12 research outputs found

    Modern Society Challenges: Youth Communication in Instagram

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    With the emergence and further development of network communication, the number of participants in this process began to increase. The youth turned out to be especially receptive and open to such modern manifestations of communication. It is the youth who actively and easily joins the use of social networks in their lives, where they mainly work. The article is devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical and research approaches to the problem of modern challenges of society - communication of young people on Instagram. The authors noted that one of the main signs of the development of modern society is the rapid formation of computer information technologies, which gives a modern person an opportunity to study, discuss problems that bother him, meet new people and communicate with friends, use the unlimited possibilities of the Internet. One of such information media is the social youth network -  Instagram, which can be called one of the best, most convenient and interesting. The article notes that it is young people who master network communication better and use it more often than other age groups, because they are at the forefront of new transformations, and therefore the study of their communicative practices seems to be the most significant and promising

    eDNA inactivation and biofilm inhibition by the polymeric biocide polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG-Cl)

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    The choice of effective biocides used for routine hospital practice should consider the role of disinfectants in the maintenance and development of local resistome and how they might affect antibiotic resistance gene transfer within the hospital microbial population. Currently, there is little understanding of how different biocides contribute to eDNA release that may contribute to gene transfer and subsequent environmental retention. Here, we investigated how different biocides affect the release of eDNA from mature biofilms of two opportunistic model strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (PA) and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 (SA) and contribute to the hospital resistome in the form of surface and water contaminants and dust particles. The effect of four groups of biocides, alcohols, hydrogen peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds, and the polymeric biocide polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG-Cl), was evaluated using PA and SA biofilms. Most biocides, except for PHMG-Cl and 70% ethanol, caused substantial eDNA release, and PHMG-Cl was found to block biofilm development when used at concentrations of 0.5% and 0.1%. This might be associated with the formation of DNA–PHMG-Cl complexes as PHMG-Cl is predicted to bind to AT base pairs by molecular docking assays. PHMG-Cl was found to bind high-molecular DNA and plasmid DNA and continued to inactivate DNA on surfaces even after 4 weeks. PHMG-Cl also effectively inactivated biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance gene eDNA released by a pan-drug-resistant Klebsiella strain, which demonstrates the potential of a polymeric biocide as a new surface-active agent to combat the spread of antibiotic resistance in hospital settings

    The influence of technology elements on the production of bioethanol from sugar sorghum

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    The search for promising raw materials for the production of bioethanol is an urgent task of the present. An effective sugar crop for bioethanol production is sugar sorghum, which per hectare of crops provides 90-100 t / ha of biomass with sugar content of 18-20%. The article presents the results of the influence of mineral nutrition on the productivity and yield of bioethanol from sugar sorghum plants in the zone of the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Investigation of the elements of the technology of cultivating sugar sorghum for the production of biofuels was conducted with the Sugar 1 variety and the Hybrid Honey F1 in three grades of nutrient backgrounds - no fertilizers, N90P90K90 and N120P120K120 using herbicide 2,4-D. For the introduction of sorghum herbicide 2,4-D in the steps of 1.5 l / ha in the phase of 3-4 leaves, there was a good increase in plant height and diameter of the stems. The increase in the yield of green mass of sorghum compared to non-fertilized control at the rate of N90P90K90 introduction into the Sugar 1 variety was 6.1 tons / ha, and the Hybrid Honey F1 was 6.5 tons / ha; for the norm N120P120K120 - respectively 7.9 and 8.6 t / ha. The yield of bioethanol by sorts of sorghum on the background of the introduction of N90P90K90 was respectively 2.18 and 2.27 t / ha, solid fuels - respectively 11.9 and 12.4 t / ha, bioenergy - respectively 243 and 254 GJ; on the background of the introduction of N120P120K120 and the application of 2,4-D herbicide, the bioethanol yield was 2.25 and 2.32 t / ha respectively, solid fuels - respectively 12.3 and 12.6 t / ha, bioenergy - respectively 252 and 259 GJ

