Analysis of the relevant indicators for cargo flows formulation on the paneuropean corridor Vc


Pravci i intenzitet robnih tokova osnovni su pokazatelj položaja i konkurentnosti prometnog pravca na tržištu prometnih usluga. Paneuropski koridor VC je pravac od velikog značenja za hrvatski i europski gospodarski i prometni sustav. Stoga se, s namjerom da se dobiju konkretni zaključci o trenutnim i potencijalnim količinama robnih tokova na koridoru VC, u radu analiziraju relevantni indikatori formiranja robnih tokova. Analizom relevantnih makroekonomskih indikatora definirani su glavni vanjskotrgovinski partneri Hrvatske, dinamika, vrijednost količina i usmjerenost robnih tokova Hrvatske te usmjerenost vanjskotrgovinske i prekomorske razmjene europskih država. Temeljem relevantnih statističkih podataka u radu se analiziraju: struktura robnih tokova u zavisnosti od vrste tereta, intenzitet robnih tokova (količina), dinamika robnih tokova (kretanje količine robnih tokova u određenom periodu) te usmjerenost robnih tokova. Posebno je analiziran promet luke Ploče kao strateške tranzitne točke koridora VC te usmjerenost robnih tokova prema srednjoeuropskom tranzitnom zaleđu koje, kao tržišni segment gravitira analiziranom koridoru. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključke o prognozi robnih tokova, potencijalnoj prometnoj potražnji i prometnom tržištu koje gravitira analiziranom prometnom pravcu.Intensity, structure and dynamics of cargo flows represent the main indicators for the transport route competitiveness on the transport service market.The Paneuropean corridor VC is a corridor of great importance for the Croatian and European traffic and economic system. Therefore, with the intention of getting concrete conclusions about the actual and potential cargo flows on the corridor VC, relevant indicators of the cargo flows formulation are analysed in this paper. By analysing the relevant macroeconomic indicators, the main Croatian foreign trade partners, the dynamics, value, quantity and direction of cargo flows as well as the foreign trade and overseas exchange direction of the European countries are defined in this paper.. Based on the relevant statistical data, this paper aims at analysing the following: cargo flows according to the intensity (quantity of cargo flows), structure (depending on the type of cargo and cargo flow directions) and dynamics (quantity of cargo flows within a certain period of time). Since the port of Ploče is referred to as a strategic transit point of the corridor VC, a particular attention is given to the analysis of the port traffic. According to the fact that Central Europe is an important gravitational area and a strategic market segment of the corridor, the overseas directions of cargo flows from the Central European transit hinterland are also dealt with in this paper. The results achieved in this research have brought to a satisfactory conclusion about cargo flows, potential traffic demands and traffic market that gravitates to the analysed traffic route

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