457 research outputs found

    Intermedial Strategies of Memory in Contemporary Novels

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    In her article Intermedial Strategies and Memory in Contemporary Novels Sara Tanderup discusses a tendency in contemporary literature towards combining intermedial experiments with a thematic preoccupation with memory and trauma. Analyzing selected works by Steven Hall, Jonathan Safran Foer, and Judd Morrissey and drawing on the theoretical perspectives of N. Katherine Hayles (media studies) and Andreas Huyssen (cultural memory studies), Tanderup argues that recent intermedial novels reflect a certain nostalgia celebrating and remembering the book as a visual and material object in the age of digital media while also highlighting the influence of new media on our cultural understanding and representation of memory and the past

    ”Byens bedste brugte bøger”: Bogen som vare og samlerobjekt i nye eksperimenterende romaner

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    Literary culture has recently become aware of the book. The spread of new media results in a situation, where the printed book can no longer be taken for granted. The article investigates how the changing cultural and commercial status of the book is reflected in two new experimental novels, Mette Hegnhøj’s Ella er mit navn vil du købe det? (2014) and J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s S. (2013). Drawing on theoretical perspectives of e.g. Jessica Pressman, Dominik Schrey and Henry Jenkins, I investigate how these works celebrate the book as an auratic object and as a privileged old medium – while also presenting and marketing the book as a commodity, that currently acquires new commercial value exactly because it can no longer be taken for granted. Thus, I argue that the two works in different ways reflect the new ambiguous status of the printed book: it is celebrated as a guarantor of a traditional literary culture and thus positioned in opposition to the contemporary commercialized media culture – while also being (as it always has been) a commodity and thus functioning on the commercial and cultural conditions of this new media culture


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    CLOSE-UPS AND COUNTER STORIES | Recently, several literary works have appeared which use formal experiments and intermedial strategies to thematize memory and history. Authors such as Alexander Kluge, W.G. Sebald, Daniel Mendelsohn, Monica Maron, Jonathan Safran Foer, Don DeLillo and Aleksandar Hemon include other, primarily visual, media such as film, photographs and drawings, in their works while dealing with historical events like the Holocaust or the 9/11 terror attack. My article discusses this tendency, analyzing works by Kluge, Sebald and Foer. They all work with photographs in their texts. I trace the differences between them, following how ’foto-fiction’ as a genre has developed during the last three decades while arguing that Kluge, Sebald and Foer can all be read as part of the same tendency: Inspired by Andreas Huyssen’s idea of a modern memory culture, I suggest that the modern intermedial works can be read as an expression of a current cultural situation brought about by changes in the mediascape. Of course, books with pictures have always existed, however, the modern works are different from the typical illustrated novel as well as traditional history books, since they do not use the visual material to illustrate or document the story. Rather, images and text are brought together to introduce some tensions; to navigate between fiction and documentary, between an intimate remembering gaze and the ’objective’ writing of history. Intermediality thus becomes a tool to reflect upon modern conditions of writing history

    Recycling didactical design?

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    GPU Accelerated Viscous-fluid Deformable Registration for Radiotherapy

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    In cancer treatment organ and tissue deformation betweenradiotherapy sessions represent a significant challenge to op-timal planning and delivery of radiation doses. Recent de-velopments in image guided radiotherapy has caused a soundrequest for more advanced approaches for image registrationto handle these deformations. Viscous-fluid registration isone such deformable registration method. A drawback withthis method has been that it has required computation timesthat were too long to make the approach clinically appli-cable. With recent advances in programmability of graph-ics hardware, complex user defined calculations can now beperformed on consumer graphics cards (GPUs). This pa-per demonstrates that the GPU can be used to drasticallyreduce the time needed to register two medical 3D imagesusing the viscous-fluid registration method. This facilitatesan increased incorporation of image registration in radio-therapy treatment of cancer patients, potentially leading tomore efficient treatment with less severe side effects
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