32 research outputs found
Kepuasan kerja mencerminkan suatu perasaan senang, tidak senang, puas, tidak puasnya pegawai mengenai seberapa baik pekerjaannya memberikan hal yang dinilainya penting terhadap kondisi dan situasi kerja, termasuk gaji, kondisi sosial, dan kondisi psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan etos kerja dengan kepuasan kerja pada pegawai kantor camat lipat kain dan pegawai kantor camat kampa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 60 orang. Subjek dipilih menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan teknik sampling total. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data diperoleh r sebesar 0.590 dengan taraf siginifikan p=0.000 (≤0.01). Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini diterima, artinya ada hubungan positif antara etos kerja dengan kepuasan kerja
pada pegawai kantor camat lipat kain dan pegawai kantor camat kampa. Sumbangan etos kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 34,8% (Rsq=0,348). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kepuasan kerja dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan etos kerja pada pegawai kantor camat lipat kain dan pegawai kantor camat kampar. Kata Kunci:Etos Kerja, KepuasanKerj
Electrochemical oxidation of binary copper-nickel alloys in cryolite melts
Anodic oxidation of copper, nickel and two copper-nickel alloys was studied in cryolite melts at 1000°C. In an oxide-free melt, anodic dissolution of each material was observed, and the dissolution potential increases with the content of copper. SEM characterization of a Cu55-Ni45 alloy showed that nickel is selectively dissolved according to a de-alloying process. In an alumina-containing melt, a partial passivation occurs at the copper-containing electrodes, at potentials below the oxygen evolution potential. A passive film forms on the copper electrode, while on the nickel electrode no dense oxide layer develops. Copper-nickel alloys were found to form a mixed oxide layer. At higher potentials, the formation of oxygen bubbles on the electrodes results in a degradation of the passive films and a strong corrosion
Prediction of Low-Voltage Tetrafluoromethane Emissions Based on the Operating Conditions of an Aluminium Electrolysis Cell
Greenhouse gas (GHG) generation is inherent in the production of aluminium by a technology that uses carbon anodes. Most of those GHG are composed of CO2 produced by redox reaction that occurs in the cell. However, a significant fraction of the annual GHG production is composed of perfluorocarbons (PFC) resulting from anode effects (AE). Multiple investigations have shown that
tetrafluoromethane (CF4) can be generated under low-voltage conditions in the electrolysis cells, without global anode effect. The aim of this paper is to find a quantitative relationship between monitored cell parameters and the emissions of CF4. To achieve this goal, a predictive algorithm has been developed using seven cell indicators. These indicators are based on the cell voltage, the noise level and other parameters calculated from individual anode current monitoring. The predictive algorithm is structured into three different
steps. The first two steps give qualitative information while the third one quantitatively describes the expected CF4 concentration at the duct end of the electrolysis cells. Validations after each step are presented and discussed. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed to understand the effect of each indicator on the onset of low-voltage PFC emissions. The standard deviation of
individual anode currents was found to be the dominant variable. Cell voltage, noise level, and maximum individual anode current also showed a significant
correlation with the presence of CF4 in the output gas of an electrolysis cell
Seni dan strategi tanpa lupa (7 kunci seper quick reading)
viii, 110 hlm. : ilus. ; 21 cm
La nécropole d’Harfleur, « Les Coteaux du Calvaire » : le témoignage d’une importante communauté entre la fin du Ve et le début du VIIIe siècle
Une fouille préventive réalisée sur la commune d’Harfleur a permis de mettre au jour une importante nécropole mérovingienne utilisée entre la fin du Ve et le début du VIIIe siècle. Elle est associée à un édifice gallo-romain du Ier siècle, dont les murs arasés servent de limites cimétériales. La fouille a donné lieu à la découverte d’un important corpus de mobilier déposé dans les tombes. Elle renouvelle et actualise les données régionales sur ce type de site.A preventive excavation carried out in the commune of Harfleur revealed an important Merovingian necropolis that was used between the late 5th Century and the early 8th Century. It was related to a Gallo-Roman building from the 1st Century, the levelled walls of which served as the boundaries of the cemetery. The excavation resulted in the discovery of an important corpus of furnishings deposited in the tombs. It renews and updates the regional data on this type of site