine genetic distance between the populations. The genetic variation was found to be significant in most of the populations (HE ranged from 0.40 to 0.59, and allelic richness ranged from 2.07 to 3.54). An FST value of 0.27 indicated that high genetic structure was present among the P. cuvieri populations. STRUCTURE analyses grouped the 10 populations into nine clusters and indicated that only two of the populations were not genetically differentiated. The genetic distance calculated from the mitochondrial DNA data showed values <0.03 for seven of the populations.The barker frog Physalaemus cuvieriis widely distributed in South America and is found in all regions of Brazil. Significant intraspecific morphological variation in this species has been reported. To determine the genetic structure of the natural Brazili13380558065FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR06/59697-7sem informaçã

    Diversity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microbiota revealed by metabarcoding in Neotropical floodplain lakes

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    Abstract The diversity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic communities has been assessed by morphological and genetic approaches, which are used to characterize the microbiota in different environments. Here, planktonic prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities of the Araguaia River, located in the Central region of Brazil, were analyzed based on metabarcoding analysis of rRNA genes to evaluate the diversity of these groups in tropical floodplain lakes. Also, we tested their spatial concordance throughout the Araguaia river. Water samples were collected from 8 floodplain lakes in Araguaia River. The 16S and 18S rRNA genes were amplified and sequenced using Illumina MiSeq. For eukaryotes, 34,242 merged reads were obtained and 225 distinct OTUs were delineated, of which 106 OTUs were taxonomically classified. For prokaryotes, 26,426 sequences were obtained and 351 OTUs were detected. Of them, 231 were classified in at least one taxonomic category. The most representative eukaryotes belonged to Ciliophora, Chlorophyta and Charophyta. The prokaryotic phylum with the most OTUs classified were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The lakes did not show spatial concordance when comparing the similarity between their microbiota. The knowledge of freshwater biodiversity using DNA sequencing for important rivers, such as Araguaia River, can improve microbiota inventories of tropical biodiversity hotspots

    Chloroplast genome assembly of Serjania erecta Raldk: comparative analysis reveals gene number variation and selection in protein-coding plastid genes of Sapindaceae

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    Serjania erecta Raldk is an essential genetic resource due to its anti-inflammatory, gastric protection, and anti-Alzheimer properties. However, the genetic and evolutionary aspects of the species remain poorly known. Here, we sequenced and assembled the complete chloroplast genome of S. erecta and used it in a comparative analysis within the Sapindaceae family. S. erecta has a chloroplast genome (cpDNA) of 159,297 bp, divided into a Large Single Copy region (LSC) of 84,556 bp and a Small Single Copy region (SSC) of 18,057 bp that are surrounded by two Inverted Repeat regions (IRa and IRb) of 28,342 bp. Among the 12 species used in the comparative analysis, S. erecta has the fewest long and microsatellite repeats. The genome structure of Sapindaceae species is relatively conserved; the number of genes varies from 128 to 132 genes, and this variation is associated with three main factors: (1) Expansion and retraction events in the size of the IRs, resulting in variations in the number of rpl22, rps19, and rps3 genes; (2) Pseudogenization of the rps2 gene; and (3) Loss or duplication of genes encoding tRNAs, associated with the duplication of trnH-GUG in X. sorbifolium and the absence of trnT-CGU in the Dodonaeoideae subfamily. We identified 10 and 11 mutational hotspots for Sapindaceae and Sapindoideae, respectively, and identified six highly diverse regions (tRNA-Lys — rps16, ndhC – tRNA-Val, petA – psbJ, ndhF, rpl32 – ccsA, and ycf1) are found in both groups, which show potential for the development of DNA barcode markers for molecular taxonomic identification of Serjania. We identified that the psaI gene evolves under neutrality in Sapindaceae, while all other chloroplast genes are under strong negative selection. However, local positive selection exists in the ndhF, rpoC2, ycf1, and ycf2 genes. The genes ndhF and ycf1 also present high nucleotide diversity and local positive selection, demonstrating significant potential as markers. Our findings include providing the first chloroplast genome of a member of the Paullinieae tribe. Furthermore, we identified patterns in variations in the number of genes and selection in genes possibly associated with the family’s evolutionary history

