25 research outputs found

    The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC

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    The physics emphases of the PHENIX collaboration and the design and current status of the PHENIX detector are discussed. The plan of the collaboration for making the most effective use of the available luminosity in the first years of RHIC operation is also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Further details of the PHENIX physics program available at http://www.rhic.bnl.gov/phenix

    The STAR experiment at the relativistic heavy ion collider

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    Genetic homogeneity and phage susceptibility of ruminal strains of Streptococcus bovis isolated in Australia

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    The genetic homogeneity of 37 strains of ruminal streptococci was investigated by comparing DNA fragment profiles on agarose gels following restriction endonuclease digestion with Hae III, Cfo I and Msp I. Thirty strains were indistinguishable from Streptococcus bovis strains, 2B, H24 and AR3. The remaining three strains were similar but not identical to a ruminal strain of Strep. intermedius (AR36). In addition, the susceptibility of these strains to infection by five bacteriophages was examined. Three of the phages (φSb02, φSb03 and φSb04) were specific to the strain of Strep. bovis from which they were isolated, while phages 2BV and φSb01 infected one and two strains, respectively, in addition to their primary host. It was concluded that although Strep. bovis is relatively homogeneous genetically, broad host range phages appear to be uncommon with this bacterial species

    Overview of Phenix results from the first RHIC run

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    PHENIX detector overview

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