56 research outputs found


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    A greater mutual dependence of the world\u27s and European marketplace as well as the increase in the international trade, as one of the basic goals of the European Union traffic policy, emphasizes the inner traffic connection as well as the traffic connection between other European countries with a modern transport network. In this context, the significant European interest has been shown within the European traffic policy for the traffic position the Republic of Croatia holds, as well as its transport corridors that, by passing the Croatian territory, integrate Croatia with the European traffic and economic system. According to the above mentioned facts, this paper analyses the European traffic policy and the aspects of the European interest shown for the traffic position of the Republic of Croatia, the geo-traffic aspects of the Paneuropean transport corridor network as well as the exploitation possibilities of current and potentially new corridors that pass through the Croatian territory. According to that, significant conclusions are being derived regarding the level of the integration of Croatia into the Paneuropean corridor network, including the existent corridors as well as the potentially new ones that would also significantly contribute to a better integration of the Croatian transport network into the European corridor network.Međusobna ovisnost svjetskog i europskog tržiÅ”ta te porast međunarodne razmjene kao jedan od temeljnih ciljeva prometne politike Europske unije, sve viÅ”e u prvi plan ističe unutraÅ”nje prometno povezivanje i prometno povezivanje s ostalim europskim državama suvremenom mrežom prometnica. U tom je kontekstu, unutar europske prometne politike značajan europski interes za prometni položaj Republike Hrvatske i prometne koridore koji prolazeći njenim teritorijem integriraju Hrvatsku u europski prometni sustav i tržiÅ”te. U skladu s time, u ovome se radu analizira europska prometna politika i aspekti europskog interesa za prometni položaj Republike Hrvatske, geoprometne značajke paneuropske mreže prometnih koridora te eksploatacijske značajke postojećih i potencijalno novih koridora koji prolaze teritorijem Republike Hrvatske. Temeljem toga izvode se značajni zaključci o stupnju integriranosti Hrvatske u paneuropsku mrežu prometnih koridora, uključujući postojeće koridore, ali i potencijalne nove koridore koji bi također trebali bitno pridonijeti integraciji hrvatske prometne mreže u europsku prometnu mrežu koridora


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    Strengthening the global cruise market is in the upward trend as evidenced by the continued growth in the number of passengers on the cruising market. The source market, which is dominating by the demand for cruising, is North America, followed by the European market. In addition to the European market intensifying its increase in demand in the last few years, compared to other markets, passenger flows on cruises in Europe is constantly increasing its share in the global passenger flows on the world cruise market. Consequently, in this paper, the main features and trends in passengers flows on the world market and Mediterranean cruises are analyzed, within which a specific attention is given in analyzing passenger flows in the developing Mediterranean or Adriatic market. In accordance with the analyzed data, significant conclusions have been brought about the present state and future prospects of the global passenger flows on the Mediterranean area, as well as the prospects of development of the Adriatic market within the Mediterranean cruise market

    Analysis of the relevant indicators for cargo flows formulation on the paneuropean corridor Vc

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    Pravci i intenzitet robnih tokova osnovni su pokazatelj položaja i konkurentnosti prometnog pravca na tržiÅ”tu prometnih usluga. Paneuropski koridor VC je pravac od velikog značenja za hrvatski i europski gospodarski i prometni sustav. Stoga se, s namjerom da se dobiju konkretni zaključci o trenutnim i potencijalnim količinama robnih tokova na koridoru VC, u radu analiziraju relevantni indikatori formiranja robnih tokova. Analizom relevantnih makroekonomskih indikatora definirani su glavni vanjskotrgovinski partneri Hrvatske, dinamika, vrijednost količina i usmjerenost robnih tokova Hrvatske te usmjerenost vanjskotrgovinske i prekomorske razmjene europskih država. Temeljem relevantnih statističkih podataka u radu se analiziraju: struktura robnih tokova u zavisnosti od vrste tereta, intenzitet robnih tokova (količina), dinamika robnih tokova (kretanje količine robnih tokova u određenom periodu) te usmjerenost robnih tokova. Posebno je analiziran promet luke Ploče kao strateÅ”ke tranzitne točke koridora VC te usmjerenost robnih tokova prema srednjoeuropskom tranzitnom zaleđu koje, kao tržiÅ”ni segment gravitira analiziranom koridoru. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključke o prognozi robnih tokova, potencijalnoj prometnoj potražnji i prometnom tržiÅ”tu koje gravitira analiziranom prometnom pravcu.Intensity, structure and dynamics of cargo flows represent the main indicators for the transport route competitiveness on the transport service market.The Paneuropean corridor VC is a corridor of great importance for the Croatian and European traffic and economic system. Therefore, with the intention of getting concrete conclusions about the actual and potential cargo flows on the corridor VC, relevant indicators of the cargo flows formulation are analysed in this paper. By analysing the relevant macroeconomic indicators, the main Croatian foreign trade partners, the dynamics, value, quantity and direction of cargo flows as well as the foreign trade and overseas exchange direction of the European countries are defined in this paper.. Based on the relevant statistical data, this paper aims at analysing the following: cargo flows according to the intensity (quantity of cargo flows), structure (depending on the type of cargo and cargo flow directions) and dynamics (quantity of cargo flows within a certain period of time). Since the port of Ploče is referred to as a strategic transit point of the corridor VC, a particular attention is given to the analysis of the port traffic. According to the fact that Central Europe is an important gravitational area and a strategic market segment of the corridor, the overseas directions of cargo flows from the Central European transit hinterland are also dealt with in this paper. The results achieved in this research have brought to a satisfactory conclusion about cargo flows, potential traffic demands and traffic market that gravitates to the analysed traffic route