    Antibiofilm activity of polyamide 11 modified with thermally stable polymeric biocide polyhexamethylene guanidine 2-naphtalenesulfonate

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    The choice of efficient antimicrobial additives for polyamide resins is very difficult because of their high processing temperatures of up to 300 °C. In this study, a new, thermally stable polymeric biocide, polyhexamethylene guanidine 2-naphtalenesulfonate (PHMG-NS), was synthesised. According to thermogravimetric analysis, PHMG-NS has a thermal degradation point of 357 °C, confirming its potential use in joint melt processing with polyamide resins. Polyamide 11 (PA-11) films containing 5, 7 and 10 wt% of PHMG-NS were prepared by compression molding and subsequently characterised by FTIR spectroscopy. The surface properties were evaluated both by contact angle, and contactless induction. The incorporation of 10 wt% of PHMG-NS into PA-11 films was found to increase the positive surface charge density by almost two orders of magnitude. PA-11/PHMG-NS composites were found to have a thermal decomposition point at about 400 °C. Mechanical testing showed no change of the tensile strength of polyamide films containing PHMG-NS up to 7 wt%. Antibiofilm activity against the opportunistic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was demonstrated for films containing 7 or 10 wt% of PHMG-NS, through a local biocide effect possibly based on an influence on the bacterial eDNA. The biocide hardly leached from the PA-11 matrix into water, at a rate of less than 1% from its total content for 21 days

    Полімер-електролітна мембрана для паливних елементів на основі зшитого полііміду і протонної іонної рідини

