30 research outputs found

    Emotional Empathy and Multiplex Derangement of Childhood in The Kite Runner: A Study of Cultural Upheaval and Collective Identity

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    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a work of narrative empathy with aspects of emotional empathy and multiplex derangement of childhood in fiction. This book shed light on the trauma and sociocultural pluralistic derangement that the people of Afghanistan have experienced, which is seen as a danger to the basic identities of collectiveness. The depressing and terrifying circumstances that Afghanis face create an ever-present mark on readers' hearts and minds. Social groups impose boundaries on solidarity during the painful formation process, leaving people to suffer in solitude. The horrific state of affairs among Afghanis is revealed by the eerie account of events. This debut's narration, which narrates the story of two characters, Amir (of the Pashtun elite class) and Hassan (of the Hazara caste, the lower caste), tends to be both exuberant and moving at the same time. Using the conceptual ideas of narrative and emotional empathy by Suzanne Keen, Jeffrey C. Alexander and Adam Smith, the theory of Cultural trauma and Collective identity will have been used as a tool to analyse this debut that is being discussed. Using the critical discourse analysis technique, the researcher will attempt to investigate the emotional empathy and multiplex derangement and trauma of childhood in fiction. Keywords: Emotional Empathy, Narrative Empathy, Derangement and Trauma, Cultural Upheaval, collective identity DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/101-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Soup for One

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the Caudill College of Humanities at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in English by Liz Mandrell in May of 1996

    Spartan Daily, October 30, 1936

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    Volume 25, Issue 27https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/2512/thumbnail.jp

    La "Historia espacial" en la novela inglesa contemporánea: de Pilgrims a Nómades

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    Resumen: La novela inglesa de los últimos años deriva desde la auto/biografía y la metafi cción historiográfi ca hacia teorías de historia espacial , o personajes que responden a las características de pilgrims o nómades . Esta diversifi cación de voces y lugares entra de lleno en los postulados de la intertextualidad y la transnacionalidad cultural, y verifi ca la “disemiNación”. Obras como To the Hermitage o White Teeth establecen los puentes críticos y temáticos que permiten a la literatura inglesa seguir siendo un espacio sincré- tico de fusión y expansión plurinacional: los personajes devienen en un lugar múltiple de infl uencias y vivencias, y se mueven en el espacio y el tiempo para crear la dialogía intertextual que marca la continuidad de la experiencia literaria inglesa.--- Abstract: In the last few years, the English novel moved from auto/biography and histo- riographic metafi ction towards theories dealing with a spatial history and characters that respond to the defi nition of either pilgrims or nómades . This diversifi cation of voice and place narrates intertextuality and transnational discourses, and validates the possibilities of “dissemiNation”. Novels such as Malcolm Bradbury’s To the Hermitage or Zadie Smith’s White Teeth establish the conditions that make contemporary English Literature a place for synchretic fusion and plurinational expansion: characters become a site for multiple infl uences and experiences, and they move through time and space creating the intertextual dialogue that confers continuity to the literary development in Englis

    Lexical borrowing in Malaysian English: Influences of Malay

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    During its evolution in the region that is today Malaysia, English has come into contact with a range of diverse, typologically-distinct languages. All these languages have influenced the lexicon of Malaysia English (ME), but it is Malay that has contributed to some of the most remarkable characteristics of this variety of English (see, for example, Lowenberg [1986 and 2000]; and Morais [2001]). This paper explores how the English-Malay contact has resulted in the incorporation of Malay features into the lexicon of ME. Using a corpus-based approach, the study analysed a comprehensive range of borrowed features extracted from the author’s Malaysian English Newspaper Corpus (MEN Corpus) for the linguistic processes behind the borrowing phenomenon. Haugen’s [1950] groundbreaking work on lexical borrowing provides the theoretical framework of this study. It is proposed that the underlying systematicity of the processes involved is reflected in the linguistic outcomes, and that there is much potential for corpus-based lexicography where ME is concerned. To highlight the non-arbitrariness of the borrowing phenomenon, the social and linguistic factors that motivate ME users to incorporate Malay lexical features into their variety of English are examined

    Daily Eastern News: July 08, 2010

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    'Interracial relationships and the "Brown Baby Question": black GIs, white British women and their mixed-race offspring in world war II'

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    When GIs arrived in Britain in 1942 in preparation for an invasion of France, amongst their number were over 130,000 African Americans. Many British women formed relationships with these black GIs, resulting in the birth of 1,700 to 2,000 babies. Despie racial prejudice and stigma, approximately half or more of the mothers kept their babies. The African-American press named these children "brown babies." To the African-Amerian newspaper Pittsburgh Courier "the enitre 'brown baby' question is one of the most controversial subjects in this country [USA] today. It is a question that involves two great nations - the United States of America and Great Britain." The nature of this "controversial subject" is the focus of this article - a subject that has received little historical attention but at the time filled the pages of the press both sides of the Atlantic

    Wavelength (November 1983)

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    Daily Eastern News: May 03, 2010

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