267 research outputs found

    ”Altså han bor jo ganske utsatt til” : en kvalitativ studie om livskvalitet hos personer med autisme boende i bofellesskap for personer med utfordrende atferd

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    Masteroppgave pedagogikk - Universitetet i Agder 2016Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke boforhold og plassering av to personer med autisme og utviklingshemning med utfordrende atferd. Det undersøkes hvordan ulike økologiske aspekter som miljø, kontekst og relasjoner påvirker personenes livskvalitet når de bor i et bofellesskap beregnet for personer med utfordrende atferd. Den teoretiske gjennomgangen inneholder en redegjørelse av forskningstradisjoner og definisjoner av konseptet livskvalitet, diagnostiske beskrivelser av diagnosen autisme og sentrale politiske begreper i forhold til mennesker med utviklingshemninger. Datamaterialet består av kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med nærpersoner av to personer med autisme og utviklingshemning boende i et bofellesskap tilpasset personer med utfordrende atferd. Studiens resultater viser at personene lever i et emosjonelt belastende miljø som skaper utfordringer for dem i hverdagen. Den viser også at å bo i en bolig hvor det er samlet en gruppe mennesker med utfordrende atferd påfører utfordringer i forbindelse med deres sosiale inkludering, mellommenneskelige relasjoner og personlige utvikling. Dette vil være aspekter som kan ha betydning for deres livskvalitet. Videre har studien funnet at personene i stor grad er avhengig av omsorgsyterenes støtte, tilstedeværelse, respekt og kompetanse for å kunne oppnå god livskvalitet ut ifra deres forutsetninger. Studien kan ses på som et bidrag til den samfunnsmessige diskursen omkring boforholdene til personer med autisme og utviklingshemminger, og fordrer bevissthet og diskusjon rundt deres livskvalitet

    En studie om årsaksfaktorer til valg av spillselskap

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    Da vi skrev denne oppgaven om pengespillmarkedet, var målet vårt å indentifisere hvilke faktorer som påvirket unge mennesker mellom 18-26 år, og deres valg av spillselskap. Vi har gjennom oppgaven benyttet oss av både kvalitativ og kvantitativ metode, der de kvalitative dybdeintervjuene ble gjennomført for å fremskaffe variabler som vi ville bruke til en kvantitativ undersøkelse. Vi har også gjennom oppgaven brukt den eldre generasjon mennesker fra 50 år og oppover, som et sammenligningsgrunnlag for å besvare problemstillingen: “Hvilke faktorer påvirker unge menneskers valg av spillselskap?” Den teoretiske gjennomgangen består først av en ekstern markedsanalyse i form av en PESTELanalyse. Dette for å gi leserne en bredere forståelse av hvordan pengespillmarkedet i Norge er bygget opp. Deretter vil det i teorien være hovedfokus på den generelle beslutningsprosessen av Schiffman, Kanuk og Hansen, som kan tydeliggjøre hvilke prosesser en forbruker gjennomgår før, under og etter et kjøp. I form av hypoteser hadde vi teorier om hvilke faktorer som påvirker valg av spillselskap blant unge mennesker, og gjennom våre undersøkelser ser vi tendenser til at spesielt årsaksfaktorene “insentiver”, “produktsortiment”, “samfunnsnyttighet”, “anbefalinger” og “markedskommunikasjon” har en betydning for hvilket spillselskap som blir valgt. Videre vil vi i diskusjonsdelen drøfte funnene fra spørreundersøkelsen opp mot relevant teori, samt sette funnene våre inn i en større sammenheng via beslutningsprosessen. Tendensene vi har funnet i denne utredningen kan ikke brukes som en konklusjon for problemstillingen vår, men heller brukes som et grunnlag for videre forskning innenfor temaet

    若年男性労働者が就職以降に体重増加・肥満に繋がる要因とその背景 : 特徴的な思考・行動パターンによる若年男性肥満労働者の類型化

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    取得学位 : 博士(保健学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第2058号 , 学位授与年月日 : 平成21年9月28日, 学位授与大学 : 金沢大学, 審査結果の報告日 : 平成21年8月26