    Chromosome evolution in Cophomantini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae)

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    The hylid tribe Cophomantini is a diverse clade of Neotropical treefrogs composed of the genera Aplastodiscus, Boana, Bokermannohyla, Hyloscirtus, and Myersiohyla. The phylogenetic relationships of Cophomantini have been comprehensively reviewed in the literature, providing a suitable framework for the study of chromosome evolution. Employing different banding techniques, we studied the chromosomes of 25 species of Boana and 3 of Hyloscirtus; thus providing, for the first time, data for Hyloscirtus and for 15 species of Boana. Most species showed karyotypes with 2n = 2x = 24 chromosomes; some species of the B. albopunctata group have 2n = 2x = 22, and H. alytolylax has 2n = 2x = 20. Karyotypes are all bi-armed in most species presented, with the exception of H. larinopygion (FN = 46) and H. alytolylax (FN = 38), with karyotypes that have a single pair of small telocentric chromosomes. In most species of Boana, NORs are observed in a single pair of chromosomes, mostly in the small chromosomes, although in some species of the B. albopunctata, B. pulchella, and B. semilineata groups, this marker occurs on the larger pairs 8, 1, and 7, respectively. In Hyloscirtus, NOR position differs in the three studied species: H. alytolylax (4p), H. palmeri (4q), and H. larinopygion (1p). Heterochromatin is a variable marker that could provide valuable evidence, but it would be necesserary to understand the molecular composition of the C-bands that are observed in different species in order to test its putative homology. In H. alytolylax, a centromeric DAPI+ band was observed on one homologue of chromosome pair 2. The band was present in males but absent in females, providing evidence for an XX/XY sex determining system in this species. We review and discuss the importance of the different chromosome markers (NOR position, C-bands, and DAPI/CMA3 patterns) for their impact on the taxonomy and karyotype evolution in Cophomantini

    Phylogeny Of Frogs From The Genus Physalaemus (anura, Leptodactylidae) Inferred From Mitochondrial And Nuclear Gene Sequences.

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    Although some species groups have been recognized in the leiuperine genus Physalaemus, no phylogenetic analysis has previously been performed. Here, we provide a phylogenetic study based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences from 41 of the 46 species of Physalaemus. We employed the parsimony criterion using the software TNT and POY and the Bayesian criterion using the software MrBayes. Two major clades were recovered inside the monophyletic Physalaemus: (i) the highly supported Physalaemus signifer Clade, which included P. nattereri and the species previously placed in the P. deimaticus and P. signifer Groups; and (ii) the Physalaemus cuvieri Clade, which included the remaining species of Physalaemus. Five species groups were recognized in the P. cuvieri Clade: the P. biligonigerus Group, the P. cuvieri Group, the P. henselii Group, the P. gracilis Group and the P. olfersii Group. The P. gracilis Species Group was the same as that previously proposed by Nascimento et al. (2005). The P. henselii Group includes P. fernandezae and P. henselii, and was the sister group of a clade that comprised the remaining species of the P. cuvieri Clade. The P. olfersii Group included P. olfersii, P. soaresi, P. maximus, P. feioi and P. lateristriga. The P. biligonigerus Species Group was composed of P. biligonigerus, P. marmoratus, P. santafecinus and P. riograndensis. The P. cuvieri Group inferred here differed from that recognized by Nascimento et al. (2005) only by the inclusion of P. albifrons and the exclusion of P. cicada. The paraphyly of P. cuvieri with respect to P. ephippifer was inferred in all the analyses. Distinct genetic lineages were recognized among individuals currently identified as P. cuvieri and they were congruent with cytogenetic differences reported previously, supporting the hypothesis of occurrence of formally unnamed species.92204-21

    Phylogeny of frogs from the genus Physalaemus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences

