1,562 research outputs found

    Dynamic exponent in Extremal models of Pinning

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    The depinning transition of a front moving in a time-independent random potential is studied. The temporal development of the overall roughness w(L,t) of an initially flat front, w(t)∝tÎČw(t)\propto t^\beta, is the classical means to have access to the dynamic exponent. However, in the case of front propagation in quenched disorder via extremal dynamics, we show that the initial increase in front roughness implies an extra dependence over the system size which comes from the fact that the activity is essentially localized in a narrow region of space. We propose an analytic expression for the ÎČ\beta exponent and confirm this for different models (crack front propagation, Edwards-Wilkinson model in a quenched noise, ...).Comment: RevTex, 3 figures .ep

    Interface of the transport systems research vehicle monochrome display system to the digital autonomous terminal access communication data bus

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    An upgrade of the transport systems research vehicle (TSRV) experimental flight system retained the original monochrome display system. The original host computer was replaced with a Norden 11/70, a new digital autonomous terminal access communication (DATAC) data bus was installed for data transfer between display system and host, while a new data interface method was required. The new display data interface uses four split phase bipolar (SPBP) serial busses. The DATAC bus uses a shared interface ram (SIR) for intermediate storage of its data transfer. A display interface unit (DIU) was designed and configured to read from and write to the SIR to properly convert the data from parallel to SPBP serial and vice versa. It is found that separation of data for use by each SPBP bus and synchronization of data tranfer throughout the entire experimental flight system are major problems which require solution in DIU design. The techniques used to accomplish these new data interface requirements are described

    Intergranular stress distributions in polycrystalline aggregates of irradiated stainless steel

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    In order to predict InterGranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) of post-irradiated austenitic stainless steel in Light Water Reactor (LWR) environment, reliable predictions of intergranular stresses are required. Finite elements simulations have been performed on realistic polycrystalline aggregate with a recently proposed physically-based crystal plasticity constitutive equations validated for neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steel. Intergranular normal stress probability density functions are found with respect to plastic strain and irradiation level, for uniaxial loading conditions. In addition, plastic slip activity jumps at grain boundaries are also presented. Intergranular normal stress distributions describe, from a statistical point of view, the potential increase of intergranular stress with respect to the macroscopic stress due to grain-grain interactions. The distributions are shown to be well described by a master curve once rescaled by the macroscopic stress, in the range of irradiation level and strain considered in this study. The upper tail of this master curve is shown to be insensitive to free surface effect, which is relevant for IGSC

    Market Games and Successive Oligopolies

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    This paper first introduces an approach relying on market games to examine how successive oligopolies do operate between downstream and upstream markets. This approach is then compared with the traditional analysis of oligopolistic interaction in successive markets. The market outcomes resulting from the two approaches are analysed under different technological regimes, decreasing vs constant returnsD43, L1, L13, L22

    Application expérimentale de mycelium d'Erynia neoaphidis (ZygomycÚtes : entomophthorales) dans des populations de pucerons sur laitues en serre maraßchÚre : étude du suivi de l'inoculum par caractérisation enzymatique

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    Au cours d'une expĂ©rimentation rĂ©alisĂ©e en serre Ă  Rennes, en 1983, on a Ă©prouvĂ© l'efficacitĂ© contre les pucerons de la laitue #Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) et #Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) d'une bioprĂ©paration d'entomophtorale constituĂ©e de mycelium d'une souche de #Erynia neoaphidisremaudieˋrehennebert.Lâ€Čeˊtudedelâ€Čimplantationdecettesoucheaeˊteˊentreprisegra^ceaˋunetechniquedecaracteˊrisationenzymatique.Lespopulationsdepuceronsimplanteˊesexpeˊrimentalementendeˊbutdâ€Čessaisontfaiblementattaqueˊespardesmycoses(5 remaudiĂšre hennebert. L'Ă©tude de l'implantation de cette souche a Ă©tĂ© entreprise grĂące Ă  une technique de caractĂ©risation enzymatique. Les populations de pucerons implantĂ©es expĂ©rimentalement en dĂ©but d'essai sont faiblement attaquĂ©es par des mycoses (5 % de mortalitĂ©). La caractĂ©risation enzymatique des souches d'entomophthorales isolĂ©es de pucerons trouvĂ©s morts au cours de l'expĂ©rimentation montre que la souche de #E. neophidis introduite s'est implantĂ©e dans les populations aphidiennes, mais qu'elle est par la suite remplacĂ©e par un inoculum autochtone de la mĂȘme espĂšce. On observe Ă©galement le dĂ©veloppement dĂšs le dĂ©but de l'expĂ©rimentation d'un inoculum de #C. obscurus$ qui ne correspond pas Ă  la souche introduite 2 ans auparavant lors d'une prĂ©cĂ©dente expĂ©rimentation. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Particle displacements in the elastic deformation of amorphous materials: local fluctuations vs. non-affine field

