888 research outputs found

    Relaxation of surface charge on rotating dielectric spheres: Implications on dynamic electrorheological effects

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    We have examined the effect of an oscillatory rotation of a polarized dielectric particle. The rotational motion leads to a re-distribution of the polarization charge on the surface of the particle. We show that the time averaged steady-state dipole moment is along the field direction, but its magnitude is reduced by a factor which depends on the angular velocity of rotation. As a result, the rotational motion of the particle reduces the electrorheological effect. We further assume that the relaxation of polarized charge is arised from a finite conductivity of the particle or host medium. We calculate the relaxation time based on the Maxwell-Wagner theory, suitably generalized to include the rotational motion. Analytic expressions for the reduction factor and the relaxation time are given and their dependence on the angular velocity of rotation will be discussed.Comment: Accepted for publications by Phys. Rev.

    Ground state of a polydisperse electrorheological solid: Beyond the dipole approximation

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    The ground state of an electrorheological (ER) fluid has been studied based on our recently proposed dipole-induced dipole (DID) model. We obtained an analytic expression of the interaction between chains of particles which are of the same or different dielectric constants. The effects of dielectric constants on the structure formation in monodisperse and polydisperse electrorheological fluids are studied in a wide range of dielectric contrasts between the particles and the base fluid. Our results showed that the established body-centered tetragonal ground state in monodisperse ER fluids may become unstable due to a polydispersity in the particle dielectric constants. While our results agree with that of the fully multipole theory, the DID model is much simpler, which offers a basis for computer simulations in polydisperse ER fluids.Comment: Accepted for publications by Phys. Rev.

    Discovery and Measurement of Sleptons, Binos, and Winos with a Z'

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    Extensions of the MSSM could significantly alter its phenomenology at the LHC. We study the case in which the MSSM is extended by an additional U(1) gauge symmetry, which is spontaneously broken at a few TeV. The production cross-section of sleptons is enhanced over that of the MSSM by the process pp→Zâ€Č→ℓ~ℓ~∗pp\to Z' \to \tilde{\ell} \tilde{\ell}^*, so the discovery potential for sleptons is greatly increased. The flavor and charge information in the resulting decay, ℓ~→ℓ+LSP\tilde{\ell} \to \ell + {LSP}, provides a useful handle on the identity of the LSP. With the help of the additional kinematical constraint of an on-shell Z', we implement a novel method to measure all of the superpartner masses involved in this channel. For certain final states with two invisible particles, one can construct kinematic observables bounded above by parent particle masses. We demonstrate how output from one such observable, m_T2, can become input to a second, increasing the number of measurements one can make with a single decay chain. The method presented here represents a new class of observables which could have a much wider range of applicability.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; v2 references added and minor change

    Spin Measurements in Cascade Decays at the LHC

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    We systematically study the possibility of determining the spin of new particles after their discovery at the LHC. We concentrate on angular correlations in cascade decays. Motivated by constraints of electroweak precision tests and the potential of providing a Cold Dark Matter candidate, we focus on scenarios of new physics in which some discrete symmetry guarantees the existence of stable neutral particles which escape the detector. More specifically, we compare supersymmetry with another generic scenario in which new physics particles have the same spin as their Standard Model partners. A survey of possibilities of observing spin correlations in a broad range of decay channels is carried out, with interesting ones identified. Rather than confining ourselves to one "collider friendly" benchmark point (such as SPS1a), we describe the parameter region in which any particular decay channel is effective. We conduct a more detailed study of chargino's spin determination in the decay channel q~→q+C~±→q+W±+LSP\tilde{q}\to q + \tilde{C}^\pm \to q + W^\pm + LSP. A scan over the chargino and neutralino masses is performed. We find that as long as the spectrum is not too degenerate the prospects for spin determination in this channel are rather good.Comment: 36 pages, references added, 1 figure modifie

    Radiocarbon evidence for the stability of polar ocean overturning during the Holocene