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    ユークリッド距離やDTWなどの距離関数は時系列データ分析で一般的に使われているが,ノイズに弱いという欠点がある.これに対し,ノイズ耐性のある離散フーリエ変換を用いた距離関数が提案されている.本論文は伝搬環境の影響を受けやすいRSSI時系列データから発信源の近接関係を推定する問題に対し,離散フーリエ変換を用いた距離関数の適用効果を定量的に評価した.We use distance function for proximity estimation of transmission source in order to estimate objects location without distance measurement. The distance function needs tolerance to fluctuation of RSSI to estimate proximity accurately. This letter reports result of comparing noise tolerance of distance function using discrete Fourier transform with general distance function

    Dynamic organization of chromatin domains revealed by super-resolution live-dell imaging

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Cell Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Cell 67 (2017): 282-293, doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2017.06.018.The eukaryotic genome is organized within cells as chromatin. For proper information output, higher-order chromatin structures can be regulated dynamically. How such structures form and behave in various cellular processes remains unclear. Here, by combining super-resolution imaging (photoactivated localization microscopy, PALM) and single nucleosome tracking, we developed a nuclear imaging system to visualize the higher-order structures along with their dynamics in live mammalian cells. We demonstrated that nucleosomes form compact domains with a peak diameter of ~160 nm and move coherently in live cells. The heterochromatin-rich regions showed more domains and less movement. With cell differentiation, the domains became more apparent, with reduced dynamics. Furthermore, various perturbation experiments indicated that they are organized by a combination of factors, including cohesin and nucleosome–nucleosome interactions. Notably, we observed the domains during mitosis, suggesting that they act as building blocks of chromosomes and may serve as information units throughout the cell cycle.This work was supported by MEXT and JSPS grants (23115005 and 16H04746, respectively) and a JST CREST grant (JPMJCR15G2).2018-07-1

    Concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin in very early pregnancy and subsequent pre-eclampsia: a cohort study Downloaded from

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    study question: Are low serum concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in very early pregnancy associated with pre-eclampsia risk? summary answer: Low hCG concentrations in very early pregnancy are associated with increased risk of severe pre-eclampsia. what is known already: Low maternal serum concentrations of hCG early in pregnancy may indicate impaired proliferation or invasion of trophoblast cells, and thus low hCG concentrations may serve as a marker for impaired placental development. Impaired placental development is assumed to be a cause of pre-eclampsia, but there is little prospective evidence to support this hypothesis. study design, size, duration: We performed a prospective cohort study of pregnancies after IVF at Oslo University Hospital 1996 -2010 with linkage to the Medical Birth Registry of Norway to obtain information on pre-eclampsia development. participants/materials, setting, methods: We included 2405 consecutive singleton pregnancies and examined the association of maternal serum hCG concentrations (measured using Elecsys, Roche) on Day 12 after embryo transfer with the risk of any pre-eclampsia and of mild and severe pre-eclampsia. main results and the role of chance: HCG concentrations were inversely associated with pre-eclampsia risk in a dose-dependent manner (P trend 0.02). Compared with women with hCG ≥150 IU/l, women with hCG ,50 IU/l were at 2-fold higher overall risk of pre-eclampsia [absolute risk 6.4 versus 2.8%; odds ratio (OR) 2.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2-4.7]. The inverse association was restricted to severe pre-eclampsia (P trend 0.01), thus, women with hCG ,50 IU/l were at 4-fold higher risk of severe pre-eclampsia than women with hCG ≥150 IU/l (absolute risk 3.6 versus 0.9%; OR 4.2, 95% CI 1.4 -12.2). For mild pre-eclampsia, there was no corresponding association (P trend 0.36). limitations, reasons for caution: Results for IVF pregnancies may not be generalizable to spontaneously conceived pregnancies. wider implications of the findings: Plausible causes of low maternal hCG concentrations very early in pregnancy include impaired placental development and delayed implantation. Thus, these results provide prospective evidence to support the hypothesis that impaired placental development may be associated with subsequent development of severe pre-eclampsia. study funding/competing interest: The study was financially supported by the Research Council of Norway. None of the authors has any conflict of interest to declare

