10 research outputs found

    Socijalne usluge za migrante ā€“ slučaj Srbije

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    The paper focuses on current global migration trends and their reflections on Serbiaā€™s social services. Serbia has been a transit country for migrants from the MENA region on their way to the European Union. Their stay has been shortterm and social services have been organised accordingly. Both the public and the civil sector at the national and local level have been strongly involved in providing support to ensure migrant welfare. The public sector has provided services regarding migrant registration, accommodation and transit, as well as social support to migrants generally, and particularly to victims of violence and underage children. On top of this, cash welfare benefits have been disbursed to eligible migrants. The civil sector has provided urgent and humanitarian aid, medical aid, legal support and advocacy, psychosocial support, child protection, educational support, and has strengthened the capacities of the public welfare system. Along with strengths and opportunities, social services in these sectors face certain micro-level challenges. These are identified within the current and expected deficiencies of migrant social services ā€“ there is a need for greater housing capacity, more professionals in the field, greater support with a view to integrating children into the educational system, and the like. Cooperation between the sectors is seen to present a challenge at the meso-level. However, it seems that cooperation between the civil and the public sector is quite good, while state support policy and financial measures could pave the way to even better cooperation. Finally, there is the macro-level challenge of the changed nature of the national welfare state and its decline. This is the framework within which social services need to operate.U radu se analiziraju globalni migracijski trendovi te kako se oni odražavaju na socijalne usluge u Srbiji. Ta je država već neko vrijeme tranzitno mjesto za migrante s Bliskog istoka i iz sjeverne Afrike (MENA) na putu za Europsku uniju. S obzirom na njihov kratkotrajni boravak u Srbiji, tako su organizirane i socijalne usluge. I javni i civilni sektor aktivno se uključio u pružanje podrÅ”ke na državnoj i lokalnoj razini. Javni se sektor bavi registracijom, smjeÅ”tajem i premjeÅ”tajem migranata te pružanjem socijalne podrÅ”ke, posebice žrtvama nasilja i maloljetnicima, a isplaćuje i novčanu socijalnu pomoć migrantima koji za to ispunjavaju uvjete. Civilni sektor pruža hitnu i humanitarnu pomoć, liječničku pomoć, pravnu podrÅ”ku i zastupanje, psihosocijalnu podrÅ”ku, usluge zaÅ”tite djece te edukacijsku podrÅ”ku, jačajući time kapacitete sustava socijalne skrbi. Uz mnoge pozitivne značajke, socijalne usluge u ta dva sektora također se bore s izazovima na mikro razini. Ti su izazovi prepoznati u okviru sadaÅ”njih i očekivanih nedostataka socijalnih usluga za migrante te se izdvaja potreba za većim smjeÅ”tajnim kapacitetima, većim brojem profesionalnog osoblja na terenu, većom podrÅ”kom kada je riječ o integraciji djece u obrazovni sustav i slično. Suradnja između dvaju sektora izazov je na mezo razini, iako je, općenito uzevÅ”i, suradnja razmjerno dobra. Ipak, nacionalna politika podrÅ”ke i financijske mjere mogle bi je dodatno ojačati. Konačno, na makro razini izazov predstavlja slabljenje sustava socijalne države i njegove temeljne promjene s obzirom na to da je riječ o Å”irem okviru unutar kojega socijalne usluge djeluju

    Mentorsā€™ perspective of the field education of social policy and social work students

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    Mentori su ključni prenosioci praktičnog znanja i veÅ”tina tokom terenske prakse studenata pomažućih profesija. Kod nas nema dovoljno istraživanja njihove perspektive i potreba. U svrhu daljeg unapređenja terenske prakse budućih socijalnih radnika, sprovedeno je istraživanje sa ciljem povećanja razumevanja perspektive i potreba mentora terenske prakse, procesa procene studenata na terenskoj praksi od strane mentora i povezanosti perspektive mentora sa edukacijom za mentorski rad. Istraživanje je sprovedeno upitnikom SPM1 među 50 mentora terenske prakse studenata socijalne politike i socijalnog rada Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu. Pokazalo se zadovoljstvo mentora većinom aspekata terenske prakse studija socijalne politike i socijalnog rada. Najizrazitiji nedostaci su vezani sa podrÅ”ku mentora od strane visokoÅ”kolske ustanove i nastavne baze. Analizirana je povezanost između različitih aspekata procene mentora koji se odnose na studente. Procene mentora koji imaju formalnu obuku za mentorstvo su bile pozitivnije u brojnim aspektima terenske prakse. Nalazi su diskutovani u svetlu nalaza savremenih istraživanja.Mentors are the key carriers of practical knowledge and skills during helping professions studentsā€™ field education. in Republic of Serbia there are insuffi- cient research of its perspective and needs. in purpose to further advance the field education of future social workers, research has been conducted with the aim to improve understanding of the perspective and the needs of men- tors regarding different field education aspects, student assessment process and association between of mentorsā€™ perspective with the mentors educa- tion. Research has been conducted by SPM1 questionnaire among 50 field education mentors of social policy and social work students of the Faculty of Political science of the University of Belgrade. given results has shown that mentors are satisfied with the majority of field education aspects at social policy and social work studies. The most noticeable deficiencies are related to support of mentors by higher education institution where the field edu- cation takes place. The associations between different aspects of mentorsā€™ assessment related to students has been analyzed. Formally educated mentor were more positive in numerous field education aspects. Findings are discu- ssed in the light of up to date research finding