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    Although some species groups have been recognized in the leiuperine genusPhysalaemus, no phylogenetic analysis has previously been performed. Here, weprovide a phylogenetic study based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences from 41 of the 46 species of Physalaemus. We employed the parsimony criterion using the software TNT and POY and the Bayesian criterion using the software MrBayes. Two major clades were recovered inside the monophyletic Physalaemus: i) the highly supported Physalaemus signifer Clade, which included P. nattereri and the species previously placed in the P. deimaticus and P. signifer Groups; and ii) the Physalaemus cuvieri Clade, which included the remaining species of Physalaemus. Five species groups were recognized in the P. cuvieri Clade: the P. biligonigerus Group, the P. cuvieri Group, the P. henselii Group, the P. gracilis Group and the P. olfersii Group. The P. gracilis Species Group was the same as that previously proposed by Nascimento et al. (2005). The P. henselii Group includes P. fernandezae and P. henselii, and was the sister group of a clade that comprised the remaining species of the P. cuvieri Clade. The P. olfersii Group included P. olfersii, P. soaresi, P. maximus, P. feioi and P. lateristriga. The P. biligonigerus Species Group was composed of P. biligonigerus, P. marmoratus, P. santafecinus and P. riograndensis. The P. cuvieri Group inferred here differed from that recognized by Nascimento et al. (2005) only by the inclusion of P. albifrons and the exclusion of P. cicada. The paraphyly of P. cuvieri with respect to P. ephippifer was inferred in all the analyses. Distinct genetic lineages were recognized among individuals currently identified as P. cuvieri and they were congruent with cytogenetic differences reported previously, supporting the hypothesis of occurrence of formally unnamed species.Fil: Lourenço, Luciana B.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Targueta, Cíntia P.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Baldo, Juan Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Nascimento, Juliana. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Garcia, Paulo C. A.. Universidade Federal do Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Andrade, Gilda V.. Universidade Federal do Maranhão; BrasilFil: Haddad, Célio F. B.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Recco Pimentel, Shirlei M.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Brasi

    DataSheet_1_Chloroplast genome assembly of Serjania erecta Raldk: comparative analysis reveals gene number variation and selection in protein-coding plastid genes of Sapindaceae.pdf

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    Serjania erecta Raldk is an essential genetic resource due to its anti-inflammatory, gastric protection, and anti-Alzheimer properties. However, the genetic and evolutionary aspects of the species remain poorly known. Here, we sequenced and assembled the complete chloroplast genome of S. erecta and used it in a comparative analysis within the Sapindaceae family. S. erecta has a chloroplast genome (cpDNA) of 159,297 bp, divided into a Large Single Copy region (LSC) of 84,556 bp and a Small Single Copy region (SSC) of 18,057 bp that are surrounded by two Inverted Repeat regions (IRa and IRb) of 28,342 bp. Among the 12 species used in the comparative analysis, S. erecta has the fewest long and microsatellite repeats. The genome structure of Sapindaceae species is relatively conserved; the number of genes varies from 128 to 132 genes, and this variation is associated with three main factors: (1) Expansion and retraction events in the size of the IRs, resulting in variations in the number of rpl22, rps19, and rps3 genes; (2) Pseudogenization of the rps2 gene; and (3) Loss or duplication of genes encoding tRNAs, associated with the duplication of trnH-GUG in X. sorbifolium and the absence of trnT-CGU in the Dodonaeoideae subfamily. We identified 10 and 11 mutational hotspots for Sapindaceae and Sapindoideae, respectively, and identified six highly diverse regions (tRNA-Lys — rps16, ndhC – tRNA-Val, petA – psbJ, ndhF, rpl32 – ccsA, and ycf1) are found in both groups, which show potential for the development of DNA barcode markers for molecular taxonomic identification of Serjania. We identified that the psaI gene evolves under neutrality in Sapindaceae, while all other chloroplast genes are under strong negative selection. However, local positive selection exists in the ndhF, rpoC2, ycf1, and ycf2 genes. The genes ndhF and ycf1 also present high nucleotide diversity and local positive selection, demonstrating significant potential as markers. Our findings include providing the first chloroplast genome of a member of the Paullinieae tribe. Furthermore, we identified patterns in variations in the number of genes and selection in genes possibly associated with the family’s evolutionary history.</p