46 research outputs found

    Interleukin-10 restores glutamate receptor-mediated Ca(2+)-signaling in brain circuits under loss of Sip1 transcription factor.

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    peer reviewedOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the connection between the mutation of the Sip1 transcription factor and impaired Ca(2+)-signaling, which reflects changes in neurotransmission in the cerebral cortex in vitro. METHODS: We used mixed neuroglial cortical cell cultures derived from Sip1 mutant mice. The cells were loaded with a fluorescent ratiometric calcium-sensitive probe Fura-2 AM and epileptiform activity was modeled by excluding magnesium ions from the external media or adding a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline. Intracellular calcium dynamics were recorded using fluorescence microscopy. To identify the level of gene expression, the Real-Time PCR method was used. RESULTS: It was found that cortical neurons isolated from homozygous (Sip1(fl/fl)) mice with the Sip1 mutation demonstrate suppressed Ca(2+) signals in models of epileptiform activity in vitro. Wild-type cortical neurons are characterized by synchronous high-frequency and high-amplitude Ca(2+) oscillations occurring in all neurons of the network in response to Mg(2+)-free medium and bicuculline. But cortical Sip1(fl/fl) neurons only single Ca(2+) pulses or attenuated Ca(2+) oscillations are recorded and only in single neurons, while most of the cell network does not respond to these stimuli. This signal deficiency of Sip1(fl/fl) neurons correlates with a suppressed expression level of the genes encoding the subunits of NMDA, AMPA, and KA receptors; protein kinases PKA, JNK, CaMKII; and also the transcription factor Hif1α. These negative effects were partially abolished when Sip1(fl/fl) neurons are grown in media with anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. IL-10 increases the expression of the above-mentioned genes but not to the level of expression in wild-type. At the same time, the amplitudes of Ca(2+) signals increase in response to the selective agonists of NMDA, AMPA and KA receptors, and the proportion of neurons responding with Ca(2+) oscillations to a Mg(2+)-free medium and bicuculline increases. CONCLUSION: IL-10 restores neurotransmission in neuronal networks with the Sip1 mutation by regulating the expression of genes encoding signaling proteins

    Molecular mechanisms of corpus callosum development: a four-step journey

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    The Corpus Callosum (CC) is a bundle of axons connecting the cerebral hemispheres. It is the most recent structure to have appeared during evolution of placental mammals. Its development is controlled by a very complex interplay of many molecules. In humans it contains almost 80% of all commissural axons in the brain. The formation of the CC can be divided into four main stages, each controlled by numerous intracellular and extracellular molecular factors. First, a newborn neuron has to specify an axon, leave proliferative compartments, the Ventricular Zone (VZ) and Subventricular Zone (SVZ), migrate through the Intermediate Zone (IZ), and then settle at the Cortical Plate (CP). During the second stage, callosal axons navigate toward the midline within a compact bundle. Next stage is the midline crossing into contralateral hemisphere. The last step is targeting a defined area and synapse formation. This review provides an insight into these four phases of callosal axons development, as well as a description of the main molecular players involved

    Mutation in the Sip1 transcription factor leads to a disturbance of the preconditioning of AMPA receptors by episodes of hypoxia in neurons of the cerebral cortex due to changes in their activity and subunit composition. The protective effects of interleukin-10.

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    peer reviewedThe Sip1 mutation plays the main role in pathogenesis of the Mowat-Wilson syndrome, which is characterized by the pronounced epileptic symptoms. Cortical neurons of homozygous mice with Sip1 mutation are resistant to AMPA receptor activators. Disturbances of the excitatory signaling components are also observed on such a phenomenon of neuroplasticity as hypoxic preconditioning. In this work, the mechanisms of loss of the AMPA receptor's ability to precondition by episodes of short-term hypoxia were investigated on cortical neurons derived from the Sip1 homozygous mice. The preconditioning effect was estimated by the level of suppression of the AMPA receptors activity with hypoxia episodes. Using fluorescence microscopy, we have shown that cortical neurons from the Sip1(fl/fl) mice are characterized by the absence of hypoxic preconditioning effect, whereas the amplitude of Ca(2+)-responses to the application of the AMPA receptor agonist, 5-Fluorowillardiine, in neurons from the Sip1 mice brainstem is suppressed by brief episodes of hypoxia. The mechanism responsible for this process is hypoxia-induced desensitization of the AMPA receptors, which is absent in the cortex neurons possessing the Sip1 mutation. However, the appearance of preconditioning in these neurons can be induced by phosphoinositide-3-kinase activation with a selective activator or an anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10

    Coordinately Co-opted Multiple Transposable Elements Constitute an Enhancer for wnt5a Expression in the Mammalian Secondary Palate

