2,918 research outputs found

    Student Recital

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    Nivel de riesgo de los enfermeros ante actitudes violentas de pacientes psiquiátricos internados

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    El personal de enfermería tiene que trabajar con pacientes que, en ocasiones, presentan conductas agresivas (físicas o verbales) hacia los enfermeros, como insultos y golpes. Este tipo de conductas perjudica la labor de enfermería. Este trabajo se realizó en el Hospital El Sauce, en los servicios “B" y “D", donde se albergan pacientes con diferentes patologías psiquiátricas, como trastorno de la personalidad, esquizofrenia, oligofrenia, entre otras, y tiene como objetivo fundamental determinar el nivel de riesgo de los enfermeros, ante actitudes violentas de pacientes psiquiátricos internados en dicho hospital. A su vez pretende conocer el tipo de agresiones a que están expuestos, conocer características socioculturales de los enfermeros, identificar las características de la organización del trabajo del sector de enfermería y establecer el nivel de exposición al riesgo de agresiones en el que se encuentran los enfermeros sujetos de estudio. Es un estudio con diseño de tipo descriptivo y transversal. La población y muestra fueron 30 enfermeros/as de los servicios “B" y “D" y para recolectar datos se utilizó un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas.Fil: Cruz, Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Tapia, Nelson. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Vega, Marisa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Establishing a Mentoring Program for Health Science Educators in a New Medical School

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    Purpose: New Medical Schools need mentoring programs to enhance the personal and professional development of mentees and mentors. The need to establish a mentoring support mechanism is critical. This poster will share our progress to date. Methods: A pilot mentoring program was established for junior faculty. These faculty members were paired with an associate professor or professor to serve as mentors for career development and engage in a focused scholarly project over a nine-month period. Typically, the junior faculty is within the first three years of appointment and hold the rank of assistant professor. Each mentee will have 10% protected time for this program. Our mentoring program consists of the following requirements: 1) Develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP); 2) Schedule regular meetings with Mentor; 3)Attend faculty development mentoring activities; 4) Present a draft of a scholarly project; 5) Respond to surveys and evaluations; and 6) Attend the Graduation Ceremony. The mentoring program will be evaluated by mentee performance on Individual Development Plan (IDP), mentee-mentor meeting attendance, mentee participation in mentoring activities, mentee scholarly project presentation, mentor-mentee survey feedback, and mentoring program completion. Results: We will outline the benefits, challenges, and future implications of this pilot mentoring program. Mentors foster the opportunity to excel in academic medicine in clinical, teaching, and research. Mentees will serve as junior faculty champions for future mentees participants of the mentoring program. Conclusion: A mentoring program is critical in Schools of Medicine and Health Science Center. We have seen that with formal mentoring programs, junior faculty have a higher recruitment, retention rate and are committed to the mission and vision of their institution. We will take the lessons learned and address gaps in the planning and implementing this mentoring program for future cohorts

    Steps on Establishing a Faculty Development Curriculum for Health Science Educators in a New Medical School

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    Purpose: New Medical Schools need health science educators, to teach throughout the medical education continuum from basic science to clinical years. The need to establish a defined faculty development curriculum for health science educators will aid in standardizing best teaching practices and build a potential master teacher to move the curriculum toward active learning and innovation. The UTRGV SoM is a distributed campus, to achieve increase outreach we will offer synchronous and asynchronous online faculty development during the pandemic. This poster will share our progress to date. Methods: A pilot, faculty development program, was established from faculty needs assessment data, teaching observations, and student evaluations was rolled out in FY 2020. A designated faculty development curriculum was recommended to faculty and provided via synchronous and asynchronous viewing through videos and PowerPoints on a designated Blackboard site. The advancement of the continuum of best teaching practices will be measured by sessions completed, faculty feedback, and comparison of prior F2F faculty development data for 2016-2019. Results: We will present how this need-based curriculum session is delivered and received for best teaching practices among health science educators. We will discuss the cost of establishing the program, return on investment, advantages, and barriers to online implementation in a distributed campus during a pandemic. Conclusion: There is a need to improve faculty development opportunities that are interactive, self-directed, and offered online. These recommendations could result in increased synchronous and asynchronous faculty development attendance and learning and, in turn, increased student academic achievement

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    Relación del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa en pacientes portadores de VIH – Sida, recientemente diagnosticados con la carga viral detectable, en la consulta externa del servicio de medicina interna del Hospital de Especialidades “Eugenio Espejo” de la ciudad de Quito, durante el periodo de febrero y junio del año 2015.