    Multi-criteria Optimization of Motorways of the Sea in the Function of the Environment Protection: Case Study of Croatia

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    The transport system causes extremely harmful consequencesĀ for society and the environment. It is manifestedĀ through the increased emission of harmful exhaust gases,Ā traffic congestions, traffic accidents, increased level ofĀ noise, higher levels of stress and various diseases of all participantsĀ of the transport system and society in general. TheĀ implementation and modernization of intermodality throughĀ the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) as its ecological and socio-economic sustainable subsystem is the efficient way ofĀ reducing the above mentioned consequences. Further sustainableĀ development of MoS can be observed according toĀ the ecological and socio-economic criteria and sub-criteriaĀ set out in this paper in order to keep it in direct function ofĀ protecting the society and preserving the environment.</p

    Structural analysis of cruise passenger traffic in the world and in the Republic of Croatia

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    Passenger traffic in the market of cruising, according to present growth rate, in the global and regional scale is an important accelerator of growth in passenger traffic in the world, of maritime passenger transport, and thus economic growth and development. Accordingly, the main problem of this study is the analysis of passenger traffic in cruises in the world and in the Republic of Croatia. In connection with this, the basic aim of the research is the structural analysis of the defined research problem, that by the analysis of specific quantitative indicators defines the main characteristics and patterns in the performance of passenger traffic on a cruise, specifying: the worldā€™s leading groups and companies in the cruise market, the structure of passengers on a cruise with respect of various criteria (origin, socio-demographic criteria), the leading emitting and receptive cruise regions, including the leading cruise destinations and the ports in the world and in the Republic of Croatia

    A contribution to the definition of transport-logistics services offered on a transport route

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    Posebnosti prometnog tržiÅ”ta, koje se ogledaju u konkurentnim odnosima prometnih subjekata i prometnih pravaca, nalažu ozbiljnost kreiranju cjelokupne ponude na prometnom pravcu. Svojom atraktivnoŔću, brzinom, sigurnoŔću te ukupnim kvalitetnim servisom, prometna usluga mora udovoljiti sve većim zahtjevima korisnika. U tom smislu, osnovni cilj ovog istraživanje je prilog definiranju pojma transportno-logističke usluge prometnog pravca kao složenog fenomena kojeg uvjetuju brojne okolnosti i specifičnosti prometnog tržiÅ”ta. Sukladno postavljenom cilju istraživanja, u radu se definiraju teorijske determinante pojmova kvalitete prijevozne usluge, kvalitete prometne usluge i kvalitete transportno-logističke usluge te standardizirana baza za definiranje, osiguranje i upravljanje kvalitetom prometne usluge. Posebno se analiziraju kriteriji i specifičnosti prometnog tržiÅ”ta, odnosno zahtjeva korisnika prometnih usluga, budući da upravo oni uvjetuju definiranje temeljnih pretpostavki i ciljeva u realizacije Å”to viÅ”eg stupnja kvalitete i konkurentnosti usluge prometnog pravca.The specific qualities of the transport market, reflected on the competitive relations of transport subjects and transport routes, imply seriousness in creating a complete service offered on a transport route. The transport service has to satisfy the increasing demands of the users, by being attractive, speedy, safe and offering a high-quality service. In that sense, the main goal of this research is to contribute to defining the transport-logistics services on the transport route as a complex phenomenon influenced by many circumstances and particularities of the transport market. In view of the determined goal, this paper aims at defining the theoretical guidelines on the quality of transport and of transport-logistics services, as well as the standardized basis for the definition, insurance and management of the transport service quality. A special analysis is carried out of the criteria and specific qualities of the transport market and of the demands of the transport service users, since the definition of the basic prerequisite conditions and goals for effecting an increasing quality and competitive level of the transport route services are directly conditioned by these criteria

    Planning and valorization of the branch Xa of Corridor X from the aspects of external costs

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    Branch Xa of Pan-European Transport Corridor X has a strategic importance for Croatia since this corridor (Corridor branch) enables linking of Croatia with Slovenia and Austria, which, according to the current data on the structure of trade in goods from countries, is counted among five most important Croatian trading partners. Therefore, the valorization of the branch of Corridor X has unquestionable importance for the Croatian economy and the associated surroundings that gravitate in the transport route. Conditional on the numerous geo-transport and socioeconomic factors, the valorization of transport corridor on the transport market is determined also by the value of transport (traffic) services that are determined by the costs incurred in its production. Accordingly, the underlying problem of the present study is to analyze the external costs of the branch of Corridor X which, although, belong to the category of social costs borne by society, have the intention to become, over various regulatory measures (excise), an integral part of the costs of the conveyor. With the aim of the research in this study, which, generally, supports the need for internalization of the external costs, as the essential factors of valorization of the transport corridors, a comparative analysis of external costs of the branch of Corridor X between the road and rail transport was performed. As input data, the results of in-depth analysis were used, resulting from the studies of the European Commission for the European Union, specifically Studies for Corridor X and Studies on East-Mediterranean transport routes. The research results show that the mean values of external costs of freight rail transport on the branch Xa are almost five times fewer than the average value of external costs of road transport and that, in accordance with the purpose of these investigations, the internalization of external costs is unquestionably required for planning the traffic flows and valorization of the route
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