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    We study the local disorder in the deformation of amorphous materials by decomposing the particle displacements into a continuous, inhomogeneous field and the corresponding fluctuations. We compare these fields to the commonly used non-affine displacements in an elastically deformed 2D Lennard-Jones glass. Unlike the non-affine field, the fluctuations are very localized, and exhibit a much smaller (and system size independent) correlation length, on the order of a particle diameter, supporting the applicability of the notion of local "defects" to such materials. We propose a scalar "noise" field to characterize the fluctuations, as an additional field for extended continuum models, e.g., to describe the localized irreversible events observed during plastic deformation.Comment: Minor corrections to match the published versio

    A Stochastic Description for Extremal Dynamics

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    We show that extremal dynamics is very well modelled by the "Linear Fractional Stable Motion" (LFSM), a stochastic process entirely defined by two exponents that take into account spatio-temporal correlations in the distribution of active sites. We demonstrate this numerically and analytically using well-known properties of the LFSM. Further, we use this correspondence to write an exact expressions for an n-point correlation function as well as an equation of fractional order for interface growth in extremal dynamics.Comment: 4 pages LaTex, 3 figures .ep

    Étude comparative tensiomùtre automatique versus doppler à ultrasons dans la mesure de l’index de pression systolique à la cheville (Ipsc)

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    ObjectifL’évaluation de l’index de pression systolique Ă  la cheville (IPSC) est la mĂ©thode non invasive la plus simple de dĂ©pistage de l’artĂ©riopathie des membres infĂ©rieurs (AOMI) mais reste peu usitĂ©e en pratique courante, car elle est chronophage, implique un Ă©quipement et une formation appropriĂ©s. Le but de notre Ă©tude est d’évaluer la validitĂ© et la fiabilitĂ© de la mesure de l’IPSC Ă  l’aide d’un tensiomĂštre automatique par comparaison avec les rĂ©sultats obtenus par doppler continu, mĂ©thode de rĂ©fĂ©rence. MĂ©thodes Les patients de 65 ans et plus hospitalisĂ©s au CHU d’Angers de juillet 2008 à mars 2009 en mĂ©decine interne et n’ayant pas d’AOMI documentĂ©e au moment de l’inclusion ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude. Les critĂšres d’exclusion Ă©taient la prĂ©sence d’une fibrillation auriculaire et une incompressibilitĂ© des artĂšres distales des membres infĂ©rieurs. Pour chaque patient, l’IPSC a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par tensiomĂštre automatique et par la mĂ©thode Doppler de rĂ©fĂ©rence ; ces mesures Ă©tant faites par le mĂȘme examinateur. La concordance entre les deux mesures Ă©tait apprĂ©ciĂ©e par la mĂ©thode de Bland et Altman et le coefficient de corrĂ©lation intraclasse (ICC). RĂ©sultats Sur 287 patients participant Ă  l’étude, 221 ont Ă©tĂ©s inclus. Cinquante-six (25 %) de ces patients avaient un IPSC < 0,90. La concordance entre les deux mĂ©thodes Ă©tait mĂ©diocre : ICC Ă  0,35 ± 0,08 et moyenne Ă  0,08 ± 0,26 selon la mĂ©thode de Bland et Altman. Conclusion La mĂ©thode de dĂ©pistage de l’AOMI par mesure de l’IPSC par tensiomĂštre automatique ne peut ĂȘtre retenue comme une alternative Ă  la mĂ©thode Doppler