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    La infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) se acompaña de la elevación de múltiples marcadores inflamatorios, entre los que se encuentran la interleucina 6 (IL-6), el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα) y la proteína C reactiva ultrasensible. El tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) mejora algunos de estos parámetros, pero no suele normalizarlos. Distintos estudios relacionan estos marcadores con factores de mal pronóstico, como la mortalidad, la mala recuperación de los linfocitos CD4+. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la relación de los niveles del TNFα como marcador pronóstico en pacientes portadores de VIH-SIDA con Carga Viral detectable. DISEÑO DE ESTUDIO Y METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes con infección por VIH que no recibían TARV y tenían carga viral plasmática detectable. Se seleccionaron a pacientes nuevos desde el periodo de febrero y junio del año 2015 con un total de 84 personas que actualmente acuden a la clínica de VIH/SIDA del Hospital de Especialidades “Eugenio Espejo”. Las variables de resultado fueron los valores séricos del Factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα) y Carga viral detectable sin recibir TARV. La variable explicativa principal fue el marcador inflamatorio. RESULTADOS: Para comprobar la hipótesis y tras calcular el tamaño muestral, se seleccionó a los participantes casos nuevos, mediante un proceso de selección por conveniencia y aleatorización simple. De los cuales se observó un predominio de participantes del género masculino (77,4%), y apenas del género femenino (22,6%), asociándole con las enfermedades oportunistas y no oportunistas, y con niveles de CD4+ entre menos de 350 cél/ml y menos de 200 cél/ml asociado a carga viral detectable. Se detectó que el 39,25% de los pacientes presentaba niveles altos de TNFα. Los integrantes del grupo 2 el 54,7% presentaba con mayor frecuencia un TNFα alto (OR 1,03) percibiendo que no hay diferencia estadísticamente significativa, y que este valor se le asoció al mayor deterioro clínico que presentaba el paciente y con múltiples enfermedades oportunistas provocando la muerte. CONCLUSIONES: En pacientes con infección por VIH sin tratamiento, los mayores valores de marcadores inflamatorios se observan en aquellos casos con múltiples enfermedades oportunistas y antecedentes probables de sustancias ilícitas

    Modelo de Ecosaneamiento para Sostenibilidad y Resiliencia Sociambiental de la Facultad CAREN: caso de desviación de Orina

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    The research is based on the need to have an eco-sanitation model for sustainability and socio-environmental resilience in the CAREN Faculty, where actions that reduce the high socio-environmental impact caused by inadequate management of organic nitrogenous effluents (urine) were proposed. The problem occurs because no real environmental awareness has been generated in the population. Activities that produce huge disasters which pollute the environment in a specific way in the CAREN Faculty continue to be developed. The aim of this research is to reduce the socio-environmental impact of urine disposal in the CAREN Faculty through an eco sanation model. It establishes the sanitary risk determines the release of wastewater. A model of management of urine release to the environment was identified, identification of uses in productive sustainability, and the design of a prototype of the urine separator system was operationalized. The methodology was based on fieldwork, through the application of a survey which shows the students' approval about the implementation of an eco sanation model that identifies elements that pollute the environment. It has been possible to establish the existence of a sanitary risk that can be mitigated with the proposed management model. The current production of urine is 1 m3 per day, which is diverted to a collection tank. The final disposal of the urine is for agricultural purposes to take advantage of its high content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, releasing it in a grass culture with a surface of 1 ha.La investigación se basa en la necesidad de disponer de un modelo de eco saneamiento para la sostenibilidad y resiliencia socio ambiental en la facultad CAREN, en donde se propongan acciones que disminuyan el alto impacto socio ambiental causado por un inadecuado manejo de efluentes orgánicos nitrogenados (orina). El problema se produce por que no se ha generado en la población una verdadera conciencia ambiental. Se continúan desarrollando actividades que generan grandes desastres que contaminan el medio ambiente de manera específica en la facultad CAREN. Como objetivo se busca reducir el impacto socio ambiental por disposición de orina en la facultad CAREN mediante un modelo de ecosaneamiento. Se establece el riesgo sanitario y se determina la liberación de aguas residuales. Se definió un modelo de gestión de liberación de orina al ambiente, identificando usos en la sostenibilidad productiva, y se operacionalizó el diseño y prototipo del sistema separador de orina. La metodología se basó en un trabajo de campo, mediante la aplicación de una encuesta en donde los estudiantes aprueban la implementación de un modelo de ecosaneamiento, identificando elementos que contaminan el ambiente. Se ha logrado establecer la existencia de un riesgo sanitario el mismo que puede ser mitigado con el modelo de gestión propuesto. La producción de orina actual es de 1 m3 por día, la misma que es desviada hacia un tanque recolector. La disposición final de la orina es con fines agrícolas para aprovechar su alto contenido de nitrógeno, potasio, calcio y fósforo, liberándolo en un cultivo de pasto con un superficie de 1 ha

