18 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Membrane Process Concentrate Management: Electrodialysis Bipolar Membrane Systems-A Short Communication

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    In most cases traditional and advanced treatment technologies transfers and concentrates the pollutants from one phase to other phase. However, nowadays, these concentrated flows containing heavy pollution are rapidly moving away from being manageable. In particular, membrane concentrate flows await immediate solutions to this issue. Electrodialysis Bipolar Membrane (EDBM) Processes are becoming a serious and potential solution technique for similar concentrate streams. In this chapter, principles and potentials of EDBM processes for the recycling or recovery of membrane concentrates are discussed

    Physico-Chemical Treatment of Dairy Industry Wastewaters: A Review

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    Dairy industries have grown in most countries because of the demand in milk and milk products. This rise has led to the growth of dairy industries. The wastewaters discharged from this industry contain high concentrations of nutrients, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and organic and inorganic contents, which can cause serious environmental problems if not properly treated. The conventional biological treatment methods are suitable for dairy wastewaters due to its high biodegradability. However, long chain fatty acids formed during the hydrolysis of lipids show the inhibitory action during anaerobic treatment. Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) systems seem to be the most promising technology for the biological treatment of dairy wastewaters. Several research papers have been published on the application of aerobic and anaerobic treatment technologies for dairy industry wastewater, but both treatment methods still have some disadvantages. The most important challenge is to find cost-efficient and environmentally sustainable approaches to enable water reuse and waste management. Therefore, alternative treatment technologies against biological treatment methods such as coagulation, adsorption, membrane and electrolysis processes are under investigation. This chapter provides a critical review focusing on physicochemical treatment technologies of dairy wastewater

    Treatment of Antibiotics in Wastewater Using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)

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    Antibiotics are nonbiodegradable, can survive at aquatic environments for long periods and they have a big potential bio-accumulation in the environment. They are extensively metabolized by humans, animals and plants. After metabolization, antibiotics or their metabolites are excreted into the aquatic environment. Removal of these compounds from the aquatic environment is feasible by different processes. But antibiotics are not treated in conventional wastewater treatment plants efficiently. During the last years studies with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for removal of these pharmaceuticals from waters has shown that they can be useful for removing them fully. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) can work as alternatives or complementary method in traditional wastewater treatment, and highly reactive free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals (OH) generated via chemical (O3/H2O2, O3/OH-), photochemical (UV/O3, O3/H2O2) reactions, serve as the main oxidant. This study presents an overview of the literature on antibiotics and their removal from water by advanced oxidation processes. It includes almost all types of antibiotics which are consumed by human and veterinary processes. It was found that most of the investigated advanced oxidation treatment processes for the oxidation of antibiotics in water are direct and indirect photolysis with the combinations of H2O2, TiO2, ozone and Fenton?s reagent

    Removal of organics using photochemical oxidation process and application of this process on small community waste water

