40 research outputs found

    Kyste colloĂŻde obstructif du troisiĂšme ventricule

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    Riesz potential versus fractional Laplacian

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    This paper starts by introducing the GrĂŒnwald–Letnikov derivative, the Riesz potential and the problem of generalizing the Laplacian. Based on these ideas, the generalizations of the Laplacian for 1D and 2D cases are studied. It is presented as a fractional version of the Cauchy–Riemann conditions and, finally, it is discussed with the n-dimensional Laplacian

    Carte des phénomÚnes d'inondation des bassins de FÚs et Beni Mellal

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    SystÚme d'irrigation intelligent à faible coût utilisant la technologie RF sans fil LoRa

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    Water is essential for ensuring food security in the world, and agriculture is by far the largest consumer of the earth's available freshwater. Food demand and world’s population are expected to increase over the next years. However, climate change will continue to affect water resources and make the problem of food security more complex. Therefore, agriculture must be smarter and agricultural water management must be more efficient and sustainable. This paper presents a low-cost and smart irrigation system based on LoRa technology to better manage irrigation water at field scale. The system essentially consists of a set of nodes distributed on the field for irrigation control and monitoring of soil parameters, a complete weather station for measuring climate data and a remote server for remote decision-making support. The weather station is connected to the internet via a gateway and the measured climatic data are collected and stored regularly on a server, where access to data is provided by a confidential service. The remote server allows the user to select the irrigation mode and method and to store the soil condition variables collected by the wireless sensor network in order to process them for a more optimal management of irrigation. The irrigation system also allows to compute the Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ET0) on the daily scale, turn on or off the pump remotely, and automatically fill the water tank. Based on our experimental tests, the low investment cost and the high energy autonomy make the proposed irrigation system more suitable for off grid areas with limited water resources.L'eau est essentielle pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire d'une population mondiale croissante, et l'agriculture est de loin le plus grand consommateur d'eau douce disponible sur terre. La demande en produits alimentaire et la population mondiale augmenteront au cours des annĂ©es Ă  venir, et le changement climatique continuera Ă  affecter les ressources en eau, dĂ©jĂ  limitĂ©es, et rendra le problĂšme de la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire plus complexe. Par consĂ©quent, l’agriculture doit ĂȘtre intelligente et la gestion de l’eau d’irrigation doit ĂȘtre plus raisonnĂ©e et plus durable. Cet article prĂ©sente un systĂšme d’irrigation intelligent Ă  faible coĂ»t, basĂ© sur la technologie de communication sans fil LoRa, pour la gestion des eaux d'irrigation de maniĂšre plus efficace et prĂ©cise Ă  l’échelle de la parcelle. Le systĂšme comprend essentiellement un ensemble de noeuds distribuĂ©s au niveau de la parcelle pour le pilotage d’irrigation et la surveillance des paramĂštres du sol, une station mĂ©tĂ©orologique complĂšte pour la mesure des donnĂ©es climatiques en temps rĂ©el et un serveur distant pour l’aide Ă  la prise de dĂ©cisions Ă  distance. La station mĂ©tĂ©orologique est connectĂ©e Ă  internet via une passerelle et les donnĂ©es climatiques mesurĂ©es sont collectĂ©es et stockĂ©es rĂ©guliĂšrement sur un serveur, dont l’accĂšs aux donnĂ©es est assurĂ© par un service confidentiel. Le serveur distant permet Ă  l’utilisateur de sĂ©lectionner le mode et la mĂ©thode d’irrigation et de stocker les variables d’état du sol collectĂ©es par le rĂ©seau de capteurs sans fil afin de les traiter pour une gestion plus optimale de l’irrigation. Le systĂšme d’irrigation permet Ă©galement le calcul de l’évapotranspiration de rĂ©fĂ©rence ET0 journaliĂšre selon le modĂšle de Penman-Monteith, la commande Ă  distance pour la mise en marche ou l’arrĂȘt de la pompe et le control automatique du niveau d’eau dans le rĂ©servoir. Le faible coĂ»t d'investissement et la grande autonomie Ă©nergĂ©tique du systĂšme d'irrigation proposĂ© le rendent plus appropriĂ© pour les zones isolĂ©es et limitĂ©es en ressources d'eau