    Analysis and economic evaluation of the invasion of the public space with improvements of particulars, case study urbanization Fuente del Dorado

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    Existe una diversidad de regulaciones urbanas que se refieren al espacio público, su destino, uso y disfrute, pero en realidad y fuera de la legislatura, este escenario ideal no se cumple, ya sea por la omisión de entidades reguladoras, el malentendido normativo o la forma en que los ciudadanos actúan en busca de sus propios beneficios. Este estudio muestra el impacto económico de la ocupación de áreas públicas con mejoras realizadas por individuos en la urbanización Fuente del Dorado en Bogotá, viendo los escenarios regulatorios y sus regulaciones originales, y en base a estos, las pautas estratégicas para evitar la pérdida parcial o total de áreas públicas debido a invasiones de individuos.There is a diversity of urban regulations that refer to public space, its destination,use and enjoyment, but actually and outside the legislature, this ideal scenario is not fulfilled, either due to the omission of regulatory entities, regulation misunderstanding or the ways that some citizens act in search of their own benefits. This study shows the economic impact of the occupation of public areas with improvements made by individuals in the Fuente del Dorado urbanization in Bogotá, viewing the regulatory scenarios and their original regulations, and based on these, the strategic guidelines to avoid partial or complete loss of public areas due to invasions by individuals.Contemporary Engineering SciencesHIKARI Lt

    First Report of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Causing Anthracnose of Tejocote (Crataegus gracilior) Fruits in Mexico

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    Crataegus, is a genus classified in family Rosaceae and includes several tree species commonly called Tejocote that are widely cultivated for their pome fruits in Mexico. During fall of 2014, 2015, and 2016, severe symptoms of anthracnose were observed on approx. 60% of tejocote (Crataegus gracilior) fruits in an orchard located in Tulancingo, Oaxaca, Mexico. Affected fruits showed sunken, prominent, dark brown to black necrotic lesions, and were exuding salmon spore masses. To isolate the fungus, small pieces from tissue adjacent to the lesions of 10 symptomatic fruits were excised and surface disinfested by immersion in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 2 min, rinsed three times in sterile distilled water, placed in Petri plates containing potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 25ºC for 5 to 7 days in darkness. Mycelial plugs were excised from the edge of the actively growing fungal colony and aseptically transferred to fresh PDA medium and incubated at 25°C for 6 days. Five monoconidial cultures were obtained by transferring germinated spores to Petri plates with fresh PDA. One isolate was selected as representative for morphological and molecular identification. Colonies of pure cultures exhibited greyish-white aerial mycelium and abundant salmon-pink conidial masses. Conidia (n= 100) were subcylindrical, hyaline, straight, one-celled, with rounded ends, measuring 13.6 to 17.7 × 4.4 to 5.9 μm. Conidial appressoria were ovoid and brown to dark brown. Based on morphological characteristics, the fungus was identified within the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex (Weir et al. 2012). The isolate was designated UACH-177 and deposited in the Culture Collection of Phytopathogenic Fungi at the Chapingo Autonomous University. For molecular identification, the ITS region (White et al. 1990), and fragments of (Apn2) (Rojas et al. 2010), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and β-tubulin 2 (TUB2) genes (Weir et al. 2012) were amplified by PCR, and sequenced. The sequences were deposited in GenBank (Accessions numbers ITS:MG821312; Apn2:MG821310; GAPDH:MG821311; and TUB2:MG821313). A phylogenetic analysis using Bayesian inference and including published ITS, Apn2, GAPDH, and TUB2 data for C. gloeosporioides and other Colletotrichum species was performed. The phylogenetic analysis showed the sequences were grouped into the clade of C. gloeosporioides. To confirm the pathogenicity of the fungus, 20 tejocote fruits were surface disinfested by immersion in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min, washed three times with sterile distilled water and dried on sterilized filter paper. Inoculations were performed by deposition of 10 μl of a conidial suspension (106 spores ml-1) on the fruit surface. Ten fruit were mock inoculated with distilled water as a control. All fruits were kept in a moist chamber at 25°C for 10 days. Pathogenicity test was repeated twice. Disease symptoms were observed on all inoculated fruit after 7 days, whereas control fruit did not develop symptoms. Fungal colonies were re-isolated from all symptomatic fruits and were found to be morphologically identical to the original isolate inoculated on tejocote fruits, thus fulfilling Koch´s postulates. In Mexico, García-Alvarez (1976) reported Colletotrichum sp. on fruits of Crataegus mexicana, however, that report was not supported by morphological characterization nor pathogenicity tests. To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of Crataegus gracilior in Mexico and worldwide.Fil: Nieto López, Edgar Humberto. University of Nebraska; Estados UnidosFil: Everhart, Sydney. University of Nebraska; Estados UnidosFil: Ayala Escobar, Victoria. Colegio de Postgraduados; MéxicoFil: Camacho Tapia, Moises. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; MéxicoFil: Bernardi Lima, Nelson. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Nieto Angel, Raúl. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; MéxicoFil: Tovar Pedraza, Juan Manuel. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; Méxic