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    The aim of this research was to develop polymer-electrolyte membrane on the base of commercial polyimide Matrimid which has high proton conductivity at elevated temperatures above 100 °C. Hydrophobic ionic liquid 1-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BIM-TFSI) has been synthesized and used as proton conducting electrolyte. The electrical conductivity of the ionic liquid determined by electrochemical impedance method was found to have a value of 10–3 S/cm in the temperature range from 100 to 180 °С. The composite film based on Matrimid polyimide containing 70 wt % of protic ionic liquid has been prepared by casting from methylene chloride solution. Polyetheramine Jeffamine® D-2000 was used as a cross-linking agent for polyimide. According to mechanical and thermal analysis data, Matrimid/BIM-TFSI composite has tensile strength of 18 MPa and thermal degradation point of 306 °С. Electrophysical properties of polyimide film impregnated with ionic liquid was studied by two-probe technique at the frequencies of 0.1, 1.0 and 10 kHz by using immitance meter in the temperature range from 25 to 180 °С. The electrical conductivity was found to be 2.7∙10–4 S/cm at room temperature and reached the value of 1.5∙10–3 S/cm at 180 °С. Thus, in this work proton conducting membrane based on commercial polyimide has been obtained for the first time by simple method without additional sulfonation stage. Matrimid/BIM-TFSI composite membrane is promising for applications in fuel cells operating at elevated temperature without external humidification.Целью работы было получение полимер-электролитной мембраны на основе промышленного полиимида Matrimid с высоким уровнем протонной проводимости при температурах выше 100 °С. Синтезирована гидрофобная протонная ионная жидкость бис(трифторметилсульфонил)имид 1-бутилимидазолия (БИМ-ТФСИ), которая была использована в качестве протонпроводящего электролита. Удельная электропроводность ионной жидкости, измеренная методом электрохимического импеданса, имеет значение порядка 10–3 См/см в интервале температур 100–180 °С. Получена композитная пленка на основе полиимида Matrimid, содержащая 70 % ионной жидкости, поливом из раствора в метиленхлориде. Полиэфир Jeffamine® D-2000 использован в качестве сшивающего агента для полиимида. Согласно результатам механических и термических исследований, прочность на разрыв композита Matrimid/БИМ-ТФСИ составляет 18 мПа, а температура начала деструкции – 306 °С. Электрофизические свойства полиимидной пленки, насыщенной протонной ионной жидкостью, исследовали двухконтактным методом с помощью измерителя иммитанса на частотах 0.1, 1.0 и 10 кГц в температурном интервале 25–180 °С. Установлено, что удельная электропроводность материала составляет 2.7∙10–4 См/см при комнатной температуре, возрастая до величины 1.5∙10–3 См/см при 180 °С.  Таким образом, в данной работе впервые получена протонобменная мембрана на основе коммерческого полиимида технологически простым методом, без дополнительной стадии сульфирования полимера. Композитная мембрана Matrimid/БІМ-ТФСІ перспективна для использования в топливных элементах, которые эксплуатируются при температурах выше 100 °С при отсутствии увлажнения.Метою роботи було отримання полімер-електролітної мембрани на основі промислового полііміду Matrimid з високим рівнем протонної провідності при температурі вище 100 °С. Синтезовано гідрофобну іонну рідину біс(трифторметилсульфоніл)імід 1-бутилімідазолію (БІМ-ТФСІ), яку використано в якості протонпровідного електроліту. Питома електропровідність іонної рідини, визначена методом електрохімічного імпедансу, має значення порядку 10-3 См/см в інтервалі температур  100-180 °С. Отримано композитну плівку на основі полііміду Matrimid із вмістом протонної іонної рідини 70 % поливом з розчину в метиленхлориді. Поліетерамін Jeffamine® D-2000 використано в якості зшиваючого агенту для полііміду. Згідно з результатами механічних і термічних досліджень, міцність на розрив композиту Matrimid/БІМ-ЕФСІ становить 18 мПа, а температура початку деструкції – 306 °С. Електрофізичні властивості поліімідної плівки, насиченої протонною іонною рідиною, досліджували двоконтактним методом за допомогою вимірювача іммітансу на частотах 0.1, 1.0 і 10 кГц в температурному інтервалі 25-180 °С. Встановлено, що питома електропровідність матеріалу становить 2.7 ∙ 10-4 См/см при кімнатній температурі, досягаючи величини 1.5 ∙ 10-3 См/см при 180 °С. Таким чином, в даній роботі вперше отримано протонобмінну мембрану на основі комерційного полііміду технологічно простим методом, без додаткової стадії сульфування полімеру. Композитна мембрана Matrimid/БІМ-ТФСІ перспективна для використання в паливних елементах, які експлуатуються при підвищених температурах за відсутності зволоження.


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    The aim of this research was to develop polymer-electrolyte membrane on the base of commercial polyimide Matrimid which has high proton conductivity at elevated temperatures above 100 °C. Hydrophobic ionic liquid 1-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BIM-TFSI) has been synthesized and used as proton conducting electrolyte. The electrical conductivity of the ionic liquid determined by electrochemical impedance method was found to have a value of 10–3 S/cm in the temperature range from 100 to 180 °С. The composite film based on Matrimid polyimide containing 70 wt % of protic ionic liquid has been prepared by casting from methylene chloride solution. Polyetheramine Jeffamine® D-2000 was used as a cross-linking agent for polyimide. According to mechanical and thermal analysis data, Matrimid/BIM-TFSI composite has tensile strength of 18 MPa and thermal degradation point of 306 °С. Electrophysical properties of polyimide film impregnated with ionic liquid was studied by two-probe technique at the frequencies of 0.1, 1.0 and 10 kHz by using immitance meter in the temperature range from 25 to 180 °С. The electrical conductivity was found to be 2.7∙10–4 S/cm at room temperature and reached the value of 1.5∙10–3 S/cm at 180 °С. Thus, in this work proton conducting membrane based on commercial polyimide has been obtained for the first time by simple method without additional sulfonation stage. Matrimid/BIM-TFSI composite membrane is promising for applications in fuel cells operating at elevated temperature without external humidification