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    Bu çalışmada, 2500 kişilik nüfusa eşdeğer bir bölgeden değişik zamanlarda evsel atıksu numuneleri alınmış, standart metotlara göre analizlenmiş ve fotokimyasal oksidasyon denemeleri için basınçlı kum filtresinden geçirilerek ön arıtım işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Ön arıtıma tabi tutulan evsel atıksular üzerinde fotokimyasal oksidasyon teknikleri ile arıtılabilirlik denemeleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan denemelerde, H2O2/UV prosesinde, optimum pH=3, H2O2 dozu, 25 mg/L olarak belirlenmiş, KOİ, deşarj limitinin altına indirilmiş (<120 mg/L), EE/M değeri, 10 kWsa/kg.KOİ olarak bulunmuş ve bu tip bir tesisin ilk yatırım ve işletme maliyetleri sırasıyla 8352 Euro ve 0,15 Euro/m3.atıksu olarak hesaplanmıştır (Q=50 m3/gün). Benzer şekilde, O3/UV prosesinin, optimum pH değerinin 9 olduğu, istenilen deşarj limitlerinin yakalandığı (KOİ = 5 mg/L) ve EE/M değerinin ortalama 10 kW.sa/kg KOİ olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu prosese ait bir tesisin ilk yatırım ve işletme maliyetleri sırasıyla 15312 Euro ve 0,35 Euro/m3.atıksu olarak bulunmuştur. O3/H2O2/UV prosesi ile yapılan çalışmalarda da, optimum pH'ın 3, doygun ozon konsantrasyonunun 1 mg/L ve optimum H2O2 dozunun da 10 mg/L olduğu belirlenmiş ve deşarj KOİ'sinin istenen değerlerin çok altında kaldığı (KOİ =12 mg/L) gözlenmiştir. Yapılan denemelerde prosesin EE/M değerinin ortalama olarak 8 kW.sa/kg KOİ olduğu ve bu prosesin yukarıda verilen debi değeri için ilk yatırım maliyetinin 15552 Euro, işletim maliyetinin de 0,38 Euro/m3.atıksu olacağı belirlenmiştir. Foto-Fenton denemelerinde iki farklı demir tuzu (FeS04 ve FeC^) kullanılmış ve her iki demir tuzu için de optimum pH=3, hem demir tuzlarının hem de H202'nin optimum dozunun 20 mg/L mertebelerinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Foto- Fenton prosesi için yapılan tasarımlar doğrultusunda ilk yatırım maliyetinin 15672 Euro, işletim maliyetinin de 0,34 Euro/m3.atıksu olacağı ortaya konmuştur. Aynı koşullarda çalışan klasik paket tipi evsel atıksu arıtma tesisinin ilk yatırım maliyetinin 9780 Euro ve işletme maliyetinin de 0,12 Euro/m3.atıksu olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmeler neticesinde küçük yerleşim yerlerinden kaynaklanan evsel atıksuların arıtımına yönelik uygulanan fotokimyasal proseslerin tamamının arıtım verimliliği açısından uygulanabilir olduğu, ancak, H2O2/UV prosesinin hem verimlilik hem de maliyet açısından klasik atıksu arıtma sistemlere göre daha avantajlı ve uygulanabilir olabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.In this study, domestic wastewater samples were collected from a non-industrial residential district in Bursa City (~ 2500 person), analyzed according to Standard Methods and pre-filtered from sand filter for the treatability studies using photochemical oxidation methods. Photochemical oxidation experiments have been carried out on pre-treated wastewater samples. Optimum condition for pH and H2O2 dose for H2O2/UV process was found to be 3 and 25 mg/L, respectively. Over 95% (< 120 mg/L) reduction in COD was achieved in less than 60 min of reaction time and EE/M value of this process was determined as 10 kWh/kg.COD. Capital and operational costs of this process (for 50 m3 per day) were calculated as 8.352 Euro and 0,15 Euro/m3. wastewater, respectively. Same as this process, optimum pH of O3/UV process was found to be 9 and COD effluents were accomplished as 5 mg/L. EE/M value of this process was determined as 10 kWh/kg.COD. Capital and operational costs of O3/UV process (for 50 m3 per day) were calculated as 15.312 Euro and 0,35 Euro/m3.wastewater, respectively. In O3/H2O2/UV process, optimum pH and H2O2 dosage were found to be 3 and 10 mg/L, respectively. Effluent COD was observed less than 12 mg/L. EE/M value of this process was determined as 8 kWh/kg.COD. Capital and operational costs of O3/H2O2/UV process (for 50 m3 per day) were calculated as 15.552 Euro and 0,38 Euro/m3. wastewater, respectively. FeCİ3.6H20 and FeS04 chemicals were used during the Fenton and Photo-Fenton experiments with varying dosages under varying pH conditions. Optimum pH values of these processes were determined as 3 for both processes and there was no great COD removal efficiency differences observed between two applied iron salts. Capital and operational costs of Photo-Fenton process (for 50 m per day) were calculated as 15.672 Euro and 0,34 Euro/m3.wastewater, respectively. In same conditions, capital and operational costs of classical package type wastewater treatment plant were calculated as 9780 Euro and 0,12 Euro/m3. wastewater, respectively. According to the treatment efficiencies and cost evaluation, H2O2/UV process was found to be economically more viable choice for the treatment of domestic wastewater from small communities among the applied Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP's) and classical package wastewater treatment plants

    Determination of inert soluble chemical oxygen demand of a pulp and paper industry wastewaters

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    Bu çalışmada, kağıt endüstrisine ait bir fabrikanın atıksulannın çözünmüş kalıcı Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı'nın (KOİ) belirlenmesi ve bu fabrikaya ait atıksu arıtma tesisinde oluşan arıtma çamurlarında çamur susuzlaştırma çalışmalarının yürütülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Laboratuvar çalışmalarına başlamadan önce, geniş bir kaynak araştırması ile çözünmüş kalıcı KOİ ve çamur susuzlaştırma alanlarında yapılmış çalışmalar incelenmiş ve deneysel çalışmalarda kullanılacak sistemler oluşturulmuştur. Çözünmüş kalıcı KOİ'nin belirlenmesi çalışmalarında, değişik F/M (besi maddesi/ mikroorganizma) oranlarında kesikli (batch) sistem reaktörleri işletilerek karşılaştırmalı yöntem uygulanmıştır. Reaktörlerde Askıda Katı Madde (AKM), Uçucu Askıda Katı Madde (UAKM) ve Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı (KOİ) değerleri ölçülerek, bunların zamana göre değişimlerini gösteren grafikler oluşturulmuştur. Bu veriler yardımıyla endüstrinin çözünmüş kalıcı KOİ'si belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca çamurların vakum filtrasyonuna gsterdikleri özgül direnci Buchner Hunisi Testi yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanısıra alüminyum sülfat, demir (III) klorür ve kireç gibi farklı kimyasallarla şartlandırılan çamurların özgül direncindeki değişimler gözlenmiştir.In this study, inert soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of wastewaters of a pulp and paper industry wastewater treatment plant were determined and sludge dewatering studies were carried out. Previously studies on the subject were reviewed before laboratory studies and in the light of these data, laboratory equipment used in experimental work were set up. In order to determine the inert soluble COD, batch activated sludge reactors at different F/M (food /microorganism) ratios were operated. In these systems, Suspended Solid (SS), Volatile Suspended Solid (VSS) and COD were determined and variations of these parameters versus time were illustrated. In the light of these data, inert soluble COD of the pulp and paoer industry wastewaters were determined. Sludge dewatering studies were carried out. These sludges were conditioned using different chemicals (i.e. aluminium sulphate, ferric sulphate and lime) and reductions of specific resistance to filtration of sludges were determined.SEKA Balıkesir Müesseses