    Factores socioeconómicos, factores escolares y aptitud numérica en estudiantes que reciben formación preuniversitaria

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    En el presente trabajo se planteó encontrar los factores de índole socioeconómico y escolar que se relacionan con el desarrollo de la aptitud numérica en estudiantes que reciben capacitación previa al acceso a la educación superior, bajo el sustento de la teoría ecológica de Bronfenbrenner. Para ello, se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, participaron 239 estudiantes del centro de capacitación “Nicolás Copérnico” de la ciudad de Cuenca, con un error muestral del 1.92%. Se utilizaron tres instrumentos para la recolección de información: encuesta de contexto, prueba de aptitud numérica y el cuestionario de estilos de aprendizaje de Honey – Alonso. Este último tuvo una consistencia interna a nivel global de .703, medida por el alfa de Cronbach; y superior a .5 por cada estilo (activo = .527, reflexivo = .538, teórico = .587, pragmático = .503). La regresión múltiple fue realizada mediante el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, cuyo valor del coeficiente de determinación (R2) fue de .407, a un nivel de significancia del 5% para la prueba de Fisher. Las variables que presentaron una relación estadísticamente significativa con el desempeño en la aptitud numérica fueron: sexo, años de escolaridad del jefe de hogar, jornada matutina de estudios, estilo de aprendizaje teórico, calificación promedio en el bachillerato y jefe de hogar perteneciente al grupo científico e intelectual (clasificado según su ocupación principal).The purpose of this paper was to find the socioeconomic and school factors that are related to the development of numerical aptitude in students who receive prior training to access higher education, under the sustenance of the ecological theory of Bronfenbrenner. A non-probabilistic sampling was used for convenience, 239 students participated in the "Nicolás Copérnico" pre-university center in the city of Cuenca, with a sampling error of 1.92%. Three instruments were used for the collection of information: context survey, numerical aptitude test and the Honey - Alonso learning styles questionnaire. The latter had an internal consistency at a global level of .703, measured by Cronbach's alpha; and greater than .5 for each style (active = .527, reflective = .538, theoretical = .587, pragmatic = .503). The multiple regression was performed using the ordinary least squares method, whose value of the coefficient of determination (R2) was .407, at a level of significance of 5% for the Fisher test. The variables that presented a statistically significant relationship with the performance in the numerical aptitude were: sex, years of schooling of the head of household, school morning, theoretical learning style, average grade in the baccalaureate and head of household belonging to the scientific group and intellectual (classified according to your main occupation)Magíster en Docencia de las MatemáticasCuenc