108 research outputs found

    Progetto di alternanza scuola-lavoro per la valorizzazione di collezioni zoologiche

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    Il progetto si è posto l’obiettivo di implementare le competenze trasversali degli studenti nell’ambito della divulgazione scientifica, attraverso un percorso avviato con lo studio della zoologia e proseguito con attività di comunicazione e guida museale, mantenendo uno spirito collaborativo tra i tutor, il personale del Museo e i giovani. Nel contesto museale, dove un elevato numero di forme animali è concentrato in uno spazio ristretto, gli studenti hanno “toccato con mano” la varietà di specie esistenti, percepita in maniera immediata ed emotivamente significativa. Hanno così imparato ad applicare le metodologie per classificare gli animali e denominarli, integrando, in diversi momenti, l’uso della lingua inglese. Gli studenti hanno poi trasferito praticamente i contenuti acquisiti in un lavoro di ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di prodotti didattico-divulgativi, presentati in un evento di grande impatto sul territorio della città di Palermo: la “Notte europea dei musei” 2018

    Peer Review The Response of pesantren community toward the idiology of islamism: A study of pesantren teachers perception in North Sumatera

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    Gli istiocitomi fibrosi sono tumori caratterizzati principalmente da cellule fibroblastiche ed istiocitarie spesso disposte con un aspetto vorticoide o storiforme; essi possono essere localizzati nel derma o, più raramente, nei tessuti molli profondi e sporadicamente in organi parenchimali. Mostrano generalmente caratteri istologici di benignità, ma possono recidivare anche più volte dopo asportazione chirurgica. Gli Autori presentano un caso di istiocitoma fibroso profondo recidivante del polso, e considerano i relativi problemi diagnostici e terapeutici.Fibrous histiocytoma of the wrist. Fibrous histiocytomas are tumors characterized chiefly by fibroblastic and histiocytic cells often arranged in a whirling or storiform pattern; they may be located in the dermis, less commonly in deep soft tissues, and sporadically in parenchimal organs. They usually show a benign histological appearance, but may recur even more than once following surgical excision. The Authors present a case of recurrent deep fibrous histiocytoma of the wrist, and comment upon its diagnostic and therapeutic problems.L'histiocytome fibreux du poignet. Les histiocytomes fibreux sont des tumeurs ca-ractérisés principalement de cellules fibroblastiques et histiocytaires souvent placés avec un aspect à vortex ou storiphorme; ceu-Ià peuvent ètre localisées dans le derrne ou, plus rarernent, dans les tissus mous profonds et sporadiquement dans des organes parenchymateux. Ceux-ci généralernent montrent des caractéristiques histologiques de bénignité, mais ils peuvent récidiver, mèrne plus d'une fois, après ablation chirurgical. Les Auteurs présentent un cas de histiocytome fibreux profond du poignet, et ils considèrent les problèmes relatif à la diagnostique et à la thérapie

    MicroRNA-34a modulates genes involved in cellular motility and oxidative phosphorylation in neural precursors derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) found in bone marrow (BM-MSCs) and the Wharton's jelly matrix of human umbilical cord (WJ-MSCs) are able to transdifferentiate into neuronal lineage cells both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>and therefore hold the potential to treat neural disorders such as stroke or Parkinson's disease. In bone marrow MSCs, miR-130a and miR-206 have been show to regulate the synthesis of neurotransmitter substance P in human mesenchymal stem cell-derived neuronal cells. However, how neuronal differentiation is controlled in WJ-MSC remains unclear.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>WJ-MSCs were isolated from human umbilical cords. We subjected WJ-MSCs into neurogenesis by a published protocol, and the miRNome patterns of WJ-MSCs and their neuronal progenitors (day 9 after differentiation) were analyzed by the Agilent microRNA microarray.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five miRNAs were enriched in WJ-MSCs, including miR-345, miR-106a, miR-17-5p, miR-20a and miR-20b. Another 11 miRNAs (miR-206, miR-34a, miR-374, miR-424, miR-100, miR-101, miR-323, miR-368, miR-137, miR-138 and miR-377) were abundantly expressed in transdifferentiated neuronal progenitors. Among these miRNAs, miR-34a and miR-206 were the only 2 miRNAs been linked to BM-MSC neurogenesis. Overexpressing miR-34a in cells suppressed the expression of 136 neuronal progenitor genes, which all possess putative miR-34a binding sites. Gene enrichment analysis according to the Gene Ontology database showed that those 136 genes were associated with cell motility, energy production (including those with oxidative phosphorylation, electron transport and ATP synthesis) and actin cytoskeleton organization, indicating that miR-34a plays a critical role in precursor cell migration. Knocking down endogenous miR-34a expression in WJ-MSCs resulted in the augment of WJ-MSC motility.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data suggest a critical role of miRNAs in MSC neuronal differentiation, and miR-34a contributes in neuronal precursor motility, which may be crucial for stem cells to home to the target sites they should be.</p