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    Funding: T.C. acknowledges support from the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB40010200), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (020614380116) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (41991325, 41822603 and 42021001). L.F.R. acknowledges support from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/S001743/1, NE/R005117/1, NE/N003861/1 and NE/X00127X/1).Proxy-based studies have linked the pre-industrial atmospheric pCO2 rise of ∌20 ppmv in the mid- to late Holocene to an inferred increase in the Southern Ocean overturning and associated biogeochemical changes. However, the history of polar ocean overturning and ventilation through the Holocene remains poorly constrained, leaving important gaps in the assessment of the feedbacks between changes in ocean circulation and the carbon cycle in a warm climate state. The deep-ocean radiocarbon content, which provides a measure of ventilation, responds to circulation changes on centennial to millennial time scales. Here we present absolutely dated deep-sea coral radiocarbon records from the Drake Passage, between South America and Antarctica, and Reykjanes Ridge, south of Iceland, over the Holocene. Our data suggest that ventilation in the Antarctic circumpolar waters and North Atlantic Deep Water is surprisingly invariant within proxy uncertainties at our sampling resolution. Our findings indicate that long-term, large-scale polar ocean overturning has not been disturbed to a level resolvable by radiocarbon and is probably not responsible for the millennial atmosphere pCO2 evolution through the Holocene. Instead, continuous nutrient and carbon redistribution within the water column following deglaciation, as well as changes in land organic carbon stock, might have regulated atmospheric CO2 budget during this period.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    We study the properties and phenomenology of particle-like states originating from D-branes whose spatial dimensions are all compactified. They are non-perturbative states in string theory and we refer to them as D-matter. In contrast to other non-perturbative objects such as 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, D-matter states could have perturbative couplings among themselves and with ordinary matter. The lightest D-particle (LDP) could be stable because it is the lightest state carrying certain (integer or discrete) quantum numbers. Depending on the string scale, they could be cold dark matter candidates with properties similar to that of wimps or wimpzillas. The spectrum of excited states of D-matter exhibits an interesting pattern which could be distinguished from that of Kaluza-Klein modes, winding states, and string resonances. We speculate about possible signatures of D-matter from ultra-high energy cosmic rays and colliders.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Random Sierpinski network with scale-free small-world and modular structure

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    In this paper, we define a stochastic Sierpinski gasket, on the basis of which we construct a network called random Sierpinski network (RSN). We investigate analytically or numerically the statistical characteristics of RSN. The obtained results reveal that the properties of RSN is particularly rich, it is simultaneously scale-free, small-world, uncorrelated, modular, and maximal planar. All obtained analytical predictions are successfully contrasted with extensive numerical simulations. Our network representation method could be applied to study the complexity of some real systems in biological and information fields.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures; final version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Effects of genuine dimension-six Higgs operators

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    We systematically discuss the consequences of genuine dimension-six Higgs operators. These operators are not subject to stringent constraints from electroweak precision data. However, they can modify the couplings of the Higgs boson to electroweak gauge bosons and, in particular, the Higgs self-interactions. We study the sensitivity to which those couplings can be probed at future \ee linear colliders in the sub-TeV and in the multi-TeV range. We find that for s=500\sqrt s=500 GeV with a luminosity of 1 ab−1^{-1} the anomalous WWHWWH and ZZHZZH couplings may be probed to about the 0.01 level, and the anomalous HHHHHH coupling to about the 0.1 level.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures; typos corrected and references adde

    A 78 Day X-Ray Period Detected from NGC 5907 ULX1 by Swift

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    We report the detection of a 78.1 ± 0.5 day period in the X-ray light curve of the extreme ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5907 ULX1 (LX,peak∌5×1040{L}_{{\rm{X,peak}}}\sim 5\times {10}^{40} erg s−1), discovered during an extensive monitoring program with Swift. These periodic variations are strong, with the observed flux changing by a factor of ~3–4 between the peaks and the troughs of the cycle; our simulations suggest that the observed periodicity is detected comfortably in excess of 3σ significance. We discuss possible origins for this X-ray period, but conclude that at the current time we cannot robustly distinguish between orbital and super-orbital variations

    Orbital stability: analysis meets geometry

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    We present an introduction to the orbital stability of relative equilibria of Hamiltonian dynamical systems on (finite and infinite dimensional) Banach spaces. A convenient formulation of the theory of Hamiltonian dynamics with symmetry and the corresponding momentum maps is proposed that allows us to highlight the interplay between (symplectic) geometry and (functional) analysis in the proofs of orbital stability of relative equilibria via the so-called energy-momentum method. The theory is illustrated with examples from finite dimensional systems, as well as from Hamiltonian PDE's, such as solitons, standing and plane waves for the nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation, for the wave equation, and for the Manakov system
