65 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent Magnons from First Principles

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    We propose an efficient and non-perturbative scheme to compute magnetic excitations for extended systems employing the framework of time-dependent density functional theory. Within our approach, we drive the system out of equilibrium using an ultrashort magnetic kick perpendicular to the ground-state magnetization of the material. The dynamical properties of the system are obtained by propagating the time-dependent Kohn–Sham equations in real time, and the analysis of the time-dependent magnetization reveals the transverse magnetic excitation spectrum of the magnet. We illustrate the performance of the method by computing the magnetization dynamics, obtained from a real-time propagation, for iron, cobalt, and nickel and compare them to known results obtained using the linear-response formulation of time-dependent density functional theory. Moreover, we point out that our time-dependent approach is not limited to the linear-response regime, and we present the first results for nonlinear magnetic excitations from first principles in iron

    Twisted bilayer systems

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    Comment on “Origin of symmetry-forbidden high-order harmonic generation in the time-dependent Kohn-Sham formulation”

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    In their recent paper [Phys. Rev. A 103, 043106 (2021)], Zang et al. theoretically investigated high harmonic generation (HHG) in benchmark two-electron systems that are inversion symmetric with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) in the Kohn-Sham formulation. They found that the theory wrongly predicted the emission of symmetry-forbidden even harmonics and concluded that this error originates from an inherent problem of TDDFT that unphysically populates one- and two-electron excited states. They further claimed that this effect results in an incorrect HHG cutoff energy. We reproduced their main results, but found that the unphysical even harmonics that they observed originated from numerical errors introduced by the boundary conditions. We show that contrary to their claims, the HHG cutoff energy calculated within TDDFT agrees perfectly with the standard and well-established models of HHG

    Effect of spin-orbit coupling on the high harmonics from the topological Dirac semimetal Na<sub>3</sub>Bi

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    In this work, we performed extensive first-principles simulations of high-harmonic generation in the topological Diract semimetal Na3Bi using a first-principles time-dependent density functional theory framework, focusing on the effect of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the harmonic response. We also derived an analytical model describing the microscopic mechanism of strong-field dynamics in presence of spin-orbit coupling, starting from a locally U(1) × SU(2) gauge-invariant Hamiltonian. Our results reveal that SOC: (i) affects the strong-field excitation of carriers to the conduction bands by modifying the bandstructure of Na3Bi, (ii) makes each spin channel reacts differently to the driven laser by modifying the electron velocity (iii) changes the emission timing of the emitted harmonics. Moreover, we show that the SOC affects the harmonic emission by directly coupling the charge current to the spin currents, paving the way to the high-harmonic spectroscopy of spin currents in solids

    Time-Resolved Exciton Wave Functions from Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory

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    Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) is a computationally efficient first-principles approach for calculating optical spectra in insulators and semiconductors including excitonic effects. We show how exciton wave functions can be obtained from TDDFT via the Kohn–Sham transition density matrix, both in the frequency-dependent linear-response regime and in real-time propagation. The method is illustrated using one-dimensional model solids. In particular, we show that our approach provides insight into the formation and dissociation of excitons in real time. This opens the door to time-resolved studies of exciton dynamics in materials by means of real-time TDDFT

    Exchange torque in noncollinear spin density functional theory with a semilocal exchange functional

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    We present a new semilocal exchange energy functional for spin density functional theory (SDFT) based on a short-range expansion of the spin-resolved exchange hole. Our exchange functional is directly derived for noncollinear magnetism, U(1) and SU(2) gauge invariant, and gives rise to nonvanishing exchange torques. The functional is tested for frustrated antiferromagnetic chromium clusters and shown to perform favorably compared to the far more expensive Slater potential and optimized effective potential for exact exchange. This provides a path forward for functional development in noncollinear SDFT and the ab initio study of magnetic materials in and out of equilibrium

    Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy of the charge-transfer insulator NiO: Beyond the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect

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    We demonstrate that a dynamical modification of the Hubbard U in the model charge-transfer insulator NiO can be observed with state-of-the-art time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Using a self-consistent time-dependent density functional theory plus U computational framework, we show that the dynamical modulation of screening and Hubbard U significantly changes the transient optical spectroscopy. Whereas we find the well-known dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect when the U is frozen, we observe a dynamical band-gap renormalization for dynamical U. The renormalization of the optical gap is found to be smaller than the renormalization of U. This work opens up the possibility of driving a light-induced transition from a charge transfer into a Mott insulator phase

    Ultrafast modification of Hubbard U in a strongly correlated material: ab initio high-harmonic generation in NiO

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    Engineering effective electronic parameters is a major focus in condensed matter physics. Their dynamical modulation opens the possibility of creating and controlling physical properties in systems driven out of equilibrium. In this work, we demonstrate that the Hubbard U, the on-site Coulomb repulsion in strongly correlated materials, can be modified on femtosecond time scales by a strong nonresonant laser excitation in the prototypical charge transfer insulator NiO. Using our recently developed time-dependent density functional theory plus self-consistent U (TDDFT+U) method, we demonstrate the importance of a dynamically modulated U in the description of the high-harmonic generation of NiO. Our study opens the door to novel ways of modifying effective interactions in strongly correlated materials via laser driving, which may lead to new control paradigms for field-induced phase transitions and perhaps laser-induced Mott insulation in charge-transfer materials

    Ab Initio Cluster Approach for High Harmonic Generation in Liquids

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) takes place in all phases of matter. In gaseous atomic and molecular media, it has been extensively studied and is very well understood. In solids, research is ongoing, but a consensus is forming for the dominant microscopic HHG mechanisms. In liquids, on the other hand, no established theory yet exists, and approaches developed for gases and solids are generally inapplicable, hindering our current understanding. We develop here a powerful and reliable ab initio cluster-based approach for describing the nonlinear interactions between isotropic bulk liquids and intense laser pulses. The scheme is based on time-dependent density functional theory and utilizes several approximations that make it feasible yet accurate in realistic systems. We demonstrate our approach with HHG calculations in water, ammonia, and methane liquids and compare the characteristic response of polar and nonpolar liquids. We identify unique features in the HHG spectra of liquid methane that could be utilized for ultrafast spectroscopy of its chemical and physical properties, including a structural minimum at 15–17 eV that is associated solely with the liquid phase. Our results pave the way to accessible calculations of HHG in liquids and illustrate the unique nonlinear nature of liquid systems

    An ab initio supercell approach for high-harmonic generation in liquids

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    Many important ultrafast phenomena take place in the liquid phase. However, there is no practical theory to predict how liquids respond to intense light. Here, we propose an ab initio accurate method to study the non-perturbative interaction of intense pulses with a liquid target to investigate its high-harmonic emission. We consider the case of liquid water, but the method can be applied to any other liquid or amorphous system. The liquid water structure is reproduced using Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations in a periodic supercell. Then, we employ real-time time-dependent density functional theory to evaluate the light-liquid interaction. We outline the practical numerical conditions to obtain a converged response. Also, we discuss the impact of nuclei ultrafast dynamics on the non-linear response of system. In addition, by considering two different ordered structures of ice, we show how harmonic emission responds to the loss of long-range order in liquid water
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