40 research outputs found

    Differing Requirements for RAD51 and DMC1 in Meiotic Pairing of Centromeres and Chromosome Arms in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    During meiosis homologous chromosomes pair, recombine, and synapse, thus ensuring accurate chromosome segregation and the halving of ploidy necessary for gametogenesis. The processes permitting a chromosome to pair only with its homologue are not fully understood, but successful pairing of homologous chromosomes is tightly linked to recombination. In Arabidopsis thaliana, meiotic prophase of rad51, xrcc3, and rad51C mutants appears normal up to the zygotene/pachytene stage, after which the genome fragments, leading to sterility. To better understand the relationship between recombination and chromosome pairing, we have analysed meiotic chromosome pairing in these and in dmc1 mutant lines. Our data show a differing requirement for these proteins in pairing of centromeric regions and chromosome arms. No homologous pairing of mid-arm or distal regions was observed in rad51, xrcc3, and rad51C mutants. However, homologous centromeres do pair in these mutants and we show that this does depend upon recombination, principally on DMC1. This centromere pairing extends well beyond the heterochromatic centromere region and, surprisingly, does not require XRCC3 and RAD51C. In addition to clarifying and bringing the roles of centromeres in meiotic synapsis to the fore, this analysis thus separates the roles in meiotic synapsis of DMC1 and RAD51 and the meiotic RAD51 paralogs, XRCC3 and RAD51C, with respect to different chromosome domains

    Holding it together: rapid evolution and positive selection in the synaptonemal complex of Drosophila

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    Background The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a highly conserved meiotic structure that functions to pair homologs and facilitate meiotic recombination in most eukaryotes. Five Drosophila SC proteins have been identified and localized within the complex: C(3)G, C(2)M, CONA, ORD, and the newly identified Corolla. The SC is required for meiotic recombination in Drosophila and absence of these proteins leads to reduced crossing over and chromosomal nondisjunction. Despite the conserved nature of the SC and the key role that these five proteins have in meiosis in D. melanogaster, they display little apparent sequence conservation outside the genus. To identify factors that explain this lack of apparent conservation, we performed a molecular evolutionary analysis of these genes across the Drosophila genus. Results For the five SC components, gene sequence similarity declines rapidly with increasing phylogenetic distance and only ORD and C(2)M are identifiable outside of the Drosophila genus. SC gene sequences have a higher dN/dS (ω) rate ratio than the genome wide average and this can in part be explained by the action of positive selection in almost every SC component. Across the genus, there is significant variation in ω for each protein. It further appears that ω estimates for the five SC components are in accordance with their physical position within the SC. Components interacting with chromatin evolve slowest and components comprising the central elements evolve the most rapidly. Finally, using population genetic approaches, we demonstrate that positive selection on SC components is ongoing. Conclusions SC components within Drosophila show little apparent sequence homology to those identified in other model organisms due to their rapid evolution. We propose that the Drosophila SC is evolving rapidly due to two combined effects. First, we propose that a high rate of evolution can be partly explained by low purifying selection on protein components whose function is to simply hold chromosomes together. We also propose that positive selection in the SC is driven by its sex-specificity combined with its role in facilitating both recombination and centromere clustering in the face of recurrent bouts of drive in female meiosis

    Interplay between Synaptonemal Complex, Homologous Recombination, and Centromeres during Mammalian Meiosis

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    The intimate synapsis of homologous chromosome pairs (homologs) by synaptonemal complexes (SCs) is an essential feature of meiosis. In many organisms, synapsis and homologous recombination are interdependent: recombination promotes SC formation and SCs are required for crossing-over. Moreover, several studies indicate that initiation of SC assembly occurs at sites where crossovers will subsequently form. However, recent analyses in budding yeast and fruit fly imply a special role for centromeres in the initiation of SC formation. In addition, in budding yeast, persistent SC–dependent centromere-association facilitates the disjunction of chromosomes that have failed to become connected by crossovers. Here, we examine the interplay between SCs, recombination, and centromeres in a mammal. In mouse spermatocytes, centromeres do not serve as SC initiation sites and are invariably the last regions to synapse. However, centromeres are refractory to de-synapsis during diplonema and remain associated by short SC fragments. Since SC–dependent centromere association is lost before diakinesis, a direct role in homolog segregation seems unlikely. However, post–SC disassembly, we find evidence of inter-centromeric connections that could play a more direct role in promoting homolog biorientation and disjunction. A second class of persistent SC fragments is shown to be crossover-dependent. Super-resolution structured-illumination microscopy (SIM) reveals that these structures initially connect separate homolog axes and progressively diminish as chiasmata form. Thus, DNA crossing-over (which occurs during pachynema) and axis remodeling appear to be temporally distinct aspects of chiasma formation. SIM analysis of the synapsis and crossover-defective mutant Sycp1−/− implies that SCs prevent unregulated fusion of homolog axes. We propose that SC fragments retained during diplonema stabilize nascent bivalents and help orchestrate local chromosome reorganization that promotes centromere and chiasma function


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    Alpha-herpesviruses establish a life-long infection in the nervous system of the affected host. While this infection is restricted to peripheral neurons in a heathy host, it can spread within the neuronal circuitry in compromised individuals leading to adverse health consequences. Human αherpesviruses include Herpes Simplex Virus types 1 and 2, that cause cold sores and lesions, and Varicella-Zoster Virus, the causative agent of chicken pox and shingles. Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an αherpesvirus with exceptionally broad host range, infecting most mammals and rarely humans. For spread of infection between neurons, it requires the viral protein Us9 for sorting virus particles into axons by mediating an interaction of intracellular virus particles with neuronal transport machinery. Here we report that Us9-mediated axonal sorting also depends on the state of neuronal maturation, a process characterized with the polarization of dendrites, axons, and proteome composition changes. Immature superior cervical ganglia (SCGs) are part of the peripheral nervous system and have rudimentary neurites that lack protein markers of mature dendrites or axons. Immature SCGs can be infected by PRV, but unlike mature SCGs show markedly reduced Us9-dependent sorting of virus particles into neurites. Mature SCGs abundantly express a variety of proteins characteristic of membrane vesicle-transport machinery. Proteomics studies of infected mature neurons identified several novel Us9-associated virus and neuronal proteins with potential roles in the regulation of axonal sorting and subsequent anterograde spread of virus particles in axons. SMPD4/n-sMase3, a neuronal sphingomyelinase abundant in lipid-rafts that interacted with Us9, is found to inhibit the sorting of virus particles into axons and subsequent spread of infection. Such an interaction provides a novel potentially anti-viral host response. By contrast, we identified the viral protein Us2 as an inhibitor of Us9 independent virus spread. Several other Us9-associated proteins were identified and potential mechanisms that elucidate neuronal spread of alpha-herpesvirus infections are proposed

    Drosophila Hold'em Is Required for a Subset of Meiotic Crossovers and Interacts With the DNA Repair Endonuclease Complex Subunits MEI-9 and ERCC1

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    Three Drosophila proteins, ERCC1, MUS312, and MEI-9, function in a complex proposed to resolve double-Holliday-junction intermediates into crossovers during meiosis. We report here the characterization of hold'em (hdm), whose protein product belongs to a single-strand-DNA-binding superfamily of proteins. Mutations in hdm result in reduced meiotic crossover formation and sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agent methyl methanesulfonate. Furthermore, HDM physically interacts with both MEI-9 and ERCC1 in a yeast two-hybrid assay. We conclude that HDM, MEI-9, MUS312, and ERCC1 form a complex that resolves meiotic recombination intermediates into crossovers