    Wastewater and Water Quality

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    Water is accepted as the most important source of life. It is assumed that life began in water and spread from there to the whole world. But water has been polluted anthropogenically since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century. At the end of the 20th century, most water sources cannot be used for aquaculture, irrigation, and human use. Therefore, for sustainable development, we have to protect our water sources on Earth, because it's the only planet we have


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    Increasing population and environmental pollution are the main stress on freshwater sources. On the other hand, freshwater needs of human being increase dramatically every day. From agriculture to industry and from household to recreation, we need freshwater. In the near future, saltwater and brackish water bodies may be the main source of freshwater for our planet. Desalination phenomena are now being implemented with increasing interest. The book on desalination provides a valuable scientific contribution on freshwater production from saltwater sources. In this book, necessary theoretical knowledge and experimental results of different desalination processes are presented

    Treatability of Endocrine Disrupting Antibiotic Compounds byUV/H2O2Process According to Taguchi's Experimental Design

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    Bu çalışmada, endokrin bozucuözelliğe sahip olan antibiyotik bileşiklerinden ülkemizde ve Kuzey Avrupa ülkeleri genelinde yaygın bir kullanıma sahip olan ?-laktam (sefaleksin, sefazolin, sefoperazon, sefaklor, sefuroksim) ve penisilin (ampisilin) gruplarının UV/H2O2 ileri oksidasyon prosesi ile arıtılabilirliği incelenmiştir. Bu antibiyotik bileşikleri ultrasafsuda çözülerek 300 mg/l konsantrasyona (her bir antibiyotik bileşiği kons.: 50 mg/l) sahip sentetik atıksu örnekleri hazırlanmıştır UV/H2O2 ileri oksidasyon proses parametrelerinin optimizasyonunda "Taguchi L9 ortogonal deneysel dizaynı" ilkelerinden yararlanılmıştır. Optimum koşullar olarak tespit edilen pH 3,25, H2O2 kons.: 20mM ve UV oksidasyon süresi: 30 dak.şartlarında % 45 KOİ ve % 47,3 TOK giderim verimi elde edilmiştir. Taguchi metodu, İOP'lerin kısa sürede yüksek verimliliği ve analizlerin basitleştirilmesi nedeniyle antibiyotik madde içeren atıksuların arıtımı için ileri oksidasyon proseslerinin tasarımında faydalı bulunmuştur.In this study, it was investigated treatability of ?-lactam (cephalexin, cefazolin, cefoperazone, cefaclor, cefuroxime) and penicillin (ampicillin) antibiotic groups by UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process which have endocrine disrupting properties and widespread use in our country and in Northern European countries. Synthetic wastewater samples whichhave 300 mg/l concentrationwere prepared by dissolving these antibiotic compounds in ultrapure water (each antibiotic compound conc.:50 mg/l). 'Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array design' was used for the optimization of UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process parameters. 45% of COD and 47,3% TOC removal rates were obtained at the conditions of pH 3,25, H2O2 conc.: 20 mM and UV oxidation time: 30 min., which were identified as optimum conditions. Taguchi's Method was found very useful for the design of advanced oxidation processes in treatment of wastewaters containing antibiotics because of the high removal efficiencies of applied AOPs in a short time and simplifications of the analysis

    Treatability studies of hospital wastewaters with AOPs by Taguchi's experimental design

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    Yonar, Taner/0000-0002-0387-0656WOS: 000414537400016In this study, it was studied various advanced oxidation treatment processes; Fenton, UV/H2O2, UV/O-3/H2O2 for treatability of hospital wastewaters containing antibiotics (cephalosporines). Taguchi's L25 orthogonal array design was applied to design of advanced oxidation processes, for simplification of the analysis and calculations. 95,7%, 90,65%, 91,8% COD and 55,86%, 60,83%, 70,8% TOC removal efficiencies were obtained under the best operation conditions for UV/H2O2, UV/O-3/H2O2 and Fenton processes, respectively. According to the ANOVA results, pH was of great importance in COD removal for Fenton. For the UV/H2O2 processes, H2O2 has significance in COD and TOC removals. As for the O-3/UV/H2O2 processes, O-3/UV reaction time was found as an important parameter effecting the removal rates. Also, cephalosporine antibiotic active compounds (cefradine and cefaclor) were degraded completely within minutes for all of the processes. Taguchi's Method was found useful for the environmental applications and simplifications of advanced oxidation processes for treatment of hospital wastewaters and calculations