


A greater mutual dependence of the world\u27s and European marketplace as well as the increase in the international trade, as one of the basic goals of the European Union traffic policy, emphasizes the inner traffic connection as well as the traffic connection between other European countries with a modern transport network. In this context, the significant European interest has been shown within the European traffic policy for the traffic position the Republic of Croatia holds, as well as its transport corridors that, by passing the Croatian territory, integrate Croatia with the European traffic and economic system. According to the above mentioned facts, this paper analyses the European traffic policy and the aspects of the European interest shown for the traffic position of the Republic of Croatia, the geo-traffic aspects of the Paneuropean transport corridor network as well as the exploitation possibilities of current and potentially new corridors that pass through the Croatian territory. According to that, significant conclusions are being derived regarding the level of the integration of Croatia into the Paneuropean corridor network, including the existent corridors as well as the potentially new ones that would also significantly contribute to a better integration of the Croatian transport network into the European corridor network.Međusobna ovisnost svjetskog i europskog tržišta te porast međunarodne razmjene kao jedan od temeljnih ciljeva prometne politike Europske unije, sve više u prvi plan ističe unutrašnje prometno povezivanje i prometno povezivanje s ostalim europskim državama suvremenom mrežom prometnica. U tom je kontekstu, unutar europske prometne politike značajan europski interes za prometni položaj Republike Hrvatske i prometne koridore koji prolazeći njenim teritorijem integriraju Hrvatsku u europski prometni sustav i tržište. U skladu s time, u ovome se radu analizira europska prometna politika i aspekti europskog interesa za prometni položaj Republike Hrvatske, geoprometne značajke paneuropske mreže prometnih koridora te eksploatacijske značajke postojećih i potencijalno novih koridora koji prolaze teritorijem Republike Hrvatske. Temeljem toga izvode se značajni zaključci o stupnju integriranosti Hrvatske u paneuropsku mrežu prometnih koridora, uključujući postojeće koridore, ali i potencijalne nove koridore koji bi također trebali bitno pridonijeti integraciji hrvatske prometne mreže u europsku prometnu mrežu koridora

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