    Effect of Previous Chemotherapy on the Quality of Cryopreserved Human Ovarian Tissue In Vitro

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    Background Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue has been widely accepted as an option for fertility preservation among cancer patients. Some patients are exposed to chemotherapy prior to ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Consequently, assessment of the developmental capacity of human ovarian tissue after chemotherapy is of primary importance. Materials In order to study the impact of previous chemotherapy on in vitro development and viability of ovarian follicles, quality control samples from 34 female cancer patients at median age of 15 years (range 1-35), cryopreserved for fertility preservation before (n = 14) or after (n = 20) initiation of chemotherapy, were thawed and cultured for 7 days. The morphology and developmental stages of ovarian follicles were studied by light microscopy before and after culture. Possible associations between follicular densities, age and exposure to alkylating agents, expressed as cyclophosphamide equivalent dose (CED) were tested. Results Exposure to chemotherapy significantly impaired the survival and development of ovarian follicles in culture. After seven days, significantly higher densities of intermediary, primary and secondary follicles and lower densities of atretic follicles was detected in the samples collected before chemotherapy. Increasing dose of alkylating agents was identified by multivariate linear regression analysis as an independent predictor of a higher density of atretic follicles, whereas increasing age of the patient predicted a better outcome with less follicle atresia and a higher density of maturing follicles. Conclusion This study provides quantitative in vitro evidence of the impact of chemotherapy on developmental capacity of cryopreserved human ovarian tissue. The results indicate that fertility preservation should be carried out, if possible, before initiation of alkylating agents in order to guarantee better in vitro survival of ovarian follicles. In addition, ovarian samples from younger girls show lower viability and fewer developing follicles in culture.Peer reviewe


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    【目的】成育看護の授業にアクティブ・ラーニングを試行し,授業の欠席率,前回授業内容に対するテストの正答率,事前課題と授業後の学びの評価,科目別授業評価,から考察し今後の授業の改善に活用する.【方法】D大学看護学部2年次105名を対象に,成育看護の授業にてアクティブ・ラーニングを試行した.毎回の授業に,前回授業内容からの出題,事前課題を活用したグループワーク,発表の機会を設け,授業の小括としてミニレクチャーを実施した.事前課題や授業後の学びの評価はルーブリックを用いて把握した.また,学生による科目別授業評価を実施した.【結果】欠席者は1回目が14名であったが2回目以降は2~5名であった.毎週実施した前回授業に対するテストの正答率は50~60%であった.事前課題の平均点(10点満点)は,授業回数を重ねるごとに漸増を認めた.授業後の学びの評価平均点(10点満点)は,1回目は4.18であったが2 回目以降は9.0以上であった.8 回目の授業で実施した小テストの正答率は80%であった.また,科目別授業評価の平均点は「1:この授業には休まず出席した」と「2:意欲的に取り組んだ」が4.0台であったが他の講義・授業に関する11項目は2点台後半から3点台前半であった.【考察】欠席率が増加しなかったこと,事前課題の評価平均点が漸増したこと,授業後の学びに対する評価の平均点が高値であることから,学生は意欲的に取り組んだといえる.しかし,科目別授業評価が低値にとどまったのは,ミニレクチャーにおいて重要点が強調されなかったこと,授業評価表は従来型の講義に関する評価項目が多いことの影響とも推測できる.また,前回の授業内容に対するテストの正答率は低く,知識の定着へは至らなかった.【結語】授業にアクティブ・ラーニングを試行した結果,学生は意欲的に取り組んでいた.しかし,知識の定着や授業内容に対する評価方法等が課題として示唆された