    Supporting Development of Resilience Among Children in Foster Care

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    Savremeni koncept hraniteljstva usmeren je na osnaživanje dece i mladih na porodičnom smeÅ”taju. Kako je reč o deci i mladima čiji je razvoj ugrožen promenama i gubicima koji često imaju odlike traumatskog iskustva, od izuzetnog je značaja razvijati njihove kapacitete za suočavanje i prevladavanje životnih nedaća. Kreiranjem pogodnih uslova u različitim aspektima porodičnog života može se pružiti podrÅ”ka razvijanju rezilijentnosti kod ove osetljive grupe. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da ispita iz kojih domena porodičnog života deca i mladi na hraniteljstvu crpe snagu i podrÅ”ku. Analizirani su izveÅ”taji hranitelja o 53 dece i mladih osoba o kojima brinu. Prigodni uzorak je činilo 42 hranitelja (o čega 33 žene, a 11 hranitelja srodnika) sa područja Beograda i Valjeva. Utvrđeno je da mladi najviÅ”e snage i podrÅ”ke crpe iz snažnih porodičnih odnosa ispunjenih toplinom, ljubavlju i konkretnim vidovima podrÅ”ke, kao i obrazovanja koje je redovno, prilagođeno potrebama deteta i odvija se uz saradnju Å”kole i hranitelja. Implikacije ovih nalaza razmatrane su u okviru rada.The modern concept of social protection is directed towards empowerment of children and youth in foster care. As developmental trajectories of these children and young people are frequently marked with experiences of change, loss and trauma, it is of utmost importance to foster their capacity to cope with and overcome lifeā€™s difficulties. The development of resilience in this vulnerable group can be supported by providing suitable conditions in different aspects of their foster care functioning. The aim of this study was to examine which domains of foster family life are sources of strength and support for children and young people in foster care. Foster carersā€™ reports on 53 children and young people they care for wereanalysed. The sample consisted of 42 foster parents (33 women and 11 foster relatives) from Belgrade and Valjevo. Finding show that children and young people in our study drew the most strength and support from strong family relationships filled with warmth, love and concrete forms of support, as well as education that iscontinues, designed to meet the needs of the student and carried out through cooperation of the school and the foster parents. No differences were found between reports of foster parents from different cities, whilefoster care families based on the kinship relations were better suited to support resilience in children and young people. The implications of these findings are further discussed in the paper

    Female Labour Market Participation in Serbia

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    Influence of silicon on polymerization process during lignin synthesis. Implications for cell wall properties

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    Silicon (Si) is considered a beneficial element for plants, mostly accumulating in cell walls, where its location and content are primed by the chemistry and structure of lignin. It is unrevealed how Si interacts with the process of lignin formation in the CWs. We studied, in an in vitro system, the interaction of SiO2 with the peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization of a lignin monomer into the lignin model compound, imitating conditions of the last step of lignin formation. FTIR and fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy showed that Si is bound to the final polymer, and the structure of the Si-DHP differs from pure DHP. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that Si does not bind to the monomers, so Si probably inhibits the formation of the larger lignin fragments, as evidenced by HPLC-DAD, by binding to dimmers formed during DHP synthesis. The structural changes of the polymer are related to the changed proportion of the fractions of various MW. The enzyme catalyzing DHP synthesis was not inhibited by Si. HRP activity was increased in presence of Si except for 6 mM Si. This may indicate that the complex formed with Si and short oligomers activates the enzyme, and prevents the formation of the large fragments

    Waste reduction algorithm used as the case study of simulated bitumen production process

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    Algoritam za redukciju otpada (eng. waste reduction algorithm ā€“ WAR) jeste metodologija koja se može koristiti za procenu potencijalnog uticaja tehnoloÅ”kih procesa na životnu sredinu. Analizom pojedinačnih stupnjeva procesa proizvodnje dobijaju se podaci koji omogućavaju sagledavanje kritičnih segmenata. Cilj ovog rada je da se sagledaju kritične tačke procesa proizvodnje bitumena sa stanoviÅ”ta zaÅ”tite životne sredine. Definisanjem osnovnih parametara algoritma WAR GUI (eng. waste reduction algorithm graphical user interface) softverskog modela dobijene su kvantifikovane vrednosti potencijalnih uticaja na životnu sredinu (eng. potential environmental impact ā€“ PEI) svakog pojedinačnog stupnja proizvodnog procesa, polazeći od procesa atmosferske destilacije, preko vakuum destilacije, do procesa dobijanja bitumena iz vakuum ostatka u postrojenju bitumen

