160 research outputs found

    Agriculture and European Union Enlargement

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    Potential accession of a number of eastern and central European countries into the European Union (EU) seems destined to lead to further reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The financial costs of absorbing these countries may be extreme. This report documents the modeling framework (European Simulation Model, ESIM) used to analyze the 1992 CAP reform and discusses possible effects of EU enlargement.CAP reform, European Union, EU, European Union enlargement, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Modelling the EC Agricultural Sector: Problem Assessment, Policy Scenarios and Model Outline

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    This paper is composed of three parts: the first section describes the economic situation and past development within the nine member countries of the European Community (EC). Particular emphasis is given to resource and production structure in agriculture as well as agricultural commodity markets. The second part contains a description of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which is evaluated w.r.t., it's effects on member and non-member countries. This section contains also a discussion of alternative policy scenarios conceivable for later model applications. The third part of this paper gives a brief overview over the structure of the Agricultural Sector Model. This includes a presentation of the macro model with intersectoral linkages between agriculture and the rest of the economy as well as a mathematical formulation of the farm resource and allocation model

    SPoC: A novel framework for relating the amplitude of neuronal oscillations to behaviorally relevant parameters

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    Previously, modulations in power of neuronal oscillations have been functionally linked to sensory, motor and cognitive operations. Such links are commonly established by relating the power modulations to specific target variables such as reaction times or task ratings. Consequently, the resulting spatio-spectral representation is subjected to neurophysiological interpretation. As an alternative, independent component analysis (ICA) or alternative decomposition methods can be applied and the power of the components may be related to the target variable. In this paper we show that these standard approaches are suboptimal as the first does not take into account the superposition of many sources due to volume conduction, while the second is unable to exploit available information about the target variable. To improve upon these approaches we introduce a novel (supervised) source separation framework called Source Power Comodulation (SPoC). SPoC makes use of the target variable in the decomposition process in order to give preference to components whose power comodulates with the target variable. We present two algorithms that implement the SPoC approach. Using simulations with a realistic head model, we show that the SPoC algorithms are able extract neuronal components exhibiting high correlation of power with the target variable. In this task, the SPoC algorithms outperform other commonly used techniques that are based on the sensor data or ICA approaches. Furthermore, using real electroencephalography (EEG) recordings during an auditory steady state paradigm, we demonstrate the utility of the SPoC algorithms by extracting neuronal components exhibiting high correlation of power with the intensity of the auditory input. Taking into account the results of the simulations and real EEG recordings, we conclude that SPoC represents an adequate approach for the optimal extraction of neuronal components showing coupling of power with continuously changing behaviorally relevant parameters

    The impacts of EU accession on the agriculture of the Visegrad Countries

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    The Visegrad Countries (VC)2 joined the European Union in 2004, which has offered several possibilities and challenges for their agriculture. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the status of the sector in the light of latest available data as well as to identify the factors lying behind different country performances. Results suggest that EU accession has had a diverse impact on the Visegrad Countries’ agriculture and member states capitalised their possibilities in a different manner, due to initial conditions and pre- and post-accession policies

    The role of extreme temperature in cause-specific acute cardiovascular mortality in Switzerland: a case-crossover study

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    Since the 2003 heatwave in Europe, evidence has been rapidly increasing on the association between extreme temperature and all-cause mortality. Little is known, however, about cause-specific cardiovascular mortality, effect modification by air pollution and aircraft noise, and which population groups are the most vulnerable to extreme temperature. We conducted a time-stratified case-crossover study in Zurich, Switzerland, including all adult cardiovascular deaths between 2000 and 2015 with precise individual exposure estimates at home location. We estimated the risk of 24,884 cardiovascular deaths associated with heat and cold using distributed non-linear lag models. We investigated potential effect modification of temperature-related mortality by fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, and night-time aircraft noise and performed stratified analyses across individual and social characteristics. We found increased risk of mortality for heat (odds ratio OR = 1.28 [95% confidence interval: 1.11-1.49] for 99th percentile of daily Tmean (24 degrees C) versus optimum temperature at 20 degrees C) and cold (OR = 1.15 [0.95-1.39], 5th percentile of daily Tmean (-3 degrees C) versus optimum temperature at 20 degrees C). Heat-related mortality was particularly strong for myocardial infarctions and hypertension related deaths, and among older women (>75 years). Analysis of effect modification also indicated that older women with lower socio-economic position and education are at higher risk for heat-related mortality. PM2.5 increased the risk of heat-related mortality for heart failure, but not all-cause cardiovascular mortality. This study provides useful information for preventing cause-specific cardiovascular temperature-related mortality in moderate climate zones comparable to Switzerland