    Management of hydrocele in adolescent patients

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    Hydrocele is defined as an abnormal collection of serous fluid in the potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis. In the majority of affected adolescents, hydrocele is acquired and is idiopathic in origin. The pathogenesis of idiopathic hydrocele is thought to be an imbalance in the normal process of fluid production and reabsorption. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Taking a thorough history is essential to rule out any fluctuation in size, which is an indication of a patent processus vaginalis. Scrotal ultrasonography is mandatory in nonpalpable testicles to rule out a subtending testicular solid mass requiring inguinal exploration. Otherwise, open hydrocelectomy via a scrotal incision is the standard treatment of idiopathic hydroceles. The second most common cause of hydrocele in adolescents is varicocelectomy. The risk of hydrocele formation is higher with non-artery-sparing procedures or those performed without microsurgical aid, and in surgery requiring cord dissection. If hydrocele occurs after varicocelectomy, initial management should include observation with or without hydrocele aspiration. Large persistent hydroceles are best served by open hydrocelectomy

    Pervasive and opposing effects of Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress (UCMS) on hippocampal gene expression in BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mouse strains

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    Background: BALB/cJ is a strain susceptible to stress and extremely susceptible to a defective hedonic impact in response to chronic stressors. The strain offers much promise as an animal model for the study of stress related disorders. We present a comparative hippocampal gene expression study on the effects of unpredictable chronic mild stress on BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice. Affymetrix MOE 430 was used to measure hippocampal gene expression from 16 animals of two different strains (BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J) of both sexes and subjected to either unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) or no stress. Differences were statistically evaluated through supervised and unsupervised linear modelling and using Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis (WGCNA). In order to gain further understanding into mechanisms related to stress response, we cross-validated our results with a parallel study from the GENDEP project using WGCNA in a meta-analysis design. Results: The effects of UCMS are visible through Principal Component Analysis which highlights the stress sensitivity of the BALB/cJ strain. A number of genes and gene networks related to stress response were uncovered including the Creb1 gene. WGCNA and pathway analysis revealed a gene network centered on Nfkb1. Results from the meta-analysis revealed a highly significant gene pathway centred on the Ubiquitin C (Ubc) gene. All pathways uncovered are associated with inflammation and immune response. Conclusions: The study investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the response to adverse environment in an animal model using a GxE design. Stress-related differences were visible at the genomic level through PCA analysis highlighting the high sensitivity of BALB/cJ animals to environmental stressors. Several candidate genes and gene networks reported are associated with inflammation and neurogenesis and could serve to inform candidate gene selection in human studies and provide additional insight into the pathology of Major Depressive Disorder

    Aag DNA Glycosylase Promotes Alkylation-Induced Tissue Damage Mediated by Parp1

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    Alkylating agents comprise a major class of front-line cancer chemotherapeutic compounds, and while these agents effectively kill tumor cells, they also damage healthy tissues. Although base excision repair (BER) is essential in repairing DNA alkylation damage, under certain conditions, initiation of BER can be detrimental. Here we illustrate that the alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) mediates alkylation-induced tissue damage and whole-animal lethality following exposure to alkylating agents. Aag-dependent tissue damage, as observed in cerebellar granule cells, splenocytes, thymocytes, bone marrow cells, pancreatic β-cells, and retinal photoreceptor cells, was detected in wild-type mice, exacerbated in Aag transgenic mice, and completely suppressed in Aag−/− mice. Additional genetic experiments dissected the effects of modulating both BER and Parp1 on alkylation sensitivity in mice and determined that Aag acts upstream of Parp1 in alkylation-induced tissue damage; in fact, cytotoxicity in WT and Aag transgenic mice was abrogated in the absence of Parp1. These results provide in vivo evidence that Aag-initiated BER may play a critical role in determining the side-effects of alkylating agent chemotherapies and that Parp1 plays a crucial role in Aag-mediated tissue damage.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA075576)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA055042)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA149261)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant P30-ES00002)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant P30-ES02109)National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (grant number M01RR-01066)National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (grant number UL1 RR025758, Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center

    An investigation into aripiprazole's partial D(2) agonist effects within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during working memory in healthy volunteers

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    Rationale: Working memory impairments in schizophrenia have been attributed to dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) which in turn may be due to low DLPFC dopamine innervation. Conventional antipsychotic drugs block DLPFC D2 receptors, and this may lead to further dysfunction and working memory impairments. Aripiprazole is a D2 receptor partial agonist hypothesised to enhance PFC dopamine functioning, possibly improving working memory. Objectives: We probed the implications of the partial D2 receptor agonist actions of aripiprazole within the DLPFC during working memory. Investigations were carried out in healthy volunteers to eliminate confounds of illness or medication status. Aripiprazole’s prefrontal actions were compared with the D2/5-HT2A blocker risperidone to separate aripiprazole’s unique prefrontal D2 agonist actions from its serotinergic and striatal D2 actions that it shares with risperidone. Method: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design was implemented. Participants received a single dose of either 5 mg aripiprazole, 1 mg risperidone or placebo before performing the n-back task whilst undergoing fMRI scanning. Results: Compared with placebo, the aripiprazole group demonstrated enhanced DLPFC activation associated with a trend for improved discriminability (d’) and speeded reaction times. In contrast to aripiprazole’s neural effects, the risperidone group demonstrated a trend for reduced DLPFC recruitment. Unexpectedly, the risperidone group demonstrated similar effects to aripiprazole on d’ and additionally had reduced errors of commission compared with placebo. Conclusion: Aripiprazole has unique DLPFC actions attributed to its prefrontal D2 agonist action. Risperidone’s serotinergic action that results in prefrontal dopamine release may have protected against any impairing effects of its prefrontal D2 blockade