    Fractional-Order SEIQRDP Model for Simulating the Dynamics of COVID-19 Epidemic

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    Goal: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, initially identified in the mainland of China, late December 2019. COVID-19 has been confirmed as a higher infectious disease that can spread quickly in a community population depending on the number of susceptible and infected cases and also depending on their movement in the community. Since January 2020, COVID-19 has reached out to many countries worldwide, and the number of daily cases remains to increase rapidly. Method: Several mathematical and statistical models have been developed to understand, track, and forecast the trend of the virus spread. Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Quarantined-Recovered-Death-Insusceptible (SEIQRDP) model is one of the most promising epidemiological models that has been suggested for estimating the transmissibility of the COVID-19. In the present study, we propose a fractional-order SEIQRDP model to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic. In the recent decade, it has proven that many aspects in many domains can be described very successfully using fractional order differential equations. Accordingly, the Fractional-order paradigm offers a flexible, appropriate, and reliable framework for pandemic growth characterization. In fact, due to its non-locality properties, a fractional-order operator takes into consideration the variables' memory effect, and hence, it takes into account the sub-diffusion process of confirmed and recovered cases. Results-The validation of the studied fractional-order model using real COVID-19 data for different regions in China, Italy, and France show the potential of the proposed paradigm in predicting and understanding the pandemic dynamic. Conclusions: Fractional-order epidemiological models might play an important role in understanding and predicting the spread of the COVID-19, also providing relevant guidelines for controlling the pandemic

    Les potentialités touristiques dans la basse montagne rifaine : le cas de la région de Taounat maroc

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    This article concerns a diagnosis of the various tourist resources in the region of Taounate; in particular the transport and the existing tourist equipments, the natural and landscaped elements and finally the cultural and built potential. It is tourist resources that are not put in tourism yet. The data collection based itself essentially on the investigation of ground. The evaluation and the characterization of the elements of the tourist potential are based on the subjective estimation. A card (map) of set (group) presents the spatial location (localization) of the various tourist potentialities. In spite of the wealth of such a tourist potential, the region knows no significant tourist activity. The state of infrastructures, the absence of any tourist promotion (class) and the insufficiency regarding the equipments of tourist welcome (reception) explain this absence of the tourist sector. The article eventually evokes the necessary conditions and the steps (initiatives) to be begun (undertaken) for the elaboration of certain circuits and tourist roads

    Environnements et sociétés dans les basses montagnes du Rif (Maroc) : des potentialités peu exploitées

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    L’agriculture marocaine reprĂ©sente seulement 19 % du PIB national alors que 40 % de la population vit de ce secteur, elle connait aujourd’hui de profondes transformations sous l’impulsion d’un Plan national « Maroc Vert » (PMV) qui vise Ă  amĂ©liorer la productivitĂ© agricole, et par lĂ  mĂȘme contribuer Ă  un meilleur revenu pour les agriculteurs (fellahs). Le Rif qui a longtemps Ă©tĂ© un espace en marge des centres dĂ©cisionnels n’échappe pas Ă  cette volontĂ©. MalgrĂ© des contraintes que nous aborderons, des potentialitĂ©s agricoles et touristiques existent qui valoriseraient cet espace, et ce, dans un contexte de dĂ©veloppement durable. Nous proposons dans cet article de faire un premier point sur les valeurs ajoutĂ©es envisageables, ainsi que sur une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie employĂ©e pour les Ă©valuer Ă  savoir l’outil Bayesia Expert Knowledge Elicitation Environment(BEKEE). Des exemples d’espaces dĂ©jĂ  mis en valeur, notamment par des techniques d’irrigation modernes sont Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ©s