751 research outputs found

    Predation on migrating eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) from the Western Mediterranean

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    Nineteen female silver European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) were tagged with satellite tags and released in the Gulf of Lion in the Mediterranean during the migration seasons 2013 and 2015. Sixteen tags transmitted data: five in the Atlantic Ocean, and eleven in the Mediterranean. Of those, 50% of migrating eels were consumed by marine mammals in each year, all in the Mediterranean. The diving behaviour recorded by the tags after the eels were consumed indicated that the most likely predators were deep diving toothed whales. Measurements of the acoustic target strength of the tag showed a negligible effect on the detectability by whale biosonar. Overall, the observed predation rate was similar to that reported for eels escaping into the Atlantic. However, unlike eels in the Atlantic, which are most vulnerable to predators in the first week of escapement as they traverse the continental shelf and before they reach the refuge of the deep ocean, eels escaping from the Mediterranean were predated in deep water, months after release, likely as a consequence of their migration within a relatively narrow and deep corridor in the Alboran Sea. This emphasises the challenge of accounting for natural mortality in management plans for the long-term recovery of the European eel

    Integration of formal fault analysis in ASSERT: Case studies and lessons learnt

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    International audienceThe ASSERT European Integrated Project (Automated proof-based System and Software Engineering for Real-Time systems; EC FP6, IST-004033) has investigated, elaborated and experimented advanced methods based on the AltaRica language and support tool OCAS for architecture and fault approach propagation description analysis, and integrated in the complete ASSERT process. The paper describes lessons learnt from three case studies: safety critical spacecraft, autonomous deep exploration spacecraft, and civil aircraft

    A FRAP model to investigate reaction-diffusion of proteins within a bounded domain: a theoretical approach

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    Temporally and spatially resolved measurements of protein transport inside cells provide important clues to the functional architecture and dynamics of biological systems. Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) technique has been used over the past three decades to measure the mobility of macromolecules and protein transport and interaction with immobile structures inside the cell nucleus. A theoretical model is presented that aims to describe protein transport inside the nucleus, a process which is influenced by the presence of a boundary (i.e. membrane). A set of reaction-diffusion equations is employed to model both the diffusion of proteins and their interaction with immobile binding sites. The proposed model has been designed to be applied to biological samples with a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) equipped with the feature to bleach regions characterised by a scanning beam that has a radially Gaussian distributed profile. The proposed model leads to FRAP curves that depend on the on- and off-rates. Semi-analytical expressions are used to define the boundaries of on- (off-) rate parameter space in simplified cases when molecules move within a bounded domain. The theoretical model can be used in conjunction to experimental data acquired by CLSM to investigate the biophysical properties of proteins in living cells.Comment: 25 pages. Abstracts Proceedings, The American Society for Cell Biology, 46th Annual Meeting, December 9-13, 2006, San Dieg

    Strontium as a tracer of weathering processes in a silicate catchment polluted by acid atmospheric inputs, Strengbach, France

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    This paper determines the weathering and atmospheric contributions of Ca in surface water from a small spruce forested silicate catchment (N–E France) receiving acid atmospheric inputs. The bedrock is a granite with K-feldspar and albite as dominant phases. The calcium content in plagioclase is low and the Ca/Na ratio in surface water is high, reflecting other sources of calcium from those expected from the weathering of major mineral phases. The biotite content is low. Only traces of apatite were detected while no calcite was found in spite of a major hydrothermal event having affected the granite. The strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr and Sr content was used as a tracer of weathering and was determined in minerals and bulk bedrock, open field precipitation, throughfall, soil solution, spring and stream water. The Sr isotopic ratio of the reacting weathering end-member was predicted by simulating the alteration of the granite minerals by incorporating strontium into the water–rock interaction kinetic code KINDIS. In the early stages of water–rock interaction, K-feldspar and biotite strongly influence the isotopic composition of the weathering solution whereas, the Na-rich plagioclase appears to be the main long-term reactive weathering end-member. Approximately 50% of dissolved Sr in streamwater are atmospherically derived. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable Sr in the fine fraction at 1-m depth from a soil profile indicate that the amount of exchangeable Sr seems essentially controlled by atmospheric inputs. The exception is the deep saprolite where weathering processes could supply the Sr (and Ca). Na-Plagioclase weathering obviously control the chemistry and the isotopic composition of surface waters. The weathering of trace mineral plays a secondary role, the exception is for apatite when plagioclase is absent. Our hydrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigations show that a major part of the strong Ca losses detected in catchment hydrochemical budgets that result from the neutralization of acid precipitation has an atmospheric origin. Consequently, in the long term, in such areas, the availability of such an exchangeable base cation might be strongly limited and surface waters consequently acidified