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    Acquisition of cis-regulatory elements is a major driving force of evolution, and there are several examples of developmental enhancers derived from transposable elements (TEs). However, it remains unclear whether one enhancer element could have been produced via cooperation among multiple, yet distinct, TEs during evolution. Here we show that an evolutionarily conserved genomic region named AS3_9 comprises three TEs (AmnSINE1, X6b_DNA and MER117), inserted side-by-side, and functions as a distal enhancer for wnt5a expression during morphogenesis of the mammalian secondary palate. Functional analysis of each TE revealed step-by-step retroposition/transposition and co-option together with acquisition of a binding site for Msx1 for its full enhancer function during mammalian evolution. The present study provides a new perspective suggesting that a huge variety of TEs, in combination, could have accelerated the diversity of cis-regulatory elements involved in morphological evolution

    Srsf1 and Elavl1 act antagonistically on neuronal fate choice in the developing neocortex by controlling TrkC receptor isoform expression

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    The seat of higher-order cognitive abilities in mammals, the neocortex, is a complex structure, organized in several layers. The different subtypes of principal neurons are distributed in precise ratios and at specific positions in these layers and are generated by the same neural progenitor cells (NPCs), steered by a spatially and temporally specified combination of molecular cues that are incompletely understood. Recently, we discovered that an alternatively spliced isoform of the TrkC receptor lacking the kinase domain, TrkC-T1, is a determinant of the corticofugal projection neuron (CFuPN) fate. Here, we show that the finely tuned balance between TrkC-T1 and the better known, kinase domain-containing isoform, TrkC-TK+, is cell type-specific in the developing cortex and established through the antagonistic actions of two RNA-binding proteins, Srsf1 and Elavl1. Moreover, our data show that Srsf1 promotes the CFuPN fate and Elavl1 promotes the callosal projection neuron (CPN) fate in vivo via regulating the distinct ratios of TrkC-T1 to TrkC-TK+. Taken together, we connect spatio-temporal expression of Srsf1 and Elavl1 in the developing neocortex with the regulation of TrkC alternative splicing and transcript stability and neuronal fate choice, thus adding to the mechanistic and functional understanding of alternative splicing in vivo

    PCSK9 deficiency alters brain lipid composition without affecting brain development and function

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    PCSK9 induces lysosomal degradation of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) in the liver, hereby preventing removal of LDL cholesterol from the circulation. Accordingly, PCSK9 inhibitory antibodies and siRNA potently reduce LDL cholesterol to unprecedented low levels and are approved for treatment of hypercholesterolemia. In addition, PCSK9 inactivation alters the levels of several other circulating lipid classes and species. Brain function is critically influenced by cholesterol and lipid composition. However, it remains unclear how the brain is affected long-term by the reduction in circulating lipids as achieved with potent lipid lowering therapeutics such as PCSK9 inhibitors. Furthermore, it is unknown if locally expressed PCSK9 affects neuronal circuits through regulation of receptor levels. We have studied the effect of lifelong low peripheral cholesterol levels on brain lipid composition and behavior in adult PCSK9 KO mice. In addition, we studied the effect of PCSK9 on neurons in culture and in vivo in the developing cerebral cortex. We found that PCSK9 reduced LDLR and neurite complexity in cultured neurons, but neither PCSK9 KO nor overexpression affected cortical development in vivo. Interestingly, PCSK9 deficiency resulted in changes of several lipid classes in the adult cortex and cerebellum. Despite the observed changes, PCSK9 KO mice had unchanged behavior compared to WT controls. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that altered PCSK9 levels do not compromise brain development or function in mice, and are in line with clinical trials showing that PCSK9 inhibitors have no adverse effects on cognitive function

    Intracellular Neuroprotective Mechanisms in Neuron-Glial Networks Mediated by Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor.

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    peer reviewedGlial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has a pronounced neuroprotective effect in various nervous system pathologies, including ischaemic brain damage and neurodegenerative diseases. In this work, we studied the effect of GDNF on the ultrastructure and functional activity of neuron-glial networks during acute hypoxic exposure, a key damaging factor in numerous brain pathologies. We analysed the molecular mechanisms most likely involved in the positive effects of GDNF. Hypoxia modelling was performed on day 14 of culturing primary hippocampal cells obtained from mouse embryos (E18). GDNF (1 ng/ml) was added to the culture medium 20 min before oxygen deprivation. Acute hypoxia-induced irreversible changes in the ultrastructure of neurons and astrocytes led to the loss of functional Сa(2+) activity and neural network disruption. Destructive changes in the mitochondrial apparatus and its functional activity characterized by an increase in the basal oxygen consumption rate and respiratory chain complex II activity during decreased stimulated respiration intensity were observed 24 hours after hypoxic injury. At a concentration of 1 ng/ml, GDNF maintained the functional metabolic network activity in primary hippocampal cultures and preserved the structure of the synaptic apparatus and number of mature chemical synapses, confirming its neuroprotective effect. GDNF maintained the normal structure of mitochondria in neuronal outgrowth but not in the soma. Analysis of the possible GDNF mechanism revealed that RET kinase, a component of the receptor complex, and the PI3K/Akt pathway are crucial for the neuroprotective effect of GDNF. The current study also revealed the role of GDNF in the regulation of HIF-1α transcription factor expression under hypoxic conditions