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    Contents: The Economics of Tariff Rate Quotas and the Effects of Trade Liberalization; TRQs and GATT Rules; An Overview of Tariffs, Quotas and Imports Worldwide; TRQs in the European Union; U.S. TRQs for Sugar, Tobacco and Peanuts; Dairy TRQs in the United States; Tariff Rate Quota Implementation and Administration by Developing Countries; Management of Tariff Rate Quotas in Korea and Japan; Tariff Rate Quota Administration in Canadian Agriculture; The Case of Australia and New Zealand Facing TRQs; The 1999 WTO Panel Report on the EU's Common Market Organization for Bananas; AssessmentInternational Relations/Trade,

    Kindlin-3 maintains marginal zone B cells but confines follicular B cell activation and differentiation

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    Integrin-mediated interactions between hematopoietic cells and their microenvironment are important for the development and function of immune cells. Here, the role of the integrin adaptor Kindlin-3 in B cell homeostasis is studied. Comparing the individual steps of B cell development in B cell-specific Kindlin-3 or alpha4 integrin knockout mice, we found in both conditions a phenotype of reduced late immature, mature, and recirculating B cells in the bone marrow. In the spleen, constitutive B cell-specific Kindlin-3 knockout caused a loss of marginal zone B cells and an unexpected expansion of follicular B cells. Alpha4 integrin deficiency did not induce this phenotype. In Kindlin-3 knockout B cells VLA-4 as well as LFA-1-mediated adhesion was abrogated, and short-term homing of these cells in vivo was redirected to the spleen. Upon inducible Kindlin-3 knockout, marginal zone B cells were lost due to defective retention within 2 weeks, while follicular B cell numbers were unaltered. Kindlin-3 deficient follicular B cells displayed higher IgD, CD40, CD44, CXCR5, and EBI2 levels, and elevated PI3K signaling upon CXCR5 stimulation. They also showed transcriptional signatures of spontaneous follicular B cell activation. This activation manifested in scattered germinal centers in situ, early plasmablasts differentiation, and signs of IgG class switch

    Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

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    The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is an effort by the United States and the European Union to reposition themselves for a world of diffuse economic power and intensified global competition. It is a next-generation economic negotiation that breaks the mould of traditional trade agreements. At the heart of the ongoing talks is the question whether and in which areas the two major democratic actors in the global economy can address costly frictions generated by their deep commercial integration by aligning rules and other instruments. The aim is to reduce duplication in various ways in areas where levels of regulatory protection are equivalent as well as to foster wide-ranging regulatory cooperation and set a benchmark for high-quality global norms. In this volume, European and American experts explain the economic context of TTIP and its geopolitical implications, and then explore the challenges and consequences of US-EU negotiations across numerous sensitive areas, ranging from food safety and public procurement to economic and regulatory assessments of technical barriers to trade, automotive, chemicals, energy, services, investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms and regulatory cooperation. Their insights cut through the confusion and tremendous public controversies now swirling around TTIP, and help decision-makers understand how the United States and the European Union can remain rule-makers rather than rule-takers in a globalising world in which their relative influence is waning

    Facilitating motor imagery-based brain–computer interface for stroke patients using passive movement

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    Motor imagery-based brain–computer interface (MI-BCI) has been proposed as a rehabilitation tool to facilitate motor recovery in stroke. However, the calibration of a BCI system is a time-consuming and fatiguing process for stroke patients, which leaves reduced time for actual therapeutic interaction. Studies have shown that passive movement (PM) (i.e., the execution of a movement by an external agency without any voluntary motions) and motor imagery (MI) (i.e., the mental rehearsal of a movement without any activation of the muscles) induce similar EEG patterns over the motor cortex. Since performing PM is less fatiguing for the patients, this paper investigates the effectiveness of calibrating MI-BCIs from PM for stroke subjects in terms of classification accuracy. For this purpose, a new adaptive algorithm called filter bank data space adaptation (FB-DSA) is proposed. The FB-DSA algorithm linearly transforms the band-pass-filtered MI data such that the distribution difference between the MI and PM data is minimized. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by an offline study on data collected from 16 healthy subjects and 6 stroke patients. The results show that the proposed FB-DSA algorithm significantly improved the classification accuracies of the PM and MI calibrated models (p < 0.05). According to the obtained classification accuracies, the PM calibrated models that were adapted using the proposed FB-DSA algorithm outperformed the MI calibrated models by an average of 2.3 and 4.5 % for the healthy and stroke subjects respectively. In addition, our results suggest that the disparity between MI and PM could be stronger in the stroke patients compared to the healthy subjects, and there would be thus an increased need to use the proposed FB-DSA algorithm in BCI-based stroke rehabilitation calibrated from PM
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