24,731 research outputs found

    Microscopic study of induced fission dynamics of 226^{226}Th with covariant energy density functionals

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    Static and dynamic aspects of the fission process of 226^{226}Th are analyzed in a self-consistent framework based on relativistic energy density functionals. Constrained relativistic mean-field (RMF) calculations in the collective space of axially symmetric quadrupole and octupole deformations, based on the energy density functional PC-PK1 and a δ\delta-force pairing, are performed to determine the potential energy surface of the fissioning nucleus, the scission line, the single-nucleon wave functions, energies and occupation probabilities, as functions of deformation parameters. Induced fission dynamics is described using the time-dependent generator coordinate method in the Gaussian overlap approximation. A collective Schr\"odinger equation, determined entirely by the microscopic single-nucleon degrees of freedom, propagates adiabatically in time the initial wave packet built by boosting the ground-state solution of the collective Hamiltonian for 226^{226}Th. The position of the scission line and the microscopic input for the collective Hamiltonian are analyzed as functions of the strength of the pairing interaction. The effect of static pairing correlations on the pre-neutron emission charge yields and total kinetic energy of fission fragments is examined in comparison with available data, and the distribution of fission fragments is analyzed for different values of the initial excitation energy.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Field-induced structure transformation in electrorheological solids

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    We have computed the local electric field in a body-centered tetragonal (BCT) lattice of point dipoles via the Ewald-Kornfeld formulation, in an attempt to examine the effects of a structure transformation on the local field strength. For the ground state of an electrorheological solid of hard spheres, we identified a novel structure transformation from the BCT to the face-centered cubic (FCC) lattices by changing the uniaxial lattice constant c under the hard sphere constraint. In contrast to the previous results, the local field exhibits a non-monotonic transition from BCT to FCC. As c increases from the BCT ground state, the local field initially decreases rapidly towards the isotropic value at the body-centered cubic lattice, decreases further, reaching a minimum value and increases, passing through the isotropic value again at an intermediate lattice, reaches a maximum value and finally decreases to the FCC value. An experimental realization of the structure transformation is suggested. Moreover, the change in the local field can lead to a generalized Clausius-Mossotti equation for the BCT lattices.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopy of reflection-asymmetric nuclei with relativistic energy density functionals

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    Quadrupole and octupole deformation energy surfaces, low-energy excitation spectra and transition rates in fourteen isotopic chains: Xe, Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Rn, Ra, Th, U, Pu, Cm, Cf, and Fm, are systematically analyzed using a theoretical framework based on a quadrupole-octupole collective Hamiltonian (QOCH), with parameters determined by constrained reflection-asymmetric and axially-symmetric relativistic mean-field calculations. The microscopic QOCH model based on the PC-PK1 energy density functional and δ\delta-interaction pairing is shown to accurately describe the empirical trend of low-energy quadrupole and octupole collective states, and predicted spectroscopic properties are consistent with recent microscopic calculations based on both relativistic and non-relativistic energy density functionals. Low-energy negative-parity bands, average octupole deformations, and transition rates show evidence for octupole collectivity in both mass regions, for which a microscopic mechanism is discussed in terms of evolution of single-nucleon orbitals with deformation.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for Publication in Physical Review

    Catastrophic Photo-z Errors and the Dark Energy Parameter Estimates with Cosmic Shear

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    We study the impact of catastrophic errors occurring in the photometric redshifts of galaxies on cosmological parameter estimates with cosmic shear tomography. We consider a fiducial survey with 9-filter set and perform photo-z measurement simulations. It is found that a fraction of 1% galaxies at z_{spec}~0.4 is misidentified to be at z_{phot}~3.5. We then employ both chi^2 fitting method and the extension of Fisher matrix formalism to evaluate the bias on the equation of state parameters of dark energy, w_0 and w_a, induced by those catastrophic outliers. By comparing the results from both methods, we verify that the estimation of w_0 and w_a from the fiducial 5-bin tomographic analyses can be significantly biased. To minimize the impact of this bias, two strategies can be followed: (A) the cosmic shear analysis is restricted to 0.5<z<2.5 where catastrophic redshift errors are expected to be insignificant; (B) a spectroscopic survey is conducted for galaxies with 3<z_{phot}<4. We find that the number of spectroscopic redshifts needed scales as N_{spec} \propto f_{cata}\times A where f_{cata}=1% is the fraction of catastrophic redshift errors (assuming a 9-filter photometric survey) and A is the survey area. For A=1000 {deg}^2, we find that N_{spec}>320 and 860 respectively in order to reduce the joint bias in (w_0,w_a) to be smaller than 2\sigma and 1\sigma. This spectroscopic survey (option B) will improve the Figure of Merit of option A by a factor \times 1.5 thus making such a survey strongly desirable.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, as accepted for publication in Ap

    How does a protein search for the specific site on DNA: the role of disorder

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    Proteins can locate their specific targets on DNA up to two orders of magnitude faster than the Smoluchowski three-dimensional diffusion rate. This happens due to non-specific adsorption of proteins to DNA and subsequent one-dimensional sliding along DNA. We call such one-dimensional route towards the target "antenna". We studied the role of the dispersion of nonspecific binding energies within the antenna due to quasi random sequence of natural DNA. Random energy profile for sliding proteins slows the searching rate for the target. We show that this slowdown is different for the macroscopic and mesoscopic antennas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A limited resource model of fault-tolerant capability against cascading failure of complex network

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    We propose a novel capacity model for complex networks against cascading failure. In this model, vertices with both higher loads and larger degrees should be paid more extra capacities, i.e. the allocation of extra capacity on vertex i will be proportional to ki γ , where ki is the degree of vertex i and γ > 0 is a free parameter. We have applied this model on Barabási-Albert network as well as two real transportation networks, and found that under the same amount of available resource, this model can achieve better network robustness than previous models

    Small ball probability, Inverse theorems, and applications

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    Let Îľ\xi be a real random variable with mean zero and variance one and A=a1,...,anA={a_1,...,a_n} be a multi-set in Rd\R^d. The random sum SA:=a1Îľ1+...+anÎľnS_A := a_1 \xi_1 + ... + a_n \xi_n where Îľi\xi_i are iid copies of Îľ\xi is of fundamental importance in probability and its applications. We discuss the small ball problem, the aim of which is to estimate the maximum probability that SAS_A belongs to a ball with given small radius, following the discovery made by Littlewood-Offord and Erdos almost 70 years ago. We will mainly focus on recent developments that characterize the structure of those sets AA where the small ball probability is relatively large. Applications of these results include full solutions or significant progresses of many open problems in different areas.Comment: 47 page

    Privacy Mining from IoT-based Smart Homes

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    Recently, a wide range of smart devices are deployed in a variety of environments to improve the quality of human life. One of the important IoT-based applications is smart homes for healthcare, especially for elders. IoT-based smart homes enable elders' health to be properly monitored and taken care of. However, elders' privacy might be disclosed from smart homes due to non-fully protected network communication or other reasons. To demonstrate how serious this issue is, we introduce in this paper a Privacy Mining Approach (PMA) to mine privacy from smart homes by conducting a series of deductions and analyses on sensor datasets generated by smart homes. The experimental results demonstrate that PMA is able to deduce a global sensor topology for a smart home and disclose elders' privacy in terms of their house layouts.Comment: This paper, which has 11 pages and 7 figures, has been accepted BWCCA 2018 on 13th August 201
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