    Adhesion dynamics in the neocortex determine the start of migration and the post-migratory orientation of neurons.

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    peer reviewedThe neocortex is stereotypically organized into layers of excitatory neurons arranged in a precise parallel orientation. Here we show that dynamic adhesion both preceding and following radial migration is essential for this organization. Neuronal adhesion is regulated by the Mowat-Wilson syndrome-associated transcription factor Zeb2 (Sip1/Zfhx1b) through direct repression of independent adhesion pathways controlled by Neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) and Cadherin-6 (Cdh6). We reveal that to initiate radial migration, neurons must first suppress adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Zeb2 regulates the multipolar stage by transcriptional repression of Nrp1 and thereby downstream inhibition of integrin signaling. Upon completion of migration, neurons undergo an orientation process that is independent of migration. The parallel organization of neurons within the neocortex is controlled by Cdh6 through atypical regulation of integrin signaling via its RGD motif. Our data shed light on the mechanisms that regulate initiation of radial migration and the postmigratory orientation of neurons during neocortical development

    A Mammalian Conserved Element Derived from SINE Displays Enhancer Properties Recapitulating Satb2 Expression in Early-Born Callosal Projection Neurons

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    Short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs) are highly repeated sequences that account for a significant proportion of many eukaryotic genomes and are usually considered “junk DNA”. However, we previously discovered that many AmnSINE1 loci are evolutionarily conserved across mammalian genomes, suggesting that they may have acquired significant functions involved in controlling mammalian-specific traits. Notably, we identified the AS021 SINE locus, located 390 kbp upstream of Satb2. Using transgenic mice, we showed that this SINE displays specific enhancer activity in the developing cerebral cortex. The transcription factor Satb2 is expressed by cortical neurons extending axons through the corpus callosum and is a determinant of callosal versus subcortical projection. Mouse mutants reveal a crucial function for Sabt2 in corpus callosum formation. In this study, we compared the enhancer activity of the AS021 locus with Satb2 expression during telencephalic development in the mouse. First, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is specifically activated in early-born Satb2+ neurons. Second, we demonstrated that the activity of the AS021 enhancer recapitulates the expression of Satb2 at later embryonic and postnatal stages in deep-layer but not superficial-layer neurons, suggesting the possibility that the expression of Satb2 in these two subpopulations of cortical neurons is under genetically distinct transcriptional control. Third, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is activated in neurons projecting through the corpus callosum, as described for Satb2+ neurons. Notably, AS021 drives specific expression in axons crossing through the ventral (TAG1−/NPY+) portion of the corpus callosum, confirming that it is active in a subpopulation of callosal neurons. These data suggest that exaptation of the AS021 SINE locus might be involved in enhancement of Satb2 expression, leading to the establishment of interhemispheric communication via the corpus callosum, a eutherian-specific brain structure

    Zeb2 is essential for Schwann cell differentiation, myelination and nerve repair

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    Schwann cell development and peripheral nerve myelination require the serial expression of transcriptional activators, such as Sox10, Oct6 (also called Scip or Pou3f1) and Krox20 (also called Egr2). Here we show that transcriptional repression, mediated by the zinc-finger protein Zeb2 (also known as Sip1), is essential for differentiation and myelination. Mice lacking Zeb2 in Schwann cells develop a severe peripheral neuropathy, caused by failure of axonal sorting and virtual absence of myelin membranes. Zeb2-deficient Schwann cells continuously express repressors of lineage progression. Moreover, genes for negative regulators of maturation such as Sox2 and Ednrb emerge as Zeb2 target genes, supporting its function as an inhibitor of inhibitors in myelination control. When Zeb2 is deleted in adult mice, Schwann cells readily dedifferentiate following peripheral nerve injury and become repair cells. However, nerve regeneration and remyelination are both perturbed, demonstrating that Zeb2, although undetectable in adult Schwann cells, has a latent function throughout life