    Chitosan and pectin-based films and coatings with active components for application in antimicrobial food packaging

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    This investigation was aimed to develop films and coatings based on natural biopolymers and active components, with physicochemical and functional properties for application in antimicrobial packaging. Biopolymer films were obtained from emulsions and dispersions by casting method. Coatings were formed by the application of emulsions on existing packaging. Synthesis of emulsions and dispersions were performed by combining biopolymers (chitosan-gelatin, pectin-gelatin) with lemongrass essential oil (LEO), Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O, or ZnO, as active components. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the films showed that the addition of glycerol contributed to the forming of strong hydrogen bonds between glycerol and chitosan-gelatin or pectin-gelatin composites, facilitating the process of polymer branching, which is substantial for encapsulation. Thermal analyses revealed two characteristic processes occurring at 110 degrees C (water evaporation) and within 215-235 degrees C (degradation of polysaccharide and glycerol). Major weight losses were observed at 290 degrees C (chitosan-gelatin films) and 215 degrees C (pectin-gelatin films). The chitosan-gelatin films exhibited a lower degree of solubility (31-21%), and better mechanical properties comparing with the pectin-gelatin films. The chitosan-gelatin emulsions and dispersions exhibited a higher antibacterial effect in vitro against E. coli, B. subtilis, and S. aureus. In the case of the pectin-gelatin emulsions, the impact of LEO on the antibacterial activity was evident. The effects of biopolymer coatings on the development of microorganisms on fresh raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) were performed in vivo during eight days of raspberry storage at refrigerator temperature. The tested coatings extended the shelf life of stored raspberries from four to eight days. The synergistic effect between LEO and ZnO or Zn-Ac was observed both in vivo and in vitro

    Chitosan and pectin-based films and coatings with active components for application in antimicrobial food packaging

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    This investigation was aimed to develop films and coatings based on natural biopolymers and active components, with physicochemical and functional properties for application in antimicrobial packaging. Biopolymer films were obtained from emulsions and dispersions by casting method. Coatings were formed by the application of emulsions on existing packaging. Synthesis of emulsions and dispersions were performed by combining biopolymers (chitosan-gelatin, pectin-gelatin) with lemongrass essential oil (LEO), Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O, or ZnO, as active components. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the films showed that the addition of glycerol contributed to the forming of strong hydrogen bonds between glycerol and chitosan-gelatin or pectin-gelatin composites, facilitating the process of polymer branching, which is substantial for encapsulation. Thermal analyses revealed two characteristic processes occurring at 110 degrees C (water evaporation) and within 215-235 degrees C (degradation of polysaccharide and glycerol). Major weight losses were observed at 290 degrees C (chitosan-gelatin films) and 215 degrees C (pectin-gelatin films). The chitosan-gelatin films exhibited a lower degree of solubility (31-21%), and better mechanical properties comparing with the pectin-gelatin films. The chitosan-gelatin emulsions and dispersions exhibited a higher antibacterial effect in vitro against E. coli, B. subtilis, and S. aureus. In the case of the pectin-gelatin emulsions, the impact of LEO on the antibacterial activity was evident. The effects of biopolymer coatings on the development of microorganisms on fresh raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) were performed in vivo during eight days of raspberry storage at refrigerator temperature. The tested coatings extended the shelf life of stored raspberries from four to eight days. The synergistic effect between LEO and ZnO or Zn-Ac was observed both in vivo and in vitro

    Waste reduction algorithm used as the case study of simulated bitumen production process

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    Waste reduction algorithm - WAR is a tool helping process engineers for environmental impact assessment. WAR algorithm is a methodology for determining the potential environmental impact (PEI) of a chemical process. In particular, the bitumen production process was analyzed following three stages: a) atmospheric distillation unit, b) vacuum distillation unit, and c) bitumen production unit. Study was developed for the middle sized oil refinery with capacity of 5000000 tones of crude oil per year. Results highlight the most vulnerable aspects of the environmental pollution that arise during the manufacturing process of bitumen. The overall rates of PEI leaving the system (PEI/h) - Iout PEI/h are: a) 2.14105, b) 7.17104 and c) 2.36103, respectively. The overall rates of PEI generated within the system - Igen PEI/h are: a) 7.75104, b) -4.31104 and c) -4.32102, respectively. Atmospheric distillation unit have the highest overall rate of PEI while the bitumen production unit have the lowest overall rate of PEI. Comparison of Iout PEI/h and Igen PEI/h values for the atmospheric distillation unit, shows that the overall rate of PEI generated in the system is 36.21% of the overall rate of PEI leaving the system. In the cases of vacuum distillation and bitumen production units, the overall rate of PEI generated in system have negative values, i.e. the overall rate of PEI leaving the system is reduced at 60.11% (in the vacuum distillation unit) and at 18.30% (in the bitumen production unit). Analysis of the obtained results for the overall rate of PEI, expressed by weight of the product, confirms conclusions